This clause provides architectural requirements to consider for Spatial anchors service and Spatial map service.
The spatial anchors management service shall provide mechanisms to manage (e.g. create, get, update, delete) , discover and subscribe spatial anchors.
The spatial anchors management service shall provide spatial anchor usage information to the authorized consumers.
The spatial map management service shall provide mechanisms to produce, get, update, delete and subscribe spatial maps.
The spatial map management service shall provide mechanisms to expose spatial map information to the authorized third parties.
The spatial map management service shall allow multiple spatial maps in a given three-dimensional space for different vertical applications and consumer's usage.
The spatial map management service shall be able to interact with other SEAL servers and 5GS to support vertical applications.
The spatial map management service shall provide mechanisms to register, update and deregister spatial map data source and allow discovery of spatial map data source by authorized consumers.
The spatial map management service shall provide mechanisms to register, update and deregister VAL servers with spatial map capabilities and allow discovery of VAL servers with spatial map capabilities by authorized consumers.
The spatial map management service shall provide mechanisms to localize a VAL UE.
The spatial map management service shall provide mechanisms for authorized consumers to augment information associated with a spatial map.