
reverse index of all RFC numbers:  1299..1200



RFC 1299
Informational  20 p.
Summary of 1200-1299
RFC 1298
RFC 1297
RFC 1296
Informational  9 p.
Internet Growth (1981-1991)
RFC 1295
RFC 1294
RFC 1293
RFC 1292
RFC 1291
RFC 1290


RFC 1289
RFC 1288
Draft Standard  12 p.
The Finger User Information Protocol
RFC 1287
RFC 1286
RFC 1285
RFC 1284
RFC 1283
RFC 1282
Informational  5 p.
BSD Rlogin
RFC 1281
RFC 1280


RFC 1279
Experimental  15 p.
X.500 and Domains
RFC 1278
RFC 1277
RFC 1276
RFC 1275
RFC 1274
RFC 1273
RFC 1272
Informational  19 p.
Internet Accounting: Background
RFC 1271
RFC 1270
Informational  11 p.
SNMP Communications Services


RFC 1269
RFC 1268
RFC 1267
RFC 1266
Informational  9 p.
Experience with the BGP Protocol
RFC 1265
Informational  8 p.
BGP Protocol Analysis
RFC 1264
RFC 1263
Informational  19 p.
TCP Extensions Considered Harmful
RFC 1262
RFC 1261
Informational  3 p.
Transition of Nic Services
RFC 1260


RFC 1259
RFC 1258
RFC 1257
RFC 1256
Proposed Standard  19 p.
ICMP Router Discovery Messages
RFC 1255
RFC 1254
Informational  25 p.
Gateway Congestion Control Survey
RFC 1253
RFC 1252
RFC 1251
RFC 1250


RFC 1249
Informational  10 p.
DIXIE Protocol Specification
RFC 1248
RFC 1247
RFC 1246
Informational  31 p.
Experience with the OSPF Protocol
RFC 1245
Informational  12 p.
OSPF Protocol Analysis
RFC 1244
RFC 1243
RFC 1242
RFC 1241
RFC 1240


RFC 1239
RFC 1238
RFC 1237
RFC 1236
Informational  7 p.
IP to X.121 address mapping for DDN
RFC 1235
Experimental  12 p.
Coherent File Distribution Protocol
RFC 1234
RFC 1233
RFC 1232
RFC 1231
RFC 1230
Historic  23 p.
IEEE 802.4 Token Bus MIB


RFC 1229
RFC 1228
RFC 1227
Historic  13 p.
SNMP MUX protocol and MIB
RFC 1226
RFC 1225
RFC 1224
RFC 1223
RFC 1222
RFC 1221
RFC 1220


RFC 1219
Informational  13 p.
On the assignment of subnet numbers
RFC 1218
RFC 1217
RFC 1216
   4 p.  first april…
Gigabit network economics and paradigm shifts
RFC 1215
RFC 1214
RFC 1213
RFC 1212
Internet Standard: 16  19 p.
Concise MIB definitions
RFC 1211
RFC 1210


RFC 1209
RFC 1208
Informational  18 p.
A Glossary of Networking Terms
RFC 1207
RFC 1206
RFC 1205
Informational  12 p.
5250 Telnet interface
RFC 1204
Experimental  6 p.
Message Posting Protocol (MPP)
RFC 1203
RFC 1202
Informational  11 p.
Directory Assistance service
RFC 1201
Internet Standard: 46  7 p.
Transmitting IP traffic over ARCNET networks
RFC 1200

