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10  Analytics related to satellite access |R19|p. 127

10.1  Generalp. 127

This clause describes the procedures and information flows for analytics related to satellite access.

10.2  Support for UE RAT connectivity analyticsp. 127

10.2.1  Generalp. 127

This clause describes the procedure for supporting UE RAT connectivity analytics for satellite access. The ADAES service consumer can subscribe and receive notifications about UE RAT connectivity analytics events. This analytics helps to predict the type of satellite RAT that a UE will latch onto on a particular location and/or particular time and helps the analytics consumer to decide on the actions to improve the service experience over the satellite access.

10.2.2  Procedurep. 127

Figure 10.2.2-1 illustrates the procedure for UE RAT connectivity analytics.
  1. The ADAES is registered and capable of interacting with 5GS to UE mobility analytics.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.436, Fig. 10.2.2-1: Procedure for supporting UE RAT connectivity analytics
Step 1.
The analytics consumer (e.g.VAL server) makes a subscription request to ADAE server for UE RAT connectivity prediction/stats, including an analytics event ID for UE RAT Connectivity analytics. The request may include also the target area, a target VAL service, or a VAL UE, or group of UEs of the VAL service, time validity. If the VAL UEs are provided by the VAL server, this request may also include the expected route or a set of waypoints for the UEs of the VAL application.
Step 2.
The ADAE server sends a UE RAT connectivity analytics subscription response as an ACK to the VAL server.
Step 3.
The ADAE server subscribes to the SEAL Location management server to get the location information of the VAL UE along with the RAT type. It can set the trigger criteria of receiving the location information of the UE whenever UE RAT type changes as specified in clause 9.3.5 of TS 23.434.
Step 4.
The ADAE server subscribes for NWDAF UE mobility analytics per VAL UE (for all the VAL UEs) and gets notification on the per UE location/mobility analytics based on clause 6.7.2 of TS 23.288.
Step 5.
If the data is collected from multiple sources, the ADAES combines or correlates the data/analytics from steps 3-4 and stores the data into A-ADRF if needed.
Step 6.
The ADAE server optionally requests UE RAT connectivity historical analytics/data from A-ADRF for the corresponding VAL UEs.
Step 7.
Based on the request, the ADAE server receives UE RAT connectivity historical analytics/data from A-ADRF for the corresponding VAL UEs.
Step 8.
The ADAE server abstracts or correlates the data/analytics from steps 5-6 and provides analytics on the UE RAT connectivity for the target VAL application.
Step 9.
The ADAE server sends the UE RAT connectivity analytics notification to the consumer.

10.2.3  Information flowsp. 128  UE RAT connectivity analytics subscription requestp. 128

Table describes information elements for the UE RAT connectivity analytics subscription request from the VAL server/Analytics consumer to the ADAE server.
Information element Status Description
VAL server IDMThe identifier of the VAL server.
Analytics IDMThe identifier of the UE RAT connectivity analytics event.
VAL UE ID(s) or Group IDMThe identity of the VAL UE(s) or group of UEs for which the analytics subscription applies.
VAL service IDOThe identifier of the VAL service for which location accuracy analytics is requested.
Preferred confidence levelOThe level of accuracy for the analytics service (in case of prediction).
Area of InterestOThe geographical or service area for which the subscription request applies.
Time validityOThe time validity of the subscription request.
UE mobility / route informationOInformation on the target UE or group UE mobility including the expected route/set of waypoints.
Reporting requirementsOIt describes the requirements for analytics reporting. This requirement may include e.g. the type and frequency of reporting (periodic or event triggered), the reporting periodicity in case of periodic, and reporting thresholds.
Up  UE RAT Connectivity analytics subscription responsep. 128

Table describes information elements for the UE RAT connectivity analytics subscription response from the ADAE server to the VAL server/Analytics consumer.
Information element Status Description
ResultMThe result of the analytics subscription request (positive or negative acknowledgement).
Up  UE RAT Connectivity data retrieval requestp. 129

Table describes information elements for the UE RAT connectivity data retrieval request from the ADAE server to the A-ADRF.
Information element Status Description
ADAE server IDMThe identifier of the ADAE server.
Analytics IDMThe identifier of the analytics event i.e. UE RAT connectivity analytics.
List of VAL UE IDs and addressesMThe VAL UE(s) identifiers and IP address(es) for which the data/analytics apply.
VAL service IDOThe service ID, in case of requesting historical data for a particular VAL service.
Reporting configurationOThe configuration for data reporting. This requirement may include e.g. the frequency of reporting (periodic), the reporting periodicity in case of periodic, and reporting thresholds, whether data abstraction is needed or not.
Data collection requirementsOThe requirements for data collection, including the format of data, frequency of reporting, level of abstraction of data, level of accuracy of data.
Area of InterestOThe geographical or service area for which the subscription request applies.
Time validityOThe time validity of the request.
Up  UE RAT Connectivity data retrieval responsep. 129

Table describes information elements for the UE RAT connectivity data retrieval response from the A-ADRF to the ADAE server.
Information element Status Description
Analytics IDMThe identifier of the analytics event.
List of VAL UE IDs and addressesMThe VAL UE(s) identifiers and IP address(es) for which the analytics apply.
VAL service IDOThe service ID, in case of requesting historical data for a particular VAL service.
Analytics OutputMThe reported analytics for the UE RAT connectivity, which can be in form of offline stats/historical data for a specific VAL service or for particular UE(s) or group of UEs.
Up  UE RAT Connectivity analytics notificationp. 129

Table describes information elements for the UE RAT connectivity analytics notification from the A-ADRF to the ADAE server.
Information element Status Description
Analytics IDMThe identifier of the analytics event (UE RAT connectivity).
VAL UE ID(s)OThe identity of the VAL UE(s) for which the analytics applies.
VAL service IDOThe identifier of the VAL service for which the analytics applies.
Analytics OutputMThe analytics output which can be predictive or statistical parameter.
> RAT type prediction for given waypointsOA predicted or expected RAT type changes for a particular VAL service or UEs for the given waypoints.
>> Applicable areaOThe set of location co-ordinates or waypoints for which the analytics output is applicable.
>> Applicable time periodOThe time period that the analytics applies to.
Confidence levelOFor predictive analytics, the achieved confidence level can be provided.
> RAT type prediction for a given time periodOA predicted or expected RAT type changes for a particular VAL service or UEs for the given time period.
>> Applicable time periodOThe time period that the analytics applies to.
>> Confidence levelOFor predictive analytics, the achieved confidence level can be provided.

10.2.4  ADAE server APIsp. 130  Generalp. 130

This clause provides the APIs provided by ADAES related to satellite access.  ADAE server APIsp. 130

Table illustrates the ADAE server APIs related to satellite access.
API Name API Operations Known Consumer(s) Communication Type
SS_ADAE_UE_RAT_connectivity_analytics SubscribeVAL serverSubscribe/Notify
Up  SS_ADAE_UE_RAT_connectivity_analytics APIp. 130  Generalp. 130
API description:
This API enables the analytics consumer (e.g., the VAL server) to communicate with the ADAE server for requesting or subscribing to UE RAT connectivity analytics.  Subscribep. 130
API operation name:
The consumer subscribes to the ADAE server for UE RAT connectivity analytics.
See clause 10.2.2 for details of usage of this operation.  Notifyp. 131
API operation name:
The consumer is notified by the ADAE server on the Server-to-server performance analytics.
See clause 10.2.2 for details of usage of this operation.

10.2.5  A-ADRF APIsp. 131  Generalp. 131

This clause provides the APIs provided by A-ADRF related to satellite access.  A-ADRF APIsp. 131

Table illustrates the A-ADRF APIs related to satellite access.
API Name API Operations Known Consumer(s) Communication Type
SS_ADRF_UE_RAT_connectivity_analytics GetADAESRequest/Response
Up  SS_AADRF_UE RAT connectivity analytics APIp. 131  Generalp. 131
API description:
This API enables the ADAE server to communicate with the A-ADRF to request UE RAT connectivity analytics of VAL UEs.  Getp. 131
API operation name:
The consumer is receiving offline UE RAT connectivity analytics/data from A-ADRF.
See clause 10.2.2 for details of usage of this operation.

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