
Content for  TS 23.558  Word version:  19.4.0

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8.19  Common EAS announcement |R18|p. 282

8.19.1  Generalp. 282

Common EAS announcement procedure enables an EES to exchange selected common EAS information with other EES(s).

8.19.2  Procedurep. 283

  1. The announcing EES may be pre-configured with the EES information of other receiving EES(s), which belongs to the same EDN; or
  2. The announcing EES may receive the list of receiving EES(s) information (e.g. address information) from the EEC during the EAS information provisioning procedure.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.558, Fig. 8.19.2-1: Announce common EAS procedure
Step 1.
The announcing EES sends Announce common EAS request message to the receiving EES. The request message includes the requestor identifier [EESID], the security credentials, the selected common EAS information, the announcing EES endpoint, including common EAS endpoint, common EAS service KPI as specified in Table 8.2.5-1 and the Application group ID. When ACR happens, and announcing EES is targed EES, which can announce the determined EAS information.
Step 2.
Upon receiving the request from the announcing EES, the receiving EES checks if the announcing EES is authorized to provide the selected common EAS. The receiving EES stores the received selected EAS information and announcing EES endpoint along with the Application group ID. When receiving selected T-EAS and T-EES information, the receiving EES can determine whether to relocate the UE to the newly received EAS based on the newly received EAS KPI and EDN information, registered EAS KPI and EDN information, and inter-EAS communication performance of these EASs.
Step 3.
If the processing of the request was successful, the receiving EES sends Announce common EAS response to the announcing EES indicating a successful status; otherwise, the receiving EES shall indicate a failure status and include appropriate reasons. The response message contains the group connection information to indicate the whether the UE connect to the common EAS or not.

8.19.3  Information flowsp. 283  Generalp. 283

The information flows are specified for Announce common EAS request and response.  Announce common EAS requestp. 283

Table describes the information elements for Announce common EAS request from the announcing EES to the receiving EES.
Information element Status Description
Requestor identifierMThe identifier of the announcing EES.
Security credentialsMSecurity credentials resulting from a successful authorization for the edge computing service.
Selected common EAS IDMThe identifier of the Selected Common EAS.
Selected common EAS endpointMThe endpoint of the Selected Common EAS.
Selected common EAS service KPIO EAS service KPI as specified in Table 8.2.5-1.
Selected common EAS EDN informationMInformation of EDN where the EAS resides.
> DNNMData network name to identify the EDN.
> DNAI(s)ODNAI(s) associated with the EDN.
EES endpointOThe endpoint address (e.g., URI, IP address) of the announcing EES.
Application Group IDMApplication group identifier as defined in clause 7.2.11.
Up  Announce common EAS responsep. 284

Table describes the information elements for Announce common EAS response from the receiving EES to the announcing EES.
Information element Status Description
Successful responseOIndicates that the request was successful.
UE IDOThe identifier of the UE (i.e. GPSI or identity token).
> indication of common EAS connectionIndicates whether the UE connect to the common EAS or not.
Failure response OIndicates that the request has failed.
CauseOIndicates the failure cause. Only included when Failure Response is included.

8.19.4  APIsp. 284  Generalp. 284

Table illustrates the API for common EAS announcement.
API Name API Operations Operation Semantics Consumer(s)
Eees_CommonEasAnnouncementDeclareRequest/ ResponseEES
Up  Eees_CommonEasAnnouncement_Declare operationp. 284

API operation name:
The consumer declares common EAS information to the EES.
See clause 8.19.2 for details of usage of this operation.

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