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M  Examples of ODD AUTHENTICATE instruction code usagep. 193

M.1  Examples of ODD AUTHENTICATE instruction code usage at applicative levelp. 193

This clause describes the sequences on APDU level, i.e. C-APDUs are given as:
CLA INS P1 P2 {Lc DATA} {Le}
The presence of components enclosed in {…} depends on the case of the APDU.
The terminal sends some data in the object with tag '53' and the answer received by the UICC is in the object with tag '53'. The security context used in the example is P2='00'. The challenge data is [xx … xx] and the authentication response data is [yy … yy].
In the first example the length of the challenge data is 200 bytes ('C8' hex) and the length of the response data is 100 bytes ('64' hex).
Table M.1.1: ODD AUTHENTICATE with short data
In the second example the length of the challenge data is 700 bytes ('02BC' hex) and the length of the response data is 600 bytes ('0258' hex).
Table M.1.2: ODD AUTHENTICATE with extended data

M.2  Examples of ODD AUTHENTICATE instruction code usage with transport protocol T = 0p. 194

This clause describes the sequences on APDU and TPDU level.
C-APDUs are given as:
CLA INS P1 P2 {Lc DATA} {Le}
C-TPDUs are given as:
The presence of components enclosed in {…} depends on the case of the APDU or the type of the TPDU.
This clause gives examples of the usage of the ODD AUTHENTICATE command usage with transport protocol T = 0. The first example is based on the preconditions out of Table M.1. The second example is based on the preconditions out of Table M.2.
Table M.2.1: ODD AUTHENTICATE with short data
Table M.2.2: ODD AUTHENTICATE with extended data

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