
Content for  TS 23.558  Word version:  19.4.0

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8.6.6 Session with QoS API8.6.6.1 General8.6.6.2 Procedures8. General8. Create a session8. Update a session8. Revoke a session8. Notify8.6.6.3 Information flows8. General8. Session with QoS create request8. Session with QoS create response8. Session with QoS update request8. Session with QoS update response8. Session with QoS revoke request8. Session with QoS revoke response8. Session with QoS event notification8.6.6.4 APIs8. General8. Eees_SessionWithQoS_Create operation8. Eees_SessionWithQoS_Update operation8. Eees_SessionWithQoS_Revoke operation8. Eees_SessionWithQoS_Notify operation8.6.7 Application traffic influence trigger from EAS8.6.7.1 General8.6.7.2 Procedure8. Procedure of application traffic influence trigger from EAS8. Procedure of application traffic influence update trigger from EAS8. Procedure of application traffic influence cancellation trigger from EAS8.6.7.3 Information flows8. General8. Application traffic influence trigger from EAS request8. Application traffic influence trigger from EAS response8. Application traffic influence update trigger from EAS request8. Application traffic influence update trigger from EAS response8. Application traffic influence cancellation trigger from EAS request8. Application traffic influence cancellation trigger from EAS response8.6.7.4 APIs8. General8. Eees_TrafficInfluenceEAS_Create operation8. Eees_TrafficInfluenceEAS_Update operation8. Eees_TrafficInfluenceEAS_Cancellation operation


8.6.6  Session with QoS APIp. 147  Generalp. 147

The EES exposes the Session with QoS API to the EAS in order to support the setup of a data session between AC and EAS with a specific QoS and the modification of the QoS of this data session.
The Session with QoS API exposed by the EES relies on the northbound Policy Authorization Service API exposed by the PCF as specified in TS 23.502 and TS 23.503, if the EES is connected to the PCF via the N5 reference point, or on the northbound AF Session with QoS Service API exposed by the NEF as specified in TS 23.502 and TS 23.503, if the EES is connected to the PCF via an NEF.
This API supports to apply the required QoS for both ongoing session and future session for a UE or a group of UEs.
The level of support of the Session with QoS API may change due to UE mobility between 5GC and EPC. E.g. QoS monitoring is only applicable in 5GC. If an EES exposes the Session with QoS API to EAS(s) for a UE, the EES monitors such changes and provides the available information to the EAS.
Alternatively to using the API described in the following clauses, the EAS may also act as an AF and directly access the 3GPP Core Network capabilities to request an AF session with QoS (see clause 8.7.2). For any data session between AC and EAS, the EAS shall use only one of these alternatives.
Up  Proceduresp. 147  Generalp. 147
Void  Create a sessionp. 147
Figure illustrates the session with QoS create operation between the EAS and the EES. It is used to request reservation of resources for a data session between AC and EAS with a specific QoS and to subscribe to certain session with QoS event notifications.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. Session with QoS API: create operation
Step 1.
The EAS requests establishment of a data session between the AC and the EAS with a specific QoS (either QoS reference or bandwidth). If the data session can adjust to different QoS parameter combinations, the request may include a list of alternative QoS references in a priority order. The EAS shall include the UE's IP address, UE ID or UE Group ID, the DNN and S-NSSAI used for the data session between AC and EAS. With the same request the EAS subscribes to receive certain session with QoS event notifications (e.g. notifications related to QoS monitoring, usage monitoring for sponsored data connectivity and/or QoS targets can no longer (or can again) be fulfilled).
Step 2.
The EES checks if the EAS is authorized for this operation for the UE. If authorized, then the following services of 3GPP CN may be used by the EES:
  1. the EES invokes the PFD management procedure with the 3GPP Core Network as described in TS 23.682 and TS 23.502 with an application id. At least one of the IP flow description, domain description or URI sent by the EAS is used for requesting PFD management service. Further the EES provides the same application id for requesting data session with specific QoS in step 2c or step 4.
  2. the EES invokes the Event Monitoring service for PDU session status with the 3GPP Core Network, as described in TS 23.502.
  3. the EES invokes the Policy Authorization Create service or the AF Session with QoS service with the 3GPP Core Network (PCF or NEF, respectively) as described in TS 23.501 and TS 23.502, providing the specific QoS (QoS reference or bandwidth) to the PCF as described in clause of TS 23.503. Additionally, the EES may subscribe to notifications of resource allocation outcome and to other events described in clause of TS 23.503, e.g. notifications of when the QoS targets can no longer (or can again) be fulfilled.
The usage of step 2b and step 2c is as follows:
  • If the request is for a group of UEs identified by the UE Group ID or for a single UE identified by the UE ID, then EES executes step 2b. If UE (single UE or UE group member) already has ongoing PDU session, then UE IP address is retrieved in step 2b. Further the EES executes step 2c; otherwise the EES waits for further notification for PDU session status in step 4.
  • If the request is for a single UE identified by the IP address, then EES executes step 2c.
Step 3.
If the operation in step 2 is successful, the EES responds with a Context ID and a Result. The Context ID is to be used by the EAS for further requests (e.g. session with QoS update requests) pertaining to the same UE. If the EAS is not authorized or any other failure happens during the operation, the EES provides a rejection response with cause information.
Step 4.
When the EES receives the corresponding UE IP address for the single UE or UE group member from the PDU session status notification sent by the 3GPP Core Network, the EES requests data session with specific QoS as described in step 2c.
Up  Update a sessionp. 149
Figure illustrates the session with QoS update request operation between the EAS and the EES. It is used to request a modification of the QoS of the data session between AC and EAS.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. Session with QoS API: update operation
Step 1.
The EAS requests a modification of the QoS of the data session between the AC and the EAS, e.g. by including a different QoS reference or different bandwidth value. The EAS shall include the Context ID.
The EAS may also request a modification of the event monitoring by subscribing to new events and updating or removing subscriptions to existing events.
Step 2.
The EES checks if there is a context for the Context ID available and whether the EAS is authorized for this operation. If yes and the UE IP address is known by the EES, the EES invokes the Policy Authorization Update service or AF Session with QoS Update service with the 3GPP Core Network (PCF or NEF, respectively) as described in TS 23.501 and TS 23.502, providing the updated information to the PCF or NEF, respectively. The EES may subscribe to additional events or unsubscribe to certain events, if necessary.
Step 3.
If the operation is successful, the EES responds with a Context ID and a Result. If the EAS is not authorized or any other failure happens during the operation, the EES provides a rejection response with cause information.
Up  Revoke a sessionp. 150
Figure illustrates the session with QoS revoke operation between the EAS and the EES. It is used to revoke the data session between AC and EAS with a specific QoS and to unsubscribe to the related session with QoS event notifications.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. Session with QoS API: revoke operation
Step 1.
The EAS requests a revoke of the data session with QoS between the AC and the EAS. The EAS shall include the Context ID.
Step 2.
The EES checks if there is a context for the Context ID available and whether the EAS is authorized for this operation. If yes, then the EES unsubscribes from the PDU session status monitoring (if applicable) and invokes the Policy Authorization Delete service or AF Session with QoS Revoke service with the 3GPP Core Network (PCF or NEF, respectively) as described in TS 23.501 and TS 23.502. This deletes the application session context at the PCF or NEF and removes the subscription to any session with QoS event notifications.
Step 3.
If the operation is successful, the EES responds with a Context ID and a Result. If the EAS is not authorized or any other failure happens during the operation, the EES provides a rejection response with cause information.
Up  Notifyp. 150
Figure illustrates the notify operation between the EES and the EAS for session with QoS event notifications.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. Session with QoS API: notify operation
Step 1.
The EES detects a user plane event associated with the established session (i.e. it receives a Policy Authorization Notify operation from the PCF or an AF Session with QoS Notify operation from the NEF as described in TS 23.501 and TS 23.502). The EES determines to notify the session with QoS event notification information (e.g., resource allocation outcome or information that the QoS targets can no longer (or can again) be fulfilled) to the EASs which have subscribed to the session with QoS event notification.
Step 2.
The EES sends a session with QoS event notification to the EAS. The EES includes the session with QoS event notification information of the UE.
Up  Information flowsp. 151  Generalp. 151
The following information flows are specified for Session with QoS API:
  • Session with QoS create request and response;
  • Session with QoS update request and response;
  • Session with QoS revoke request and response; and
  • Session with QoS event notification.  Session with QoS create requestp. 151
Table describes the information elements for a Session with QoS create request from the EAS to the EES.
Information element Status Description
EASIDMThe identifier of the EAS.
Security credentialsMSecurity credentials of the EAS.
UE IP address (NOTE 1)OThe UE IP address.
UE ID (NOTE 1)OThe identifier of the UE (i.e. GPSI)
UE Group ID (NOTE 1)OIdentifies a group of UEs as defined in clause 7.2.7.
IP flow description (NOTE 4)OThe IP flow description for the application traffic.
Domain description (NOTE 4)OThe domain description including domain name, applicable protocol and matching criteria (e.g. TLS SNI).
URI (NOTE 4)OUniform resource identifier. It represents the application traffic URI.
Requested QoS reference (NOTE 2)ORefers to pre-defined QoS information for the data session between AC and EAS (NOTE 3).
List of alternative QoS referencesOA list of alternative QoS references, referring to pre-defined QoS information for the data session between AC and EAS and containing one or more QoS reference parameters in a prioritized order (NOTE 3).
Event listOA list of associated events to which the EAS subscribes (see clause of TS 23.503).
> Event specific dataOFor usage monitoring: the sponsoring information (sponsor id, ASP id).
For QoS monitoring: Target of monitoring (DL, UL or roundtrip packet delay).
> Frequency of reportingOThe reporting frequency (e.g. event triggered) and additional related data (e.g. threshold, minimum waiting time) as described in clause of TS 23.503, applicable for QoS monitoring event.
Notification Target AddressMThe Notification Target Address (e.g. URL) where the notifications destined for the EAS should be sent to.
DNNODNN for the data session between AC and EAS.
S-NSSAIOS-NSSAI for the data session between AC and EAS.
Requested bandwidth (NOTE 2)OBandwidth requested for the data session between AC and EAS.
Only one of UE IP address, UE ID or UE Group ID shall be provided.
Only one of requested QoS reference or requested bandwidth shall be provided.
The pre-defined QoS information may be configured in the EES or in the 3GPP Core Network (see clause of TS 23.503).
At least one of these information elements shall be present.
Up  Session with QoS create responsep. 152
Table describes the information elements for a Session with QoS create response from the EES to the EAS.
Information element Status Description
Successful responseOIndicates that the Session with QoS create request was successful.
> Context IDMContext identifier corresponding to the information stored for the request in the EES
Failure responseOIndicates that the Session with QoS create request failed.
> CauseOIndicates the cause of Session with QoS create request failure
Up  Session with QoS update requestp. 153
Table describes the information elements for a Session with QoS update request from the EAS to the EES.
Information element Status Description
Security credentialsMSecurity credentials of the EAS
Context IDMContext identifier corresponding to the information stored for the request in the EES.
Requested QoS reference (NOTE 1)ORefers to pre-defined QoS information for the data session between AC and EAS (NOTE 2).
List of alternative QoS referencesOA list of alternative QoS references, referring to pre-defined QoS information for the data session between AC and EAS and containing one or more QoS reference parameters in a prioritized order (NOTE 2).
Event listOA list of associated events to which the EAS subscribes (see clause of TS 23.503).
> Event specific dataOFor usage monitoring: the sponsoring information (sponsor id, ASP id).
For QoS monitoring: Target of monitoring (DL, UL or roundtrip packet delay).
> Frequency of reportingOThe reporting frequency (e.g. event triggered) and additional related data (e.g. threshold, minimum waiting time) as described in clause of TS 23.503, applicable for QoS monitoring event.
Requested bandwidth (NOTE 1)OBandwidth requested for the data session between AC and EAS
Only one of requested QoS reference or requested bandwidth shall be provided.
The pre-defined QoS information may be configured in the EES or in the 3GPP Core Network (see clause of TS 23.503).
Up  Session with QoS update responsep. 153
Table describes the information elements for a Session with QoS update response from the EES to the EAS.
Information element Status Description
Successful responseOIndicates that the Session with QoS update request was successful.
Failure responseOIndicates that the Session with QoS update request failed.
> CauseOIndicates the cause of Session with QoS update request failure
Up  Session with QoS revoke requestp. 153
Table describes the information elements for a Session with QoS revoke request from the EAS to the EES.
Information element Status Description
Security credentialsMSecurity credentials of the EAS
Context IDMContext identifier corresponding to the information stored for the request in the EES
Up  Session with QoS revoke responsep. 154
Table describes the information elements for a Session with QoS revoke response from the EES to the EAS.
Information element Status Description
Successful responseOIndicates that the Session with QoS revoke request was successful.
Failure responseOIndicates that the Session with QoS revoke request failed.
> CauseOIndicates the cause of Session with QoS revoke request failure
Up  Session with QoS event notificationp. 154
Table describes the information elements for a Session with QoS event notification from the EES to the EAS.
Information element Status Description
Context IDMContext identifier corresponding to the information stored in the EES during the initial session with QoS create request.
Event report (NOTE)MEvent reporting information as specified in clause of TS 23.503.
Only the following events are applicable:
  • Reporting Usage for Sponsored Data Connectivity
  • Service Data Flow deactivation
  • Resource allocation outcome
  • QoS targets can no longer (or can again) be fulfilled
  • QoS Monitoring parameters
Up  APIsp. 154  Generalp. 154
Table illustrates the API for Session with QoS.
API Name API Operations Operation Semantics Consumer(s)
Eees_SessionWithQoSCreateRequest/ ResponseEAS
NotifySubscribe/ Notify (NOTE)EAS
The Subscribe operation is embedded in the Request operation of the Create and Update API operation.
Up  Eees_SessionWithQoS_Create operationp. 154
API operation name:
The consumer requests a data session with the UE with a specific QoS and may also subscribe to certain event notifications related to the user plane traffic.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.  Eees_SessionWithQoS_Update operationp. 155
API operation name:
The consumer requests a modification of the QoS of the data session with the UE and may also update event notifications related to the user plane traffic.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.  Eees_SessionWithQoS_Revoke operationp. 155
API operation name:
The consumer requests a revoke of the data session with QoS with the UE and unsubscribes to all related event notifications.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.  Eees_SessionWithQoS_Notify operationp. 155
API operation name:
The consumer is notified by the EES of an event related to the user plane traffic.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.

8.6.7  Application traffic influence trigger from EAS |R18|p. 155  Generalp. 155

An EAS can explicitly request EES to influence the EAS traffic from UE(s) with necessary information. Then the EES can trigger the AF request to influence traffic routing towards the 3GPP CN for one or more UE(s) accessing the EAS.  Procedurep. 155  Procedure of application traffic influence trigger from EASp. 155
Figure illustrates the procedure of application traffic influence trigger from EAS.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. Application traffic influence trigger from EAS
Step 1.
The EAS sends an EAS traffic influence request.
Step 2.
The EES performs an authorization check to verify whether the EAS has the authorization to request application traffic influence.
Step 3.
Upon successful authorization, the EES includes transaction ID, target DNAI, traffic descriptor information and N6 routing information at target DNAI in the Nnef_TrafficInfluence_Create Request to the NEF, or Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create Request to the PCF, to influence the traffic for EAS as described in clause of TS 23.501.
Step 4.
The EES sends the EAS traffic influence response.
Up  Procedure of application traffic influence update trigger from EASp. 156
Figure illustrates the procedure of application traffic influence update trigger from EAS.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. Application traffic influence update trigger from EAS
Step 1.
The EAS sends an EAS traffic influence update request providing the corresponding transaction ID, and updated target UE Identifier(s).
Step 2.
The EES performs an authorization check to verify whether the EAS has the authorization to request application traffic influence update.
Step 3.
Upon successful authorization, the EES do the update accordingly. For those UE(s) to be deleted, the EES invokes the Nnef_TrafficInfluence_Delete or Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete Request to delete the original request to delete the traffic influence for EAS. For those UE(s) to be added, the EES invokes the Nnef_TrafficInfluence_Create or Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Create.
Step 4.
The EES sends the EAS traffic influence update response.
Up  Procedure of application traffic influence cancellation trigger from EASp. 157
Figure illustrates the procedure of application traffic influence cancellation trigger from EAS.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. Application traffic influence cancellation trigger from EAS
Step 1.
The EAS sends an EAS traffic influence cancellation request providing the corresponding transaction ID.
Step 2.
The EES performs an authorization check to verify whether the EAS has the authorization to request application traffic influence cancellation.
Step 3.
Upon successful authorization, the EES includes transaction ID in the Nnef_TrafficInfluence_Delete Request to the NEF, or Npcf_PolicyAuthorization_Delete Request to the PCF, to delete the traffic influence for EAS as described in clause of TS 23.501.
Step 4.
The EES sends the EAS traffic influence cancellation response.
Up  Information flowsp. 157  Generalp. 157
The following information flows are specified for application traffic influence trigger from EAS:
  • Application traffic influence trigger from EAS request and response.
  • Application traffic influence update trigger from EAS request and response.
  • Application traffic influence cancellation trigger from EAS request and response.  Application traffic influence trigger from EAS requestp. 157
Information element Status Description
EASIDMIdentifier of the EAS
Security credentialsMSecurity credentials resulting from a successful authorization for the edge computing service.
Target UE Identifier(s)MIndicates the target UE(s) or any UE.
Up  Application traffic influence trigger from EAS responsep. 158
Information element Status Description
Successful responseOIndicates that the traffic influence was successful.
> Transaction IDMIdentifier of the traffic influence transaction used.
Failure responseOIndicates that the traffic influence has failed.
> CauseOIndicates the cause of failure.
Up  Application traffic influence update trigger from EAS requestp. 158
Information element Status Description
EASIDMIdentifier of the EAS.
Security credentialsMSecurity credentials resulting from a successful authorization for the edge computing service.
Updated target UE Identifier(s)MIndicates the updated target UE(s) or any UE.
Transaction IDMIndicates the target transaction that is to be updated.
Up  Application traffic influence update trigger from EAS responsep. 158
Information element Status Description
Successful responseOIndicates that the traffic influence was successful.
Failure responseOIndicates that the traffic influence has failed.
> CauseOIndicates the cause of failure.
Up  Application traffic influence cancellation trigger from EAS requestp. 158
Information element Status Description
EASIDMIdentifier of the EAS.
Security credentialsMSecurity credentials resulting from a successful authorization for the edge computing service.
Transaction IDMIndicates the target transaction that is to be updated.
Up  Application traffic influence cancellation trigger from EAS responsep. 158
Information element Status Description
Successful responseOIndicates that the traffic influence request was successful.
Failure responseOIndicates that the traffic influence request has failed.
> CauseOIndicates the cause of failure.
Up  APIsp. 159  Generalp. 159
Table illustrates the APIs for application traffic influence trigger from EAS.
API Name API Operations Operation Semantics Consumer(s)
Eees_TrafficInfluenceEASCreateRequest/ ResponseEAS
Up  Eees_TrafficInfluenceEAS_Create operationp. 159
API operation name:
The consumer requests traffic influence for EAS via EES.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.  Eees_TrafficInfluenceEAS_Update operationp. 159
API operation name:
The consumer requests to update traffic influence for EAS via EES.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.  Eees_TrafficInfluenceEAS_Cancellation operationp. 159
API operation name:
The consumer requests to cancel traffic influence for EAS via EES.
See clause for details of usage of this operation.

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