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9.12  Slice related communication service lifecycle management exposurep. 84

9.12.1  Generalp. 84

The NSCE server supports the slice related communication service lifecycle management exposure to VAL server. The NSCE server acquires the application services related requirements for a specific VAL service from the vertical industry perspective, evaluates these requirements and then determines the network slice by pre-configured industry mapping relations or by KQI-KPI translation algorithms. After the network slice requirements are determined the NSCE server allocate proper network slice resources to support the application services. The NSCE server also enables the VAL server to reconfigure or disengage the slice related communication services for the application. The procedures in clause 9.12.2 are for creation, reconfiguration and disengagement of slice related communication service respectively.

9.12.2  Procedurep. 84  Procedures on slice related communication service lifecycle management exposurep. 84  Slice related Communication Service Creationp. 84
Figure illustrates the procedure of slice related communication service creation. The NSCE helps to allocate network slice resources to support the application service required by the verticals.
  1. The VAL server has registered to receive NSCE services.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.435, Fig. Slice related communication service creation
Step 1.
The VAL server sends a request to NSCE server to create a slice related communication service to support a specific application service, e.g., the VAL server wants to create a video streaming service in a future factory, the slice related communication service creation request carries the identifier of the video streaming service and the corresponding service attributes.
Step 2.
NSCE server translates the application service requirements (e.g., for a video streaming service, the service location and the resolution of the video) and then perform slice determination (e.g., dLtThptPerSlice, uLtThptPerSlice, latency as defined in serviceProfile TS 28.541). The NSCE may perform the translation by pre-configured industry profiles or by KQI-KPI translation algorithms which are out scope of standard. The procedures of APIs translation defined in clause 9.3 are referred to.
Step 3.
NSCE server initiates the Slice Service subscription procedures by utilizing the management service of network slice creation as defined in clause 6.1 of TS 28.531 exposed by EGMF defined in SA5. The slice creation request may fail due to the shortage of network resources or other causes.
Step 4.
NCSE server sends the slice related communication service creation response to VAL server. If the slice creation is succeeded in step3, then the response from NSCE server should include the attributes and the values of network slice determined by NSCE server. If the slice creation failed in step3, the NSCE server shall indicate the cause of the creation failure, e.g. the shortage of network slice resources.
Up  Slice related Communication Service Reconfigurationp. 85
Figure illustrates the procedure of slice related communication service reconfiguration to support the application service. The NSCE server provides the APIs to enable the VAL server to reconfigure the application service related requirements in case the current application service is not satisfied or application service is adjusted.
  1. The VAL server has registered to receive NSCE services.
  2. The VAL server has requested the NSCE server to create a slice related communication service to support the application service.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.435, Fig. Slice related communication service reconfiguration
Step 1.
VAL server sends the slice related communication service reconfiguration request to the NSCE server to reconfigure the properties of the application service (e.g., In case there is a downgrade/upgrade of the application service where the application service profile is changed).
Step 2.
NSCE server translates the application requirements according to the reconfigured application properties then updates the requested network slice.
Step 3.
NSCE server initiates the Slice Service update procedures by utilize the management service of network slice modification as defined in clause 6.1 of TS 28.531 exposed by EGMF defined in SA5.
Step 4.
NCSE server sends the slice related communication service modification response to VAL server.
Up  Slice related Communication Service disengagementp. 86
Figure illustrates the procedure of slice related communication service disengagement. The NSCE server provides the APIs to enable the VAL server to terminate an application service.
  1. The VAL server has registered to receive NSCE services.
  2. The VAL server has requested the NSCE server to create a slice related communication service to support the application service.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.435, Fig. Slice related Communication service disengagement
Step 1.
The VAL server sends a request to NSCE server to disengage the slice related communication service when the application service is to be terminated.
Step 2.
NSCE server initiates the Slice Service de-allocation procedures by utilizing the management service of network slice de-allocation as defined in clause 6.1 of TS 28.531 exposed by EGMF defined in SA5.
Step 3.
NCSE server sends the slice related communication service disengagement response to VAL server.

9.12.3  Information flowsp. 87  Generalp. 87

The following information flows are specified for slice related communication service lifecycle management:
  • slice related communication service creation,
  • slice related communication service reconfiguration,
  • slice related communication service disengagement.  Slice related communication service creationp. 87

Table and Table describe information elements for slice related communication service creation request and response between the VAL server and the NSCE server.
Information element Status Description
VAL server IDMThe identifier of the VAL server.
VAL service nameM The name of the application service to be supported by the created slice related communication service, the value can be as followings:
  • V2X service;
  • Video streaming service;
  • Remote control service;
VAL service IDMIdentifier of the application service.
Area of interestMThe service area for which the application service profile applies, which can be expressed as a geographical area (e.g. geographical coordinates), or a topological area (e.g. a list of TA).
Application service profileMThe list of the requirements of the corresponding application service.
> ReqInfoMThe element containing the reqName and reqValue.
>> ReqNameM The name of the application service requirement, the value of this IE can be as followings:
  • the resolution of a video service,
  • the end user numbers,
  • the latency,
>> ReqValueMThe corresponding value of the application service requirement.
Information element Status Description
VAL server IDMThe identifier of the VAL server.
VAL service IDMIdentifier of the application service to be supported by the created slice related communication service.
ResultMIndicates the success or failure of the slice related communication service creation.
Network slice info ListO
(see NOTE 1)
The list of the network slice info determined by NSCE.
> Network slice infoO
(see NOTE 1)
The network slice info which includes the attributes and the corresponding values of network slice.
(see NOTE 1)
The identifier of network slice.
>> attributes of network sliceO
(see NOTE 1)
The list of attributes of the serviceProfile e.g, dLtThptPerSlice or latencies of network slice as defined in serviceProfile TS 28.541.
>> AttributeValuesO
(see NOTE 1)
The corresponding values of the attributes of the service profiles that determined by the NSCE server.
(see NOTE 2)
Indicates the cause of creation failure.
Shall be present if the result is success and shall not be present otherwise.
Shall be present if the result is failure and shall not be present otherwise.
Up  Slice related communication service reconfigurationp. 88

Table and Table describe information elements for slice related communication service reconfiguration request and response between the VAL server and the NSCE server.
Information element Status Description
VAL server IDMThe identifier of the VAL server.
VAL service nameM The name of the application service to be upgrade/downgrade which requires the reconfiguration of the slice related communication service, the value can be as followings:
  • V2X service;
  • Video streaming service;
  • Remote control service;
VAL service IDMIdentifier of the application service.
Area of interestMThe service area for which the application profile applies, which can be expressed as a geographical area (e.g. geographical coordinates), or a topological area (e.g. a list of TA).
Application service profileMThe list of the requirements of the corresponding application service to be changed.
> ReqInfoMThe element containing the reqName and reqValue.
>> ReqNameM The name of the application service requirement, the value of this IE can be as followings:
  • the resolution of a video service,
  • the end user numbers,
  • the latency,
>> ReqValueMThe corresponding updated value of the application service requirement.
Information element Status Description
VAL server IDMThe identifier of the VAL server.
VAL service IDMIdentifier of the application service.
ResultMIndicates the success or failure of the slice related communication service reconfiguration.
Network slice info ListO
(see NOTE 1)
The list of the network slice info updated by NSCE.
> Network slice infoO
(see NOTE 1)
The network slice info which includes the attributes and the corresponding values of network slice.
(see NOTE 1)
The identifier of network slice.
>> Attributes of network sliceO
(see NOTE 1)
The list of attributes of the serviceProfile e.g., dLtThptPerSlice or latencies of network slice as defined in serviceProfile TS 28.541.
>> AttributeValuesO
(see NOTE 1)
The corresponding values of the attributes of the service profiles that updated by the NSCE server.
(see NOTE 2)
Indicates the cause of reconfiguration failure.
Shall be present if the result is success and shall not be present otherwise.
Shall be present if the result is failure and shall not be present otherwise.
Up  Slice related communication service disengagementp. 90

Information element Status Description
VAL server IDMThe identifier of the VAL server.
VAL service nameM The name of the application service to be terminated which requires the disengagement of the slice related communication service, the value can be as followings:
  • V2X service;
  • Video streaming service;
  • Remote control service;
VAL service IDMIdentifier of the application service.
Information element Status Description
ResultMIndicates the success or failure of the slice related communication service disengagement request.
VAL server IDMThe identifier of the VAL server.
VAL service IDMIdentifier of the application service.
(see NOTE)
Indicates the cause of disengagement failure.
Shall be present if the result is failure and shall not be present otherwise.

9.12.4  APIsp. 90  Generalp. 90

Table and Table illustrate the API for slice related communication service lifecycle management exposure.
API Name API Operations Operation Semantics Consumer(s)
SS_NSCE_SliceCommService_CreationSliceCommService_Creation_RequestRequest /ResponseVAL server
API Name API Operations Operation Semantics Consumer(s)
SS_NSCE_SliceCommService_ReconfigurationSliceCommService_Reconfiguration_RequestRequest /ResponseVAL Server
API Name API Operations Operation Semantics Consumer(s)
SS_NSCE_SliceCommService_DisengagementSliceCommService_Disengagement_RequestRequest /ResponseVAL Server
Up  SS_NSCE_SliceCommService_Creation APIp. 90

API operation name:
The consumer requests to create the slice related communication service
Known Consumers:
VAL server.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.  SS_NSCE_SliceCommService_Reconfiguration APIp. 91

API operation name:
The consumer requests to report reconfigure the slice related communication service.
Known Consumers:
VAL server.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.  SS_NSCE_SliceCommService_Disengagement APIp. 91

API operation name:
The consumer requests to disengagement the slice related communication service.
Known Consumers:
VAL server.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.

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