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6.5.2  Removal of Trusted WLAN accessp. 44  UE-initiated removal of Trusted WLAN access from a PDN connectionp. 44

When the UE removes the TWAN access for the multi-access PDN connection in single-connection mode, procedures as described in clause of TS 23.402 are referred with the following modification.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.161, Fig. UE-initiated Removal of Trusted WLAN access from the PDN connection for single-connection mode
Step 4.
PDN GW shall indicate to the PCRF the removal of TWAN access for the multi-access PDN connection via IP-CAN Session Modification procedures, if dynamic PCC is applied for the PDN connection.
When the UE removes the TWAN access for the multi-access PDN connection for multi-connection mode and the multi-access PDN connection is not the last PDN connection in TWAN, procedures as described in clause 16.9.1 of TS 23.402 are referred with the following modification.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.161, Fig. UE-initiated Removal of Trusted WLAN access from the PDN connection for multi-connection mode
Step 4.
PDN GW shall indicate to the PCRF the removal of TWAN access for the multi-access PDN connection via IP-CAN Session Modification procedures, if dynamic PCC is applied for the PDN connection.
When the UE removes the TWAN access for the multi-access PDN connection for multi-connectoin mode and the multi-access PDN connection is not the last PDN connection in TWAN, procedures as described in clause of TS 23.402 are referred with the following modification.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.161, Fig. UE-initiated Removal of Trusted WLAN access from the last PDN connection for multi-connection mode
Step 4.
PDN GW shall indicate to the PCRF the removal of TWAN access for the multi-access PDN connection via IP-CAN Session Modification procedures, if dynamic PCC is applied for the PDN connection.  Network-initiated removal of Trusted WLAN access from a PDN connectionp. 47

When the network removes the TWAN access for the multi-access PDN connection, the following procedures shall be applied.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 23.161, Fig. Network-initiated Removal of Trusted WLAN access from the PDN connection
Step 1.
The PCRF shall indicate to the P-GW the removal of WLAN access for the multi-access PDN connection via IP-CAN Session Modification procedure by updating or removing all PCC rules that are bound to this access.
Step 2-7.
The description of these steps is the same as for steps 2-7 in clause 16.4.1 of TS 23.402. The P-GW deactivates the default bearer of this access.
Step 8.
The P-GW shall indicate to the PCRF the WLAN access is removed from the multi-access PDN connection.
The optional interaction steps between the PDN GW and the PCRF in the procedures only occur if dynamic PCC is applied for the PDN connection.

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