Information element | Status | Description |
EASID | M | The identifier of the EAS. |
Security credentials | M | Security credentials of the EAS . |
UE ID (NOTE 1) | O | The identifier of the UE (i.e., GPSI). |
UE Group ID (NOTE 1) | O | Identifies a group of UEs as defined in clause 7.2.7. |
Application Group ID (NOTE 3) | O | Application group identifier as defined in clause 7.2.11. |
Event ID(s) | M | Event ID:
Indication of service continuity planning (NOTE 3) | O | Indicates that whether the service continuity planning is required i.e. whether EES shall monitor UE entering the predicted location. |
Traffic filter information | O | The traffic filter information includes IP flow description, domain description (domain name, applicable protocol and matching criteria) or URI. Applicable for the "user plane path change" event, the "ACR monitoring" event and "ACR facilitation" event. |
Event Report (NOTE 2, NOTE 4, NOTE 5) | O | Event Reporting Information as specified in clause of TS 23.502 for user plane path change events and clause of TS 23.502 for UE mobility events. The EAS shall include the event reporting mode as defined in clause 4.15.1 of TS 23.502 to be notified when the UE has moved into/out service area. |
Notification Target Address | M | Notification Target Address of the EAS where the notification is to be sent by the EES |
Type of subscription | O | Indicates Early and/or Late notification to inform if the notification needs to be received before and/or after UP path configuration. Applicable for the "user plane path change" event. |
Indication of EAS acknowledgement | O | This IE indicates the EES to include indication of "AF acknowledgement to be expected" within the AF request for subscribing UP path management events to 3GPP network and that the EAS will provide an acknowledgement as a response for the notifications of UP path management events to the EES. Applicable for the "user plane path change" event. |
Indication of EAS acknowledgement for service continuity planning | O | This IE indicates that the EAS will provide an acknowledgement as a response to the notification of ACR management notification related to service continuity planning. |
Event Filter (NOTE 4) | O | Event filter as specified in clause of TS 23.501. |
EAS characteristics for ACR | O | Set of characteristics to determine required EAS as detailed in Table Applicable for the "ACR monitoring" event and "ACR facilitation" event. |
Either UE ID or UE Group ID shall be provided if the Event ID(s) includes any of the "user plane path change", "out of service area", "ACR monitoring" and "ACR facilitation" events. UE ID or UE Group ID are not applicable to "ACT start/stop" and "ACR selection" event.
This IE shall be present if the Event ID(s) includes any of the "user plane path change", "out of service area", "ACR monitoring" and "ACR facilitation" events. This IE is not applicable to "ACT start/stop" and "ACR selection" event.
This IE is applicable for "ACR monitoring", "ACR facilitation".
A subscription to the Event Report of "Area Of Interest" can be used by the EES to detect the need for ACR. The EAS service area can be used to indicate the area of interest.
For "out of service area" event, the event triggered reporting is prefered. When using the periodical reporting, care needs to be taken to avoid congestion.
Information element | Status | Description |
Successful response (NOTE) | O | Indicates that the subscription request was successful. |
> Subscription ID | M | Subscription identifier corresponding to the subscription. |
> Expiration time | O | Indicates the expiration time of the subscription. To maintain an active subscription, a subscription update is required before the expiration time. If the Expiration time IE is not included, it indicates that the subscription never expires. |
Failure response (NOTE) | O | Indicates that the subscription request failed. |
> Cause | O | Indicates the cause of subscription request failure |
One of these IEs shall be present in the message.
Information element | Status | Description |
Subscription ID | M | Subscription identifier corresponding to the subscription stored in the EES for the request |
List of event notifications | M | A list of event notifications for one or more UEs. |
> Event ID | M | The event ID for which the notification is triggered:
> Event report (NOTE 1) | O | Event reporting information as specified in clause of TS 23.502 for user plane path change events and clause of TS 23.502 for UE mobility events. |
> Timestamp | O | The timestamp of each event report. |
> EAS endpoint | O | The T-EAS endpoint shall be included for the "ACR monitoring" event and "ACR facilitation" event. It also represents the common T-EAS endpoint, when application group ID is included in subscription. In case of "ACT start/stop" event, the endpoint address of the EAS to or from which the ACT is needed to start/stop. |
> Indication of service continuity planning | O | Indicating EES will monitor UE entering the predicted location. |
> Selected ACR scenario list (NOTE 2) | O | The list of ACR scenarios. |
List of UE IDs (NOTE 1) | O | List of UE IDs in an Application Group for which ACT from S-EAS to T-EAS is required, applicable for S-EES detects need for ACR. |
> EAS bundle list (NOTE 2) | O | The EAS bundle list. |
>> EAS ID (NOTE 4) | M | EAS ID in a bundle. |
>> DNAIs and service area of the EAS | O | c For the EAS ID in a bundle, it includes the DNAIs and/or service area, as described in "EAS Geographical Service Area" IE, "EAS Topological Service Area" IE and "List of EAS DNAI(s)" IE of Table 8.2.4-1. |
> ACR parameters (NOTE 3) | O | ACR parameters. |
>> Prediction expiration time | O | The estimated time the UE may reach the Predicted/Expected UE location or EAS service area at the latest. |
UEID | O | The identifier of the UE. |
ACID | O | The identifier of the AC. |
This IE shall be present if the Event ID(s) includes any of the "user plane path change", "out of service area", "ACR monitoring" and "ACR facilitation" events. This IE is not applicable to "ACT start/stop" and "ACR Selection" events.
This IE shall be present only in case of "ACR Selection" event.
This IE is applicable only when the ACT start event notification is used to send ACR parameters to the T-EAS as per clause
Main EAS ID in a bundle does not need to be included.
Information element | Status | Description |
Security credentials | M | Security credentials of the EAS |
Subscription ID | M | The identifier of the subscription to be updated. |
Event ID(s) (NOTE) | O | Event ID(s) as specified in TS 23.501 |
Event Report (NOTE) | O | Event Reporting Information as specified in clause of TS 23.502 for user plane path change events and clause of TS 23.502 for UE mobility events. |
Type of subscription (NOTE) | O | Indicates Early and/or Late notification to inform if the notification needs to be received before and/or after UP path configuration. |
Indication of EAS acknowledgement (NOTE) | O | This IE indicates the EES to include indication of "AF acknowledgement to be expected" within the AF request for subscribing UP path management events to 3GPP network and that the EAS will provide an acknowledgement as a response for the notifications of UP path management events to the EES. |
Event Filter (NOTE) | O | Event filter as specified in TS 23.501 |
EAS characteristics for ACR (NOTE) | O | Set of characteristics to determine required EAS as detailed in Table Applicable for the "ACR monitoring" event and "ACR facilitation" event. |
At least one of these IEs shall be present in the message.
Information element | Status | Description |
Successful response (NOTE 2) | O | Indicates that the subscription update request was successful. |
> Expiration time (NOTE 1) | O | Indicates the expiration time of the updated subscription. To maintain an active subscription, a subscription update is required before the expiration time. |
Failure response (NOTE 2) | O | Indicates that the subscription update request failed. |
> Cause | O | Indicates the cause of subscription update request failure |
If the Expiry time IE is not included, it indicates that the subscription never expires.
One of these IEs shall be present in the message.
Information element | Status | Description |
Security credentials | M | Security credentials of the EAS |
Subscription ID | M | Subscription identifier corresponding to the subscription stored in the EES for the request |
Information element | Status | Description |
Successful response (NOTE) | O | Indicates that the unsubscribe request was successful. |
Failure response (NOTE) | O | Indicates that the unsubscribe request failed. |
> Cause | O | Indicates the cause of unsubscribe request failure |
One of these IEs shall be present in the message.
API Name | API Operations | Operation Semantics | Consumer(s) |
Eees_ | Subscribe | Subscribe/ Notify | EAS |
Notify | |||
UpdateSubscription | |||
Unsubscribe |