
Content for  TS 23.008  Word version:  19.0.0

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2.4  Data related to roamingp. 28

2.4.1  Mobile Station Roaming Number (MSRN)p. 28

Mobile Station Roaming Number (MSRN) is defined in TS 23.003.
The MSRN is short-lived temporary subscriber data stored in the VLR.

2.4.2  Location Area Identification (LAI)p. 28

Location Area Identification (LAI) is defined in TS 23.003.
The LAI is temporary subscriber data and is stored in the VLR.

2.4.3  Routing Area Identification (RAI)p. 28

Routing Area Identification (RAI) is defined in TS 23.003.
The RAI is temporary subscriber data and is stored in the SGSN.


2.4.5  VLR numberp. 28

VLR number is defined in TS 23.003.
The VLR number is temporary subscriber data and is stored in the HLR. Absence of the VLR number in HLR indicates that the mobile station is deregistered for non-GPRS or the subscriber has not a non-GPRS subscription in the HLR. The VLR number is stored in the SGSN with the Gs interface option. For usage of the VLR number in SGSN, please refer to TS 23.060.
The VLR number is temporary subscriber data and is stored in the CSS. Absence of the VLR number in the CSS indicates that no subsequent update of the CSG subscription information is needed at the VLR upon CSG subscription change.

2.4.6  MSC numberp. 28

MSC number is defined in TS 23.003.
The MSC number is temporary subscriber data and is stored in the HLR and conditionally in the VLR. For absence of the MSC number in the HLR, the remarks on VLR number apply accordingly, see clause 2.4.5.

2.4.7  HLR numberp. 28

HLR number is defined in TS 23.003.
The HLR number may be stored in the VLR and Gn/Gp-SGSN. It is received as a mandatory parameter in the updating location accepted message. This data may be needed to retrieve subscribers to be restored after HLR reset.
The HLR number is temporary subscriber data and may optionally be stored in the VLR and Gn/Gp-SGSN.

2.4.8  GSN numberp. 29  General |R11|p. 29

GSN number occurs as SGSN number and as GGSN number.  SGSN numberp. 29

SGSN number is the SS7 address of the SGSN . It is defined in TS 23.003.
The SGSN number is temporary subscriber data and is stored in the HLR for a GPRS subscription. It is conditionally stored in the VLR if the Gs interface is installed. Absence of the SGSN number in the HLR indicates that the mobile station is deregistered for GPRS or the subscriber has no GPRS subscription in the HLR. Absence of the SGSN number in the VLR indicates that there is no association between the VLR and the SGSN for this MS. The SGSN number is to be distinguished from the SGSN address described in clause 2.13.10.
The SGSN number is temporary subscriber data and is stored in the CSS. Absence of the SGSN number in the CSS indicates that no subsequent update of the CSG subscription information is needed at the SGSN upon CSG subscription change.
Up  GGSN numberp. 29

GGSN number is the SS7 address of the GGSN .It is defined in TS 23.003. Its usage is described in TS 23.060. It is contained in the GGSN-list stored in the HLR and does not appear as separate subscriber data. Cf. clause 2.13.11.  IWF number |R8|p. 29

IWF number is the SS7 address of the IWF. It has the same format as a "VLR number" or "SGSN number" which are defined in TS 23.003. Its usage is described in TS 29.305.

2.4.9  MLC numberp. 29

The MLC number occurs as an SMLC number and as a GMLC number.  SMLC number (GSM only)p. 29

The SMLC number is the E.164 address of an NSS based SMLC.
The SMLC number is permanent data that may be stored in an MSC in association with either a set of IMSIs belonging to LMUs controlled by the SMLC or a set of cell identifiers belonging to the geographic area served by the SMLC.  GMLC numberp. 29

The GMLC number is the E.164 address of the GMLC. One or more GMLC numbers may be stored in the MS subscriber data in the HLR and downloaded to the VLR and SGSN. These GMLC numbers identify the GMLCs for the particular MS from which a location request for this MS may be confined for particular LCS clients.

2.4.10  Subscription restrictionp. 29

Subscription restriction is a parameter indicating whether or not certain restrictions apply to the subscription. The parameter takes either of the following values (see also GSM 02.13 [36]):
  • accessible area for service;
  • all GSM PLMNs;
  • one national and all foreign GSM PLMNs;
  • regionally restricted (part of a GSM PLMN in one country);
  • regionally restricted plus all other GSM PLMNs.
The HLR/HSS associates location updating information with subscription restriction. It deregisters the MS if the PLMN is not allowed and sets:
  • the MSC area restricted flag if the MSC area is not allowed, see clause 2.4.12;
  • SGSN area restricted flag if the SGSN area is not allowed, see clause 2.4.14.
    Handling of Regionally Restricted Subscription is defined in clause 2.4.11. By operator agreement, regional restriction in parts of different GSM PLMNs is also possible.
The subscription restriction is permanent subscriber data and is stored in the HLR.

2.4.11  Regional Subscription Informationp. 30

If a mobile subscriber has a regional subscription, the HLR/HSS shall store a list of up to ten Regional Subscription Zone Identities (RSZIs) per Network Destination Code (NDC) of the PLMN involved. The structure of RSZI is defined in TS 23.003; since it is composed of the PLMN identification (CC NDC) and the Zone Code it is sufficient to store the Zone Code List per CC NDC.
On updating the MME, VLR or the SGSN, the HLR/HSS identifies the VPLMN and NDC given by the VLR or SGSN number or VPLMN-Id and transfers the pertaining Zone Code List to the VLR or SGSN or MME. The VLR or SGSN or MME derives from the Zone Code List the allowed and not allowed MSC or SGSN or MME areas and location areas; it sets the "LA not allowed flag" should the target LAI of the mobile station be excluded, and it informs the HLR/HSS should the MSC or SGSN or MME area be excluded. Signalling of cause value "location area not allowed" towards the mobile station is defined in TSs TS 29.002 and TS 24.008.
Up  RSZI listsp. 30

The RSZI lists are permanent subscriber data stored conditionally in the HLR/HSS.  Zone Code Listp. 30

The VLR and the SGSN and the MME shall store as permanent and conditional subscriber data at least those Zone Codes by which they are affected.

2.4.12  MSC area restricted flagp. 30

MSC area restricted flag is a parameter which can take either of the following values:
  • MSC area restricted;
  • MSC area not restricted.
The parameter is set in the HLR during updating of the VLR. Handling of unsupported services and information received from the VLR based on national roaming or regionally restricted subscription (clause 2.4.11) determine its value. The parameter contributes to the "MS Not Reachable" state for handling of terminating traffic in the HLR. The default value is "MSC area not restricted".
The MSC area restricted flag is temporary subscriber data and is contained in the HLR.

2.4.13  LA not allowed flagp. 30

The LA not allowed flag is set in the VLR depending on National Roaming, Regionally Restricted Subscription and Roaming Restriction Due To Unsupported Feature, see TS 29.002. It is applied to restrict service on a location area basis.
The LA not allowed flag is temporary subscriber data stored in the VLR.

2.4.14  SGSN area restricted flagp. 31

SGSN area restricted flag is a parameter which can take either of the following values:
  • SGSN area restricted;
  • SGSN area not restricted.
The parameter is set in the HLR during updating of the SGSN. Handling of unsupported services and information received from the SGSN based on national roaming or regionally restricted subscription (clause 2.4.11) determine its value. The parameter contributes to the "MS Not Reachable" state for handling of terminating traffic in the HLR. The default value is "SGSN area not restricted".
The SGSN area restricted flag is temporary subscriber data and is contained in the HLR.

2.4.14a  RA not allowed flagp. 31

The RA not allowed flag is set in the SGSN depending on National Roaming, Regionally Restricted Subscription and Roaming Restricted in the SGSN Due To Unsupported Feature, see TS 29.002. It is applied to restrict service on a routing area basis.
The RA not allowed flag is temporary subscriber data stored in the SGSN.

2.4.14b  TA not allowed flag |R8|p. 31

The TA not allowed flag is set in the MME depending on National Roaming, Regionally Restricted Subscription and Roaming Restricted in the MME Due To Unsupported Feature, see TS 29.272. It is applied to restrict service on a tracking area basis.
The TA not allowed flag is temporary subscriber data stored in the MME.

2.4.15  Service restriction data induced by roamingp. 31

If in the course of roaming or at updating of the VLR or SGSN or MMEthe HLR/HSS is informed that the VLR or SGSN or MME does not support certain sensitive services or features, or, the HLR/HSS is informed in data request that the VLR or the SGSN or the MME supports only specific services, features or phases which do not correspond to subscribed services, features or phases, the HLR/HSS takes appropriate measures to restrict service for the mobile station in that VLR or SGSN or MME by setting and sending network induced replacing services such as available services, features or phases, barring programs or the roaming restriction for the MSC or SGSN or MME area.
These network-induced data have to be kept separate in the HLR, and where possible as discussed below in the VLR, from the permanent subscriber data of the call barring supplementary services, from the barring related data that can be modified by the subscriber or from the permanent regional subscription data.
These network-induced data have to be kept separate in the HLR/HSS, and where possible as discussed below in the SGSN and MME, from the permanent regional subscription data.
The network induced data take precedence over the subscriber data of the user where they are in conflict. If, in the course of roaming, restrictions caused by a service are lifted, the original subscriber data have to be re-installed both in HLR, in SGSN, in MME and in VLR when applicable, regarding any remaining restrictions due to other service replacements.
All network-induced restriction data are temporary subscriber data.
For ODB, TS 23.015 recommends mainly barring programs to replace this feature. The replacing barring data are conditionally stored in the HLR and VLR. In the VLR they cannot be distinguished from the permanent supplementary services data with the available signalling means, and no additional storage is needed. Interrogation shall reflect in both HLR and VLR the valid setting of the replacing temporary data; to prevent interference with Subscriber Controlled Input and to inform the customer on the restriction, the "control of barring services" subscription option is also temporarily set to the value "by the service provider".
CUG is also replaced by Outgoing Call Barring as described in TS 23.085.
Roaming restriction in the MSC area due to unsupported features is used to replace AoCC, see TS 23.086, and Zone Codes for regional subscription, see clause 2.4.11 and TS 29.002. A flag in the HLR and the VLR, see clause, collects the sources of network-induced roaming restriction which are also kept separate by the HLR.
Roaming restriction in the SGSN area due to unsupported features is used to replace Zone Codes for regional subscription, see clause 2.4.11 and TS 29.002. A flag in the HLR and the SGSN, see clause, collects the sources of network-induced roaming restriction which are also kept separate by the HLR.
Roaming restriction in the MME area due to unsupported features is used to replace Zone Codes for regional subscription, see clause 2.4.11 and TS 29.272. A flag in the HSS and the MME, see clause, collects the sources of network-induced roaming restriction which are also kept separate by the HSS.
Up  ODB-induced barring datap. 32

ODB-induced barring data are temporary data stored conditionally in the HLR; they include the necessary replacing barring programs for outgoing and incoming calls depending on the ODB profile. The subscription option "control of barring services" is set to "by the service provider". The corresponding barring supplementary services for outgoing calls are set by the HLR and sent to the VLR.  Roaming restriction due to unsupported featurep. 32

Roaming restriction due to unsupported feature is a parameter which indicates that one or several services or features are not supported by the MSC, resulting in roaming restriction in the MSC area. It can take either of the following values:
  • roaming restricted;
  • roaming not restricted.
The parameter governs the "LA not allowed flag" in the VLR (see clause 2.4.13) and the "MSC area restricted flag" in the HLR (see clause 2.4.12); see also TS 29.002.
The flag "roaming restriction due to unsupported feature" is temporary subscriber data stored in the VLR and in the HLR.
Up  Roaming restricted in the SGSN due to unsupported featurep. 32

Roaming restricted in the SGSN due to unsupported feature is a parameter which indicates that one or several services or features are not supported by the SGSN, resulting in roaming restriction in the SGSN area. It can take either of the following values:
  • roaming restricted;
  • roaming not restricted.
The parameter governs the "RA not allowed flag" in the SGSN (see clause 2.4.14a) and the "SGSN area restricted flag" in the HLR (see clause 2.4.14); see also TS 29.002.
The flag "roaming restricted in the SGSN due to unsupported feature" is temporary subscriber data stored in the SGSN and in the HLR.
Up  Roaming restricted in the MME due to unsupported feature |R8|p. 32

Roaming restricted in the MME due to unsupported feature is a parameter which indicates that one or several services or features are not supported by the MME, resulting in roaming restriction in the MME area. It can take either of the following values:
  • roaming restricted;
  • roaming not restricted.
The parameter governs the "TA not allowed flag" in the MME (see clause 2.4.14b).
The flag "roaming restricted in the MME due to unsupported feature" is temporary subscriber data stored in the MME and in the HSS.

2.4.16  Cell Global ID or Service Area IDp. 33

The Cell Global ID or Service Area ID indicates the cell global identity of the cell in GSM (see TS 23.003) or the service area identification of the service area in UMTS (see TS 23.003) in which the MS is currently in radio contact or in which the MS was last in radio contact. The VLR and SGSN shall update the stored Cell Global ID or Service Area ID at establishment of every radio connection.
The cell ID is temporary subscriber data stored in the VLR and SGSN. It is conditional data, the VLR and SGSN shall store it whenever the subscriber data is marked as confirmed by radio contact.
The Cell Global ID or Service Area ID is temporary subscriber data stored in SGSN and GGSN/PDN-GW.

2.4.16A  E-UTRAN Cell Global ID |R11|p. 33

The E-UTRAN Cell Global ID indicates the cell global identity of the cell in EPS (see TS 23.003) in which the MS is currently in radio contact or in which the MS was last in radio contact.
The E-UTRAN Cell Global ID is temporary subscriber data stored in MME, PDN-GW and, when received via the SGs interface, in the VLR.

2.4.16B  NR Cell Global Identity (NCGI) |R15|p. 33

The NR Cell Global Identity indicates the cell global identity of the cell in 5GS (see TS 23.003) in which the UE is currently in radio contact or in which the UE was last in radio contact.
The NR Cell Global Identity is temporary subscriber data stored in AMF, SMF.

2.4.17  Localised Service Area Informationp. 33

If a mobile subscriber has a localised service area subscription, the HLR shall store a list of up to 20 Localised Service Area Identities (LSA IDs) per PLMN. The structure of LSA ID is defined in TS 23.003.
On updating the VLR or the Gn/Gp-SGSN, the HLR identifies the VPLMN given by the VLR or SGSN number and transfers the applicable LSA ID List to the VLR or Gn/Gp-SGSN. The VLR or Gn/Gp-SGSN derives from the LSA ID List the allowed LSA(s), priority of each LSA, the preferential access indicator, the active mode support indicator and active mode indication and the "LSA only access" indicator.
Up  LSA Identityp. 33

LSA Identity (LSA ID) is defined in TS 23.003. The element uniquely identifies a LSA.  LSA Priorityp. 33

Localised Service Area Priority (LSA Priority) is defined in GSM 08.08. The LSA Priority is permanent subscriber data stored conditionally in the HLR.  LSA Preferential Access Indicatorp. 33

The Localised Service Area Preferential Access Indicator defines if the subscriber shall be favoured in cells belonging to the LSA at resource allocation compared to other subscribers. The LSA Preferential Access Indicator is permanent subscriber data stored conditionally in the HLR.  LSA Active Mode Support Indicatorp. 33

The Localised Service Area Active Mode Support Indicator defines if cells belonging to the LSA shall be favoured for the subscriber compared to other cells at resource allocation. The LSA Active Mode Indicator is permanent subscriber data stored conditionally in the HLR.  LSA Only Access Indicatorp. 34

The LSA Only Access Indicator defines if the subscriber is only allowed within its subscribed LSAs. The LSA Only Access Indicator is permanent subscriber data stored conditionally in the HLR.  LSA Active Mode Indicatorp. 34

The Localised Service Area Active Mode Indicator defines if the LSA Identity of the cell in which the MS is currently in radio contact with shall be indicated to the subscriber in active mode. The LSA Active Mode Indicator is permanent subscriber data stored conditionally in the HLR.  VPLMN Identifierp. 34

The VPLMN Identifier identifies the VPLMN in which an LSA Identity is applicable. This identifier is not applicable to Universal LSA IDs as defined in TS 23.003. The VPLMN identifier is permanent subscriber data stored conditionally in the HLR.

2.4.18  Access Restriction Data |R6|p. 34

The use of this data is described in TS 23.221 and in clauses 4.3.28, 4.3.2a and 4.3.30 of TS 23.401.
The Access Restriction Data is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored per PLMN in the HLR/HSS, the VLR, the SGSN and the MME.
The parameter takes either of the following values:
  • GERAN not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in GERAN radio access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • UTRAN not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in LA/RAs using a UTRAN radio access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • E-UTRAN not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a E-UTRAN radio access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • GAN not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network via GAN;
  • I-HSPA-Evolution not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in LA/RAs using I-HSPA-Evolution radio access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • HO-To-Non-3GPP-Access not allowed, the subscriber is not allowed to get EPS services that require handover support between 3GPP and non-3GPP accesses;
  • NB-IoT not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a NB-IoT radio access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • Enhanced Coverage not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to use enhanced coverage;
  • NR as secondary RAT not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network using NR radio access as secondary RAT. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • Unlicensed Spectrum as secondary RAT not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network using unlicensed spectrum in the form of LAA, LWA/LWIP or NR in unlicensed bands as secondary RAT. Valid for Idle and Connected mode.
  • E-UTRAN(LEO) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a E-UTRAN(LEO) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • E-UTRAN(MEO) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a E-UTRAN(MEO) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • E-UTRAN(GEO) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a E-UTRAN(GEO) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • E-UTRAN(OTHERSAT) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a E-UTRAN(OTHERSAT) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • NB-IoT(LEO) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a NB-IoT(LEO) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • NB-IoT(MEO) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a NB-IoT(MEO) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • NB-IoT(GEO) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a NB-IoT(GEO) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • NB-IoT(OTHERSAT) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a NB-IoT(OTHERSAT) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • LTE-M(LEO) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a LTE-M(LEO) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • LTE-M(MEO) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a LTE-M(MEO) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • LTE-M(GEO) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a LTE-M(GEO) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
  • LTE-M(OTHERSAT) not allowed, the subscriber shall not be allowed to access the network in TAs using a LTE-M(OTHERSAT) satellite access. Valid for Idle and Connected mode;
Only the access restriction for WB-E-UTRAN and NB-IoT may include a different value per PLMN.
The use of this parameter for LA/RA/TA update procedures is described in TS 23.012, TS 23.060, and TS 23.401.

2.4.19  Selected CN operator ID |R6|p. 35

The selected CN operator ID indicates which core network operator Network Sharing supporting UEs have chosen in a shared network. The use of this data is described in TS 23.251. And this data is identified by a PLMN ID (MCC+MNC) as described in TS 23.003.
The selected CN operator ID is temporary subscriber data stored conditionally in the VLR and the SGSN in a shared network for non-GPRS and GPRS services respectively.
This data is also stored in VLR for GPRS services if the Gs inerface is installed.

2.4.20  IP-SM-GW number |R7|p. 35

The IP-SM-GW number is the E.164 address of the IP-SM-GW.
The IP-SM-GW number indicates the address of the external IP-SM-GW that is registered for a subscriber to be used for delivering mobile terminated short messages. The IP-SM-GW number is temporary subscriber data and is stored conditionally in the HLR. The absence of the IP-SM-GW number in the HLR indicates that no external IP-SM-GW is registered; in this case an IP-SM-GW number pre-configured in the HLR can be used as an alternative route for delivering mobile terminated short messages.

2.4.20A  IP-SM-GW Diameter Identity |R13|p. 35

The IP-SM-GW Diameter Identity indicates the Diameter Name and Realm of the external IP-SM-GW that is registered for a subscriber to be used for delivering mobile terminated short messages via Diameter. The IP-SM-GW Diameter Identity is temporary subscriber data and is stored conditionally in the HSS.

2.4.21  Paging Area |R8|p. 36

As an option, and for paging optimization purpose, the VLR may control Paging Areas. A Paging Area is a list of up to 5 Location Areas. The structure of the Location Area is specified in TS 29.002. The Paging Area is temporary data stored in the VLR and in the HLR.
The use of this data is described in TS 23.012 and in TS 23.018.

2.4.22  Closed Subscriber Group Information |R8|p. 36

If a mobile subscriber has a Closed Subscriber Group (CSG) subscription, the HLR/HSS shall store Closed Subscriber Group Information which is a list of up to 50 CSG-Ids per PLMN and for each CSG-Id optionally an associated expiration date which indicates the point in time when the subscription to the CSG-Id expires and optionally corresponding APNs which can be accessed via Local IP access from this CSG identified by the CSG-Id; an absent expiration date indicates unlimited subscription; an expired expiration date may indicate that removal of the CSG-Id from the UE (e.g. by OMA DM or OTA update) is pending. The structure of CSG-Id is defined in TS 23.003.
On updating the VLR or the SGSN or MME, the HSS/HLR identifies and stores the VPLMN and the list of equivalent PLMNs provided by the VLR, SGSN or MME, and transfers the applicable CSG-Ids, expiration dates and the APNs allowed for LIPA (if present) to the VLR or SGSN or MME.
If an applicable (i.e. applicable for the current serving PLMN) CSG-Id is added to the Closed Subscriber Group Information in the subscriber data in the HLR/HSS, or an expiration date for an applicable CSG-Id is changed (added, modified or removed), or the APNs allowed for LIPA for an applicable CSG-Id is changed (added, modified or removed), then the HLR/HSS shall transfer applicable CSG-Ids, expiration dates, and APNs allowed for LIPA to the VLR or SGSN or MME.
When a CSG-Id expires, or the expiration date is changed (added or modified) to an expired date, the CSG-Id should be removed from the UE (e.g. by OMA DM or OTA update). After successful removal of the CSG-Id from the UE, the HLR/HSS should delete the CSG-Id and, if applicable, update the VLR or SGSN or MME. The two operations may not be correlated in the sense that they may be performed independently by different systems. The temporal relationship between the two operations is out scope of this specification and therefore depends on the operator policy.
If the subscription is terminated by other means than expiry, then CSG-Ids that are not expired should not be removed at the HLR/HSS; rather the expiration date may be modified to an expired date.
CSG-Ids that are expired should not be removed from the HLR/HSS before being removed from the UE.
Closed Subscriber Group Information is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in HLR/HSS, VLR, SGSN, and MME.

2.4.23  Service Centre Address |R10|p. 36

The Service Centre Address, specified in the TS 29.002, represents the address of a Short Message Service Centre.
It is permanent subscriber data and is stored conditionally in the HLR/HSS and the IP-SM-GW (AS).

2.4.24  Subscribed Periodic LAU Timer |R10|p. 36

The Subscribed Periodic LAU Timer value (see TS 23.012) is permanent data conditionally stored in the HLR and VLR. The use of this data is described in TS 23.012.

2.4.25  CSS number |R11|p. 36

CSS number is the international ISDN number of the CSS. It is defined in TS 23.003.
The CSS number is temporary subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the VLR and Gn/Gp-SGSN.

2.4.26  VPLMN Closed Subscriber Group Information |R11|p. 37

If the VPLMN supports VPLMN Autonomous CSG Roaming by providing CSG membership to the roaming subscriber, the CSS shall store Closed Subscriber Group Information which is a list of up to 50 CSG-Ids in the VPLMN and for each CSG-Id optionally an associated expiration date which indicates the point in time when the subscription to the CSG-Id expires; an absent expiration date indicates unlimited subscription. The structure of CSG-Id is defined in TS 23.003.
When a CSG-Id expires, or the expiration date is changed (added or modified) to an expired date, the CSG-Id may be removed from the CSS and the VLR or SGSN or MME based on implementation.
If the subscription is terminated by other means than expiry, then CSG-Ids that are not expired should not be removed at the CSS; rather the expiration date may be modified to an expired date and then be updated by the CSS to the VLR or SGSN or MME.
VPLMN Closed Subscriber Group Information as described in TS 29.002 and TS 29.272 is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in CSS, VLR, SGSN, and MME.

2.4.27  IAB-Operation Allowed indication |R16|p. 37

The IAB-Operation Allowed indication defines if the subscriber is allowed for IAB node operation as specified in TS 23.401.
The IAB-Operation Allowed indication is permanent subscriber data and is conditionally stored in the HSS and the MME.

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