
Content for  TS 23.286  Word version:  18.5.0

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B  Functionalities with SA2 dependencyp. 115

B.1  Service negotiation with underlying 3GPP networkp. 115

B.1.1  Generalp. 115

The following information flows for service negotiation with the 3GPP network are not supported in TS 23.682.

B.1.2  Information flowsp. 115

B.1.2.1  Supporting information requestp. 115

Table B.1.2.1-1 describes the information flow for a VAE server to provide the network with supporting information for service negotitation with the 3GPP network.
Information element Status Description
Supporting InformationOIndicating supporting information by the VAE server to increase the network awareness related to the service. Example of supporting information is planned/expected UE trajectory, which can be provided in the form of waypoints (GPS coordinates) and associated timestamps.

B.1.2.2  Supporting information responsep. 116

Table B.1.2.2-1 describes the information flow for a network to provide a response associated to a supporting information request.
Information element Status Description
ResultMResponse from the network if supporting information is supported by the 3GPP network






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