
Content for  TS 23.542  Word version:  18.4.0

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8.5.7  PIN discoveryp. 52  Generalp. 52

Before the PINE trigger the PINE join into the PIN, the PINE should discover the available PIN.
For a certain PIN element, the PIN should be discovered and the PIN element can decide whether to join in the PIN. There are two situations that the PIN elements can discover the PIN as following:
  • If the PIN elements can have an application layer communication with the PEMC which manages a PIN, the PIN elements can receive the PIN ID, PIN description and the PIN service that a PIN can provide, and decides whether to join the PIN;
  • The PEGC can be set as open access and the PIN element can communicate with PIN server to receive the PIN ID, PIN description and the PIN service that a PIN can provide from PIN server via the PEGC.
Up  Procedurep. 52  Procedures of PIN discovery based on PEMCp. 52
  1. The UE Identifier or PIN client Identifier is available;
  2. The PIN client has been authorized to communicate with the PEMC;
  3. The UE or PIN client has already received the role of PEMC from PIN server;
  4. The PIN element has already had an application layer connection with a PEMC which manages a PIN.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.542, Fig. Procedures of PIN discovery based on PEMC
Step 1.
The PIN client sends the PIN discovery request to PEMC. The PIN discovery request includes the security credentials of the UE or PIN client and may include the UE identifier such as GPSI if available, PIN client ID, UE location, Security credentials, the service that PINE wants to consume.
Step 2.
The PEMC performs an authorization check to verify whether PINE is allowed to perform the operation.
Step 3.
The PEMC sends the PIN discovery response to PIN element including the configuration information of the PIN(s), which are offering the services requested by the PINE in the PIN discovery request. The configuration information includes PIN ID, PIN description (Human-readable description of the PIN, for example, the company name, location or the type of service), services that each PIN can provide and the PEMC IP address.
The PIN client receives the configuration information and decides whether to join in the PIN.
If the PIN element has already had a communication connection with the PEMC, which managements of a PIN, the PIN element can receive the PIN ID, PIN description information and IP address of PEMC and decides whether to join the PIN.
Up  Procedures of PIN discovery with assistance of PIN server via PEGCp. 53
Some of the PIN elements can have the application layer connection with the PEGC, for example, via WiFi or Bluetooth, and the PIN element can have the communication with PIN server to receive the lists of PIN ID and corresponding PIN description information. And the PIN elements can decide whether to join in the PIN.
Figure illustrates PIN server discovery via PEGC based on request/response model.
  1. The PIN elements or PIN client has application layer connection with PEGC;
  2. The UE Identifier or PIN client Identifier is available;
  3. The PEGC has been authorized to communicate with the PIN server;
  4. The PIN element has already had an application layer connection with a PEGC, and the PEGC can route the PIN discovery request to PIN server.
  5. The PINE has already received the PIN server IP address.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.542, Fig. PIN discovery based on PIN server
Step 1.
The PIN client sends the PIN discovery request to PIN server via PEGC. The PEGC routes the PIN discovery request to PIN server. The PIN discovery request includes the security credentials of the UE or PIN client and may include the UE identifier such as GPSI, PIN client ID, UE location, Security credentials, the service that PINE wants to consume.
The PIN client can have the filter information in the PIN discovery request for example, the interesting area, the interesting type of PIN and etc.
Step 2.
Upon receiving the request, the PIN server performs an authorization check to verify whether the PIN client has authorization to perform the operation.
The PIN server can decide the candidate PINs according to the filter information from PIN discovery request and the PIN Profile. The PIN server may determine the PIN which the PIN profile accords with the filter information in PIN discovery request. The candidate PINs can be multiple.
Step 3.
The PIN server sends a successful PIN discovery response to PIN client via PEGC, which includes the configuration information to PIN elements. The configuration includes PIN ID, PIN description (Human-readable description of the PIN, for example, the company name, location or the type of service), services that each PIN can provide and the corresponding PEMC IP address.
Up  Information flowsp. 54  Generalp. 54
The following information flows are specified for PIN discovery:
  • PIN discovery request and response;  PIN discovery requestp. 54
Table describes information elements in the PIN discovery request from the PINE to the PEMC/PIN server.
Information element Status Description
UE identifierMThe identifier of the hosting UE (i.e. GPSI or identity token) of PINE.
Security credentialsMSecurity credentials resulting from a successful authorization for the PIN service.
UE locationOThe location information of the UE. The UE location is described in clause 7.2.7.
Filter informationOSet of characteristics to determine required PIN.
> Requested PIN serviceOIndicate the service that PINE wants to consume in the PIN.
> Service areaOIndicate the service area of a PIN.
Up  PIN discovery responsep. 55
Table describes information elements in the PIN discovery response from the PEMC/PIN server to PINE.
Information element Status Description
Successful responseO
(see NOTE)
Indicates that the PIN discovery request was successful.
> PIN IDsMIdentifier of the candidate PIN.
>> PIN DescriptionOHuman-readable description of the PIN, for example, the company name, location or the type of service.
>> PIN serviceO List of service that a PIN can provide, including the services provided by PINE or the service that can provided by application client on PINE:
> PIN service Provider Identifier
> PIN service type
> PIN service Feature
>> PEMC informationOIncluding the address or identifier of PEMC.
Failure responseO
(see NOTE)
Indicates that the PIN discovery request failed.
> CauseMProvides the cause for PIN discovery request failure.
At least one of the IE shall be present.

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