
Content for  TS 23.008  Word version:  19.0.0

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2.8  Data related to Operator Determined Barringp. 41

2.8.1  Subscriber statusp. 41

Subscriber status is a flag which indicates whether the subscriber is subject to operator determined barring.
It is permanent subscriber data, and is conditionally stored in the HLR/HSS, the SGSN, the MME and the VLR.

2.8.2  Operator Determined Barring general datap. 41  Barring of outgoing callsp. 41

Barring of outgoing calls indicates which one of the following categories of operator determined barring of outgoing calls applies to the subscriber:
  • No barring of outgoing calls;
  • Barring of all outgoing calls;
  • Barring of all outgoing international calls;
  • Barring of all outgoing international calls except those directed to the home PLMN country;
  • Barring of all outgoing inter-zonal calls;
  • Barring of all outgoing inter-zonal calls except those directed to the home PLMN country;
  • Barring of all outgoing international calls except those directed to the home PLMN country AND barring of all outgoing inter-zonal calls.
It is permanent data, and is stored conditionally in the HLR/HSS, the SGSN and the VLR.
Up  Barring of incoming callsp. 41

Barring of incoming calls indicates which one of the following categories of operator determined barring of incoming calls applies to the subscriber:
  • No barring of incoming calls;
  • Barring of all incoming calls;
  • Barring of all incoming calls when roaming outside the home PLMN country;
  • Barring of all incoming calls when roaming outside the zone of the home PLMN country.
It is permanent data, and is stored conditionally in the HLR.  Barring of roamingp. 41

Barring of roaming indicates which one of the following categories of operator determined barring of roaming applies to the subscriber:
  • No barring of roaming;
  • Barring of roaming outside the home PLMN;
  • Barring of roaming outside the home PLMN country.
It is permanent data, and is stored conditionally in the HLR/HSS for non-GPRS, GPRS subscription and EPS subscription.  Barring of premium rate callsp. 42

Barring of premium rate calls indicates which one of the following categories of operator determined barring of premium rate calls applies to the subscriber:
  • No barring of premium rate calls;
  • Barring of premium rate (information) calls;
  • Barring of premium rate (entertainment) calls;
  • Barring of premium rate (information) calls and premium rate (entertainment) calls.
It is permanent subscriber data, and is stored conditionally in the HLR and the VLR.  Barring of supplementary services managementp. 42

Barring of supplementary services management is a flag which indicates whether the subscriber is subject to operator determined barring of supplementary services management.
It is permanent subscriber data, and is stored conditionally in the HLR and the VLR.  Barring of registration of call forwardingp. 42

Barring of registration of call forwarding indicates which one of the following categories of operator determined barring of registration of call forwarding applies to the subscriber:
  • Barring of registration of any forwarded-to number;
  • Barring of registration of any international forwarded-to number;
  • Barring of registration of any international forwarded-to number except a number within the HPLMN country;
  • Barring of registration of any inter-zonal forwarded-to number;
  • Barring of registration of any inter-zonal forwarded-to number except a number within the HPLMN country.
It is permanent subscriber data, and is stored conditionally in the HLR.
Up  Barring of invocation of call transferp. 42

Barring of invocation of call transfer indicates which of the following categories of operator determined barring of invocation of call transfer applies to the subscriber:
One of:
  • Barring of invocation of any call transfer;
  • Barring of invocation of call transfer where at least one of the two calls is a call charged to the served subscriber;
  • Barring of invocation of call transfer where at least one of the two calls is a call charged to the served subscriber at international rates;
  • Barring of invocation of call transfer where at least one of the two calls is a call charged to the served subscriber at inter-zonal rates;
and independently:
  • Barring of invocation of call transfer where both calls are calls charged to the served subscriber;
and independently:
  • Barring of invocation of call transfer when there is an existing transferred call for the served subscriber in the same MSC/VLR.
It is permanent subscriber data, and is stored conditionally in the HLR and the VLR.
Up  Barring of Packet Oriented Services |R4|p. 43

Barring of Packet Oriented Services indicates which one of the following categories of operator determined barring of Packet Oriented Services applies to the subscriber:
  • Barring of all Packet Oriented Services;
  • Barring of Packet Oriented Services from access points that are within the HPLMN whilst the subscriber is roaming in a VPLMN;
  • Barring of Packet Oriented Services from access points that are within the roamed to VPLMN.
It is permanent subscriber data, and is stored conditionally in the HLR/HSS, the SGSN and MME.

2.8.3  Operator Determined Barring PLMN-specific datap. 43

Operator determined barring PLMN-specific data indicates which of the following categories of operator specific barring, in any combination, applies to the subscriber:
  • Operator specific barring (type 1);
  • Operator specific barring (type 2);
  • Operator specific barring (type 3);
  • Operator specific barring (type 4).
It is permanent subscriber data. It is stored conditionally in the HLR/HSS, the SGSN and in the VLR when the subscriber is registered in the home PLMN.

2.8.4  Notification to CSE flagp. 43

This information element indicates whether the change of ODB data shall trigger Notification on Change of Subscriber Data or not.

2.8.5  gsmSCF address listp. 43

This information element contains the list of gsmSCF addresses to which Notification on Change of Subscriber Data is to be sent.

2.9  Data related to handoverp. 43

2.9.1  Handover Numberp. 43

Handover Number is defined in TS 23.003 and its use is specified in TS 23.009.
The Handover Number is short-lived subscriber data and is stored in the VLR.

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