Use Case Description:
3D shared experience
In this shared 3D use case two friends (Eilean and Bob) are sharing a virtual experience. The experience builds around a crime investigation showing an investigation of two murder suspects and allowing the users to discuss and identify who committed the murder. Both Eileen and Bob are joining from home wearing a VR HMD and being captured via an RGB+depth camera. In VR they experience a 3-dimensional room (6DOF, police station), being represented in 3D and including a self-representation that allows them to point at items in the room and at each other. This representation can be based on the same capture that is made with the RGB+depth camera for communication purposes. Further, in the virtual police station each one of them has a window to follow a different interrogation (windowed 6DOF / 3DOF+), allowing them to collect information to solve the murder together (see Figure A.14-1).
Figure A.14-1: example image of a virtual 3D experience with photo-realistic user representations
(⇒ copy of original 3GPP image) |
Categorization |
Degrees of Freedom:
3DoF+ / 6DOF
Mobile / Laptop
Preconditions |
The above use case results into the following hardware requirements:
Requirements and QoS/QoE Considerations |
The following QoS requirements are considered:
Feasibility |
Demos & Technology overview:
Furthermore to realize this use case it is mapped into the following functional blocks:
Potential Standardization Status and Needs |
The following aspects may require standardization work: