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9.15  PC5 Provisioning in multi-operator V2X scenarios |R17|p. 72

9.15.1  Generalp. 72

The VAE server provides PC5 provisioning for multi-operator V2X services, based on the requirement received by the V2X application specific server.

9.15.2  Information flowsp. 72  V2X PC5 provisioning requirementp. 72

Table describes the information flow V2X PC5 provisioning requirement from the V2X application specific server to the VAE server.
Information element Status Description
V2X UE IDM (NOTE)Identity of the V2X UE for which V2X application requirement is initiated
V2X group IDM (NOTE)Identity of the V2X group for which the V2X application requirement is initiated
V2X service IDMThe V2X service ID for which application requirement corresponds to
PLMN ID listOThe list of the PLMN identities for the PLMNs which offer the V2X service
V2X application QoS requirementsOThe application QoS requirements (reliability, delay, jitter) for the V2X service
Either of the information element should be present.
Up  PC5 provisioning status requestp. 73

Table describes the information flow PC5 provisioning status request from the VAE server to the VAE client.
Information element Status Description
VAE Server IDMIdentity of the VAE server which is requester of the PC5 parameters status
V2X service IDMThe V2X service ID for which the VAE server's request corresponds to
PC5 provisiong status report configurationOThe configuration of the VAE-client reporting related to the PC5 Policy/Parameters status, and optionally PC5 events like PC5 unavailability, PQI load/congestion info
Up  PC5 provisioning status responsep. 73

Table describes the information flow PC5 provisioning status response from the VAE client to the VAE server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMThe result of the PC5 provisioning status request
PC5 Policy/Parameters status reportMThe report based on the PC5 Policy/Parameters status request. This includes up-to-date policies/parameters:
  • selected PQI attributes for the V2X service
  • PQI load information
  • communication range for the V2X service
  • a RAT /interface (NR-PC5, LTE-PC5) preference
  • an expected RAT availability / unavailability indication
  • an expected V2X-UE moving out of coverage indication
Up  V2X PC5 provisioning requirement notificationp. 74

Table describes the information flow V2X PC5 provisioning requirement notification from the VAE server to the V2X application specific server.
Information element Status Description
ResultMThe result corresponding to the V2X PC5 provisioning requirement

9.15.3  PC5 provisioning for multi-operator V2X servicesp. 74  Generalp. 74

This subclause describes the procedure for PC5 provisioning for multi-operator V2X services.  Procedurep. 74

Figure illustrates the procedure where the VAE server supports the PC5 provisioning for multi-operator V2X services.
  1. The V2X UEs have connected to the V2X application server.
  2. The V2X UEs are authorized by their corresponding PLMNs to use PC5 communication.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.286, Fig. PC5 provisioning for multi-operator V2X services
Step 1.
The V2X application specific server provides a V2X PC5 provisioning requirement to the VAE server.
Step 2.
Optionally, the VAE Server sends a PC5 provisioning status request to the VAE Client (within the multi-operator V2X service) to receive up-to-date information on the per PLMN provisioning policies/ parameters.
Step 3.
Optionally, upon receiving the request as in Step 2, the VAE Client sends a PC5 provisioning status response to VAE server, which includes a report on the up-to-date policies /parameters per PLMN (e.g. application QoS - to - PQI mapping, range, radio parameters) and optionally PC5 related events (PC5 expected link downgrade).
Step 4.
The VAE Server determines the updated PC5 provisioning policies/parameters to be jointly used across the V2X-UEs within the multi-operator V2X service.
Step 5.
The VAE Server provides the PC5 parameter provisioning information to the V2X UE via V1-AE reference point for V2X communication on PC5 as specified in clause 9.6.4.
Step 6.
VAE Server sends a V2X PC5 provisioning requirement notification to the V2X application specific server to inform on the result of the multi-operator PC5 provisioning.

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