
Content for  TS 23.558  Word version:  19.4.0

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9  Usage of SEAL services |R18|p. 292

9.1  Notification management servicep. 292

9.1.1  Generalp. 292

The notification management is a SEAL service that offers the notification functionality. This service enables EEC to subscribe and receive notifications from the EES and ECS, and thereby offloading the complexity of delivery and reception of notifications to the edge enabler layer.

9.1.2  Information flowsp. 292

The following information flows of notification management service of SEAL as specified in TS 23.434 are applicable for the EEL:
The usage of the above information flows are clarified as below:
  • The Callback URL is the address (e.g. Notification Target Address) where the notifications destined for the EEC;
  • VAL Application ID is EECID;
  • VAL Service ID is ECS ID or EES ID;
  • VAL client is the EEC;
  • VAL server is the EES or ECS.

9.1.3  Proceduresp. 292

The following procedures of notification management service of SEAL as specified in TS 23.434 are applicable for the edge enabler layer:

10  Edge service reliability support |R19|p. 292

10.1  Generalp. 292

By adopting the NF set and NF service set approach, as specified in clause 5.21.3 of TS 23.501, edge server set enable edge service producers (e.g. EES/ECS) in the data network to provide reliable services to the edge service consumers (e.g. EAS, EEC).
Equivalent edge servers may be grouped into edge server sets, e.g. several EES instances are grouped into an EES set. Edge servers within an edge server set are interchangeable because they share the same context data, and may be deployed in different locations, e.g. different data centres.
UE is not required to host multiple instances of the same EEC, but the EEC is able to perform ECS/EES re-selection due to ECS/EES service failure.

11  Edge Enabler Using Satellite Access |R19|p. 293

11.1  Generalp. 293

This clause provides clarifications on the procedures and information flows necessary for enabling edge application using satellite access.

11.1.1  EES determination based on UE serving satellite ID Procedurep. 293

This procedure is applicable for EDN deployment with gNB on satellite.
A satellite EDN may be deployed as described in Annex A.2.5. The service provisioning procedure for satellite EDN is same as clause and clause with the following clarifications.
When UE connects to the satellite, the service provisioning request message contains the UE serving Satellite ID (i.e., serving gNB corresponding Satellite ID). If the service provisioning request message contains the UE serving Satellite ID, then the ECS determines the EES where the Satellite ID in the EES profile matches the UE serving Satellite ID.
When UE connects to the satellite, and the service provisioning request message does not contain the UE serving Satellite ID, then service provisioning response message contains the list of EES along with the EES Satellite ID, and then the EEC determine EES where the Satellite ID in the EES profile matches the UE serving Satellite ID.

11.1.2  EES determination based on UE location and route Procedurep. 293

This procedure is applicable for EDN deployment with gNB on satellite.
A satellite EDN may be deployed as described in Annex A.2.5. The service provisioning procedure for satellite EDN is same as clause and clause with the following clarifications.When EEC sends the service request message to the ECS and the request message contains the UE location, predicted/expected UE location, Prediction expiration time, then the ECS determines a list of EES where the Satellite coverage availability information in EES profile matches the UE location, predicted/expected UE location, Prediction expiration time, and EES Satellite coverage availability information. Alternatively, the ECS may query external server with the UE current location and UE predicted/expected location to obtain a list of Satellite IDs and Trajectory IDs corresponding the UE location and the UE trajectory, then the ECS determines list of EES based on the Satellite IDs and Trajectory IDs in EES profiles by matching with the Satellite IDs and Trajectory IDs obtained from external server for the UE. The "Expected AC Geographical Service Area" in the AC profile, as specified in clause 8.2.2, is used by the ECS to request the external server (managed by the satellite service provider or operator) for such satellite IDs and trajectory IDs. When ECS sends the service provisioning response which contains a list of EES information which EES is deployed on MEO or LEO satellites, the EEC determines the EES determine EES where the Satellite ID in the EES profile matches the UE serving Satellite ID.
In addition, when a serving satellite is providing EES and EAS, and due to discontinuous coverage the same satellite comes back for serving, then the EEC connects to same EES and EAS (i.e. to which the EEC had previously connected to), without needing to discover EES and EAS endpoints again.
Up  EES profilep. 293

The EES profile is same as clause 8.2.6 with the following additions.
Information element Status Description
IEs from Table 8.2.6-1
Dynamic service area indicationOIndicates if the service area is mobile or not. The service area is dynamic in case of EES on board a MEO or LEO satellite and not dynamic in case of a GEO satellite.
Satellite IDMThe satellite ID which identifies a satellite EDN.
Trajectory ID
OFor mobile EES, it is linked with the trajectory of the satellite and therefore identifies the trajectory of the EES on board a MEO and LEO satellites.
Satellite coverage availability informationOThe Satellite coverage availability information of the satellite where the EES is onboard as described in TS 23.501.
The assignment of the trajectory ID for the EES and linking it to an actual trajectory of the satellite can be done by the operator and/or the satellite service provider.
Up  Service provisioning requestp. 294

Table is same as clause Table with the following additions.
Information element Status Description
IEs from Table
UE serving Satellite IDOThe identifier of the satellite which is serving UE in current location.
UE location
OThe location information of the UE. The UE location is described in clause 7.3.2, or Present UE location (e.g. latitude and longitude) for a reference grid point.
This IE is not an additional IE but update an existing IE in Table

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