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RFC 4044

Fibre Channel Management MIB

Pages: 69
Proposed Standard
Obsoletes:  2837
Part 1 of 3 – Pages 1 to 9
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Top   ToC   RFC4044 - Page 1
Network Working Group                                      K. McCloghrie
Request for Comments: 4044                            Cisco Systems, Inc
Obsoletes: 2837                                                 May 2005
Category: Standards Track

                      Fibre Channel Management MIB

Status of This Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).


This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects for information related to the Fibre Channel.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ................................................. 2 2. The Internet-Standard Management Framework ................... 2 3. Short Overview of the Fibre Channel .......................... 2 4. MIB Overview ................................................. 3 4.1. The fcmInstanceBasicGroup Group ........................ 3 4.2. The fcmSwitchBasicGroup Group .......................... 4 4.3. The fcmPortBasicGroup Group ............................ 4 4.4. The fcmPortStatsGroup Group ............................ 4 4.5. The fcmPortClass23StatsGroup Group ..................... 4 4.6. The fcmPortLcStatsGroup Group .......................... 4 4.7. The fcmPortClassFStatsGroup Group ...................... 4 4.8. The fcmPortErrorsGroup Group ........................... 4 4.9. The fcmSwitchPortGroup Group ........................... 5 4.10. The fcmSwitchLoginGroup Group .......................... 5 4.11. The fcmLinkBasicGroup Group ............................ 5 5. Relationship to Other MIBs ................................... 5 5.1. The Interfaces Group MIB ............................... 5 5.2. Entity MIB ............................................. 8 5.3. Host Resources MIB ..................................... 9
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   6.  Definitions ..................................................  9
   7.  Acknowledgements ............................................. 57
   8.  Normative References ......................................... 57
   9.  Informative References ....................................... 58
   10. Security Considerations ...................................... 59
   11. IANA Considerations .......................................... 60
       11.1. OID Assignment ......................................... 60
       11.2. FC Port Type Registry .................................. 60
   12. Comparison to the Fibre Channel Management Integration MIB ... 62
       12.1. Problems with the Fibre Channel Management Integration
             MIB .................................................... 62
       12.2. Detailed Changes ....................................... 62
       12.3. Name Server Objects .................................... 67
       12.4. Additional Objects ..................................... 67
   13. Comparison to RFC 2837 ....................................... 67

1. Introduction

This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes managed objects for information related to the Fibre Channel.

2. The Internet-Standard Management Framework

For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of RFC 3410 [RFC3410]. Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or MIB. MIB objects are generally accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the Structure of Management Information (SMI). This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58, RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580 [RFC2580].

3. Short Overview of the Fibre Channel

The Fibre Channel (FC) is logically a bidirectional point-to-point serial data channel, structured for high performance capability. The Fibre Channel provides a general transport vehicle for higher level protocols such as Intelligent Peripheral Interface (IPI) and Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) command sets, the High-Performance Parallel Interface (HIPPI) data framing, IP (Internet Protocol), IEEE 802.2, and others. Physically, the Fibre Channel is an interconnection of multiple communication points, called N_Ports, interconnected either by a
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   switching network, called a Fabric, or by a point-to-point link.  A
   Fibre Channel "node" consists of one or more N_Ports.  A Fabric may
   consist of multiple Interconnect Elements, some of which are
   switches.  An N_Port connects to the Fabric via a port on a switch
   called an F_Port.  When multiple FC nodes are connected to a single
   port on a switch via an "Arbitrated Loop" topology, the switch port
   is called an FL_Port, and the nodes' ports are called NL_Ports.  The
   term Nx_Port refers to either an N_Port or an NL_port.  The term
   Fx_Port refers to either an F_Port or an FL_port.  A switch port,
   which is interconnected to another switch port via an Inter Element
   Link (IEL), is called an E_Port.  A B_Port connects a bridge device
   with an E_Port on a switch; a B_Port provides a subset of E_Port

   Many Fibre Channel components, including the fabric, each node, and
   most ports, have globally-unique names.  These globally-unique names
   are typically formatted as World Wide Names (WWNs).  More information
   on WWNs can be found in [WWN1] and [WWN2].  WWNs are expected to be
   persistent across agent and unit resets.

   Fibre Channel frames contain 24-bit address identifiers that identify
   the frame's source and destination ports.  Each FC port has an
   address identifier and a WWN.  When a fabric is in use, the FC
   address identifiers are dynamic and are assigned by a switch.

4. MIB Overview

This MIB contains the notion of a Fibre Channel management instance, which is defined as a separable managed instance of Fibre Channel functionality. Fibre Channel functionality may be grouped into Fibre Channel management instances in whatever way is most convenient for the implementation(s). For example, one such grouping accommodates a single SNMP agent having multiple AgentX [RFC2741] sub-agents, with each sub-agent implementing a different Fibre Channel management instance. To represent such multiple Fibre Channel management instances within the same SNMP context (see section 3.3.1 of [RFC3411]), all tables in this MIB are INDEX-ed by fcmInstanceIndex, which is defined as an arbitrary integer to uniquely identify a particular Fibre Channel management instance. This MIB contains eleven MIB groups, as follows.

4.1. The fcmInstanceBasicGroup Group

This group contains basic information about a Fibre Channel managed instance, including its name and description, the Fibre Channel function(s) it performs, and optional pointers to hardware and/or software components.
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4.2. The fcmSwitchBasicGroup Group

This group contains basic information about a Fibre Channel switch, including its domain-id and whether it is the principal switch of its fabric.

4.3. The fcmPortBasicGroup Group

This group contains basic information about a Fibre Channel port, including its port name (WWN), the name of the node (if any) of which it is a part, the type of port, the classes of service it supports, its transmitter and connector types, and the higher level protocols it supports. Each Fibre Channel port is represented by an entry in the ifTable (see below). The tables relating to ports in this MIB are indexed by the port's value of ifIndex.

4.4. The fcmPortStatsGroup Group

This group contains traffic statistics, which are not specific to any particular class of service, for Fibre Channel ports.

4.5. The fcmPortClass23StatsGroup Group

This group contains traffic statistics that are specific to Class 2 or Class 3 traffic on Fibre Channel ports, including class-specific frame and octet counters and counters of busy and reject frames.

4.6. The fcmPortLcStatsGroup Group

Some of the statistics in the fcmPortClass23StatsGroup can increase rapidly enough to warrant them being defined using the Counter64 syntax. However, some old SNMP systems do not (yet) support Counter64 objects. Thus, this group defines low-capacity (Counter32-based) equivalents for the Counter64-based statistics in the fcmPortClass23StatsGroup group.

4.7. The fcmPortClassFStatsGroup Group

This group contains traffic statistics that are specific to Class F traffic on the E_Ports of a Fibre Channel switch.

4.8. The fcmPortErrorsGroup Group

This group contains counters of various error conditions that can occur on Fibre Channel ports.
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4.9. The fcmSwitchPortGroup Group

This group contains information about ports on a Fibre Channel switch. For an Fx_Port, it includes the port's timeout values, its hold-time, and its capabilities in terms of maximum and minimum buffer-to-buffer credit allocations, maximum and minimum data field sizes, and support for class 2 and class 3 sequenced delivery. For an E_Port or B_Port, it includes the buffer-to-buffer credit allocation and data field size.

4.10. The fcmSwitchLoginGroup Group

This group contains information, known to a Fibre Channel switch, about its attached/logged-in Nx_Ports and the service parameters that have been agreed with them.

4.11. The fcmLinkBasicGroup Group

This group contains information known to a local Fibre Channel management instance, and concerning Fibre Channel links including those which terminate locally.

5. Relationship to Other MIBs

This MIB is a replacement for two other MIBs: RFC 2837, and the Fibre Channel Management Integration MIB which was originally submitted as an Internet Draft to the IETF's IPFC Working Group, and is now available as [MIB-FA].

5.1. The Interfaces Group MIB

The Interfaces Group MIB [RFC2863] contains generic information about all lower layer interfaces, i.e., interfaces which are (potentially) below the internet layer. Thus, each Fibre Channel port should have its own row in the ifTable, and that row will contain the generic information about the interface/port. The Interfaces Group MIB specifies that additional information which is specific to a particular type of interface media, should be defined in a media- specific MIB. This MIB is the media-specific MIB for Fibre Channel ports/interfaces. Section 4 of [RFC2863] requires that a media-specific MIB clarify how the generic definitions apply for the particular type of media. The clarifications for Fibre Channel interfaces are as follows.
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5.1.1. Layering Model

The Interfaces Group MIB permits multiple ifTable entries to be defined for interface sub-layers, and for those multiple entries to be arranged in a stack. For Fibre Channel interfaces, no sublayers are defined and a Fibre Channel interface will typically have no other ifTable rows stacked on top of it, nor underneath it.

5.1.2. Virtual Circuits

This Fibre Channel MIB does not deal with virtual circuits.

5.1.3. ifRcvAddressTable

The ifRcvAddressTable does not apply to Fibre Channel interfaces.

5.1.4. ifType

The value of ifType for a Fibre Channel interface is 56.

5.1.5. ifXxxOctets

The definitions of ifInOctets and ifOutOctets (and similarly, ifHCInOctets and ifHCOutOctets) specify that their values include framing characters. For Fibre Channel interfaces, they include all the octets contained in frames between the Start-of-Frame and End- of-Frame delimiters (excluding the delimiters).

5.1.6. Specific Interface Group MIB Objects

The following table provides specific implementation guidelines for applying the objects defined in the Interfaces Group MIB to Fibre Channel interfaces. For those objects not listed here, refer to their generic definitions in [RFC2863]. (RFC 2863 takes precedence over these guidelines in the event of any conflict.) Object Guidelines ifType 56 ifMtu The MTU as seen by a higher layer protocol, like IP. That is, when IP is running over the interface, this object is the size of the largest IP datagram that can be sent/received over the interface.
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      ifSpeed                  For 1Gbs, this will be 1,000,000,000;
                               for 2Gbs, it will be 2,000,000,000.  If
                               auto-negotiation is implemented and
                               enabled on an interface, and the
                               interface has not yet negotiated an
                               operational speed, this object SHOULD
                               reflect the maximum speed supported by
                               the interface.

      ifPhysAddress            The interface's 24-bit Fibre Channel
                               Address Identifier, or the zero-length
                               string if no Address Identifier has been
                               assigned to the interface.

      ifAdminStatus            Write access is not required, and support
                               for 'testing' is not required.

      ifOperStatus             Support for 'testing' is not required.
                               The value 'dormant' has no meaning for
                               Fibre Channel interfaces.

      ifInOctets               The number of octets of information

      ifHCInOctets             contained in received frames between the
                               Start-of-Frame and End-of-Frame
                               delimiters (excluding the delimiters).

      ifInUcastPkts            The number of unicast frames received,

      ifHCInUcastPkts          i.e., the number of Start-of-Frame
                               delimiters received for unicast frames.

      ifInErrors               The sum for this interface of


                               plus any errors in fcmPortOtherErrors
                               that were input errors.
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      ifOutOctets              The number of octets of information
      ifHCOutOctets            contained in transmitted frames between
                               the Start-of-Frame and End-of-Frame
                               delimiters (excluding the delimiters).

      ifOutUcastPkts           The number of frames transmitted,
                               ifHCOutUcastPkts         i.e., the number
                               of start-of-frame delimiters transmitted
                               for unicast frames.

      ifOutErrors              This is the number of errors in
                               fcmPortOtherErrors that were output

      ifInMulticastPkts        These counters are not incremented

      ifInBroadcastPkts        (unless a proprietary mechanism for
      ifOutMulticastPkts       multicast/broadcast is supported).

      ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable   Refer to [RFC2863].  Default is 'enabled'

      ifHighSpeed              The current operational speed of the
                               interface in millions of bits per second.
                               For 1Gbs, this will be 1000; for 2Gbs, it
                               will be 2000.  If auto-negotiation is
                               implemented and enabled on an interface,
                               and the interface has not yet negotiated
                               an operational speed, this object SHOULD
                               reflect the maximum speed supported by
                               the interface.

      ifPromiscuousMode        This will normally be 'false'

      ifConnectorPresent       This will normally be 'true'.

5.2. Entity MIB

The Entity MIB [RFC2737] contains information about individual physical components and any hierarchical relationship that may exist between them. Any Fibre Channel management instance with a relationship to a physical component (or to a hierarchy of physical components) will have its value of the fcmInstancePhysicalIndex object contain a pointer to the relevant row in the Entity MIB. If
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   there is no correspondence with a physical component (or said
   component does not have a row in the Entity MIB), then the value of
   fcmInstancePhysicalIndex is zero.  (Note that an implementation is
   not required to support a non-zero value of

5.3. Host Resources MIB

The Host Resources MIB [RFC2790] includes information about installed software modules. Any Fibre Channel management instance with a correspondence to a software module, will have its value of the fcmInstanceSoftwareIndex object contain a pointer to the relevant row in the Host Resources MIB. If there is no correspondence to a software module (or said software module does not have a row in the Host Resources MIB), then the value of fcmInstanceSoftwareIndex is zero. (Note that an agent implementation is not required to support a non-zero value of fcmInstanceSoftwareIndex.)

(page 9 continued on part 2)

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