
Content for  TS 33.128  Word version:  18.7.0

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M (Normative)  Reuse of externally defined structuresp. 404

M.1  Encapsulated Informationp. 404

M.1.1  Generalp. 404

The subclauses below define LI structures to allow for the reuse of externally defined structures and schemas.
The current version of this specification the following specific encapsulated information types are defined:
  • SBIType for carrying messages or parameters defined by 3GPP for use over the Service Based Interfaces (SBIs).
  • XMLTypes for carrying messages or parameters in XML.
  • MIMEEntity for carrying MIME Entities.
  • MSRPMessage for sending information formated in an MSRP Message.
  • ExternalASNType for sending information encoded using an externally defined ASN.1 schema.
The encapsulated information type of the outermost layer of the encapsulated payload shall be used to report the payload.

M.1.2  Encapsulated information reporting parametersp. 404

M.1.2.1  Simple Types for encapsulate information reportingp. 404

Type name Type definition Description
EncapsulatedMSRPUTF8StringShall contain the entire MSRP Message in the original encoding.
SBIReferenceUTF8String JSON pointer that indicates the schema definition for the reported SBIValue. Shall be sent in the form of a JSON string value (see Section 5 of RFC 6901). When using the SBIType as a parameter within a record, the value of the SBI Reference shall be clearly indicated in the associated description field of the Table describing the record.
SBIValueUTF8StringShall contain the entire value of the SBI Message or parameter being reported.
XMLNamespaceUTF8StringXML namespace that indicates the schema definition for the reported XMLValue. When using the XMLType as a parameter within a record, the value of the XML namespace shall be clearly indicated if known in the associated description field of the Table describing the record.
XMLValueUTF8StringThe contents of the XML document being reported. Shall be sent as an XML document that matches the schema indicated by the xMLNamespace.
EncapsulatedMIMEEntityUTF8String Shall contain the entire MIME entity (see Section 2.4 of RFC 2045) in the original encoding.
MIMEContentTypeUTF8StringShall contain the MIME Content Type of the entity being described.
ExternalASNReferenceUTF8StringThe formal reference notation (as described in clause D.5) for the ASN.1 component used to encode the parameter or message reported in the EncodedASNValue.

M.1.2.2  Type: SBITypep. 405

Field name Type Cardi­nality Description M/C/O
sBIReferenceSBIReference1 JSON pointer that indicates the schema definition for the reported SBIValue. Shall be sent in the form of a JSON string value (see Section 5 of RFC 6901). When using the SBIType as a parameter within a record, the value of the SBI Reference shall be clearly indicated in the associated description field of the Table describing the record.M
sBIValueSBIValue1The contents of the SBI message or parameter being reported. Shall be sent as a JSON document that matches the schema indicated by the sBIReference.M

M.1.2.3  Type: XMLTypep. 405

Field name Type Cardi­nality Description M/C/O
xMLNamespaceXMLNamespace1XML namespace that indicates the schema definition for the reported XMLValue. When using the XMLType as a parameter within a record, the value of the XML namespace shall be clearly indicated if known in the associated description field of the Table describing the record.M
xMLValueXMLValue1The contents of the XML document being reported. Shall be sent as an XML document that matches the schema indicated by the xMLNamespace.M

M.1.2.4  Type: MIMEEntityp. 405

Field name Type Cardi­nality Description M/C/O
contentTypeMIMEContentType1Indicates the MIME content type of the Entity.M
encapsulatedMIMEEntityEncapsulatedMIMEEntity1The contents of the MIME Entity.M

M.1.2.5  Type: MSRPMessagep. 405

Field name Type Cardi­nality Description M/C/O
encapsulatedMSRPEncapsulatedMSRP1The contents of the MSRP Message.M

M.1.2.6  Type: MIMEPartIdentifierp. 406

Field name Type Cardi­nality Description M/C/O
indexINTEGER1Indicates a MIME Body Part of a multipart MIME Message. When referring to the MIME Body Parts, the index starts at one.M

M.1.2.7  Type: ExternalASNTypep. 406

Field name Type Cardi­nality Description M/C/O
moduleIdentifierOBJECT IDENTIFIER1Shall be populated with the Object Identifier of the ASN.1 module used to encode the parameter or message reported in the EncodedASNValue.M
aSNReferenceExternalASNReference0..1The formal reference notation (as described in clause D.5) for the ASN.1 component used to encode the parameter or message reported in the EncodedASNValue. Shall be present if the OBJECT IDENTIFIER is insufficient to unambiguously decode the EncodedASNValue.C
encodedASNValueExternalASNValue1The contents of the encoded message or parameter being reported.M

M.1.2.8  Type: ExternalASNValuep. 406

Field name Type Description
bEROCTET STRINGShall be used if the reported value is a BER, CER or DER encoded ASN.1 value. Shall be populated with the entire encoded payload.
alignedPEROCTET STRINGShall be used if the reported value is an aligned PER encoded ASN.1 value. Shall be populated with the entire encoded payload.

M.2  Encapsulated information modificationp. 406

M.2.1  Generalp. 406

When encapsulated information needs to be modified, the following structures may be used to report that payload in IRI messages.
In general, the predefined redactions listed in the PredefinedPayloadModification Table below should be used whenever possible. In cases where none of the predefined modifications describe the required redactions, the PayloadModificationDescription may be used.
When an encapsulated payload is modified to redact unauthorised information each type of modification applied shall be reported in the PayloadModifications parameter. If the same type of modification is performed in multiple locations, this PayloadModification shall only be indicated once. Additionally, the indication of a PayloadModification indicates that all instances that match the conditions for that modification profile were modified.

M.2.2  Predefined modificationsp. 407

The current document provides details for the following predefined methods for redacting unauthorised information from encapsulated payloads:
  • SMS TP-User-Data content redaction as described in clause
  • IMS location and content information redaction as described in clause 7.12.9.
  • RCS location and content information redaction as described in clause 7.13.5.

M.2.3  Use of described modificationsp. 407

Each modification is described using a ModificationLocation (see clause M.2.4.6) and a ModificationType (see clause M.2.4.7).

M.2.4  Encapsulated information modification parametersp. 407

M.2.4.1  Simple Types for encapsulated information modificationp. 407

Type name Type definition Description
ABNFRuleLocationUTF8StringThe ABNF rule name defining the syntax of the portion of the payload that was modified.

M.2.4.2  Type: PayloadModificationsp. 407

Field name Type Cardi­nality Description M/C/O
modificationListSEQUENCE OF PayloadModification1..MAXContains a list of modifications performed on the payload being reported.M

M.2.4.3  Type: PayloadModificationp. 407

Field name Type Description
predefinedModificationPredefinedPayloadModificationShall be chosen if one of the predefined payload modification profiles was applied to the reported payload.
describedModificationPayloadModificationDescriptionShall be chosen if the modification used is described using the PayloadModificationDescription below.

M.2.4.4  Enumeration: PredefinedPayloadModificationp. 407

The PredefinedPayloadModification shall be set to indicate which predefined payload modification profile was used on the reported modified payload.
Enumeration Description
pANILocationRemoval(1)Shall be selected if location information was redacted from an encapsulated P-Access-Network-Info header using the process described in clause
cNILocationRemoval(2)Shall be selected if location information was redacted from an encapsulated Cellular-Network-Info header using the process described in clause
sIPGeolocationInfoRemoval(3)Shall be selected if location information was redacted due to the presence of a Geolocation header using the process described in clause
presenceInformationLocationRemoval(4)Shall be selected if location information was redacted from the geopriv element of an encapsulated presence information document using the process described in clause
tS33128SMSTPDURedaction(5)Shall be selected if content is redacted from an encapsulated SMS TPDU using the process described in clause
tS33128TruncatedSMSTPDU(6)Shall be selected if content is removed from an encapsulated SMS TPDU using the process described in clause
iMSTextContentRemoval(7)Shall be selected if content is redacted from an encapsulated SIP message using the process described in clause
iMSSubjectContentRemoval(8)Sall be selected if content is redacted from an encapsulated SIP message using the process described in clause
rCSPresenceLocationRemoval(9)Shall be selected if location is redacted from the geopriv element of an encapsulated presence information document using the process described in clause
rCSCPIMLocationRemoval(10)Shall be selected if location in the form of a P-Access-Network-Info header is redacted from application specific CPIM headers using the process described in clause
rCSTextContentRemoval(11)Shall be selected if text content is removed from the an RCS message.
rCSSubjectContentRemoval(12)Shall be selected if content is removed from the Subject header of a layer of an RCS Message using the process described in clause
rCSGeolocationPUSHContentRemoval(13)Shall be selected if content is removed from an RCS Geolocation PUSH message using the process described in clause
rCSFileTransferURLRemoval(14)Shall be selected if URL content is redacted from an RCS File Transfer message as described in clause

M.2.4.5  Type: PayloadModificationDescriptionp. 408

The PayloadModificationDescription shall be used to describe redactions performed on a payload.
Field name Type Cardi­nality Description M/C/O
modificationLocationModificationLocation1Contains criteria used to identify where the information redacted from the encapsulated payload was located within the payload.M
modificationTypeModificationType1Contains details on the method used to redact the information from the encapsulated payload.M

M.2.4.6  Type: ModificationLocationp. 409

Choice name Type Description
jSONPointerUTF8String JSON pointer that indicates location of the modified information within a JSON Document. Shall be sent in the form of a JSON string value (see Section 5 of RFC 6901).
xPathUTF8String XPath indicating the node or nodes within an XML document that were modified. Shall be sent in the form of a XPath string value (see W3C Recommendation: "XML Path Language (XPath)" [119]).
sIPHeaderUTF8String Indicates the header field-name (see Section 7.3.1 of RFC 3261) of the SIP Header field that was modified.
sIPBodyNULLIndicates the body of the SIP message was modified.
mIMEHeaderUTF8String Indicates the header field-name (see Section 3 of RFC 2045 and Section 3.6 of RFC 5322) of the MIMEHeader that was modified.
mIMEBodyMIMEBodyIndicated that the body of the MIME Message was modified.
uTF8LocationIndexRangeIndicates that the portion of a UTF8String identified by the IndexRange was modified.
octetLocationIndexRangeIndicates that the portion of the OCTET STRING identified by the IndexRange was modified.
aBNFRuleABNFRuleLocationIndicates the ABNF rule name of the rule that was modified.

M.2.4.7  Type: ModificationTypep. 409

Choice name Type Description
removedPayloadInformationRemovedIndicates that modification being described was the removal of information from the modifiedPayload.
replacedWithCharactersPayloadInformationReplacedWithCharactersIndicates that the information was replaced with characters.
replacedWithOctetsOCTET STRINGIndicates that the information was replaced with octets. Shall contain the value of the octets used to replace the information. If the length of the information being replaced is longer than the OCTET STRING included in this parameter, the value included in this parameter is repeated until the full length of the information being replaced is filled.
replacedWithBitsBIT STRINGIndicates that the information was replaced with bits. Shall contain the value of the bits used to replace the information. If the length of the information being replaced is longer than the BIT STRING included in this parameter, the value included in this parameter is repeated until the full length of the information being replaced is filled.

M.2.4.8  Type: PayloadInformationReplacedWithCharactersp. 410

Field name Type Cardi­nality Description M/C/O
charactersUTF8String1Shall contain the characters used to replace the information. If the length of the information being replaced is longer than the string included in this parameter, the value included in this parameter is repeated until the full length of the information being replaced is filled. The replacement shall be done using the encoding.M

M.2.4.9  Type: PayloadInformationRemovedp. 410

Choice name Type Description
charactersRemovedINTEGERIndicates the number of characters removed from the modifiedPayload as a part of the described modification.
octetsRemovedINTEGERIndicates the number of octets removed from this portion of the modifiedPayload as a part of the described modification.
bitsRemovedINTEGERIndicates the number of bits removed from this portion of the modifiedPayload as a part of the described modification. This choice shall only be used if the information removed cannot be measured in octets.

M.2.4.10  Type: MIMEBodyp. 410

Choice name Type Description
fullBodyNULLIndicates that the entire body of the MIME Entity was modified or that the MIME Entity had only one body part.
bodyPartMIMEPartIdentifierIndicates which part of a multipart message was modified by the described modification.

M.2.4.11  Type: IndexRangep. 410

Field name Type Cardi­nality Description M/C/O
startINTEGER1Indicates the location where the modification starts.
The first octet, character, or bit of the portion of the message that is being modified is referred to as 1.
endINTEGER1Indicates the location where the modification ends.
The first octet, character, or bit of the portion of the message that is being modified is referred to as 1.

$  Change historyp. 411

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