
Content for  TS 23.282  Word version:  19.5.0

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7.17.4  Ad hoc group short data service data communication proceduresp. 259  Generalp. 259

This subclause contains procedures for ad hoc group short data service data communication across a single MCData system, and uses the common procedures defined in the subclause 7.17.3 in conjuction with the procedures defined in this subclause. Other common procedures specified in the clause7.17.3 are used at any time after Ad hoc group short data service data communication establishment based on the need of it. These procedures are applicable for Group standalone short data service using media plane and Group short data service session as specified in the subclause and subclause respectively.
Up  Information flows for short data service specificp. 259

Table describes the information elements that are specific to short data service and are used along with the common information flows defined in the subclause 7.17.2 for the Ad hoc group short data service data communication. These information elements are included when an Ad hoc group data session request sent from the MCData client to the MCData server, between the MCData servers, and from the MCData server to the MCData client.
Information element Status Description
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation.
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction.
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to.
Transaction typeMSession based transactions.
Disposition TypeOIndicates the disposition type expected from the receiver (i.e., delivered or read or both).
Payload Destination TypeMIndicates whether the SDS payload is for application consumption or MCData user consumption.
Application identifier (see NOTE 1)OIdentifies the application for which the payload is intended (e.g. text string, port address, URI).
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient.
The application identifier shall be included only if the payload destination type indicates that the SDS message is for application consumption.
Up  Ad hoc group short data service data communication procedures in single MCData systemp. 260  Generalp. 260
The initiation of Ad hoc group SDS session results in ad hoc group participants exchanging SDS data.  Procedurep. 260
The procedure in Figure describes the case where an MCData user is initiating SDS data communication session with an MCData ad hoc group for exchanging SDS data transactions between the ad hoc group participants, with or without disposition request.
  1. As defined in the subclause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.282, Fig. Ad hoc group SDS data communication session
Step 1.
User at MCData client 1 initiate an ad hoc group data communication as specified in the subclause
Step 2.
MCData client 1 and the ad hoc group data session request accepted clients have successfully established media plane for data communication and either MCData client can transmit SDS data. The MCData data request may contain disposition request if indicated by the client sending data. If the payload is for MCData user consumption (e.g. is not application data, is not command instructions, etc.) then the SDS data receiving MCData users may be notified, otherwise those MCData users shall not be notified.
Step 3.
If MCData data disposition was requested by the user, then the SDS data receiving MCData client initiates a MCData data disposition notification for delivery, read reports to the disposition requesting user. The MCData data disposition notification from the receiving MCData clients may be stored by the MCData server for disposition history interrogation from authorized users.
Step 4.
Based on the MCData user action or conditions to release, the established media plane for SDS data exchange is released as specified in the subclause
Up  Ad hoc group short data service data communication procedures involving multiple MC systemsp. 261  Generalp. 261
The initiation of Ad hoc group SDS session results in ad hoc group participants exchanging SDS data.  Procedurep. 261
The procedure in Figure describes the case where an MCData user is initiating SDS data communication session with an MCData ad hoc group for exchanging SDS data transactions between the ad hoc group participants, with or without disposition request.
  1. As defined in the Common Ad hoc group data communication procedures of subclause or subclause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.282, Fig. Ad hoc group SDS data communication session
Step 1.
User at MCData client 1 initiate an ad hoc group data communication as specified in the subclause or subclause
Step 2.
MCData client 1 and the ad hoc group data session request accepted clients have successfully established media plane for data communication and either MCData client can transmit SDS data. The MCData data request may contain disposition request if indicated by the client sending data. If the payload is for MCData user consumption (e.g. is not application data, is not command instructions, etc.) then the SDS data receiving MCData users may be notified, otherwise those MCData users shall not be notified.
Step 3.
If MCData data disposition was requested by the user, then the SDS data receiving MCData client initiates a MCData data disposition notification for delivery, read reports to the disposition requesting user. The MCData data disposition notification from the receiving MCData clients may be stored by the MCData server for disposition history interrogation from authorized users.
Step 4.
Based on the MCData user action or conditions to release, the established media plane for SDS data exchange is released as specified in the subclause or subclause

7.17.5  Ad hoc group file distribution communication proceduresp. 262  Generalp. 262

This subclause contains procedures for ad hoc group file distribution communication across a single MCData system, and uses the common procedures defined in the subclause 7.17.3 in conjuction with the procedures defined in this subclause. Other common procedures specified in the clause 7.17.3 are used at any time after Ad hoc group file distribution communication establishment based on the need of it.
Up  Information flows for file distribution specificp. 262

Table describes the information elements that are specific to file distribution and are used along with the common information flows defined in the subclause 7.17.2 for the Ad hoc group short data service data communication. These information elements are included when an Ad hoc group data session request sent from the MCData client to the MCData server, between the MCData servers, and from the MCData server to the MCData client.
Information element Status Description
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation.
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction.
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to.
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not.
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download (i.e. auto accept this media plane setup request).
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient.
Up  Ad hoc group file distribution communication procedures in single MCData systemp. 262  Generalp. 262
The initiation of Ad hoc group standalone FD using media plane results in ad hoc group participants exchanging SDS data.  Procedurep. 262
The procedure in Figure describes the case where an MCData user is initiating ad hoc group standalone data communication for sending file to multiple MCData users, with or without download completed report request.
  1. As defined in the Common Ad hoc group data communication procedures of subclause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.282, Fig. Ad hoc group SDS data communication session
Step 1.
User at MCData client 1 initiate an ad hoc group data communication as specified in the subclause
Step 2.
MCData client 1 and MCData server have successfully established media plane for file transmission and the MCData client 1 transmits the file data. MCData server distributes the file received from MCData client 1 to MCData clients 2 to n over the established media plane. Distribution of file can be via unicast or via MBMS bearer(s).
Step 3.
The dispositions notifications are handled as specified in the subclause
Step 4.
Based on the MCData user action or conditions to release, the established media plane for FD communication is released as specified in the subclause
Up  Ad hoc group file distribution communication procedures involving multiple MC systemsp. 263  Generalp. 263
The initiation of Ad hoc group standalone FD using media plane results in ad hoc group participants exchanging FD data.  Procedurep. 263
The procedure in Figure describes the case where an MCData user is initiating ad hoc group standalone data communication for sending file to multiple MCData users, with or without download completed report request.
  1. As defined in the Common Ad hoc group data communication procedures of subclause or subclause
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.282, Fig. Ad hoc group FD data communication session
Step 1.
User at MCData client 1 initiate an ad hoc group data communication as specified in the subclause or subclause
Step 2.
MCData client 1 and MCData server have successfully established media plane for file transmission and the MCData client 1 transmits the file data. MCData server distributes the file received from MCData client 1 to MCData clients 2 to n over the established media plane. Distribution of file can be via unicast or via MBMS bearer(s).
Step 3.
The dispositions notifications are handled as specified in the subclause
Step 4.
Based on the MCData user action or conditions to release, the established media plane for FD communication is released as specified in the subclause or subclause

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