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RFC 5324

MIB for Fibre-Channel Security Protocols (FC-SP)

Pages: 216
Proposed Standard
Part 3 of 7 – Pages 64 to 83
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Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 64   prevText

6.4. The T11-FC-SP-POLICY-MIB Module

--******************************************************************* -- FC-SP Policy -- T11-FC-SP-POLICY-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, mib-2, Counter32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578] RowStatus, StorageType, TimeStamp, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579] MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- [RFC2580] SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB -- [RFC3411] InetAddress, InetPortNumber, InetAddressType FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- [RFC4001] fcmInstanceIndex, FcNameIdOrZero, FcDomainIdOrZero FROM FC-MGMT-MIB -- [RFC4044] T11NsGs4RejectReasonCode FROM T11-FC-NAME-SERVER-MIB -- [RFC4438] T11FabricIndex FROM T11-TC-MIB -- [RFC4439] T11FcSpAlphaNumName, T11FcSpAlphaNumNameOrAbsent, T11FcSpPolicyName, T11FcSpPolicyNameType, T11FcSpPolicyObjectType, T11FcSpPolicyHashFormat, T11FcSpPolicyHashValue, T11FcSpHashCalculationStatus FROM T11-FC-SP-TC-MIB; t11FcSpPolicyMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200808200000Z" ORGANIZATION "This MIB module was developed through the coordinated effort of two organizations: T11 began the development and the IETF (in the IMSS Working Group) finished it." CONTACT-INFO " Claudio DeSanti Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 USA EMail:
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 65
                  Keith McCloghrie
                  Cisco Systems, Inc.
                  170 West Tasman Drive
                  San Jose, CA 95134 USA
           "This MIB module specifies the management information
           required to manage Fabric Policies as defined by Fibre
           Channel's FC-SP specification.

           FC-SP uses the term 'Policy Objects', sometimes abbreviated
           to just 'Objects', to refer to containers used to hold the
           data by which Fabric Policies are specified/stored.  This
           obviously has the potential to cause confusion between
           'Policy Objects' and 'MIB objects'.  The DESCRIPTIONs in
           this MIB module attempt to avoid such confusion by the use
           of different adjectives and capitalization, even though such
           mechanisms are less effective when used in descriptors.

           Some types of Policy Objects contain multiple items of
           information, each of which are held in the same format
           within the Policy Object.  In such cases, FC-SP uses the
           term 'Entry' to describe each instance of the common format.
           For example, FC-SP defines an Attribute Policy Object as
           containing one or more 'Attribute Entries'.  Again, this MIB
           module attempts to avoid confusion by the use of adjectives
           and capitalization to distinguish an Entry within a Policy
           Object from an entry within a MIB table.

           A Fabric's database of Policy Objects consists of a set of
           active Objects that are to be enforced by that Fabric, as
           well as non-active Objects that are not enforced.
           Operations defined (in FC-SP) for Policy Management are:

            - Add/Get/Remove operations on individual non-active
              Policy Objects,
            - Activate/Deactivate operations on a Policy Summary
              Object, and
            - Get operations on the active Policy Summary Object
              and/or on individual active Policy Objects.

           This MIB module has five parts:

            1) Active Policy Objects - read-only MIB objects
               representing the set of active Policy Objects for
               each Fabric,

            2) Activate/Deactivate Operations
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 66
               - a read-write MIB object to invoke an Activate
                 operation of the policies specified via a non-active
                 Policy Summary Object, and
               - a read-write MIB object to invoke a Deactivate

            3) Non-active Policy Objects
               - read-create MIB objects to allow the creation of
                 non-active Policy Summary Objects (which reference
                 non-active Policy Objects), and
               - read-create MIB objects representing non-active
                 Policy Objects.

            4) Statistics

            5) Control information and Notifications

           Copyright (C) The IETF Trust (2008).  This version
           of this MIB module is part of RFC 5324;  see the RFC
           itself for full legal notices."
    REVISION  "200808200000Z"
           "Initial version of this MIB module, published as RFC 5324."
    ::= { mib-2 178 }

t11FcSpPoMIBNotifications  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { t11FcSpPolicyMIB 0 }
t11FcSpPoMIBObjects        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { t11FcSpPolicyMIB 1 }
t11FcSpPoMIBConformance    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { t11FcSpPolicyMIB 2 }
t11FcSpPoActive         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { t11FcSpPoMIBObjects 1 }
t11FcSpPoOperations     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { t11FcSpPoMIBObjects 2 }
t11FcSpPoNonActive      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { t11FcSpPoMIBObjects 3 }
t11FcSpPoStatistics     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { t11FcSpPoMIBObjects 4 }
t11FcSpPoControl        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { t11FcSpPoMIBObjects 5 }

--  Part 1 - Active Policy Objects

    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table containing top-level information about active
           FC-SP policies on various Fabrics."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoActive 1 }

Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 67
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about active FC-SP policies
           for a particular Fabric, managed as part of the Fibre
           Channel management instance identified by fcmInstanceIndex."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoFabricIndex           T11FabricIndex,
    t11FcSpPoPolicySummaryObjName  T11FcSpAlphaNumName,
    t11FcSpPoAdminFabricName       FcNameIdOrZero,
    t11FcSpPoActivatedTimeStamp    TimeStamp

t11FcSpPoFabricIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FabricIndex
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "An index value that uniquely identifies a particular
    ::= { t11FcSpPoEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoPolicySummaryObjName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpAlphaNumName
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The name of this Fabric's (active) Policy Summary Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section 7.1.3 and table 104."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoAdminFabricName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       FcNameIdOrZero (SIZE (8))
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The administratively-specified name for this Fabric, as
           specified in the active Switch Membership List Object.
           This value is meaningful only when Static Domain_IDs are
           in use in a Fabric (see FC-SW-4).  Static Domain_IDs are
           administratively enabled by a setting of the Switch Flags
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 68
           in each Switch Entry in the Switch Membership List Object.
           If Static Domain_IDs are not in use, this value might be

           The t11FamEnable, t11FamFabricName, and
           t11FamConfigDomainIdType objects defined in the
           T11-FC-FABRIC-ADDR-MGR-MIB module are also concerned with
           the use of an administratively-specified name for a Fabric
           and Static Domain_IDs.  When FC-SP Policy is in use in a
           Fabric, the values of t11FamEnable, t11FamFabricName, and
           t11FamConfigDomainIdType must be read-only and reflect the
           active Policy Objects.  For example, the value of
           t11FamFabricName must reflect the value of
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 108.
            - Fibre Channel - Switch Fabric-4 (FC-SW-4),
              ANSI INCITS 418-2006, April 2006, section 7.1.
            - Fibre Channel Fabric Address Manager MIB', RFC 4439,
              March 2006."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoEntry 3 }

t11FcSpPoActivatedTimeStamp OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The value of sysUpTime at which this Fabric's Policy
           Summary Object was last activated, or zero if the same
           Policy Summary Object has been active since the last
           restart of the management system."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoEntry 4 }

-- The table of Policy Summary Objects

t11FcSpPoSummaryTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoSummaryEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of information about active Policy Objects listed
           within FC-SP Policy Summary Objects."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoActive 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 69
t11FcSpPoSummaryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoSummaryEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about one of the active
           Policy Objects listed within the Policy Summary Object for
           the Fabric identified by t11FcSpPoFabricIndex and managed
           within the Fibre Channel management instance identified by

           How many Policy Objects of a given type can be active at
           any one time for a given Fabric depends on the type, as
           specified in FC-SP.  For some types, it is one per Fabric;
           for other types, more than one can be active per Fabric.
           In both of these cases, the absence of any entries in this
           table for a particular type is equivalent to there being one
           Policy Object of that type that is empty, e.g., a Switch
           Membership List Object that identifies zero Switches."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section 7.1.3 and table 104."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyName }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSummaryTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoSummaryEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyNameType  T11FcSpPolicyNameType,
    t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyName      T11FcSpPolicyName,
    t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyType      T11FcSpPolicyObjectType,
    t11FcSpPoSummaryHashFormat      T11FcSpPolicyHashFormat,
    t11FcSpPoSummaryHashValue       T11FcSpPolicyHashValue

t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyNameType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyNameType {
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The combination of t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyNameType and
           t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyName specify the name of the Policy
           Object contained in the Policy Summary Object.
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 70
           The type of name is 'nodeName' if the value of the
           corresponding instance of t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyType is
           'switchConnectivity', or 'alphaNumericName' otherwise."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSummaryEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyName
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The combination of t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyNameType and
           t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyName specify the name of the Policy
           Object contained in the Policy Summary Object."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSummaryEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoSummaryPolicyType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyObjectType
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The 'Identifier' that specifies the type of this
           Policy Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 104."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSummaryEntry 3 }

t11FcSpPoSummaryHashFormat OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyHashFormat
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The format of this Policy Object's hash value as
           contained in the corresponding instance of the
           t11FcSpPoSummaryHashValue object."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSummaryEntry 4 }

t11FcSpPoSummaryHashValue OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyHashValue
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The hash value of this Policy Object, in the format
           identified by the corresponding instance of the
           t11FcSpPoSummaryHashFormat object."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSummaryEntry 5 }
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 71
-- Switch Entries in Active Switch Membership List Objects

t11FcSpPoSwMembTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoSwMembEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of Switch Entries in active Switch Membership List

           One Switch Membership List Object is represented by all
           of the rows of this table that have the same values
           of fcmInstanceIndex and t11FcSpPoFabricIndex."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 110."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoActive 3 }

t11FcSpPoSwMembEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoSwMembEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about one Switch Entry
           within the active Switch Membership List Object for the
           Fabric identified by t11FcSpPoFabricIndex and managed
           within the Fibre Channel management instance identified
           by fcmInstanceIndex."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchNameType, t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchName }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwMembTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoSwMembEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchNameType   T11FcSpPolicyNameType,
    t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchName       FcNameIdOrZero,
    t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchFlags      BITS,
    t11FcSpPoSwMembDomainID         FcDomainIdOrZero,
    t11FcSpPoSwMembPolicyDataRole   INTEGER,
    t11FcSpPoSwMembAuthBehaviour    BITS,
    t11FcSpPoSwMembAttribute        T11FcSpAlphaNumNameOrAbsent

t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchNameType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyNameType {
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 72
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "If the value of this object is 'nodeName' or
           'restrictedNodeName', then the combination of
           this object and t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchName specify the
           Switch Name of this Switch Entry.

           The membership is restricted or unrestricted based on the
           name type.  Restricted membership means that the Switch is
           not allowed to be part of the Fabric unless allowed by a
           specific Switch Connectivity Object.  Unrestricted
           membership means that the Switch is allowed to be part of
           the Fabric unless disallowed by a specific Switch
           Connectivity Object.

           The values of 'wildcard' and 'restrictedWildcard' provide
           the means to specify whether to allow/deny membership for
           Switches not explicitly named in the Switch Membership
           List Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 110."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwMembEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       FcNameIdOrZero (SIZE (8))
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "When the value of t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchNameType is
           'wildcard' or 'restrictedWildcard', this object has the
           value '0000000000000000'h.

           Otherwise, the combination of t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchNameType
           and this object specify the Switch Name of this Switch
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 110."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwMembEntry 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 73
t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchFlags OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "Configurable options in respect to the administration
           of Policy Objects at this Switch:

              'staticDomainID'      - if this bit is set, the Switch
           uses the 'Static Domain_IDs behavior' (as defined in
           FC-SW-4).  This bit needs to have the same setting for all
           Switches in a Fabric's Switch Membership List Object, or
           else the Fabric will partition.  If this bit is set, the
           Domain_ID for the Switch is given by the corresponding
           instance of t11FcSpPoSwMembDomainID.

              'insistentDomainID'   -  if this bit is set, the
           Switch uses the 'Insistent Domain_ID behavior' (see
           t11FamConfigDomainId of T11-FC-FABRIC-ADDR-MGR-MIB), the
           Domain_ID for the Switch is given by the corresponding
           instance of t11FcSpPoSwMembDomainID.

              'serialPortsAccess'   - the Switch allows management
           through serial ports when and only when this bit is set.

              'physicalPortsAccess' - the Switch allows management
           through the physical panel when and only when this bit
           is set.

              'managerRole'         - the Switch is allowed to change
           the Fabric Policy configuration (on receipt of any of the
           EACA, Enhanced Stage Fabric Configuration (ESFC), Enhanced
           Update Fabric Configuration (EUFC), ACA, SFC, or UFC
           SW_ILSs) if and only if this bit is set.

           Whenever a Fabric has Active Policy Objects, the value of
           the t11FamConfigDomainIdType object defined in the
           T11-FC-FABRIC-ADDR-MGR-MIB module must be read-only and
           reflect the values of the 'staticDomainID' and
           'insistentDomainID' bits of this object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 74
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 112.
            - Fibre Channel - Switch Fabric-4 (FC-SW-4),
              ANSI INCITS 418-2006, April 2006, section 7.1.
            - t11FamConfigDomainIdType, T11-FC-FABRIC-ADDR-MGR-MIB,
              Fibre Channel Fabric Address Manager MIB, RFC 4439."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwMembEntry 3 }

    SYNTAX       FcDomainIdOrZero
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The specified Domain_ID value when either of the
           'staticDomainID' or 'insistentDomainID' bits are set in
           the corresponding instance of t11FcSpPoSwMembSwitchFlags.

           Whenever a Fabric has Active Policy Objects, the value
           of the t11FamConfigDomainId object defined in the
           T11-FC-FABRIC-ADDR-MGR-MIB module must be read-only and
           reflect the value of this object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and tables 111 and 112.
            - t11FamConfigDomainId, T11-FC-FABRIC-ADDR-MGR-MIB,
              Fibre Channel Fabric Address Manager MIB, RFC 4439."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwMembEntry 4 }

t11FcSpPoSwMembPolicyDataRole OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       INTEGER {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The role of the Switch in terms of which Policy data
           it retains/maintains:

             'client' - the Switch operates as a Client Switch.
           A Client Switch maintains its own Switch Connectivity
           Object and all Fabric-wide List Objects.  If FC-SP
           Zoning is used, a Client Switch maintains only the
           subset of the Active Zone Set that it requires to
           enforce the current Fabric Zoning configuration.
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 75
             'autonomous' -  the Switch operates as an Autonomous
           Switch.  An Autonomous Switch maintains its own Switch
           Connectivity Object and all Fabric-wide List Objects.
           This is the same as 'client' except that if FC-SP Zoning
           is used, an Autonomous Switch maintains a complete copy
           of the Fabric Zoning Database.

             'server' - the Switch operates as a Server Switch.
           A Server Switch maintains all Fabric-wide List Objects
           and the Switch Connectivity Objects of each Switch in
           the Fabric.  If FC-SP Zoning is used, a Server Switch
           maintains a complete copy of the Fabric Zoning Database."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 113."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwMembEntry 5 }

t11FcSpPoSwMembAuthBehaviour  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The authentication behaviour of the Switch:

             'mustAuthenticate' - if this bit is set, all connections
           between this Switch and neighbor Switches must be

             'rejectIsFailure' - if this bit is set, the rejection of
           an AUTH_Negotiate message must be considered as an
           authentication failure by this Switch."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 114."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwMembEntry 6 }

t11FcSpPoSwMembAttribute  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpAlphaNumNameOrAbsent
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The name of an active Attribute Policy Object that is
           defined for this Switch, or the zero-length string.  The
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 76
           zero-length string indicates that no Attribute Policy
           Object is defined for this Switch."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 110."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwMembEntry 7 }

-- Node Entries in Active Node Membership List Objects

t11FcSpPoNoMembTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoNoMembEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of Node Entries in active Node Membership List

           One Node Membership List Object is represented by all
           of the rows of this table that have the same values
           of fcmInstanceIndex and t11FcSpPoFabricIndex."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoActive 4 }

t11FcSpPoNoMembEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoNoMembEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about one Node Entry
           within the active Node Membership List Object for the
           Fabric identified by t11FcSpPoFabricIndex and managed
           within the Fibre Channel management instance identified
           by fcmInstanceIndex."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoNoMembNodeNameType, t11FcSpPoNoMembNodeName }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNoMembTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoNoMembEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoNoMembNodeNameType   T11FcSpPolicyNameType,
    t11FcSpPoNoMembNodeName       FcNameIdOrZero,
    t11FcSpPoNoMembFlags          BITS,
    t11FcSpPoNoMembCtAccessIndex  Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoNoMembAttribute      T11FcSpAlphaNumNameOrAbsent

t11FcSpPoNoMembNodeNameType OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 77
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPolicyNameType {
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "If the value of this object is 'wildcard' or
           'restrictedWildcard', this Node Entry applies to Nodes not
           explicitly named in the Node Membership List Object.

           Otherwise, the combination of this object and
           t11FcSpPoNoMembNodeName specify the name of this Node Entry
           in the active Node Membership List Object.  A Node is
           identified by its Node Name or by one or more of its Port

           Restricted membership means that a Node is not allowed to be
           connected to the Fabric unless allowed by a specific Switch
           Connectivity Object.  Unrestricted membership means that a
           Node is allowed to be connected to the Fabric unless
           disallowed by a specific Switch Connectivity Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 116."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNoMembEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoNoMembNodeName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       FcNameIdOrZero (SIZE (8))
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "If the value of t11FcSpPoNoMembNodeNameType is
           'wildcard' or 'restrictedWildcard', this object has the
           value '0000000000000000'h.

           Otherwise, the combination of t11FcSpPoNoMembNodeNameType
           and this object specify the name of this Node Entry is the
           active Node Membership List Object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 116."
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 78
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNoMembEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoNoMembFlags OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "Configurable options in respect to the administration
           of Policy Objects at this Node:

                'scsiEnclosureAccess'      - the Node is allowed to
           control any Switch through SCSI Enclosure Services if this
           bit is set.  If a Switch does not support SCSI Enclosure
           Services, this bit is ignored.

                'authenticationRequired'   - the Node is required to
           authenticate itself to any Switch to which it is connected
           if and only if this bit is set."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 118."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNoMembEntry 3 }

t11FcSpPoNoMembCtAccessIndex  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "If the value of this object is zero, then access by this
           Node to Generic Services is not limited by a Common
           Transport Access Specifier.

           Otherwise, the limits are specified by the set of Common
           Transport Access Descriptors contained in those rows of
           the t11FcSpPoCtDescrTable for the same Fabric and for which
           the value of t11FcSpPoCtDescrSpecifierIndex is the same as
           the value of this object."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP), February 2007,
              section and tables 118/119/120/121."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNoMembEntry 4 }

t11FcSpPoNoMembAttribute  OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 79
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpAlphaNumNameOrAbsent
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The name of an active Attribute Policy Object that is
           defined for this Node, or the zero-length string.  The
           zero-length string indicates that no Attribute Policy
           Object is defined for this Node."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section and table 116."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoNoMembEntry 5 }

-- Common Transport Access Descriptors

t11FcSpPoCtDescrTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoCtDescrEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of Common Transport Access Descriptors being used
           within active Policy Objects.

           A Common Transport Access Specifier is a list of Common
           Transport Access Descriptors that specify whether a Node
           is allowed to access a Generic Service or Sub-Server.

           An active Common Transport Access Specifier is represented
           by all rows of this table that have the same values of
           fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex, and
    ::= { t11FcSpPoActive 5 }

t11FcSpPoCtDescrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoCtDescrEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains information about one Common
           Transport Access Descriptor of an active Common Transport
           Access Specifier used within the Fabric identified by
           t11FcSpPoFabricIndex and managed within the Fibre Channel
           management instance identified by fcmInstanceIndex."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 80
             t11FcSpPoCtDescrSpecifierIndex, t11FcSpPoCtDescrIndex }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoCtDescrTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoCtDescrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoCtDescrSpecifierIndex   Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoCtDescrIndex            Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoCtDescrFlags            BITS,
    t11FcSpPoCtDescrGsType           OCTET STRING,
    t11FcSpPoCtDescrGsSubType        OCTET STRING

t11FcSpPoCtDescrSpecifierIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "An index value that uniquely identifies a particular
           Common Transport Access Specifier within a Fabric."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoCtDescrEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoCtDescrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "An index value that uniquely identifies a particular
           Common Transport Access Descriptor within a Common Transport
           Access Specifier."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoCtDescrEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoCtDescrFlags OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The flag bits that specify how access is to be limited by
           this Common Transport Access Descriptor:

            - allow -- access to the specified Generic Service and
              Server is allowed if this bit is set, and is to be denied
              if this bit is not set.

            - gsTypeWildcard -- if this bit is set, the Generic Service
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 81
              to be allowed/denied is specified by the value of
              t11FcSpPoCtDescrGsType.  If this bit is set, then the
              gsSubTypeWildcard bit must not be set.

            - gsSubTypeWildcard -- if this bit is set, the Generic
              Service to be allowed/denied is specified by the value of
              t11FcSpPoCtDescrGsSubType.  If this bit is set, then the
              gsTypeWildcard bit must not be set.

            - readOnly -- if this bit is set, then access is to be
              granted only for reading."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoCtDescrEntry 3 }

t11FcSpPoCtDescrGsType OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The GS_Type of the Generic Service (e.g., the FC-GS-5
           Management Service) that is subject to access control.
           This value is ignored if the gsTypeWildcard bit is not set
           in the corresponding value of t11FcSpPoCtDescrFlags."
           "- Fibre Channel - Generic Services-5 (FC-GS-5),
              ANSI INCITS 427-2006, section"
    ::= { t11FcSpPoCtDescrEntry 4 }

t11FcSpPoCtDescrGsSubType OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
           "The GS_Subtype of the Generic Server (e.g., the Fabric Zone
           Server) that is subject to access control.  This value is
           ignored if the gsSubTypeWildcard bit is not set in the
           corresponding value of t11FcSpPoCtDescrFlags."
           "- Fibre Channel - Generic Services-5 (FC-GS-5),
              ANSI INCITS 427-2006, section"
    ::= { t11FcSpPoCtDescrEntry 5 }

-- Switches/Nodes in Active Switch Connectivity Objects

t11FcSpPoSwConnTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF T11FcSpPoSwConnEntry
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 82
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "A table of active Switch Connectivity Objects.

           A Switch Connectivity Object defines to which other
           Switches or Nodes a particular Switch may/may not be
           connected at the Node level and/or at the Port level."
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section, tables 123/124."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoActive 6 }

t11FcSpPoSwConnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       T11FcSpPoSwConnEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "Each entry contains the name of either a Switch or a Node
           with which any port of a particular Switch, or a particular
           port of that Switch, is allowed or not allowed to be

           The particular Switch is on the Fabric identified by
           t11FcSpPoFabricIndex and managed within the Fibre Channel
           management instance identified by fcmInstanceIndex."
    INDEX  { fcmInstanceIndex, t11FcSpPoFabricIndex,
             t11FcSpPoSwConnSwitchName, t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedType,
             t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedIndex }
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwConnTable 1 }

T11FcSpPoSwConnEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    t11FcSpPoSwConnSwitchName       FcNameIdOrZero,
    t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedType      INTEGER,
    t11FcSpPoSwConnPortNameOrAll    FcNameIdOrZero,
    t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedIndex     Unsigned32,
    t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedNameType  T11FcSpPolicyNameType,
    t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedName      T11FcSpPolicyName

t11FcSpPoSwConnSwitchName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       FcNameIdOrZero (SIZE (8))
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "The name of the particular Switch for which this Switch
Top   ToC   RFC5324 - Page 83
           Connectivity Object specifies topology restrictions."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwConnEntry 1 }

t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       INTEGER { switch(1), node(2) }
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "This object specifies whether this row refers to
           Switch-to-Switch or Switch-to-Node connectivity, i.e.,
           whether the corresponding instance of
           t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedName specifies the name of a Switch
           or the name of a Node."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwConnEntry 2 }

t11FcSpPoSwConnPortNameOrAll OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       FcNameIdOrZero (SIZE(0 | 8))
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "This object specifies either the particular port to which
           this topology restriction applies, or if the value is the
           zero-length string, that the topology restriction applies
           to all ports on the particular Switch.

           In the FC-SP Policy Database, restrictions for a particular
           port are formatted within a Port Connectivity Entry of a
           Switch Connectivity Object, whereas restrictions for all
           ports on the Switch are specified in the main part of a
           Switch Connectivity Object, i.e., not in a Port Connectivity
           "- ANSI INCITS 426-2007, T11/Project 1570-D,
              Fibre Channel - Security Protocols (FC-SP),
              February 2007, section, tables 123/124."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwConnEntry 3 }

t11FcSpPoSwConnAllowedIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
           "When multiple rows in this table apply to the same
           port(s) in the same Switch's Switch Connectivity Object,
           this object provides a unique index value to distinguish
           between such rows."
    ::= { t11FcSpPoSwConnEntry 4 }

(next page on part 4)

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