
Content for  TS 23.008  Word version:  19.0.0

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2.10  Data related to short message supportp. 44

2.10.1  Messages Waiting Data (MWD)p. 44

Messages Waiting Data (MWD) is defined in TS 23.040.
The MWD is temporary subscriber data, and is conditionally stored in the HLR.

2.10.2  Mobile Station Not Reachable Flag (MNRF)p. 44

Mobile Station Not Reachable Flag (MNRF) is defined in TS 23.040.
The MNRF is temporary data. It is stored in the VLR, MME and conditionally stored in the HLR.

2.10.3  Memory Capacity Exceeded Flag (MCEF)p. 44

Memory Capacity Exceeded Flag (MCEF) is defined in TS 23.040.
The MCEF is temporary subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HLR.

2.10.4  Mobile station Not Reachable for GPRS (MNRG)p. 44

For MNRG see clause 2.7.2.

2.10.4A  UE Not Reachable via IP-SM-GW Flag (UNRI) |R7|p. 44

For UNRI see clause 3.2.5.

2.10.5  Mobile station Not Reachable via MSC Reason (MNRR-MSC)p. 44

For MNRR-MSC see clause 2.7.7.

2.10.5A  Mobile station Not Reachable via SGSN Reason (MNRR-SGSN) |R7|p. 44

For MNRR-SGSN see clause 2.7.7A.

2.10.5B  UE Not Reachable via IP-SM-GW Reason (UNRR) |R7|p. 44

For UNRR see clause 3.2.6.

2.10.6  MME Number for MT SMS |R11|p. 44

MME number for MT SMS is the E.164 address for the MME that supports SMS in MME. It is defined in TS 23.003. Its usage is described in TS 29.272.
The MME number for MT SMS is temporary subscriber data and is stored in the HSS when the MME was registered as an MSC for MT SMS.

2.10.7  PS and SMS Only |R11|p. 44

This parameter indicates that the subscription is for PS Only, and permits CS service access only for SMS.
This parameter is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HSS and SGSN.

2.10.8  SMS In SGSN Allowed |R11|p. 44

This parameter indicates that the SMS in SGSN feature is allowed for the user.
This parameter is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HSS and SGSN.

2.11  Data related to subscriber tracep. 45

2.11.1  Trace Referencep. 45

The Trace Reference is defined in TS 52.008.
The Trace Reference is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HLR and VLR.

2.11.2  Trace Typep. 45

The Trace Type is defined in TS 52.008.
The Trace Type is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HLR and VLR.

2.11.3  Operations Systems Identityp. 45

The Operations Systems Identity is defined in TS 52.008.
The Operations Systems Identity is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HLR and VLR.

2.11.4  HLR Trace Typep. 45

The HLR Trace Type is defined in TS 52.008.
The HLR Trace Type is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HLR.

2.11.5  MAP Error On Tracep. 45

The MAP Error On Trace is defined in TS 52.008.
The MAP Error On Trace is temporary subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HLR.

2.11.6  Trace Activated in VLRp. 45

The Trace Activated in VLR flag is defined in TS 52.008.
The Trace Activated in VLR flag is temporary subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HLR and VLR.

2.11.7  Trace Activated in SGSNp. 45

The Trace Activated in SGSN flag is defined in TS 52.008.
The Trace Activated in SGSN flag is temporary subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HLR and SGSN.

2.11.8  Foreign Subscriber Registered in VLRp. 45

The Foreign Subscriber Registered in VLR flag is handled by operation and maintenance means in the VLR and is defined in TS 52.008.
The Foreign Subscriber Registered in VLR flag is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the VLR.

2.11.9  Trace Reference 2 |R6|p. 45

Trace reference 2 is defined in TS 32.421.
The Trace Reference 2 is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HSS/HLR, VLR, SGSN, MME , SGW, PGW and 3GPP AAA Server.

2.11.10  Trace depth |R6|p. 46

The Trace depth is defined in TS 32.422.
The Trace depth is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HSS/HLR, VLR, SGSN, MME, SGW, PGW and 3GPP AAA Server.

2.11.11  List of NE types to trace |R6|p. 46

The List of NE types to trace is defined in TS 32.422.
The List of NE types to trace is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HSS/HLR, VLR, SGSN, MME and 3GPP AAA Server.

2.11.12  Triggering events |R6|p. 46

The Triggering event is defined in TS 32.422.
The Triggering event is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HSS/HLR, VLR, SGSN, MME, SGW, PGW and 3GPP AAA Server.

2.11.13  List of interfaces to trace |R8|p. 46

The List of interfaces to trace is defined in TS 32.422.
The List of interfaces to trace is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HSS/HLR, VLR, SGSN, MME, SGW, PGW and 3GPP AAA Server.

2.11.14  IP address of Trace Collection Entity |R8|p. 46

The IP address of Trace Collection Entity is defined in TS 32.422.
The IP address of Trace Collection Entity is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HSS/HLR, VLR, SGSN, MME, SGW, PGW and 3GPP AAA Server.

2.11.15  MDT-Configuration |R10|p. 46

The MDT-Configuration is defined in TS 32.422. It contains:
Job type
Area Scope
List of measurements
Reporting Trigger
Report Interval
Report Amount
Event Threshold RSRP
Event Threshold RSRQ
Logging Interval
Logging Duration
The MDT-Configuration is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HSS/HLR, VLR, SGSN, and MME.

2.11.16  MDT User Consent |R10|p. 47

The MDT User Consent parameter indicates whether the user has given his consent for MDT activation. For details see TS 32.422.
The MDT User Consent is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HSS/HLR, VLR, SGSN, and MME.

2.12  Data related to the support of voice group and broadcast callsp. 47

2.12.1  VGCS Group Membership Listp. 47

VGCS Group Membership List and its special condition of storage in VLR is defined in TS 43.068.
The VGCS Group Membership List is permanent subscriber data. It is stored conditionally in HLR and in the VLR.

2.12.2  VBS Group Membership Listp. 47

VBS Group Membership List and its special condition of storage in VLR is defined in TS 43.069.
The VBS Group Membership List is permanent subscriber data. It is stored conditionally in HLR and in the VLR.  Broadcast Call Initiation Allowed Listp. 47

The Broadcast Call Initiation Allowed List and its special condition of storage in VLR is defined in TS 43.069.
It is permanent subscriber data. It is stored conditionally in HLR and in the VLR.

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