
Content for  TS 23.286  Word version:  18.5.0

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9.3  Application level location trackingp. 37

9.3.1  Generalp. 37

The VAE capabilities provide support for location tracking of the VAE client(s) as per the geographical information provided by the V2X application specific layer.

9.3.2  Information flowsp. 37  Subscription requestp. 37

Table describes the information flow for a VAE client to subscribe to a geographical area at the VAE server.
Information element Status Description
V2X UE IDMIdentifier of the V2X UE
GEO IDMGeographical area identifier (e.g. URI, tile identifier, geo-fence tile identifier)
Up  Subscription responsep. 37

Table describes the information flow for VAE server to respond for geographical area subscription request from the VAE client.
Information element Status Description
ResultMResult from the VAE server in response to subscription request indicating success or failure
Up  Unsubscription requestp. 37

Table describes the information flow for a VAE client to unsubscribe from a geographical area at the VAE server.
Information element Status Description
V2X UE IDMIdentifier of the V2X UE
GEO IDMGeographical area identifier (e.g. URI, tile identifier, geo-fence tile identifier)
Up  Unsubscription responsep. 38

Table describes the information flow for VAE server to respond for geographical area unsubscription request from the VAE client.
Information element Status Description
ResultMResult from the VAE server in response to unsubscription request

9.3.3  Tracking geographical location at the VAE serverp. 38  Generalp. 38

This subclause describes the procedures for tracking V2X UEs geographical location at the VAE server. The V2X UE provides geographical area information to the VAE server upon moving to a new geographical area. This information is used by the VAE server to create and update the mapping between the geographical location and the identification of the V2X UE.  Procedurep. 38

  1. The VAE client is provisioned with GEO ID information;
  2. The VAE client has registered with the VAE server as described in subclause 9.2.3; and
  3. The VAE client has subscribed to a certain geographical area identifier (GEO ID A) in order to receive V2X messages for this area.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.286, Fig. Procedure for tracking the client geographical area at the VAE server
Step 1.
Upon entering a new geographical area, the client subscribes to the geographic area Geo ID B.
Step 2.
The VAE server sends a subscription response to the VAE client.
Step 3.
The VAE server stores the new geographical area information GEO ID B with the client identification information V2X UE ID.
Step 4.
The client unsubscribes from the old geographical area GEO ID A.
Step 5.
The VAE server sends an unsubscription response to the VAE client.
Step 6.
The VAE server removes the old geographical area information GEO ID A associated with the client identification information V2X UE ID.

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