
Content for  TS 23.282  Word version:  19.5.0

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A (Normative)  MCData related configuration datap. 281

A.1  Generalp. 281

This Annex provides information about the static data needed for configuration for the MCData service, which belongs to one of the following categories:
  • MCData UE configuration data (see sub-clause A.2);
  • MCData user profile configuration data (see sub-clause A.3);
  • MCData related group configuration data (see sub-clause A.4); and
  • MCData service configuration data (see sub-clause A.5).
For each configuration category, data is split between configuration data that is applicable to both on network and off network, configuration data that is applicable to on-network only, and configuration data that is applicable to off-network only. The configuration data in each configuration category corresponds to a single instance of the category type i.e. the MCData UE, MCData group, MCData user and MCData service configuration data refers to the information that will be stored against each MCData UE, MCData group, MCData user and MCData service. This means that the three separate tables (on-network and off-network, on-network only, off-network only) for each configuration category represent the complete set of data for each configuration data category element.
The columns in the tables have the following meanings:
  • Reference: the reference of the corresponding requirement in TS 22.282 or TS 22.280 or the corresponding subclause from either the present document or the referenced document.
  • Parameter description: A short definition of the semantics of the corresponding item of data, including denotation of the level of the parameter in the configuration hierarchy.
  • When it is not clear to which functional entities the parameter is configured, then one or more columns indicating this are provided where the following nomenclature is used:
    • "Y" to denote "Yes" i.e. the parameter denoted for the row needs to be configured to the functional entity denoted for the column.
    • "N" to denote "No" i.e. the parameter denoted for the row does not need to be configured to the functional entity denoted for the column.
Parameters within a set of configuration data have a level within a hierarchy that pertains only to that configuration data. The hierarchy of the configuration data is common across all three tables of on-network and off-network, on network only and off network only. The level of a parameter within the hierarchy of the configuration data is denoted by use of the character ">" in the parameter description field within each table, one per level. Parameters that are at the top most level within the hierarchy have no ">" character. Parameters that have one or more ">" characters are child parameters of the first parameter above them that has one less ">" character. Parent parameters are parameters that have one or more child parameters. Parent parameters act solely as a "grouping" of their child parameters and therefore do not contain an actual value themselves i.e. they are just containers for their child parameters.
Each parameter that can be configured online shall only be configured through one online reference point. Each parameter that can be configured offline shall only be configured through one offline reference point. The most recent configuration data made available to the MCData UE shall always overwrite previous configuration data, irrespective of whether the configuration data was provided via the online or offline mechanism.

A.2  MCData UE configuration datap. 281

The general aspects of UE configuration are specified in TS 23.280. Data in Table A.2-1 and Table A.2-2 have to be known by the MCData UE after MCData authorization.
Data in Table A.2-1 can be configured offline using the CSC-11 reference point. Table A.2-1 contains the UE configuration required to support the use of off-network MCData service.
Reference Parameter description
Short data service.
[R-5.4.2-002] of TS 22.280> Maximum number of simultaneous SDS transactions (Nc4).
[R-5.4.2-004] of TS 22.280> Requested presentation priority of SDS messages received (see NOTE).
File distribution.
[R-5.4.2-002] of TS 22.280> Maximum number of simultaneous file distribution transactions (Nc4).
Transmission control.
[R-5.4.2-002] of TS 22.280> Maximum number of simultaneous data transmissions (Nc4).
[R-5.4.2-003] of TS 22.280> Maximum number of data transmissions (Nc5) in a group.
Reception control.
[R-5.4.2-002] of TS 22.280> Maximum number of simultaneous data receptions (Nc4).
[R-5.4.2-003] of TS 22.280> Maximum number of data receptions (Nc5) in a group.
Priority of SDS messages includes enhanced status updates, since enhanced status updates utilise the SDS mechanism.
Reference Parameter description
Subclause 5.2.3 of TS 23.280Relay service (Y/N).
Subclause 5.2.3 of TS 23.280List of allowed relayed MCData groups and their relay service code (as specified in TS 23.303) (optional) (see NOTE).
> MCData group ID.
> Relay service code (as specified in TS 23.303).
When the value of the parameter Relay service is N, this parameter and its child parameters are not needed.

A.3  MCData user profile configuration datap. 282

The general aspects of MC service user profile configuration data are specified in TS 23.280. The MCData user profile configuration data is stored in the MCData user database. The MCData server obtains the MCData user profile configuration data from the MCData user database (MCData-2). The recording server obtains the MCData user profile configuration data from the configuration management server (REC-5 in TS 23.280).
Table A.3-1 and Table A.3-2 contain the MCData user profile configuration required to support the use of on-network MCData service. Table A.3-1 and Table A.3-3 contain the MCData user profile configuration required to support the use of off-network MCData service. Data in Table A.3-1 and Table A.3-3 can be configured offline using the CSC-11 reference point.
Reference Parameter description MCData UE Rec. admin UE & Replay UE
(NOTE 8)
MCData Server Configu­ration mana­gement server Rec. server MCData user database
Subclause 8.1.2 of TS 23.280 MCData identity (MCData ID) YYYYYY
3GPP TS 33.180 KMSUri for security domain of MCData ID
(see NOTE 1)
Subclause 5.2.4 of TS 23.280 Pre-selected MCData user profile indication
(see NOTE 2)
Subclause 5.2.4 of TS 23.280 MCData user profile index YYYY
Subclause 5.2.4 of TS 23.280 MCData user profile name YYYY
[R-6.13.4-002] of TS 22.280
User profile status (enabled/disabled) YYYYY
[R-6.9-003] of TS 22.280
Authorised to create and delete aliases of an MCData user and its associated user profiles. YY
[R-6.9-003] of TS 22.280
Alphanumeric aliases of user YYYY
[R-5.9-001] of TS 22.280
Participant type of the user YYYY
[R-5.16.2-002] of TS 22.280
User's Mission Critical Organization (i.e. which organization a user belongs to) YYYYYY
[R-5.2.2-003] and [R-6.6.3-002] of TS 22.280 Authorisation to create a group-broadcast group
(see NOTE 7)
[R-5.2.2-003] and [R-6.6.3-002] of TS 22.280 Authorisation to create a user-broadcast group
(see NOTE 7)
[R-] of TS 22.280 Authorised to activate MCData emergency alert YYYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 Automatically trigger a MCData emergency communication after initiating the MCData emergency alert YYYY
[R-] of TS 22.280
Group used on initiation of an MCData emergency group communication (see NOTE 3)
[R-] of TS 22.280
Recipient for an MCData emergency private communication (see NOTE 3)
3GPP TS 33.180 > KMSUri for security domain of MCData ID (see NOTE 1) YYYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 Authorisation to cancel an MCData emergency alert YYYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 Authorised to activate an MCData ad hoc group emergency alert YYYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 Authorisation to cancel an MCData ad hoc group emergency alert YYYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 Authorised to set up an MCData group communication using the ad hoc group used for the alert YYYY
Authorised to receive the participants information of an MCData ad hoc group emergency alert NYYY
Authorised to modify the list of participants and criteria for an MCData ad hoc group emergency alert YYYY
[R-] of TS 22.282
Individual conversation hang time YYYY
One-to-one communication
[R-] of TS 22.282 and
3GPP TS 33.180
> List of MCData users this MCData user is authorized to initiate a one-to-one communication
>> Discovery Group ID YNYY
>> User info ID (as specified in TS 23.303) YNYY
>> KMSUri for security domain of MCData ID (see NOTE 1) YYYY
[R-6.7.3-007] of TS 22.280 Authorised to make one-to-one communications towards users not included in "list of MCData user(s) this MCData user is authorized to initiate a one-to-one communication" YYYY
File distribution
[R-5.3.2-010] of TS 22.282 and
3GPP TS 33.180
> List of MCData users this MCData user is allowed to cancel distribution of files being sent or waiting to be sent
>> KMSUri for security domain of MCData ID (see NOTE 1) YYYY
Transmission and reception control
[R-] of TS 22.282 > Whether the MCData user is permitted to transmit data YYYY
[R-6.2.3-005] of TS 22.282 > Maximum amount of data that the MCData user can transmit in a single request during one-to-one communication YYYY
[R-6.2.3-005] and
[R-] of TS 22.282
> Maximum amount of time that the MCData user can transmit in a single request during one-to-one communication YYYY
[R-6.2.3-001] of TS 22.282 > List of MCData users this MCData user is allowed to request the release of an ongoing transmission that this MCData user is participating in
[R-5.1.7-002] and
[R-] and
[R-] of TS 22.280
Priority of the user (see NOTE 4) YYY
Lossless communication for private communication YYYY
Store communication in Message Store (see NOTE 5) YYYY
Store private communication in Message Store (see NOTE 6) YYYY
[R-6.15.4-001…010] of TS 22.280 User is a target for recording Y
(NOTE 10)
[R-6.15.4-001…010] of TS 22.280 Recording server address (URI) (NOTE 9) Y
(NOTE 10)
If this parameter is absent, the KMSUri shall be that identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network) configured in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280.
As specified in TS 23.280, for each MCData user's set of MCData user profiles, only one MCData user profile shall be indicated as being the pre-selected MCData user profile.
This parameter is used for the emergency communication and also used as a target of the emergency alert request. At most one of them is configured; i.e. emergency communication will go to either a group or a user. If both are not configured the MCData user's currently selected group will be used.
The use of the parameter is left to implementation.
This is the top-level control parameter to determine whether MCData communications will be stored or not. When this parameter is set; the second level control parameter is used to determine whether a specific MCData communication (private or which group) will be stored and MCData user can request for all or selected of his/her MCData communication shall be stored in the MCData message store or not.
This is the second level control parameter to determine whether a private communication will be stored when the Store communication in Message Store top level control parameter is set.
This parameter applies to temporary broadcast groups built from regrouping mechanism. This authorisation automatically sets the originator of the temporary group as the only transmitting party.
This is the recording admin UE and/or replay UE of a user who is authorized to set this MCData user as target for recording and/or authorized to replay this MCData user's recordings.
If this parameter is absent, the recording server URI shall be that identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network, TS 23.280 Table A.6-1) or in the initial MC recording and replay UE configuration data (on-network, TS 23.280 Table A.10-1).
NOTE 10:
These parameters, when provided to an MCData UE, are relevant only for recording administrators and replay users.
Reference Parameter description MCData UE Rec. admin UE & Replay UE
(NOTE 12)
MCData Server Configu­ration mana­gement server MCData user database
[R-6.7.4-002] of TS 22.280
List of on-network MCData groups for use by an MCData user
> MCData Group ID YYYYY
> Store group communication in Message Store (see NOTE 11) YYYY
> Application plane server identity information of group management server where group is defined
>> Server URI YYYYY
> Application plane server identity information of identity management server which provides authorization for group (see NOTE 1)
>> Server URI YYYYY
3GPP TS 33.180 > KMSUri for security domain of group (see NOTE 2) YYYY
> Presentation priority of the group relative to other groups and users (see NOTE 3) YNYY
> Transmission and reception control
>> Whether MCData user is permitted to transmit data in the group YYYY
>> Maximum amount of data that the MCData user can transmit in a single request during group communication YYYY
>> Maximum amount of time that the MCData user can transmit in a single request during group communication YYYY
Subclause 5.2.5 of TS 23.280 List of groups user implicitly affiliates to after MCData service authorization for the user
> MCData Group ID YYYY
[R-6.4.2-006] of TS 22.280 Authorisation of an MCData user to request a list of which MCData groups a user has affiliated to YYY
[R-] of TS 22.280
Authorisation to change affiliated groups of other specified user(s) YYY
[R-] of TS 22.280
Authorisation to recommend to specified user(s) to affiliate to specific group(s) YYY
[R-6.6.1-004] of TS 22.280 Authorisation to perform regrouping YYYY
[R-6.7.2-001] of TS 22.280 Presence status is available/not available to other users YYYY
[R-6.7.2-002] of TS 22.280
List of MCData users that MCData user is authorised to obtain presence of
[R-] of TS 22.280
Authorisation of a user to cancel an emergency alert on any MCData UE of any user YYY
[R-6.13.4-001] of TS 22.280 Authorisation for an MCData user to enable/disable an MCData user YYY
[R-6.13.4-007] of TS 22.280
Authorisation for an MCData user to (permanently /temporarily) enable/disable a UE YYY
[R-7.14-003] of TS 22.280
Authorization for manual switch to off-network while in on-network YYYY
[R-5.1.5-004] of TS 22.280 Limitation of number of affiliations per user (N2) NYYY
[R-] of TS 22.280
List of MCData users whose selected groups are authorized to be remotely changed
[R-6.7.3-007a] of TS 22.280 and
3GPP TS 33.180
List of MCData users this MCData user is authorized to receive a one-to-one communication
> KMSUri for security domain of MCData ID YYYY
Conversation management
[R-] of TS 22.282 > List of MCData users to be sent message delivered disposition notifications in addition to the message sender NYYY
[R-] of TS 22.282 > List of MCData users to be sent message read disposition notifications in addition to the message sender NYYY
3GPP TS 23.283 Authorised to use LMR E2EE for interworking YYYY
3GPP TS 23.283 > List of supported LMR technology types
3GPP TS 23.283 >> LMR technology type (P25, TETRA etc.) YNYY
3GPP TS 23.283 >> URI of LMR key management functional entity
(see NOTE 4 )
3GPP TS 23.283 >> LMR specific identity (RSI for P25 or ITSI for TETRA)
(see NOTE 5)
3GPP TS 23.283 >> LMR specific security information
(see NOTE 5)
List of servers used in the private and group communications
> MCData content server where the HTTP FD file is uploaded
>> Server URI YYYY
> MCData message store where the communication history stores
>> Server URI YYYY
Subclause 5.2.9 of TS 23.280 List of partner MCData systems in which this profile is valid for use during migration
Subclause 5.2.9 of TS 23.280 > Identity of partner MCData system YYYY
Subclause 10.1.1 of TS 23.280 > Access information for partner MCData system (see NOTE 6) YYY
[R-5.9a-012] of TS 22.280
[R-5.9a-013] of TS 22.280
Authorised to request information query of the association between active functional alias(es) and the MCData ID(s) YYY
[R-] and
[R-] of TS 22.280
List of groups the client affiliates/de-affiliates when criteria is met
> MCData Group ID YYYY
>> Criteria for affiliation
(see NOTE 7)
>> Criteria for de-affiliation
(see NOTE 7)
>> Manual de-affiliation is not allowed if criteria for affiliation are met YYYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 List of groups the client affiliates after receiving an emergency alert
> MCData Group ID YYYY
>> Manual de-affiliation is not allowed if criteria for affiliation are met YYYY
List of functional alias(es) of the MCData user
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280 > Functional alias YYYY
[R-5.9a-018] of TS 22.280 >> Trigger criteria for activation by the MCData server (see NOTE 8) NYYY
[R-5.9a-018] of TS 22.280
>> Trigger criteria for de-activation by the MCData server (see NOTE 8) NYYY
[R-5.9a-019] of TS 22.280 >> Trigger criteria for activation by the MCData client (see NOTE 8) YYYY
[R-5.9a-019] of TS 22.280 >> Trigger criteria for de-activation by the MCData client (see NOTE 8) YYYY
>> Manual de-activation is not allowed if the criteria are met (see NOTE 8) YYYY
[R-5.9a-012] of TS 22.280 Authorised to take over a functional alias from another MCData user YYY
Authorised to participate in an IP connectivity session YYYY
[R-5.5.2-004] TS 22.282
>List of MCData users which can be included in IP connectivity sessions
3GPP TS 33.180 >> KMSUri for security domain of the MCData ID YYYY
>>List of associated data host IP information
>>>IP information (see NOTE 9) YYYY
[R-5.5.2-003] TS 22.282 Authorised to initiate remote point-to-point IP connectivity sessions NYYY
>List of MCData users which can be addressed in a remote initiated IP connectivity session
[R-5.5.2-003] TS 22.282 Authorised to tear down point-to-point IP connectivity sessions NYYY
>List of MCData users which can be addressed in a remote initiated IP connectivity session tear down
[R-5.5.2-006] 3GPP TS 22.282 Authorised to request remotely application priority modification of established point-to-point IP connectivity sessions
>List of MCData users which can be addressed remotely to change the application priority of established IP connectivity sessions YYYY
[R-5.10-001b] TS 22.280 Maximum number of successful simultaneous MCData service authorizations for this user
(see NOTE 10)
ad hoc group data communication authorizations
[R-] of TS 22.280 > Authorised to initiate ad hoc group data communication YYYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 > Authorised to participate in ad hoc group data communication YYYY
> Authorised to initiate emergency ad hoc group data communication YYYY
> Authorised to initiate imminent peril ad hoc group data communication YYYY
> Authorised to receive the participants information of an ad hoc group data communication NYYY
> Authorised to modify the list of participants and criteria for an ad hoc group data communication YYYY
> Authorised to release ongoing ad hoc group data communications YYYY
If this parameter is not configured, authorization to use the group shall be obtained from the identity management server identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network) configured in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280.
If this parameter is absent, the KMSUri shall be that identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network) configured in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280.
The use of this parameter by the MCData UE is outside the scope of the present document.
The LMR key management functional entity is part of the LMR system and is outside the scope of the present document.
This is an LMR specific parameter with no meaning within MC services.
Access information for each partner MCData system comprises the list of information required for initial UE configuration to access an MCData system, as defined in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280.
The criteria may consist conditions such as the location of the MCData user or the active functional alias of the MCData user.
The criteria may consist of conditions such as MCData user location or time.
IP information may contain IP addresses, corresponding subnet masks, gateway and DNS settings.
NOTE 10:
If configured, this value has precedence over the system level parameter "maximum number of successful simultaneous service authorisations" in Table A.5-2. If not configured, the corresponding parameter from Table A.5-2 shall be used.
NOTE 11:
This is the second level control parameter to determine whether this group communication will be stored in the MCData message store when the Store communication in Message Store top level control parameter is set.
NOTE 12:
This is the recording admin UE and/or replay UE of a user who is authorized to set this MCData user as target for recording and/or authorized to replay this MCData user's recordings.
Reference Parameter description MCData UE MCData Server Configuration management server MCData user database
[R-7.6-004] of TS 22.280
List of off-network MCData groups for use by this MCData user
> MCData Group ID YNYY
> Store group communication in Message Store (see NOTE 4) YNYY
> Application plane server identity information of group management server where group is defined
>> Server URI YNYY
> Application plane server identity information of identity management server which provides authorization for group (see NOTE 1)
>> Server URI YNYY
3GPP TS 33.180 > KMSUri for security domain of group (see NOTE 2) YNYY
> Presentation priority of the group relative to other groups and users (see NOTE 3) YNYY
[R-7.12-003] of TS 22.280
Authorization for off-network services YNYY
Subclause 7.16.1 User info ID (as specified in TS 23.303) YNYY
If this parameter is not configured, authorization to use the group shall be obtained from the identity management server identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network) configured in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280.
If this parameter is absent, the KMSUri shall be that identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network) configured in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280.
The use of this parameter by the MCData UE is outside the scope of the present document.
This is the second level control parameter to determine whether this group communication will be stored in the MCData message store when the Store communication in Message Store top level control parameter is set.

A.4  MCData related Group configuration datap. 292

The general aspects of group configuration are specified in TS 23.280.
Parameters specified in Table A.4-1 are child parameters of the "MCData configuration" parameter specified in Table A.4-1 in TS 23.280. Parameters specified in Table A.4-2 are child parameters of the "MCData configuration" parameter specified in Table A.4-2 in TS 23.280. Parameters specified in Table A.4-3 are child parameters of the "MCData configuration" parameter specified in Table A.4-3 in TS 23.280.
Reference Parameter description MCData UE MCData Server Group management server
[R-5.12-001] of TS 22.280 >> Media confidentiality and integrity protection (see NOTE) YYY
[R-5.12-001] of TS 22.280 >> Transmission control confidentiality and integrity protection (see NOTE) YYY
[R-5.12-001] of TS 22.280 >> Group media protection security material (see NOTE) YNY
Subclause 5 >> MCData sub-services and features enabled for the group
>>> Short data service enabled YYY
>>> File distribution enabled YYY
>>> IP connectivity enabled YYY
>>> Conversation management enabled YYY
>>> Transmission control enabled YYY
>>> Reception control enabled YYY
>>> Enhanced status enabled YYY
>> Enhanced status
[R-] of TS 22.282 >>> List of operational status values YNY
[R-] of TS 22.282 >> Lossless communication YYY
[R-] of TS 22.282 >> Conversation hang time YYY
Security mechanisms are specified in TS 33.180.
Reference Parameter description MCData UE MCData Server Group management server
[R-6.4.5-003] of TS 22.280
>> Authorisation of a user to request a list of affiliated members of a group YYY
[R-] of TS 22.280
>> Priority of the group NYY
Subclause 6.2.2 of TS 22.282 >> Transmission and reception control
>>> Maximum data size for SDS YYY
>>> Maximum data size for FD YYY
>>> Maximum data size for auto-receive NYY
3GPP TS 23.283 >> Indication whether use of LMR E2EE is permitted on the MCData group YNY
3GPP TS 23.283 >> LMR specific identity for MCData group (see NOTE 1) YNY
3GPP TS 23.283 >> Group to key binding (see NOTE 1) YNY
[R-] of TS 22.282, [R-5.2.1-001] of TS 22.280 >> List of group members which are allowed to transmit data (see NOTE 2)
>>> MCData ID YYY
Security mechanisms are specified in TS 33.180.
This parameter sets the authorization to transmit data in pre-arranged groups used in broadcast calls.
Reference Parameter description MCData UE MCData Server Group management server
Subclause 10.10 of TS 23.280 >> Default ProSe Per-Packet priority (as specified in TS 23.303) values
>>> MCData group call signalling YNY
>>> MCData group call media YNY

A.5  MCData service configuration datap. 294

The general aspects of MC service configuration are specified in TS 23.280. The MCData service configuration data is stored in the MCData server.
Table A.5-1 and Table A.5-2 describe the configuration data required to support the use of on-network MCData service. Table A.5-1 and Table A.5-3 describe the configuration data required to support the use of off-network MCData service. Data in Table A.5-1 and Table A.5-3 can be configured offline using the CSC-11 reference point.
Reference Parameter description MCData UE MCData Server Configuration management server
Reference Parameter description MCData UE MCData Server Configuration management server
Subclause 6.2.2 of TS 22.282Transmission and reception control
> Maximum data size for SDSYYY
> Maximum payload data size for SDS over signalling control plane (see NOTE 1)YYY
> Maximum data size for FDYYY
[R-] of TS 22.282
> Time limit for the temporarily stored data waiting to be delivered to a receiving userNYY
[R-] of TS 22.282> Timer for periodic announcement with the list of available recently invited data group communicationsNYY
> Maximum data size for auto-receiveNYY
List of functional alias identities
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280> Functional aliasNYY
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280 >> Limit number of simultaneous activationsNYY
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280>> This functional alias can be taken overNYY
>> List of users who can activate this functional alias
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280>>> MCData IDNYY
[R-5.9a-016] of TS 22.280>> Communication priority (see NOTE 2)NYY
[R-5.10-001a] of TS 22.280Maximum number of successful simultaneous service authorizations of clients from a userNYY
MCData notification server
> Server URI(s)YYY
Ad hoc group data communication configurations
[R-] of TS 22.280> Support of ad hoc group data communication (enabled/disabled) (see NOTE 3)YYY
[R-] of TS 22.280> Maximum number of participants allowed to participate in an ad hoc group data communicationYYY
[R-] of TS 22.280> Hang timer for ad hoc group data communicationNYY
> Maximum duration for ad hoc group data communicationYYY
> List of preferred media codecs for ad hoc group data communicationYYY
The maximum payload data size for SDS over signalling control plane shall be less than or equal to the maximum data size for SDS.
The usage of this parameter by the MCData server is up to implementation.
If the support for ad hoc group data communication is disabled by the MC system then all other configurations related to ad hoc group data communication are not applicable.
Reference Parameter description MCData UE MCData Server Configuration management server
Subclause 10.10 of TS 23.280 Default ProSe Per-Packet priority (as specified in TS 23.303) values
> MCData one-to-one call signalling YNY
> MCData one-to-one call media YNY

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