Step 1.
The UE/PEMC1 may detect that PEMC2 is unavailable or failed. In step 1a, the UE/PEMC1 may receive a PIN connectivity notification from PEGC indicating that there is a communication failure with PEMC2. Otherwise, in step 1b, the UE/PEMC1 may detect that PEMC2 is unavailable by using the PIN heartbeat mechanism or if a communication timeout happens with PEMC2.
Step 2.
If UE/PEMC1 has detected that PEMC2 is unavailable or failed in step 1, an authorized administrator on UE/PEMC1 sends a PIN configuration request to the PIN server through the 5G network. The request includes the security credentials of the authorized administrator, the UE ID, the PIN ID, PIN member ID, authorization type indicating the role change (e.g., the request may indicate that PINE-1 be assigned the new PEMC).
Step 3.
If the PIN Server has received a PIN Configuration request in step 2, the PIN server processes the modification request and checks if the authorized administrator is allowed to modify the PIN. The PIN server verifies that PINE-1 has the capability to serve as a PEMC using information in the PIN profile.
Step 4.
If the authorized administrator is allowed to perform PIN modification or if the PIN Server has detected that PEMC2 is unavailable or failed and has determined that PINE-1 can be reassigned as the new PEMC, the PIN server sends a PIN management request to PINE-1 to assign PINE-1 as the new PEMC and provides PIN profile information to PINE-1.
Step 5.
PINE-1 processes the PIN management request indicating the PEMC assignment and a PIN management response to the PIN server indicating if the assignment was successful.
Step 6.
If the PIN management response in step 5 was successful, the PIN server notifies the other members of the PIN that PINE-1 will be the new PEMC for the PIN and updates PIN profile information.
Step 7.
If the PIN Server has received a PIN Configuration request in step 2, the PIN server sends a PIN configuration response to the UE/PEMC1, the response includes the updated PIN profile information if the PEGC assignment was successful; otherwise, the response indicates that the assignment failed.
Step 8.
If the PEGC assignment was successful, the PIN communications resume with PINE-1 serving as the new PEMC.