
Content for  TS 23.282  Word version:  19.5.0

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7.5.3  File distribution for off-network |R15|p. 138  General |R17|p. 138

Off-network file distribution communications are based on ProSe capabilities as described in clause 7.16.  Information flows for file distributionp. 138  MCData FD request (using media plane)p. 138
Table describes the information flow for the MCData FD request sent from the MCData client to another MCData client.
Information element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the file.
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user receiving the file.
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation.
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction.
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to.
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not.
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download. (i.e. auto accept this media plane setup request).
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient.
SDP offer (see NOTE)MMedia parameters offered.
Includes file metadata.
Up  MCData FD response (using media plane)p. 139
Table describes the information flow for the MCData FD response sent from the MCData client to another MCData client.
Information element Status Description
Conversation IdentifierM
SDP answerM
Acceptance confirmationM
Up  MCData download completed reportp. 139
Table describes the information flow for the MCData download completed report sent from the MCData client to another MCData client.
Information element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending FD request.
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending response.
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation.
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction.
Disposition associationMIdentifies the original MCData transaction.
Disposition confirmationMAn indication that the client has completed downloading file.
Up  MCData group standalone FD request (using media plane)p. 139
Table describes the information flow for the MCData group standalone FD request sent from the MCData client to another MCData client.
Information element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending the file.
MCData group IDMThe MCData group ID to which the data is to be sent.
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation.
Transaction IdentifierMIdentifies the MCData transaction.
Reply IdentifierOIdentifies the original MCData transaction to which the current transaction is a reply to.
Disposition indicationOIndicates whether file download completed report is expected or not.
Download indicationOIndicates mandatory download. (i.e. auto accept this media plane setup request).
Application metadata containerOImplementation specific information that is communicated to the recipient.
SDP offer (see NOTE)MMedia parameters offered.
Includes file metadata.
Up  MCData group standalone FD response (using media plane)p. 140
Table describes the information flow for the MCData group standalone FD response sent from the MCData client to another MCData client.
Information element Status Description
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending FD request.
MCData group IDMThe MCData group ID to which the file is to be sent.
MCData IDMThe identity of the MCData user sending response.
Conversation IdentifierMIdentifies the conversation.
SDP answerMMedia parameters selected.
Acceptance confirmationMAn indication whether the client has positively accepted the request.
Up  One-to-one standalone file distribution using media planep. 140  Generalp. 140
The MCData client uses media plane for a standalone FD download from another MCData client in off-network.  Procedurep. 140
Figure describes procedures for an off-network MCData client 1 initiating one-to-one MCData data communication for sending standalone FD data to other MCData client, with or without download completed report request.
  1. MCData user 1 has initiated communication for sending standalone FD data to other MCData user 2.
  2. MCData client 1 and MCData client 2 are members of the same ProSe Discovery group and are ProSe 1:1 direct communication capable.
  3. MCData client 1 has discovered MCData client 2 in proximity, associated with MCData user 2, using ProSe Discovery procedures.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.282, Fig. One-to-one standalone file distribution using media plane
Step 1.
MCData client 1 sends a MCData FD request towards the MCData client 2. File metadata information is included in the SDP. The MCData FD request contains one MCData user for one-to-one data communication as selected by the user at MCData client 1. The MCData FD request contains conversation identifier for message thread indication. The MCData FD request may include additional implementation specific information in the application metadata container. MCData FD request may contain mandatory download indication. The MCData FD request may contain download completed report indication if selected by the user at MCData client 1.
Step 2.
On receiving a MCData FD request, the MCData client 2 checks whether any policy is to be asserted to limit certain types of message or content to certain members, for example, due to location or user privilege.
Step 3.
The receiving MCData client 2 notifies the user about the incoming MCData FD request which may be either accepted or rejected or ignored. MCData user may not be sought consent if the request includes mandatory download indication in the MCData FD request and instead only notify the MCData user about file downloading.
Step 4.
If the target MCData user 2 provides a response (accept or reject) to the notification, then the MCData client 2 sends the MCData FD response to the MCData client 1. MCData client 2 automatically sends accepted MCData FD response when the incoming request included mandatory download indication.
Step 5.
MCData client 1 distributes the file over the established media plane to MCData client 2.
Step 6.
The MCData client 2 records file download completed and notifies MCData user 2. MCData client 2 initiates a MCData download completed report for reporting file download completed, if requested by the user at MCData client 1.
Up  Group standalone file distribution using media planep. 141  Generalp. 141
The initiation of a group standalone FD to a selected group results in off-network MCData group members receiving the file data.  Procedurep. 141
Figure describes procedures for an off-network MCData client 1 initiating group MCData data communication for sending FD data to a MCData group, with or without download completed report request.
  1. MCData user 1 has initiated group communication for sending FD data to the MCData group.
  2. Information for ProSe direct communications corresponding to the MCData group and its mapping to ProSe Layer-2 Group ID are pre-configured in MCData client 1.
  3. MCData client 1 to MCData client N are members of the same MCData group.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.282, Fig. Group standalone file distribution using media plane
Step 1.
MCData client 1 sends a MCData FD request towards the MCData group. File metadata information is included in the SDP. The MCData group standalone data request contains MCData group ID as selected by the user at MCData client 1. The MCData group standalone FD request contains conversation identifier for message thread indication. The MCData group standalone FD request may include additional implementation specific information in the application metadata container. MCData group standalone FD request may contain mandatory download indication. The MCData group standalone FD request may contain download completed report indication if selected by the user at MCData client 1.
Step 2.
On receiving a MCData FD request, the MCData clients check whether any policy is to be asserted to limit certain types of message or content to certain members, for example, due to location or user privilege.
Step 3.
If the policy assertion is positive, the receiving MCData clients 2 to n notifies the user about the incoming MCData group standalone FD request which may be either accepted or rejected or ignored. MCData user may not be sought consent if the request includes mandatory download indication in the MCData group standalone FD request and instead only notify the MCData user about file downloading.
Step 4.
If the target MCData user on MCData clients 2 to n provides a response (accept or reject) to the notification, then the respective MCData client sends the MCData group standalone FD response to the MCData client 1. MCData client 2 to n automatically sends accepted MCData group standalone FD response when the incoming request included mandatory download indication.
Step 5.
MCData client 1 and MCData client 2 to n have successfully established media plane for file transmission and the MCData client 1 transmits the file data.
Step 6.
The MCData client 2 to n successfully receiving the file, records file download completed and notifies MCData users.
Step 7.
MCData client 2 to n initiate a MCData download completed report for reporting file download completed, if requested by the user at MCData client 1.

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