
Content for  TS 33.128  Word version:  19.1.0

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A (Normative)  ASN.1 Schema for the Internal and External Interfacesp. 435

B (Normative)  LI Notificationp. 435

C (Normative)  XSD Schema for LI_X1 extensionsp. 436

D  Drafting Guidancep. 436

E (Normative)  XSD Schema for Identity Associationp. 440

F (Normative)  ASN.1 Schema for LI_XER messagesp. 440


H (Normative)  XSD Schema for State Transfersp. 440

I (Normative)  XSD Schema for Location Acquisitionp. 440

L (Normative)  XSD Schema for LI Queriesp. 440

M (Normative)  Reuse of externally defined structuresp. 441

N (Normative)  Application to proprietary implementationsp. 448

$  Change historyp. 449

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