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6.41  Providing Access to Local Services |R18|p. 75

6.41.1  Descriptionp. 75

Providing access to local services refers to the capability to provide access to a hosting network and a set of services offered by the hosting network provider, and 3rd party service providers including other network operators and 3rd party application providers. The services can be localized (i.e. provided at specific/limited area) and can be bounded in time. The user can become aware of the available access to local services, and the process to gain and terminate access to the hosting network and local services. This process should be efficient, and convenient from a user experience standpoint.
Providing access to local services creates new opportunities for users and service providers. For example, access can be provided in areas where there is no coverage provided by other networks (for example, on a fairground established far from other infrastructure), or the access and local services can be established as needed (on a short-term basis), without the need for long term business relationships, permanently installed equipment, etc.
The type of local services and access for localized services via a hosting network can be promoted and arranged through different channels. Principally the service providers (e.g., brick and mortar businesses, entertainment venues, construction contractors, first responder agencies, etc.) will provide information and proper incentive or instructions to potential users so that they will seek to access the local services via hosting networks.

6.41.2  Requirementsp. 75  Generalp. 75

In the requirements below, it is assumed that:
  • Both the home network and the hosting network can be a PLMN or NPN.
  • Only subscribers of a public network can roam into a PLMN. Examples of interworking scenarios between network operators and application providers for localized services are indicated in Annex H.  Configuration of Localized Services in Hosting Networkp. 75

The 5G system shall support suitable mechanisms to allow automatically establishing localized service agreements for a specific occasion (time and location) and building temporary relationship among hosting network operator and other service providers including network operators or 3rd party application providers.
The 5G system shall support means for the service provider to request the hosting network via standard mechanisms to provide access to 3rd party services at a specific period of time and location. This period of time shall be flexible, so that a change in service provision can be decided at any time (e.g., to cancel or prolong local services in the locality of service delivery) based on localized services agreements.
Based on localized services agreements, the 5G system shall provide suitable means to allow the service provider to request and provision various localized service requirements, including QoS, expected/maximum number of users, event information for discovery, network slicing, required IP connectivity etc, and routing policies for the application of the localized services via the hosting network.
The 5G system shall support means for a hosting network to create policies and configure resources for the requested time and location for the 3rd party services based on the received request.
The 5G system shall support means for a hosting network to notify the service provider of the accepted service parameters and routing policies.
Subject to regulatory requirements and localized service agreements, the 5G system shall allow a home network operator to automatically negotiate policies with the hosting network for allowing the home network's subscribers to connect at a specific occasion, e.g., time and location, for their home network services.
Subject to the automatic localized services agreements between the hosting network operator and home network operator, for UE with only home network subscription and with authorization to access hosting networks the 5G system shall support:
  • access to the hosting network and use home network services or selected localized services via the hosting network,
  • seamless service continuity for home network services or selected localized services when moving between two hosting networks or a host network and the home network.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to enable configuration of a network that provides access to localized services such that the services can be limited in terms of their spatial extent (in terms of a particular topology, for example a single cell), as specified by a service provider of localized services.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to enable configuration of a network that provides access to localized services such that the services can be limited in terms of the resources or capacity available, to correspond to requirements that apply only to the locality of service delivery, as specified by a service provider of localized services.
The 5G system shall support means for a hosting network to provide a 3rd party service provider with information for automatic discovery of the hosting network by the UEs to allow access to specific 3rd party services.
The 5G system shall support secure mechanisms to allow a home network to coordinate with a hosting network for a subscriber to temporarily access the hosting network (e.g., based on temporary credentials) at a given time (start time and duration) and location.
Up  User Manual Selection of Localized Services via Hosting Networkp. 76

The hosting network shall allow a UE to manually select temporary localized services which are provided via local breakout at the hosting network.  UE Configuration, Provisioning, Authentication and Authorizationp. 76

Subject to localized services agreements, the 5G system shall enable a home network operator to authorize a UE for using its home network services via a hosting network for a certain period of time and/or location.
The 5G system shall allow a trusted 3rd party service provider to provide UEs with localized service policy (e.g., QoS, network slice in the hosting or home network, service restriction such as time and location) via the hosting network or the UE's home network.
The 5G system shall enable a UE to use credentials provided by the hosting network with or without coordination with the home network of the UE, to make use of localized services via the hosting network with a certain time (including starting time and the duration) and location validity.
The 5G system shall be able to allow the home network to steer its UE(s) to a hosting network with the consideration of the location, times, coverage of the hosting network and services offered by the home network and hosting network.
The 5G system shall provide support to enable secure means to authenticate and authorize a user of a UE accessing a hosting network, including cases in which a UE has no subscription to the hosting network and still needs to get authorized to use localized services via the hosting network.
The 5G system shall be able to authenticate and authorize the UE of a user authenticated to a hosting network to access the hosting network and its localized services on request of a service provider.
Up  UE Discovery, Selection and Accessp. 77

Subject to operator's policy and agreement between a 3rd party service provider and operator, the 5G system shall enable a UE to receive and use configuration provided by a 3rd party service provider to discover and access a hosting network and localized services, including the considerations of prior service agreement with a 3rd party service provider and no prior subscription to hosting network. If the UE is able to obtain services from two networks simultaneously, it may additionally select the hosting network. If the UE cannot maintain the connection to the home network while selecting the hosting network, the selection shall only be done on request by the user, i.e., using manual selection.
The 5G system shall support secure means for a UE to select and access localized services which may be provided by a 3rd party service provider via a hosting network, independent of prior subscription to the hosting network or 3rd party service provider.
The 5G system shall enable the home network to allow a UE to automatically select a hosting network for accessing localized services when specified conditions (e.g., predefined time, location) are fulfilled.
The 5G system shall be able to prevent a UE to re-access the hosting network after the localized services were terminated if the authorization for the localized services is no longer valid (e.g., can be based on certain conditions such as time or location of the user).
The 5G system may support means for a UE which may or may not have prior subscription to the hosting network to display human readable information on how to gain access to the hosting network and available 3rd party services.
The 5G system shall support a mechanism to allow a user to manually select a specific local hosting network.
The 5G system shall be able to limit access of specific UEs to a configurable area of a hosting network's coverage area.
The 5G system shall be able to maintain privacy of a user against the hosting network while the UE does not make use of the hosting network, for example, to prevent tracking of UEs by hosting networks.
The 5G system shall enable the home network to instruct a UE to select a hosting network with certain conditions (e.g., predefined time, location) based on the request from a service provider.
The 5G system shall enable the home network to allow a UE to select a hosting network or change to another hosting network, without any additional user intervention as long as the delivered services, both localized services and home routed services, are unchanged.
Up  Hosting Network Localized Services and Home Operator Servicesp. 77

The 5G system shall enable the home network operator to indicate to the UE what services are preferred to be used from the home network when the UE connects to a hosting network and the requested services are available from both the hosting and the home network.
Based on localized service agreements, the hosting network shall be able to provide required connectivity and QoS for a UE simultaneously connected to the hosting network for localized services and its home network for home network services.
A UE shall be able to connect to its home network via the hosting network, if supported by the hosting network and the home network based on localized service agreements.
Up  Returning to Home Networkp. 77

The 5G system shall provide mechanisms to mitigate user plane and control plane overload caused by a high number of UEs returning from a temporary local access of a hosting network to their home network in a very short period of time.
The 5G system shall provide mechanisms to minimize the impact on the UEs communication e.g., to prevent user plane and control plane outages when returning to a home network together with other high number of UEs in a very short period of time, after terminating their temporary local access to a hosting network.
Up  Chargingp. 78

The 5G system shall be able to collect charging information for the use of localized services at the hosting network and provide the charging records to UEs' home operators based on localized service agreements and charging policies provided by the service providers of localized services.  Regulatory Servicesp. 78

A hosting network using the 5G system shall be able to support regulatory services (e.g., PWS, LI, and emergency calls), based on regional/national regulatory requirements.  Multicast/Broadcastp. 78

The operator of a hosting network shall support a mechanism allowing different service providers of localized services to disseminate their services and content over broadcast/multicast transport. This mechanism should also provide means to include diverse content in the same transmission, e.g., to include advertisements with other content, or to include multiple content in the same media delivered to the user.
A hosting network shall provide multicast and broadcast services in an energy efficient manner to UEs receiving this service.
A hosting network shall support resource efficient content delivery through multicast/broadcast.
A hosting network shall support a mechanism to provide low latency signalling for efficient content delivery to many UEs.
Subject to home operator policy, a hosting network shall be able to prioritize specific multicast and broadcast services for local access over home routed access, even if the same service is available in both networks.

6.42  Mobile base station relays |R18|p. 78

6.42.1  Descriptionp. 78

The requirements below refer to a "mobile base station relay", which is a mobile base station acting as a relay between a UE and the 5G network, i.e. providing a NR access link to UEs and connected wirelessly (using NR) through a donor NG-RAN to the 5G Core. Such mobile base station relay is assumed to be mounted on a moving vehicle and serve UEs that can be located inside or outside the vehicle (or entering/leaving the vehicle).
Few main underlying assumptions are:
  • requirements cover single-hop relay scenarios as baseline (multi-hop is not precluded);
  • legacy UEs are supported;
  • other stage-1 requirements (e.g. on wireless self-backhaul), as well as existing stage-2/3 functionalities and architecture options (e.g. IAB) do not assume or address full relay mobility (e.g. relays on board of moving vehicles), thus cannot cover the requirements below, which are intended to be specific to mobile base station relays;
  • the identified requirements do not intend to imply or exclude specific network/relay architectures and topology solutions (e.g. could be IAB based, or others);
  • the MNO managing mobile base station relays, and the RAN/5GC they connect to, can be a PLMN or an NPN operator.

6.42.2  Requirementsp. 79

The 5G system shall support efficient operation of mobile base station relays.
The 5G system shall be able to support means, for a mobile network operator, to configure, provision and control the operation of a mobile base station relay, e.g. activation/deactivation, permitted location(s) or time of operation.
The 5G system shall be able to support provisioning and configuration mechanisms to control UEs' selection and access to a mobile base station relay, e.g. based on UE's authorization, geographic or temporary restrictions, relay's load.
The 5G system shall be able to support RAN sharing between multiple PLMNs for UEs connected to the 5G network via mobile base station relays.
The 5G system shall be able to configure and provision specific required QoS for traffic relayed via a mobile base station relay.
Subject to regulatory requirements and operator policy, the 5G network shall support a mechanism to determine suitable QoS parameters for traffic relayed via a mobile base station when the connection quality of the serving mobile base station relay changes e.g. during mobility between terrestrial access network and satellite access network.
Subject to regulatory requirements and based on operator policy, the 5G system shall support means to configure and expose monitoring information of a mobile base station relay to an MNO's authorized third-party.
The 5G system shall be able to provide means to optimize network behaviour to efficiently deliver data based on the mobility information (e.g., itinerary), known or predicted, of mobile base station relays.
The 5G system shall be able to support communication from/to users of one MNO (MNO-A) via mobile base station relays, where the traffic between the relay and the MNO-A network is transported using 5G connectivity (RAN and 5GC) provided by a different MNO (MNO-B).
The 5G system shall be able to support UEs connectivity to RAN using simultaneously, a link without mobile base station relay and a link via a mobile base station relay, or simultaneous links via different mobile base station relays.
The 5G system shall be able to provide means to support efficient UE cell selection and cell reselection (between mobile base station relays or between relays and RAN) in the presence of mobile base station relays.
The 5G system shall be able to ensure end-to-end service continuity, in the presence of mobile base station relays.
The 5G system shall be able to support mechanisms to optimize mobility and energy efficiency for UEs located in a vehicle equipped with a base station relay.
The 5G system shall be able to support incremental deployment of connectivity by means of one or a series of mobile base station relays for use only in specific locations where UEs would receive no other 3GPP access (terrestrial or non-terrestrial) coverage, e.g., for public safety scenarios.
The 5G system shall be able to support mobile base station relays using 3GPP satellite NG-RAN (NR satellite access).
The 5G system shall be able to support mobile base station relays accessing to 5GC via NR satellite access and NR terrestrial access simultaneously.
The 5G system shall be able to support service continuity for mobile base station relays using at least one 3GPP satellite NG-RAN.
The 5G system shall be able to identify and differentiate UEs' traffic carried via a mobile base station relay and collect charging information, including specific relay information (e.g. geographic location served by the relay).
The 5G system shall support means for a mobile base station relay to have a certain subscription with a HPLMN, used to get access and connectivity to the HPLMN network (via a donor RAN).
The 5G system shall support the ability of a base station relay to roam from its HPLMN into a VPLMN.
The 5G system shall support mechanisms, for the HPLMN controlling a mobile base station relay, to enable/disable mobile relay operation if the relay is roaming in a VPLMN.
The 5G system shall support mechanisms to disable mobile relay operation by a VPLMN where a mobile base station relay is roaming to.
The 5G system shall be able to fulfil necessary regulatory requirements (e.g. for support of emergency services) when UEs access the 3GPP network via a mobile base station relay.
The 5G system shall be able to support priority services (e.g. MPS) when UEs access the 3GPP network via a mobile base station relay.
The 5G system shall be able to support location services for the UEs accessing 5GS via a mobile base station relay.
The 5G system shall ensure that existing end-to-end 5G security between the UE and 3GPP network is unaffected when the UE accesses the 3GPP network via a mobile base station relay.
The 5G system shall be able to minimize radio interference possibly caused by mobile base station relays.
The 5G system shall minimize the impact of the presence of mobile base station relays on radio network management (e.g. through automatic neighbour cell list configuration).

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