
reverse index of all RFC numbers:  2199..2100



RFC 2199
RFC 2198
Proposed Standard  11 p.
RTP Payload for Redundant Audio Data
RFC 2197
RFC 2196
Informational  75 p.
Site Security Handbook
RFC 2195
RFC 2194
Informational  35 p.
Review of Roaming Implementations
RFC 2193
Proposed Standard  9 p.
IMAP4 Mailbox Referrals
RFC 2192
RFC 2191
RFC 2190


RFC 2189
RFC 2188
RFC 2187
RFC 2186
RFC 2185
Informational  13 p.
Routing Aspects of IPv6 Transition
RFC 2184
RFC 2183
RFC 2182
Best Current Practice: 16  12 p.
Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers
RFC 2181
Proposed Standard  15 p.
Clarifications to the DNS Specification
RFC 2180


RFC 2179
Informational  10 p.
Network Security For Trade Shows
RFC 2178
RFC 2177
Proposed Standard  4 p.
IMAP4 IDLE command
RFC 2176
Informational  6 p.
IPv4 over MAPOS Version 1
RFC 2175
RFC 2174
RFC 2173
RFC 2172
Informational  3 p.
MAPOS Version 1 Assigned Numbers
RFC 2171
RFC 2170


RFC 2169
RFC 2168
obsoleted by:3401340234033404
RFC 2167
RFC 2166
RFC 2165
Proposed Standard  72 p.
Service Location Protocol
RFC 2164
RFC 2163
RFC 2162
RFC 2161
Experimental  5 p.
A MIME Body Part for ODA
RFC 2160
Proposed Standard  5 p.
Carrying PostScript in X.400 and MIME


RFC 2159
Proposed Standard  7 p.
A MIME Body Part for FAX
RFC 2158
Proposed Standard  4 p.
X.400 Image Body Parts
RFC 2157
RFC 2156
RFC 2155
RFC 2154
Experimental  29 p.
OSPF with Digital Signatures
RFC 2153
Informational  6 p.
PPP Vendor Extensions
RFC 2152
RFC 2151
RFC 2150


RFC 2149
RFC 2148
Best Current Practice: 15  15 p.
Deployment of the Internet White Pages Service
RFC 2147
RFC 2146
RFC 2145
RFC 2144
Informational  15 p.
The CAST-128 Encryption Algorithm
RFC 2143
RFC 2142
RFC 2141
RFC 2140


RFC 2139
RFC 2138
RFC 2137
RFC 2136
RFC 2135
Informational  9 p.
Internet Society By-Laws
RFC 2134
RFC 2133
RFC 2132
RFC 2131
Draft Standard  45 p.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
RFC 2130


RFC 2129
RFC 2128
RFC 2127
RFC 2126
Proposed Standard  25 p.
ISO Transport Service on top of TCP (ITOT)
RFC 2125
RFC 2124
RFC 2123
RFC 2122
Proposed Standard  11 p.
VEMMI URL Specification
RFC 2121
Informational  12 p.
Issues affecting MARS Cluster Size
RFC 2120


RFC 2119
RFC 2118
RFC 2117
RFC 2116
Informational  164 p.
X.500 Implementations Catalog-96
RFC 2115
RFC 2114
RFC 2113
Proposed Standard  4 p.
IP Router Alert Option
RFC 2112
RFC 2111
RFC 2110


RFC 2109
RFC 2108
RFC 2107
RFC 2106
RFC 2105
RFC 2104
RFC 2103
RFC 2102
RFC 2101
Informational  13 p.
IPv4 Address Behaviour Today
RFC 2100
Informational  3 p.  first april…
The Naming of Hosts

