Field name | Value | M/C/O |
iMSI | IMSI associated with the target UE | C |
externalIdentifier | External Identifier in the form of username@realm and corresponding to the identity of the originating SMS party | C |
terminatingSMSParty | Identity of the SCS/AS receiving the SMS | M |
sMS | SMS TPDU | C |
sourcePort | port identifying the application of the target UE sending the MSISN-less MO SMS | C |
destinationPort | port identifying the application of the SCS/AS which is the recipient of the MSISN-less MO SMS | C |
IRI message | Record type |
Field name | Value | M/C/O |
mSISDN | MSISDN of the target UE the communication pattern applies to | C |
externalIdentifier | External Identifier of the target UE the communication pattern applies to | C |
periodicCommunicationIndicator | Identifies whether UE communicates periodically or on demand | O |
communicationDurationTime | Indicates for how long the UE will normally stay in CM-Connected for data transmission expressed in seconds | O |
periodicTime | Interval Time of periodic communication in seconds | O |
scheduledCommunication Time | Time and day of the week when the UE is available for communication, as defined in TS 29.571 | O |
scheduledCommunicationType | Indicates that the Scheduled Communication Type is Downlink only or Uplink only or Bi-directional | O |
stationaryIndication | Identifies whether the UE is stationary or mobile | O |
batteryIndication | Identifies power consumption criticality for the UE: if the UE is battery powered but the battery is not rechargeable/not replaceable, battery powered with rechargeable/replaceable battery, or not battery powered. | O |
trafficProfile | Identifies the type of data transmission: single packet transmission (UL or DL), dual packet transmission (UL with subsequent DL or DL with subsequent UL), multiple packets transmission | O |
expectedUEMovingTrajectory | Identifies the UE's expected geographical movement | O |
expectedTimeAndDayOfWeek | Identifies the time and day of week when the UE is expected to be at each location included in the Expected UE Moving Trajectory | O |
sCSASID | SCS/AS identity requesting communication pattern update | M |
validityTime | Identifies when the expected UE behavior parameter set expires and shall be deleted. If absent, it indicates that there is no expiration time for this parameter set | O |
IRI message | Record type |
SCEFCommunicationPatternUpdate | REPORT |
Field name | Value | M/C/O |
mSISDN | MSISDN of the target UE the AS session with required QoS applies to, if available (see NOTE). | C |
externalIdentifier | External Identifier of the target UE the AS session with required QoS applies to, if available (see NOTE). | C |
sCSASID | SCS/AS identity requesting AS session with required QoS.. | M |
aSSessionWithQoSOpType | Type of operation for AS session with required QoS : POST to provision, PUT and PATCH to update and DELETE to revoke. | M |
aSSessionWithQoSSubscription | Includes an ASSessionWithQoSSubscription resource according to clause A.14 of TS 29.122. The SBIReference for this parameter shall be populated with 'TS29122_AsSessionWithQoS.yaml#/components/schemas/AsSessionWithQoSSubscription'. Present only if the aSSessionWithQoSOpType is set to "POST" or "PUT". | C |
aSSessionWithQoS | Includes a ASSessionWithQoSSubscriptionPatch resource according to clause A.14 of TS 29.122. The SBIReference for this parameter shall be populated with 'TS29122_AsSessionWithQoS.yaml#/components/schemas/AsSessionWithQoSSubscriptionPatch'. Present only if the aSSessionWithQoSOpType is set to "PATCH". | C |
aSSessionWithQoS | Identifies the response code associated to the ASSessionWithQoS operation executed by the SCEF. | M |
At least one of the MSISDN or External Identifier fields shall be present.
Field name | Value | M/C/O |
mSISDN | MSISDN of the target UE the AS session with required QoS applies to, if available (see NOTE). | C |
externalIdentifier | External Identifier of the target UE the AS session with required QoS applies to, if available (see NOTE). | C |
userPlaneNotificationData | Includes a userPlaneNotificationData resource according to clause A.14 of TS 29.122. The SBIReference for this parameter shall be populated with 'TS29122_AsSessionWithQoS.yaml#/components/schemas/ UserPlaneNotificationData'. | M |
aSSessionWithQoS | Identifies the response code returned by SCS/AS associated to the ASSessionWithQoS notification sent by SCEF to SCS/AS. | M |
At least one of the MSISDN or External Identifier fields shall be present.
IRI message | Record type |
SCEFASSessionWithQoSProvision | REPORT |
SCEFASSessionWithQoSNotification | REPORT |