Content for TS 33.128 Word version: 18.7.0
The XSD schema describing the extensions used for Identity Association is given in the file urn_3GPP_ns_li_3GPPIdentityExtensions.xsd which accompanies the present document.
The ASN.1 schema describing the structures used for LI_XER is given in the file TS33128IdentityAssociation.asn which accompanies the present document.
The XSD schema describing the structures used for state transfer is given in the file urn_3GPP_ns_li_3GPPStateTransfer.xsd which accompanies the present document.
The XSD schema describing the structures used for Location Acquisition query extensions is given in the file urn_3GPP_ns_li_3GPPXLAExtensions.xsd which accompanies the present document.
The XSD schema describing the structures used for LI queries is given in the file urn_3GPP_ns_li_3GPPLIQueryExtensions.xsd which accompanies the present document.