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9.9  V2X service discoveryp. 52

9.9.1  Generalp. 52

The VAE server provides service information (e.g. available V2X services) to the V2X UE to enable the V2X UE to register and receive V2X services over LTE-Uu. The V2X services are identified by V2X service IDs.

9.9.2  Information flowsp. 53  Get V2X UE service discovery requestp. 53

Table describes the information flow get V2X UE service discovery request from the VAE client to the VAE server and between VAE servers.
Information element Status Description
V2X UE IDMIdentity of the V2X UE requesting the service discovery information
V2X UE location informationOLocation information of the V2X UE
Up  Get V2X UE service discovery responsep. 53

Table describes the information flow get V2X UE service discovery response from the VAE server to the VAE client and between VAE servers.
Information element Status Description
ResultMIndicates the success or failure of getting the service discovery information
V2X UE service discovery informationO (NOTE)The V2X UE service discovery data includes:
  • List of available V2X services identified by V2X service IDs
  • Mapping of the V2X services to V2X application server address as specified in TS 23.285
If the Result information element indicates failure then V2X UE service discovery information element is not included.

9.9.3  V2X UE service discoveryp. 53  Generalp. 53

This subclause describes the procedure for providing V2X service information to the V2X UE via V1-AE reference point for unicast V2X communication over LTE-Uu.  Procedurep. 53

The procedure for V2X UE obtaining the V2X UE service discovery information is illustrated in Figure
  1. The V2X UE has connected to the VAE server.
  2. The VAE server has received information about available V2X services from the V2X application-specific server.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.286, Fig. V2X UE obtains the service discovery information
Step 1.
The VAE client sends a get V2X UE service discovery request to the VAE server for obtaining V2X UE service discovery information.
Step 2.
The VAE server sends get V2X UE service discovery response to the VAE client. This message carries the V2X UE service discovery information.

9.9.4  V2X service discovery across multiple V2X service providers |R17|p. 54  Generalp. 54

This clause describes the procedure for V2X UE (having V2X application subscription with V2X service provider A) obtaining the V2X UE service discovery information (offered by V2X service provider B) while in the service area of V2X service provider B.  Procedurep. 54

The procedure for V2X UE obtaining the V2X UE service discovery across multiple V2X service providers is illustrated in Figure
  1. The V2X UE has connected to the VAE server 1 of V2X service provider A with whom the V2X UE has a V2X application subscription with.
  2. The V2X UE is in the service area of the VAE server 2 operated by V2X service provider B.
  3. The service area and VAE server 2 mapping information of V2X service provider B is available at VAE server 1 of V2X service provider A.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.286, Fig. V2X service discovery across multiple V2X service providers
Step 1.
The VAE client sends a get V2X UE service discovery request to the VAE server 1 for obtaining V2X UE service discovery information with V2X UE ID and current V2X UE location.
Step 2.
The VAE server 1 determines, based on the V2X UE location that the V2X UE is in the service area operated by the VAE server 2 of the V2X service provider B. The VAE server 1 sends the get V2X UE service discovery request to the VAE server 2 to get the V2X application server information for the V2X UE. The V2X UE location is included in the request.
Step 3.
The VAE server 2 determines the local V2X application server information based on UE location, and sends get V2X UE service discovery response to the VAE server 1. This message carries the local V2X application server information.
Step 4.
The VAE server 1 forwards the get V2X UE service discovery response to the VAE client.

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