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P.8  3GPP HNB Procedures - CS Supportp. 237

P.8.1  S9a CS Session Establishmentp. 237

Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.203, Fig. P.8.1-1: S9a CS Session Establishment
Figure P.8.1-1: S9a CS Session Establishment
(⇒ copy of original 3GPP image)
This procedure is applicable to HNB for QoS enforcement for CS services.
  1. S15 session establishment procedure is performed, which can be referred to step 4-5, clause 9.4.1 of TS 23.139.
  2. The (v-)PCRF initiates Gateway Control Session Establishment procedure with BPCF. The description of this step is the same as steps (A) in clause P.7.2.1.

P.8.2  PCRF initiated S9a CS Session Modificationp. 238

Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.203, Fig. P.8.2-1: PCRF initiated S9a CS Session Modification
This procedure is performed when the first UE or a subsequent UE connected to a HNB requesting a CS call.
  1. The HNB GW sends the S15 session modification message to the PCRF, which can be referred to clause 9.4.2 of TS 23.139, step3.
  2. The PCRF (V-PCRF) initiates the Gateway Control and QoS Rules Provisioning procedure to the BPCF as described in step from A.1 to A.2 in clause P.7.4.2.
  3. The remaining steps are the same as for clause 9.4.2 of TS 23.139, steps 5-7.

P.8.2A  BPCF initiated S9a CS Session Modificationp. 239

Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.203, Fig. P.8.2A-1: BPCF initiated S9a CS Session Modification
  1. This step shows PCC signalling to report QoS Rule failure to (v)PCRF for the CS traffic.
    The BPCF initiates Gateway Control and QoS Rule Request to report QoS Rule failure to (v)PCRF. The request includes a report identifying the QoS Rules that failed and a reason. The (v)PCRF acknowledges the request.
  2. The (v)PCRF sends the S15 session modification request message to the HNB GW. The (v)PCRF includes the report identifying the QoS Rules that failed and a reason derived from the BPCF. The BPCF response the S15 session modification to the (v)PCRF, which is according to TS 23.139.

P.8.3  S9a CS Session Terminationp. 239

Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.203, Fig. P.8.3-1: S9a CS Session Termination
Figure P.8.3-1: S9a CS Session Termination
(⇒ copy of original 3GPP image)
  1. The HNB GW sends a S15 session termination request to the to (v-)PCRF and then the (v-)PCRF acknowledges the request. This can be referred to clause 9.4.3 of TS 23.139, step 2.
  2. The PCRF (V-PCRF) initiated the GW control session termination as defined in steps 2 and 3 in clause P.7.3.2.

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