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RFC 8547

TCP-ENO: Encryption Negotiation Option

Pages: 31
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5. Requirements for TEPs

TCP-ENO affords TEP specifications a large amount of design flexibility. However, to abstract TEP differences away from applications requires fitting them all into a coherent framework. As such, any TEP claiming an ENO TEP identifier MUST satisfy the following normative list of properties: o TEPs MUST protect TCP data streams with authenticated encryption. (Note that "authenticated encryption" refers only to the form of encryption, such as an Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithm meeting the requirements of [RFC5116]; it does not imply endpoint authentication.) o TEPs MUST define a session ID whose value identifies the TCP connection and, with overwhelming probability, is unique over all time if either host correctly obeys the TEP. Section 5.1 describes the requirements of the session ID in more detail.
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   o  TEPs MUST NOT make data confidentiality dependent on encryption
      algorithms with a security strength [NIST-SP-800-57] of less than
      120 bits.  The number 120 was chosen to accommodate ciphers with
      128-bit keys that lose a few bits of security either to
      particularities of the key schedule or to highly theoretical and
      unrealistic attacks.

   o  TEPs MUST NOT allow the negotiation of null cipher suites, even
      for debugging purposes.  (Implementations MAY support debugging
      modes that allow applications to extract their own session keys.)

   o  TEPs MUST guarantee the confidentiality of TCP streams without
      assuming the security of any long-lived secrets.  Implementations
      SHOULD provide forward secrecy soon after the close of a TCP
      connection and SHOULD therefore bound the delay between closing a
      connection and erasing any relevant cryptographic secrets.
      (Exceptions to forward secrecy are permissible only at the
      implementation level and only in response to hardware or
      architectural constraints -- e.g., storage that cannot be securely

   o  TEPs MUST protect and authenticate the end-of-file marker conveyed
      by TCP's FIN flag.  In particular, a receiver MUST, with
      overwhelming probability, detect a FIN flag that was set or
      cleared in transit and does not match the sender's intent.  A TEP
      MAY discard a segment with such a corrupted FIN bit or MAY abort
      the connection in response to such a segment.  However, any such
      abort MUST raise an error condition distinct from an authentic
      end-of-file condition.

   o  TEPs MUST prevent corrupted packets from causing urgent data to be
      delivered when none has been sent.  There are several ways to do
      so.  For instance, a TEP MAY cryptographically protect the URG
      flag and urgent pointer alongside ordinary payload data.
      Alternatively, a TEP MAY disable urgent data functionality by
      clearing the URG flag on all received segments and returning
      errors in response to sender-side urgent-data API calls.
      Implementations SHOULD avoid negotiating TEPs that disable urgent
      data by default.  The exception is when applications and protocols
      are known never to send urgent data.
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5.1. Session IDs

Each TEP MUST define a session ID that is computable by both endpoints and uniquely identifies each encrypted TCP connection. Implementations MUST expose the session ID to applications via an API extension. The API extension MUST return an error when no session ID is available because ENO has failed to negotiate encryption or because no connection is yet established. Applications that are aware of TCP-ENO SHOULD, when practical, authenticate the TCP endpoints by incorporating the values of the session ID and TCP-ENO role (A or B) into higher-layer authentication mechanisms. In order to avoid replay attacks and prevent authenticated session IDs from being used out of context, session IDs MUST be unique over all time with high probability. This uniqueness property MUST hold even if one end of a connection maliciously manipulates the protocol in an effort to create duplicate session IDs. In other words, it MUST be infeasible for a host, even by violating the TEP specification, to establish two TCP connections with the same session ID to remote hosts properly implementing the TEP. To prevent session IDs from being confused across TEPs, all session IDs begin with the negotiated TEP identifier -- that is, the last valid TEP identifier in host B's SYN segment. Furthermore, this initial byte has bit "v" set to the same value that accompanied the negotiated TEP identifier in B's SYN segment. However, only this single byte is included, not any suboption data. Figure 8 shows the resulting format. This format is designed for TEPs to compute unique identifiers; it is not intended for application authors to pick apart session IDs. Applications SHOULD treat session IDs as monolithic opaque values and SHOULD NOT discard the first byte to shorten identifiers. (An exception is for non-security-relevant purposes, such as gathering statistics about negotiated TEPs.) byte 0 1 2 N-1 N +-----+------------...------------+ | sub-| collision-resistant hash | | opt | of connection information | +-----+------------...------------+ Figure 8: Format of a Session ID Though TEP specifications retain considerable flexibility in their definitions of the session ID, all session IDs MUST meet the following normative list of requirements: o The session ID MUST be at least 33 bytes (including the one-byte suboption), though TEPs MAY choose longer session IDs.
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   o  The session ID MUST depend, in a collision-resistant way, on all
      of the following (meaning it is computationally infeasible to
      produce collisions of the session ID derivation function unless
      all of the following quantities are identical):

      *  Fresh data contributed by both sides of the connection

      *  Any public keys, public Diffie-Hellman parameters, or other
         public asymmetric cryptographic parameters that are employed by
         the TEP and have corresponding private data that is known by
         only one side of the connection

      *  The negotiation transcript specified in Section 4.8

   o  Unless and until applications disclose information about the
      session ID, all but the first byte MUST be computationally
      indistinguishable from random bytes to a network eavesdropper.

   o  Applications MAY choose to make session IDs public.  Therefore,
      TEPs MUST NOT place any confidential data in the session ID (such
      as data permitting the derivation of session keys).

6. Examples

This subsection illustrates the TCP-ENO handshake with a few non- normative examples. (1) A -> B: SYN ENO<X,Y> (2) B -> A: SYN-ACK ENO<b=1,Y> (3) A -> B: ACK ENO<> [rest of connection encrypted according to TEP Y] Figure 9: Three-Way Handshake with Successful TCP-ENO Negotiation Figure 9 shows a three-way handshake with a successful TCP-ENO negotiation. Host A includes two ENO suboptions with TEP identifiers X and Y. Host A does not include an explicit global suboption, which means it has an implicit global suboption 0x00 conveying passive role bit b = 0. The two sides agree to follow the TEP identified by suboption Y. (1) A -> B: SYN ENO<X,Y> (2) B -> A: SYN-ACK (3) A -> B: ACK [rest of connection unencrypted legacy TCP] Figure 10: Three-Way Handshake with Failed TCP-ENO Negotiation
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   Figure 10 shows a failed TCP-ENO negotiation.  The active opener (A)
   indicates support for TEPs corresponding to suboptions X and Y.
   Unfortunately, at this point, one of several things occurs:

   1.  The passive opener (B) does not support TCP-ENO.

   2.  B supports TCP-ENO but supports neither of the TEPs X and Y, and
       so it does not reply with an ENO option.

   3.  B supports TCP-ENO but has the connection configured in mandatory
       application-aware mode and thus disables ENO because A's SYN
       segment contains an implicit global suboption with a = 0.

   4.  The network stripped the ENO option out of A's SYN segment, so B
       did not receive it.

   Whichever of the above applies, the connection transparently falls
   back to unencrypted TCP.

       (1) A -> B:  SYN      ENO<X,Y>
       (2) B -> A:  SYN-ACK  ENO<b=1,X> [ENO stripped by middlebox]
       (3) A -> B:  ACK
       [rest of connection unencrypted legacy TCP]

     Figure 11: Failed TCP-ENO Negotiation Because of Option Stripping

   Figure 11 Shows another handshake with a failed encryption
   negotiation.  In this case, the passive opener (B) receives an ENO
   option from A and replies.  However, the reverse network path from B
   to A strips ENO options.  Therefore, A does not receive an ENO option
   from B, it disables ENO, and it does not include a non-SYN-form ENO
   option in segment 3 when ACKing B's SYN.  Had A not disabled
   encryption, Section 4.6 would have required it to include a non-SYN-
   form ENO option in segment 3.  The omission of this option informs B
   that encryption negotiation has failed, after which the two hosts
   proceed with unencrypted TCP.

             (1) A -> B:  SYN      ENO<Y,X>
             (2) B -> A:  SYN      ENO<b=1,X,Y,Z>
             (3) A -> B:  SYN-ACK  ENO<Y,X>
             (4) B -> A:  SYN-ACK  ENO<b=1,X,Y,Z>
             [rest of connection encrypted according to TEP Y]

     Figure 12: Simultaneous Open with Successful TCP-ENO Negotiation

   Figure 12 shows a successful TCP-ENO negotiation with simultaneous
   open.  Here, the first four segments contain a SYN-form ENO option,
   as each side sends both a SYN-only and a SYN-ACK segment.  The ENO
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   option in each host's SYN-ACK is identical to the ENO option in its
   SYN-only segment, as otherwise, connection establishment could not
   recover from the loss of a SYN segment.  The last valid TEP in host
   B's ENO option is Y, so Y is the negotiated TEP.

7. Future Developments

TCP-ENO is designed to capitalize on future developments that could alter trade-offs and change the best approach to TCP-level encryption (beyond introducing new cipher suites). By way of example, we discuss a few such possible developments. Various proposals exist to increase the maximum space for options in the TCP header. These proposals are highly experimental -- particularly those that apply to SYN segments. Therefore, future TEPs are unlikely to benefit from extended SYN option space. In the unlikely event that SYN option space is one day extended, however, future TEPs could benefit by embedding key agreement messages directly in SYN segments. Under such usage, the 32-byte limit on length bytes could prove insufficient. This document intentionally aborts TCP-ENO if a length byte is followed by an octet in the range 0x00-0x9f. If necessary, a future update to this document can define a format for larger suboptions by assigning meaning to such currently undefined byte sequences. New revisions to socket interfaces [RFC3493] could involve library calls that simultaneously have access to hostname information and an underlying TCP connection. Such an API enables the possibility of authenticating servers transparently to the application, particularly in conjunction with technologies such as DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) [RFC6394]. An update to TCP-ENO can adopt one of the "z" bits in the global suboption to negotiate the use of an endpoint authentication protocol before any application use of the TCP connection. Over time, the consequences of failed or missing endpoint authentication can gradually be increased from issuing log messages to aborting the connection if some as yet unspecified DNS record indicates authentication is mandatory. Through shared library updates, such endpoint authentication can potentially be added transparently to legacy applications without recompilation. TLS can currently only be added to legacy applications whose protocols accommodate a STARTTLS command or equivalent. TCP-ENO, because it provides out-of-band signaling, opens the possibility of future TLS revisions being generically applicable to any TCP application.
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8. Design Rationale

This section describes some of the design rationale behind TCP-ENO.

8.1. Handshake Robustness

Incremental deployment of TCP-ENO depends critically on failure cases devolving to unencrypted TCP rather than causing the entire TCP connection to fail. Because a network path might drop ENO options in one direction only, a host needs to know not just that the peer supports encryption, but that the peer has received an ENO option. To this end, ENO disables encryption unless it receives an ACK segment bearing an ENO option. To stay robust in the face of dropped segments, hosts continue to include non-SYN-form ENO options in segments until the point that they have received a non-SYN segment from the other side. One particularly pernicious middlebox behavior found in the wild is load balancers that echo unknown TCP options found in SYN segments back to an active opener. The passive role bit "b" in global suboptions ensures encryption will always be disabled under such circumstances, as sending back a verbatim copy of an active opener's SYN-form ENO option always causes role negotiation to fail.

8.2. Suboption Data

TEPs can employ suboption data for session caching, cipher suite negotiation, or other purposes. However, TCP currently limits total option space consumed by all options to only 40 bytes, making it impractical to have many suboptions with data. For this reason, ENO optimizes the case of a single suboption with data by inferring the length of the last suboption from the TCP option length. Doing so saves one byte.

8.3. Passive Role Bit

TCP-ENO, TEPs, and applications all have asymmetries that require an unambiguous way to identify one of the two connection endpoints. As an example, Section 4.8 specifies that host A's ENO option comes before host B's in the negotiation transcript. As another example, an application might need to authenticate one end of a TCP connection with a digital signature. To ensure the signed message cannot be interpreted out of context to authenticate the other end, the signed message would need to include both the session ID and the local role, A or B.
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   A normal TCP three-way handshake involves one active and one passive
   opener.  This asymmetry is captured by the default configuration of
   the "b" bit in the global suboption.  With simultaneous open, both
   hosts are active openers, so TCP-ENO requires that one host
   explicitly configure b = 1.  An alternate design might automatically
   break the symmetry to avoid this need for explicit configuration.
   However, all such designs we considered either lacked robustness or
   consumed precious bytes of SYN option space even in the absence of
   simultaneous open.  (One complicating factor is that TCP does not
   know it is participating in a simultaneous open until after it has
   sent a SYN segment.  Moreover, with packet loss, one host might never
   learn it has participated in a simultaneous open.)

8.4. Application-Aware Bit

Applications developed before TCP-ENO can potentially evolve to take advantage of TCP-level encryption. For instance, an application designed to run only on trusted networks might leverage TCP-ENO to run on untrusted networks, but, importantly, needs to authenticate endpoints and session IDs to do so. In addition to user-visible changes such as requesting credentials, this kind of authentication functionality requires application-layer protocol changes. Some protocols can accommodate the requisite changes -- for instance, by introducing a new verb analogous to STARTTLS, while others cannot do so in a backwards-compatible manner. The application-aware bit "a" in the global suboption provides a means of incrementally deploying enhancements specific to TCP-ENO to application-layer protocols that would otherwise lack the necessary extensibility. Software implementing the enhancement always sets a = 1 in its own global suboption, but only activates the new behavior when the other end of the connection also sets a = 1. A related issue is that an application might leverage TCP-ENO as a replacement for legacy application-layer encryption. In this scenario, if both endpoints support TCP-ENO, then application-layer encryption can be disabled in favor of simply authenticating the TCP- ENO session ID. On the other hand, if one endpoint is not aware of the new mode of operation specific to TCP-ENO, there is little benefit to performing redundant encryption at the TCP layer; data is already encrypted once at the application layer, and authentication only has meaning with respect to this application-layer encryption. The mandatory application-aware mode lets applications avoid double encryption in this case: the mode sets a = 1 in the local host's global suboption but also disables TCP-ENO entirely in the event that the other side has not also set a = 1.
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   Note that the application-aware bit is not needed by applications
   that already support adequate higher-layer encryption such as those
   provided by TLS [RFC8446] or SSH [RFC4253].  To avoid double
   encryption in such cases, it suffices to disable TCP-ENO by
   configuration on any ports with known secure protocols.

8.5. Use of ENO Option Kind by TEPs

This document does not specify the use of ENO options beyond the first few segments of a connection. Moreover, it does not specify the content of ENO options in non-SYN segments, only their presence. As a result, any use of option kind 69 after the SYN exchange does not conflict with this document. In addition, because ENO guarantees at most one negotiated TEP per connection, TEPs will not conflict with one another or ENO if they use option kind 69 for out-of-band signaling in non-SYN segments.

8.6. Unpredictability of Session IDs

Section 5.1 specifies that all but the first (TEP identifier) byte of a session ID MUST be computationally indistinguishable from random bytes to a network eavesdropper. This property is easy to ensure under standard assumptions about cryptographic hash functions. Such unpredictability helps security in a broad range of cases. For example, it makes it possible for applications to use a session ID from one connection to authenticate a session ID from another, thereby tying the two connections together. It furthermore helps ensure that TEPs do not trivially subvert the 33-byte minimum-length requirement for session IDs by padding shorter session IDs with zeros.

9. Experiments

This document has experimental status because TCP-ENO's viability depends on middlebox behavior that can only be determined a posteriori. Specifically, we need to determine to what extent middleboxes will permit the use of TCP-ENO. Once TCP-ENO is deployed, we will be in a better position to gather data on two types of failure: 1. Middleboxes downgrading TCP-ENO connections to unencrypted TCP. This can happen if middleboxes strip unknown TCP options or if they terminate TCP connections and relay data back and forth. 2. Middleboxes causing TCP-ENO connections to fail completely. This can happen if middleboxes perform deep packet inspection and start dropping segments that unexpectedly contain ciphertext, or
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       if middleboxes strip ENO options from non-SYN segments after
       allowing them in SYN segments.

   Type-1 failures are tolerable since TCP-ENO is designed for
   incremental deployment anyway.  Type-2 failures are more problematic,
   and, if prevalent, will require the development of techniques to
   avoid and recover from such failures.  The experiment will succeed so
   long as we can avoid type-2 failures and find sufficient use cases
   that avoid type-1 failures (possibly along with a gradual path for
   further reducing type-1 failures).

   In addition to the question of basic viability, deploying TCP-ENO
   will allow us to identify and address other potential corner cases or
   relaxations.  For example, does the slight decrease in effective TCP
   segment payload pose a problem to any applications, which would
   require restrictions on how TEPs interpret socket buffer sizes?
   Conversely, can we relax the prohibition on default TEPs that disable
   urgent data?

   A final important metric, related to the pace of deployment and
   incidence of type-1 failures, will be the extent to which
   applications adopt enhancements specific to TCP-ENO for endpoint

10. Security Considerations

An obvious use case for TCP-ENO is opportunistic encryption, e.g., encrypting some connections, but only where supported and without any kind of endpoint authentication. Opportunistic encryption provides a property known as "opportunistic security" [RFC7435], which protects against undetectable large-scale eavesdropping. However, it does not protect against detectable large-scale eavesdropping (for instance, if ISPs terminate TCP connections and proxy them or simply downgrade connections to unencrypted). Moreover, opportunistic encryption emphatically does not protect against targeted attacks that employ trivial spoofing to redirect a specific high-value connection to a man-in-the-middle attacker. Hence, the mere presence of TEP- indicated encryption does not suffice for an application to represent a connection as secure to the user. Achieving stronger security with TCP-ENO requires verifying session IDs. Any application relying on ENO for communication security MUST incorporate session IDs into its endpoint authentication. By way of example, an authentication mechanism based on keyed digests (such as Digest Access Authentication [RFC7616]) can be extended to include the role and session ID in the input of the keyed digest. Authentication mechanisms with a notion of channel binding (such as Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) [RFC5802])
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   can be updated to derive a channel binding from the session ID.
   Higher-layer protocols MAY use the application-aware "a" bit to
   negotiate the inclusion of session IDs in authentication even when
   there is no in-band way to carry out such a negotiation.  Because
   there is only one "a" bit, however, a protocol extension that
   specifies use of the "a" bit will likely require a built-in
   versioning or negotiation mechanism to accommodate crypto agility and
   future updates.

   Because TCP-ENO enables multiple different TEPs to coexist, security
   could potentially be only as strong as the weakest available TEP.  In
   particular, if TEPs use a weak hash function to incorporate the TCP-
   ENO transcript into session IDs, then an attacker can undetectably
   tamper with ENO options to force negotiation of a deprecated and
   vulnerable TEP.  To avoid such problems, security reviewers of new
   TEPs SHOULD pay particular attention to the collision resistance of
   hash functions used for session IDs (including the state of
   cryptanalysis and research into possible attacks).  Even if other
   parts of a TEP rely on more esoteric cryptography that turns out to
   be vulnerable, it ought nonetheless to be intractable for an attacker
   to induce identical session IDs at both ends after tampering with ENO
   contents in SYN segments.

   Implementations MUST NOT send ENO options unless they have access to
   an adequate source of randomness [RFC4086].  Without secret
   unpredictable data at both ends of a connection, it is impossible for
   TEPs to achieve confidentiality and forward secrecy.  Because systems
   typically have very little entropy on bootup, implementations might
   need to disable TCP-ENO until after system initialization.

   With a regular three-way handshake (meaning no simultaneous open),
   the non-SYN-form ENO option in an active opener's first ACK segment
   MAY contain N > 0 bytes of TEP-specific data, as shown in Figure 3.
   Such data is not part of the TCP-ENO negotiation transcript and
   therefore MUST be separately authenticated by the TEP.
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11. IANA Considerations

This document defines a new TCP option kind for TCP-ENO, assigned a value of 69 from the TCP option space. This value is defined as: +------+--------+----------------------------------+-----------+ | Kind | Length | Meaning | Reference | +------+--------+----------------------------------+-----------+ | 69 | N | Encryption Negotiation (TCP-ENO) | RFC 8547 | +------+--------+----------------------------------+-----------+ Table 2: TCP Option Kind Numbers Early implementations of TCP-ENO and a predecessor TCP encryption protocol made unauthorized use of TCP option kind 69. These earlier uses of option 69 are not compatible with TCP-ENO and could disable encryption or suffer complete connection failure when interoperating with TCP-ENO-compliant hosts. Hence, legacy use of option 69 MUST be disabled on hosts that cannot be upgraded to TCP-ENO. More recent implementations used experimental option 253 per [RFC6994] with 16-bit ExID 0x454E. Current and new implementations of TCP-ENO MUST use option 69, while any legacy implementations MUST migrate to option 69. Note in particular that Section 4.1 requires at most one SYN-form ENO option per segment, which means hosts MUST NOT include both option 69 and option 253 with ExID 0x454E in the same TCP segment. This document defines a 7-bit glt field in the range of 0x20-0x7f. IANA has created and will maintain a new registry titled "TCP Encryption Protocol Identifiers" under the "Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Parameters" registry. Table 3 shows the initial contents of this registry. This document allocates one TEP identifier (0x20) for experimental use. In case the TEP identifier space proves too small, identifiers in the range 0x70-0x7f are reserved to enable a future update to this document to define extended identifier values. Future assignments are to be made upon satisfying either of two policies defined in [RFC8126]: "IETF Review" or (for non-IETF stream specifications) "Expert Review with RFC Required". IANA will furthermore provide early allocation [RFC7120] to facilitate testing before RFCs are finalized.
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         | Value     | Meaning                      | Reference |
         | 0x20      | Experimental Use             | RFC 8547  |
         | 0x70-0x7f | Reserved for extended values | RFC 8547  |

               Table 3: TCP Encryption Protocol Identifiers

12. References

12.1. Normative References

[NIST-SP-800-57] National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Recommendation for Key Management - Part 1: General", NIST Special Publication, 800-57, Revision 4, DOI 10.6028/NIST.SP.800-57pt1r4, January 2016, < NIST.SP.800-57pt1r4.pdf>. [RFC793] Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7, RFC 793, DOI 10.17487/RFC0793, September 1981, <>. [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, <>. [RFC4086] Eastlake 3rd, D., Schiller, J., and S. Crocker, "Randomness Requirements for Security", BCP 106, RFC 4086, DOI 10.17487/RFC4086, June 2005, <>. [RFC7120] Cotton, M., "Early IANA Allocation of Standards Track Code Points", BCP 100, RFC 7120, DOI 10.17487/RFC7120, January 2014, <>. [RFC8126] Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017, <>. [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017, <>.
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12.2. Informative References

[RFC3493] Gilligan, R., Thomson, S., Bound, J., McCann, J., and W. Stevens, "Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6", RFC 3493, DOI 10.17487/RFC3493, February 2003, <>. [RFC4253] Ylonen, T. and C. Lonvick, Ed., "The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol", RFC 4253, DOI 10.17487/RFC4253, January 2006, <>. [RFC4987] Eddy, W., "TCP SYN Flooding Attacks and Common Mitigations", RFC 4987, DOI 10.17487/RFC4987, August 2007, <>. [RFC5116] McGrew, D., "An Interface and Algorithms for Authenticated Encryption", RFC 5116, DOI 10.17487/RFC5116, January 2008, <>. [RFC5382] Guha, S., Ed., Biswas, K., Ford, B., Sivakumar, S., and P. Srisuresh, "NAT Behavioral Requirements for TCP", BCP 142, RFC 5382, DOI 10.17487/RFC5382, October 2008, <>. [RFC5802] Newman, C., Menon-Sen, A., Melnikov, A., and N. Williams, "Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) SASL and GSS-API Mechanisms", RFC 5802, DOI 10.17487/RFC5802, July 2010, <>. [RFC6394] Barnes, R., "Use Cases and Requirements for DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE)", RFC 6394, DOI 10.17487/RFC6394, October 2011, <>. [RFC6994] Touch, J., "Shared Use of Experimental TCP Options", RFC 6994, DOI 10.17487/RFC6994, August 2013, <>. [RFC7413] Cheng, Y., Chu, J., Radhakrishnan, S., and A. Jain, "TCP Fast Open", RFC 7413, DOI 10.17487/RFC7413, December 2014, <>. [RFC7435] Dukhovni, V., "Opportunistic Security: Some Protection Most of the Time", RFC 7435, DOI 10.17487/RFC7435, December 2014, <>.
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   [RFC7616]  Shekh-Yusef, R., Ed., Ahrens, D., and S. Bremer, "HTTP
              Digest Access Authentication", RFC 7616,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7616, September 2015,

   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,


We are grateful for contributions, help, discussions, and feedback from the IETF and its TCPINC Working Group, including Marcelo Bagnulo, David Black, Bob Briscoe, Benoit Claise, Spencer Dawkins, Jake Holland, Jana Iyengar, Tero Kivinen, Mirja Kuhlewind, Watson Ladd, Kathleen Moriarty, Yoav Nir, Christoph Paasch, Eric Rescorla, Adam Roach, Kyle Rose, Michael Scharf, Joe Touch, and Eric Vyncke. This work was partially funded by DARPA CRASH and the Stanford Secure Internet of Things Project.


Dan Boneh was a coauthor of the draft that became this document.
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Authors' Addresses

Andrea Bittau Google 345 Spear Street San Francisco, CA 94105 United States of America Email: Daniel B. Giffin Stanford University 353 Serra Mall, Room 288 Stanford, CA 94305 United States of America Email: Mark Handley University College London Gower St. London WC1E 6BT United Kingdom Email: David Mazieres Stanford University 353 Serra Mall, Room 290 Stanford, CA 94305 United States of America Email: Eric W. Smith Kestrel Institute 3260 Hillview Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94304 United States of America Email: