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N (Normative)  Test configuration statep. 197

N.1  Background (informative)p. 197

The requirements in this annex are applicable when the physical interface between the terminal and the UICC is not accessible to an attached test tool.
The test capability within a UICC provides a way to enable test functionalities in the UICC or in the device. The test functionality based on test toolkit events is one of the test methods to verify the terminal conformance test requirements related to the APDU communication on the UICC-terminal interface. The test toolkit events capability within the UICC is required for such a test method.
Other test functionalities such as device APDU monitoring etc. can use test configuration states associated with a test configuration criterion to verify the terminal conformance test requirements using other methods.
The test configuration state is either active or inactive and it can be activated only if the test configuration criterion is fulfilled. To avoid security and privacy issues, test functionalities are available only if the test configuration state is active.
The terminal manufacturer can activate the test configuration state using a secure means to make a test functionality such as test toolkit events available for test purposes. The test configuration state is readable from a test system. If the state is inactive the UICC behaves as a UICC without the support for the test functionality (e.g. test toolkit events).

N.2  Test configuration statep. 197

N.2.1  Test configuration state requirementsp. 197

A UICC may support test capability or may not support test capability. The test configuration state is applicable for a UICC supporting the test capability only.
A UICC with test capability shall support a means to request to activate the test configuration state. The means to request this transition and the procedure for updating the test configuration state are implementation specific. The UICC shall support the procedure defined in clause N.2.2 to update and read the test configuration state.
The test configuration criterion for identifying a test configuration and activating the test configuration state is out of the scope of the present document, it is first level application (e.g. NAA) specific, and is defined in the application specific extensions of the UICC platform. The test configuration criterion is associated with a test configuration criterion type and refer to clause N.4 for details.
A test configuration state shall have only two possible values; active or inactive. The test configuration state transition to active shall be allowed only if the test configuration criterion is fulfilled. Otherwise, the test configuration state shall be inactive.
The NAA data related to the test configuration criterion shall be used to verify if the test configuration criterion is fulfilled.
If the NAA data related to the test configuration criterion within the UICC configuration is modified and does not match the test configuration criterion the test configuration state shall be set to inactive.
The request for a test configuration state transition to the state active shall be an explicit request.
The test configuration state shall be persistent over the power cycle. If the test configuration state is active, the first level application (e.g. NAA) shall re-evaluate the test configuration state during the application initialization procedure.
Refer to clause N.3 for the state transitions of the test configuration state.
In the case where multiple first level applications coexist on the UICC or on one LSE, the test configuration criterion shall be fulfilled for all the applications, before transitioning a test configuration state to active. If the UICC supports several LSEs, separate test configuration states shall be maintained for each LSE supporting test capability.

N.2.2  Procedure to update and read the test configuration statep. 198

The test configuration state shall be activated by using an implementation-specific procedure. The test configuration state is indicated in the proprietary file control parameter 'test configuration state' of the MF. If the test configuration state is successfully activated upon fulfilling the test configuration criterion, the proprietary file control parameter shall be updated to 1 (TRUE). If the test configuration state becomes inactive during certain state transitions (refer to clause N.3) the proprietary file control parameter shall be updated to 0 (FALSE).
The test configuration state shall be read by retrieving the proprietary file control parameter 'test configuration state' in the FCP template of the MF.

N.3  State transitions of test configuration statep. 198

Current state Action New state
Test configuration state UICC configuration Test configuration state UICC configuration
inactivetestUICC personalization with a test configurationinactivetest
inactivetestactivate Test configuration state and test config criterion matchactivetest
inactivetestactivate Test configuration state and test config criterion mismatchinactivetest
activetestpower reset and test configuration criterion match during application initializationactivetest
activetestpower reset and test configuration criterion mismatch during application initialization (see note 1)inactivetest (another) or non-test
activetestupdate data related to the test configuration criterion on the same test configuration and matches the criterion (see note 2)activetest
inactivetestupdate data related to the test configuration criterion on the same test configurationinactivetest
inactivetestpower resetinactivetest
activetestupdate data related to the test configuration criterion on the same test configuration and mismatches the criterioninactivetest
The case where UICC configuration has been changed and found test configuration criterion mismatch during the first level application initialization.
The test configuration state is not changed if the data update is not related to the test configuration criterion, or the test configuration criterion is fulfilled.
Reproduction of ETSI TS 31.ETSI-102-221, Fig. N.1: State transitions of test configuration state on a UICC with a test configuration

N.4  Test configuration criterion type and test configuration criterionp. 199

The NAA data or the conditions associated with the test configuration criterion are defined in the specification listed in Table 11.7a2. The test configuration criterion is associated with a test configuration criterion type defined in clause
The test configuration criterion type is indicated in the proprietary file control parameter 'test configuration criterion type' of the MF and it may be read by retrieving the FCP template.
The procedure to store the NAA data related to the test configuration criterion is implementation specific. Refer to clause O.1 for examples of the NAA data related to a test configuration criterion.

N.5  Availability of the test functionality (informative)p. 199

The test functionality is available only if the test configuration state is active. Otherwise, the test functionality is not available. If the UICC supports several LSEs, test functionality is available only on the LSEs with the test configuration state active.
Refer to clause O.2 for implementation examples of activating a test configuration state and availability of the test functionality.

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