
Content for  TS 23.282  Word version:  19.5.0

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7.13.4  Generic outgoing SDS procedure with MCData message storep. 203  Generalp. 203

When a MCData user is supported with MCData message store all his outgoing communications shall be stored in his account in the MCData message store when he has requested. This generic SDS procedure applies to all procedures in subclause 7.4.2 when the MCData user requests to store the MCData communication.  Procedurep. 203

The procedure in Figure describes the generic SDS service where MCData message store is supported.
  1. MCData user has an account created with MCData message store.
  2. The configuration to store the MCData communication in MCData message store is enabled for the MCData user.
  3. MCData user has requested to store his MCData communication.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.282, Fig. Generic outgoing SDS procedure with MCData message store
Step 1.
MCData client initiates an MCData SDS service request; this service request can be a private or group communication.
Step 2.
MCData server checks and authorizes the service request and if authorized stores the communication as an object to the MCData user account in the MCData message store.
Step 3.
MCData server continues the service request toward the targeted recipient(s) as described in subclause 7.4.2.

7.13.5  Generic incoming SDS procedure with MCData message storep. 204  Generalp. 204

When a MCData user is supported with MCData message store all his incoming communications shall be stored in his account in the MCData message store when he has requested. This generic SDS procedure applies to all procedures in subclause 7.4.2 when the MCData user requests to store the MCData communication.  Procedurep. 204

The procedure in Figure describes the generic SDS service where MCData message store is supported.
  1. MCData user has an account created with MCData message store.
  2. The configuration to store the MCData communication in MCData message store is enabled for the MCData user.
  3. MCData user has requested to store his MCData communication.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.282, Fig. Generic incoming SDS procedure with MCData message store
Step 1.
The MCData server receives an incoming MCData SDS service request for the MCData user. This service request can be a response to an earlier service request sent by the MCData user or a new service request coming from any sender.
Step 2.
MCData server checks and authorizes the service request and if authorized stores the communication as an object to the MCData user account in the MCData message store.
Step 3.
MCData server delivers the service request to MCData user as described in subclause 7.4.2.

7.13.6  Interconnection and migration with MCData message storep. 205  Interconnectionp. 205

There is no interconnection of MCData message stores, as there are no defined reference points providing connection between message stores in different MCData systems.  Migrationp. 205

A migrated MCData user may be provided with access to a local message store by the partner MCData system of the migrated MCData user. The MCData user is identified by the MCData ID used in the partner MCData system by that migrated MCData user in order to access the message store. There is no connection between this message store in the partner MCData system of the migrated MCData user and any message store that the MCData user has access to in the primary MCData system of that MCData user, and therefore access to a message store in the partner MCData system does not provide a means of accessing stored content in the primary MCData system of the migrated MCData user.
A migrated MCData user may be provided with a means of access to the message store in the primary MCData system of that MCData user, e.g. by providing the MCData user with a suitable APN and appropriate IP routing, or by use of the MCData IP connectivity service. Such access is outside the scope of the present document.

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