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RFC 8446

The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3

Pages: 160
Proposed Standard
Obsoletes:  507752466961
Updates:  57056066
Part 1 of 8 – Pages 1 to 24
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Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                       E. Rescorla
Request for Comments: 8446                                       Mozilla
Obsoletes: 5077, 5246, 6961                                  August 2018
Updates: 5705, 6066
Category: Standards Track
ISSN: 2070-1721

        The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3


This document specifies version 1.3 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. TLS allows client/server applications to communicate over the Internet in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. This document updates RFCs 5705 and 6066, and obsoletes RFCs 5077, 5246, and 6961. This document also specifies new requirements for TLS 1.2 implementations. Status of This Memo This is an Internet Standards Track document. This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It represents the consensus of the IETF community. It has received public review and has been approved for publication by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Further information on Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841. Information about the current status of this document, any errata, and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at
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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2018 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
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   This document may contain material from IETF Documents or IETF
   Contributions published or made publicly available before November
   10, 2008.  The person(s) controlling the copyright in some of this
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   Without obtaining an adequate license from the person(s) controlling
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   not be created outside the IETF Standards Process, except to format
   it for publication as an RFC or to translate it into languages other
   than English.
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Table of Contents

1. Introduction ....................................................6 1.1. Conventions and Terminology ................................7 1.2. Major Differences from TLS 1.2 .............................8 1.3. Updates Affecting TLS 1.2 ..................................9 2. Protocol Overview ..............................................10 2.1. Incorrect DHE Share .......................................14 2.2. Resumption and Pre-Shared Key (PSK) .......................15 2.3. 0-RTT Data ................................................17 3. Presentation Language ..........................................19 3.1. Basic Block Size ..........................................19 3.2. Miscellaneous .............................................20 3.3. Numbers ...................................................20 3.4. Vectors ...................................................20 3.5. Enumerateds ...............................................21 3.6. Constructed Types .........................................22 3.7. Constants .................................................23 3.8. Variants ..................................................23 4. Handshake Protocol .............................................24 4.1. Key Exchange Messages .....................................25 4.1.1. Cryptographic Negotiation ..........................26 4.1.2. Client Hello .......................................27 4.1.3. Server Hello .......................................31 4.1.4. Hello Retry Request ................................33 4.2. Extensions ................................................35 4.2.1. Supported Versions .................................39 4.2.2. Cookie .............................................40 4.2.3. Signature Algorithms ...............................41 4.2.4. Certificate Authorities ............................45 4.2.5. OID Filters ........................................45 4.2.6. Post-Handshake Client Authentication ...............47 4.2.7. Supported Groups ...................................47 4.2.8. Key Share ..........................................48 4.2.9. Pre-Shared Key Exchange Modes ......................51 4.2.10. Early Data Indication .............................52 4.2.11. Pre-Shared Key Extension ..........................55 4.3. Server Parameters .........................................59 4.3.1. Encrypted Extensions ...............................60 4.3.2. Certificate Request ................................60 4.4. Authentication Messages ...................................61 4.4.1. The Transcript Hash ................................63 4.4.2. Certificate ........................................64 4.4.3. Certificate Verify .................................69 4.4.4. Finished ...........................................71 4.5. End of Early Data .........................................72
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      4.6. Post-Handshake Messages ...................................73
           4.6.1. New Session Ticket Message .........................73
           4.6.2. Post-Handshake Authentication ......................75
           4.6.3. Key and Initialization Vector Update ...............76
   5. Record Protocol ................................................77
      5.1. Record Layer ..............................................78
      5.2. Record Payload Protection .................................80
      5.3. Per-Record Nonce ..........................................82
      5.4. Record Padding ............................................83
      5.5. Limits on Key Usage .......................................84
   6. Alert Protocol .................................................85
      6.1. Closure Alerts ............................................87
      6.2. Error Alerts ..............................................88
   7. Cryptographic Computations .....................................90
      7.1. Key Schedule ..............................................91
      7.2. Updating Traffic Secrets ..................................94
      7.3. Traffic Key Calculation ...................................95
      7.4. (EC)DHE Shared Secret Calculation .........................95
           7.4.1. Finite Field Diffie-Hellman ........................95
           7.4.2. Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman ......................96
      7.5. Exporters .................................................97
   8. 0-RTT and Anti-Replay ..........................................98
      8.1. Single-Use Tickets ........................................99
      8.2. Client Hello Recording ....................................99
      8.3. Freshness Checks .........................................101
   9. Compliance Requirements .......................................102
      9.1. Mandatory-to-Implement Cipher Suites .....................102
      9.2. Mandatory-to-Implement Extensions ........................103
      9.3. Protocol Invariants ......................................104
   10. Security Considerations ......................................106
   11. IANA Considerations ..........................................106
   12. References ...................................................109
      12.1. Normative References ....................................109
      12.2. Informative References ..................................112
   Appendix A. State Machine ........................................120
     A.1. Client ....................................................120
     A.2. Server ....................................................121
   Appendix B. Protocol Data Structures and Constant Values .........122
     B.1. Record Layer ..............................................122
     B.2. Alert Messages ............................................123
     B.3. Handshake Protocol ........................................124
       B.3.1. Key Exchange Messages .................................125
       B.3.2. Server Parameters Messages ............................131
       B.3.3. Authentication Messages ...............................132
       B.3.4. Ticket Establishment ..................................132
       B.3.5. Updating Keys .........................................133
     B.4. Cipher Suites .............................................133
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   Appendix C. Implementation Notes .................................134
     C.1. Random Number Generation and Seeding ......................134
     C.2. Certificates and Authentication ...........................135
     C.3. Implementation Pitfalls ...................................135
     C.4. Client Tracking Prevention ................................137
     C.5. Unauthenticated Operation .................................137
   Appendix D. Backward Compatibility ...............................138
     D.1. Negotiating with an Older Server ..........................139
     D.2. Negotiating with an Older Client ..........................139
     D.3. 0-RTT Backward Compatibility ..............................140
     D.4. Middlebox Compatibility Mode ..............................140
     D.5. Security Restrictions Related to Backward Compatibility ...141
   Appendix E. Overview of Security Properties ......................142
     E.1. Handshake .................................................142
       E.1.1. Key Derivation and HKDF ...............................145
       E.1.2. Client Authentication .................................146
       E.1.3. 0-RTT .................................................146
       E.1.4. Exporter Independence .................................146
       E.1.5. Post-Compromise Security ..............................146
       E.1.6. External References ...................................147
     E.2. Record Layer ..............................................147
       E.2.1. External References ...................................148
     E.3. Traffic Analysis ..........................................148
     E.4. Side-Channel Attacks ......................................149
     E.5. Replay Attacks on 0-RTT ...................................150
       E.5.1. Replay and Exporters ..................................151
     E.6. PSK Identity Exposure .....................................152
     E.7. Sharing PSKs ..............................................152
     E.8. Attacks on Static RSA .....................................152
   Contributors .....................................................153
   Author's Address .................................................160
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1. Introduction

The primary goal of TLS is to provide a secure channel between two communicating peers; the only requirement from the underlying transport is a reliable, in-order data stream. Specifically, the secure channel should provide the following properties: - Authentication: The server side of the channel is always authenticated; the client side is optionally authenticated. Authentication can happen via asymmetric cryptography (e.g., RSA [RSA], the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) [ECDSA], or the Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA) [RFC8032]) or a symmetric pre-shared key (PSK). - Confidentiality: Data sent over the channel after establishment is only visible to the endpoints. TLS does not hide the length of the data it transmits, though endpoints are able to pad TLS records in order to obscure lengths and improve protection against traffic analysis techniques. - Integrity: Data sent over the channel after establishment cannot be modified by attackers without detection. These properties should be true even in the face of an attacker who has complete control of the network, as described in [RFC3552]. See Appendix E for a more complete statement of the relevant security properties. TLS consists of two primary components: - A handshake protocol (Section 4) that authenticates the communicating parties, negotiates cryptographic modes and parameters, and establishes shared keying material. The handshake protocol is designed to resist tampering; an active attacker should not be able to force the peers to negotiate different parameters than they would if the connection were not under attack. - A record protocol (Section 5) that uses the parameters established by the handshake protocol to protect traffic between the communicating peers. The record protocol divides traffic up into a series of records, each of which is independently protected using the traffic keys.
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   TLS is application protocol independent; higher-level protocols can
   layer on top of TLS transparently.  The TLS standard, however, does
   not specify how protocols add security with TLS; how to initiate TLS
   handshaking and how to interpret the authentication certificates
   exchanged are left to the judgment of the designers and implementors
   of protocols that run on top of TLS.

   This document defines TLS version 1.3.  While TLS 1.3 is not directly
   compatible with previous versions, all versions of TLS incorporate a
   versioning mechanism which allows clients and servers to
   interoperably negotiate a common version if one is supported by both

   This document supersedes and obsoletes previous versions of TLS,
   including version 1.2 [RFC5246].  It also obsoletes the TLS ticket
   mechanism defined in [RFC5077] and replaces it with the mechanism
   defined in Section 2.2.  Because TLS 1.3 changes the way keys are
   derived, it updates [RFC5705] as described in Section 7.5.  It also
   changes how Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) messages are
   carried and therefore updates [RFC6066] and obsoletes [RFC6961] as
   described in Section

1.1. Conventions and Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here. The following terms are used: client: The endpoint initiating the TLS connection. connection: A transport-layer connection between two endpoints. endpoint: Either the client or server of the connection. handshake: An initial negotiation between client and server that establishes the parameters of their subsequent interactions within TLS. peer: An endpoint. When discussing a particular endpoint, "peer" refers to the endpoint that is not the primary subject of discussion.
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   receiver:  An endpoint that is receiving records.

   sender:  An endpoint that is transmitting records.

   server:  The endpoint that did not initiate the TLS connection.

1.2. Major Differences from TLS 1.2

The following is a list of the major functional differences between TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3. It is not intended to be exhaustive, and there are many minor differences. - The list of supported symmetric encryption algorithms has been pruned of all algorithms that are considered legacy. Those that remain are all Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) algorithms. The cipher suite concept has been changed to separate the authentication and key exchange mechanisms from the record protection algorithm (including secret key length) and a hash to be used with both the key derivation function and handshake message authentication code (MAC). - A zero round-trip time (0-RTT) mode was added, saving a round trip at connection setup for some application data, at the cost of certain security properties. - Static RSA and Diffie-Hellman cipher suites have been removed; all public-key based key exchange mechanisms now provide forward secrecy. - All handshake messages after the ServerHello are now encrypted. The newly introduced EncryptedExtensions message allows various extensions previously sent in the clear in the ServerHello to also enjoy confidentiality protection. - The key derivation functions have been redesigned. The new design allows easier analysis by cryptographers due to their improved key separation properties. The HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF) is used as an underlying primitive. - The handshake state machine has been significantly restructured to be more consistent and to remove superfluous messages such as ChangeCipherSpec (except when needed for middlebox compatibility). - Elliptic curve algorithms are now in the base spec, and new signature algorithms, such as EdDSA, are included. TLS 1.3 removed point format negotiation in favor of a single point format for each curve.
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   -  Other cryptographic improvements were made, including changing the
      RSA padding to use the RSA Probabilistic Signature Scheme
      (RSASSA-PSS), and the removal of compression, the Digital
      Signature Algorithm (DSA), and custom Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman
      (DHE) groups.

   -  The TLS 1.2 version negotiation mechanism has been deprecated in
      favor of a version list in an extension.  This increases
      compatibility with existing servers that incorrectly implemented
      version negotiation.

   -  Session resumption with and without server-side state as well as
      the PSK-based cipher suites of earlier TLS versions have been
      replaced by a single new PSK exchange.

   -  References have been updated to point to the updated versions of
      RFCs, as appropriate (e.g., RFC 5280 rather than RFC 3280).

1.3. Updates Affecting TLS 1.2

This document defines several changes that optionally affect implementations of TLS 1.2, including those which do not also support TLS 1.3: - A version downgrade protection mechanism is described in Section 4.1.3. - RSASSA-PSS signature schemes are defined in Section 4.2.3. - The "supported_versions" ClientHello extension can be used to negotiate the version of TLS to use, in preference to the legacy_version field of the ClientHello. - The "signature_algorithms_cert" extension allows a client to indicate which signature algorithms it can validate in X.509 certificates. Additionally, this document clarifies some compliance requirements for earlier versions of TLS; see Section 9.3.
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2. Protocol Overview

The cryptographic parameters used by the secure channel are produced by the TLS handshake protocol. This sub-protocol of TLS is used by the client and server when first communicating with each other. The handshake protocol allows peers to negotiate a protocol version, select cryptographic algorithms, optionally authenticate each other, and establish shared secret keying material. Once the handshake is complete, the peers use the established keys to protect the application-layer traffic. A failure of the handshake or other protocol error triggers the termination of the connection, optionally preceded by an alert message (Section 6). TLS supports three basic key exchange modes: - (EC)DHE (Diffie-Hellman over either finite fields or elliptic curves) - PSK-only - PSK with (EC)DHE
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   Figure 1 below shows the basic full TLS handshake:

       Client                                           Server

Key  ^ ClientHello
Exch | + key_share*
     | + signature_algorithms*
     | + psk_key_exchange_modes*
     v + pre_shared_key*       -------->
                                                  ServerHello  ^ Key
                                                 + key_share*  | Exch
                                            + pre_shared_key*  v
                                        {EncryptedExtensions}  ^  Server
                                        {CertificateRequest*}  v  Params
                                               {Certificate*}  ^
                                         {CertificateVerify*}  | Auth
                                                   {Finished}  v
                               <--------  [Application Data*]
     ^ {Certificate*}
Auth | {CertificateVerify*}
     v {Finished}              -------->
       [Application Data]      <------->  [Application Data]

              +  Indicates noteworthy extensions sent in the
                 previously noted message.

              *  Indicates optional or situation-dependent
                 messages/extensions that are not always sent.

              {} Indicates messages protected using keys
                 derived from a [sender]_handshake_traffic_secret.

              [] Indicates messages protected using keys
                 derived from [sender]_application_traffic_secret_N.

               Figure 1: Message Flow for Full TLS Handshake

   The handshake can be thought of as having three phases (indicated in
   the diagram above):

   -  Key Exchange: Establish shared keying material and select the
      cryptographic parameters.  Everything after this phase is

   -  Server Parameters: Establish other handshake parameters
      (whether the client is authenticated, application-layer protocol
      support, etc.).
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   -  Authentication: Authenticate the server (and, optionally, the
      client) and provide key confirmation and handshake integrity.

   In the Key Exchange phase, the client sends the ClientHello
   (Section 4.1.2) message, which contains a random nonce
   (ClientHello.random); its offered protocol versions; a list of
   symmetric cipher/HKDF hash pairs; either a set of Diffie-Hellman key
   shares (in the "key_share" (Section 4.2.8) extension), a set of
   pre-shared key labels (in the "pre_shared_key" (Section 4.2.11)
   extension), or both; and potentially additional extensions.
   Additional fields and/or messages may also be present for middlebox

   The server processes the ClientHello and determines the appropriate
   cryptographic parameters for the connection.  It then responds with
   its own ServerHello (Section 4.1.3), which indicates the negotiated
   connection parameters.  The combination of the ClientHello and the
   ServerHello determines the shared keys.  If (EC)DHE key establishment
   is in use, then the ServerHello contains a "key_share" extension with
   the server's ephemeral Diffie-Hellman share; the server's share MUST
   be in the same group as one of the client's shares.  If PSK key
   establishment is in use, then the ServerHello contains a
   "pre_shared_key" extension indicating which of the client's offered
   PSKs was selected.  Note that implementations can use (EC)DHE and PSK
   together, in which case both extensions will be supplied.

   The server then sends two messages to establish the Server

   EncryptedExtensions:  responses to ClientHello extensions that are
      not required to determine the cryptographic parameters, other than
      those that are specific to individual certificates.
      [Section 4.3.1]

   CertificateRequest:  if certificate-based client authentication is
      desired, the desired parameters for that certificate.  This
      message is omitted if client authentication is not desired.
      [Section 4.3.2]
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   Finally, the client and server exchange Authentication messages.  TLS
   uses the same set of messages every time that certificate-based
   authentication is needed.  (PSK-based authentication happens as a
   side effect of key exchange.)  Specifically:

   Certificate:  The certificate of the endpoint and any per-certificate
      extensions.  This message is omitted by the server if not
      authenticating with a certificate and by the client if the server
      did not send CertificateRequest (thus indicating that the client
      should not authenticate with a certificate).  Note that if raw
      public keys [RFC7250] or the cached information extension
      [RFC7924] are in use, then this message will not contain a
      certificate but rather some other value corresponding to the
      server's long-term key.  [Section 4.4.2]

   CertificateVerify:  A signature over the entire handshake using the
      private key corresponding to the public key in the Certificate
      message.  This message is omitted if the endpoint is not
      authenticating via a certificate.  [Section 4.4.3]

   Finished:  A MAC (Message Authentication Code) over the entire
      handshake.  This message provides key confirmation, binds the
      endpoint's identity to the exchanged keys, and in PSK mode also
      authenticates the handshake.  [Section 4.4.4]

   Upon receiving the server's messages, the client responds with its
   Authentication messages, namely Certificate and CertificateVerify (if
   requested), and Finished.

   At this point, the handshake is complete, and the client and server
   derive the keying material required by the record layer to exchange
   application-layer data protected through authenticated encryption.
   Application Data MUST NOT be sent prior to sending the Finished
   message, except as specified in Section 2.3.  Note that while the
   server may send Application Data prior to receiving the client's
   Authentication messages, any data sent at that point is, of course,
   being sent to an unauthenticated peer.
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2.1. Incorrect DHE Share

If the client has not provided a sufficient "key_share" extension (e.g., it includes only DHE or ECDHE groups unacceptable to or unsupported by the server), the server corrects the mismatch with a HelloRetryRequest and the client needs to restart the handshake with an appropriate "key_share" extension, as shown in Figure 2. If no common cryptographic parameters can be negotiated, the server MUST abort the handshake with an appropriate alert. Client Server ClientHello + key_share --------> HelloRetryRequest <-------- + key_share ClientHello + key_share --------> ServerHello + key_share {EncryptedExtensions} {CertificateRequest*} {Certificate*} {CertificateVerify*} {Finished} <-------- [Application Data*] {Certificate*} {CertificateVerify*} {Finished} --------> [Application Data] <-------> [Application Data] Figure 2: Message Flow for a Full Handshake with Mismatched Parameters Note: The handshake transcript incorporates the initial ClientHello/HelloRetryRequest exchange; it is not reset with the new ClientHello. TLS also allows several optimized variants of the basic handshake, as described in the following sections.
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2.2. Resumption and Pre-Shared Key (PSK)

Although TLS PSKs can be established out of band, PSKs can also be established in a previous connection and then used to establish a new connection ("session resumption" or "resuming" with a PSK). Once a handshake has completed, the server can send the client a PSK identity that corresponds to a unique key derived from the initial handshake (see Section 4.6.1). The client can then use that PSK identity in future handshakes to negotiate the use of the associated PSK. If the server accepts the PSK, then the security context of the new connection is cryptographically tied to the original connection and the key derived from the initial handshake is used to bootstrap the cryptographic state instead of a full handshake. In TLS 1.2 and below, this functionality was provided by "session IDs" and "session tickets" [RFC5077]. Both mechanisms are obsoleted in TLS 1.3. PSKs can be used with (EC)DHE key exchange in order to provide forward secrecy in combination with shared keys, or can be used alone, at the cost of losing forward secrecy for the application data.
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   Figure 3 shows a pair of handshakes in which the first handshake
   establishes a PSK and the second handshake uses it:

          Client                                               Server

   Initial Handshake:
          + key_share               -------->
                                                          + key_share
                                    <--------     [Application Data*]
          {Finished}                -------->
                                    <--------      [NewSessionTicket]
          [Application Data]        <------->      [Application Data]

   Subsequent Handshake:
          + key_share*
          + pre_shared_key          -------->
                                                     + pre_shared_key
                                                         + key_share*
                                    <--------     [Application Data*]
          {Finished}                -------->
          [Application Data]        <------->      [Application Data]

               Figure 3: Message Flow for Resumption and PSK

   As the server is authenticating via a PSK, it does not send a
   Certificate or a CertificateVerify message.  When a client offers
   resumption via a PSK, it SHOULD also supply a "key_share" extension
   to the server to allow the server to decline resumption and fall back
   to a full handshake, if needed.  The server responds with a
   "pre_shared_key" extension to negotiate the use of PSK key
   establishment and can (as shown here) respond with a "key_share"
   extension to do (EC)DHE key establishment, thus providing forward
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   When PSKs are provisioned out of band, the PSK identity and the KDF
   hash algorithm to be used with the PSK MUST also be provisioned.

   Note:  When using an out-of-band provisioned pre-shared secret, a
      critical consideration is using sufficient entropy during the key
      generation, as discussed in [RFC4086].  Deriving a shared secret
      from a password or other low-entropy sources is not secure.  A
      low-entropy secret, or password, is subject to dictionary attacks
      based on the PSK binder.  The specified PSK authentication is not
      a strong password-based authenticated key exchange even when used
      with Diffie-Hellman key establishment.  Specifically, it does not
      prevent an attacker that can observe the handshake from performing
      a brute-force attack on the password/pre-shared key.

2.3. 0-RTT Data

When clients and servers share a PSK (either obtained externally or via a previous handshake), TLS 1.3 allows clients to send data on the first flight ("early data"). The client uses the PSK to authenticate the server and to encrypt the early data. As shown in Figure 4, the 0-RTT data is just added to the 1-RTT handshake in the first flight. The rest of the handshake uses the same messages as for a 1-RTT handshake with PSK resumption.
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         Client                                               Server

         + early_data
         + key_share*
         + psk_key_exchange_modes
         + pre_shared_key
         (Application Data*)     -------->
                                                    + pre_shared_key
                                                        + key_share*
                                                       + early_data*
                                 <--------       [Application Data*]
         {Finished}              -------->
         [Application Data]      <------->        [Application Data]

               +  Indicates noteworthy extensions sent in the
                  previously noted message.

               *  Indicates optional or situation-dependent
                  messages/extensions that are not always sent.

               () Indicates messages protected using keys
                  derived from a client_early_traffic_secret.

               {} Indicates messages protected using keys
                  derived from a [sender]_handshake_traffic_secret.

               [] Indicates messages protected using keys
                  derived from [sender]_application_traffic_secret_N.

               Figure 4: Message Flow for a 0-RTT Handshake
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   IMPORTANT NOTE: The security properties for 0-RTT data are weaker
   than those for other kinds of TLS data.  Specifically:

   1.  This data is not forward secret, as it is encrypted solely under
       keys derived using the offered PSK.

   2.  There are no guarantees of non-replay between connections.
       Protection against replay for ordinary TLS 1.3 1-RTT data is
       provided via the server's Random value, but 0-RTT data does not
       depend on the ServerHello and therefore has weaker guarantees.
       This is especially relevant if the data is authenticated either
       with TLS client authentication or inside the application
       protocol.  The same warnings apply to any use of the

   0-RTT data cannot be duplicated within a connection (i.e., the server
   will not process the same data twice for the same connection), and an
   attacker will not be able to make 0-RTT data appear to be 1-RTT data
   (because it is protected with different keys).  Appendix E.5 contains
   a description of potential attacks, and Section 8 describes
   mechanisms which the server can use to limit the impact of replay.

3. Presentation Language

This document deals with the formatting of data in an external representation. The following very basic and somewhat casually defined presentation syntax will be used.

3.1. Basic Block Size

The representation of all data items is explicitly specified. The basic data block size is one byte (i.e., 8 bits). Multiple-byte data items are concatenations of bytes, from left to right, from top to bottom. From the byte stream, a multi-byte item (a numeric in the following example) is formed (using C notation) by: value = (byte[0] << 8*(n-1)) | (byte[1] << 8*(n-2)) | ... | byte[n-1]; This byte ordering for multi-byte values is the commonplace network byte order or big-endian format.
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3.2. Miscellaneous

Comments begin with "/*" and end with "*/". Optional components are denoted by enclosing them in "[[ ]]" (double brackets). Single-byte entities containing uninterpreted data are of type opaque. A type alias T' for an existing type T is defined by: T T';

3.3. Numbers

The basic numeric data type is an unsigned byte (uint8). All larger numeric data types are constructed from a fixed-length series of bytes concatenated as described in Section 3.1 and are also unsigned. The following numeric types are predefined. uint8 uint16[2]; uint8 uint24[3]; uint8 uint32[4]; uint8 uint64[8]; All values, here and elsewhere in the specification, are transmitted in network byte (big-endian) order; the uint32 represented by the hex bytes 01 02 03 04 is equivalent to the decimal value 16909060.

3.4. Vectors

A vector (single-dimensioned array) is a stream of homogeneous data elements. The size of the vector may be specified at documentation time or left unspecified until runtime. In either case, the length declares the number of bytes, not the number of elements, in the vector. The syntax for specifying a new type, T', that is a fixed- length vector of type T is T T'[n]; Here, T' occupies n bytes in the data stream, where n is a multiple of the size of T. The length of the vector is not included in the encoded stream.
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   In the following example, Datum is defined to be three consecutive
   bytes that the protocol does not interpret, while Data is three
   consecutive Datum, consuming a total of nine bytes.

      opaque Datum[3];      /* three uninterpreted bytes */
      Datum Data[9];        /* three consecutive 3-byte vectors */

   Variable-length vectors are defined by specifying a subrange of legal
   lengths, inclusively, using the notation <floor..ceiling>.  When
   these are encoded, the actual length precedes the vector's contents
   in the byte stream.  The length will be in the form of a number
   consuming as many bytes as required to hold the vector's specified
   maximum (ceiling) length.  A variable-length vector with an actual
   length field of zero is referred to as an empty vector.

      T T'<floor..ceiling>;

   In the following example, "mandatory" is a vector that must contain
   between 300 and 400 bytes of type opaque.  It can never be empty.
   The actual length field consumes two bytes, a uint16, which is
   sufficient to represent the value 400 (see Section 3.3).  Similarly,
   "longer" can represent up to 800 bytes of data, or 400 uint16
   elements, and it may be empty.  Its encoding will include a two-byte
   actual length field prepended to the vector.  The length of an
   encoded vector must be an exact multiple of the length of a single
   element (e.g., a 17-byte vector of uint16 would be illegal).

      opaque mandatory<300..400>;
            /* length field is two bytes, cannot be empty */
      uint16 longer<0..800>;
            /* zero to 400 16-bit unsigned integers */

3.5. Enumerateds

An additional sparse data type, called "enum" or "enumerated", is available. Each definition is a different type. Only enumerateds of the same type may be assigned or compared. Every element of an enumerated must be assigned a value, as demonstrated in the following example. Since the elements of the enumerated are not ordered, they can be assigned any unique value, in any order. enum { e1(v1), e2(v2), ... , en(vn) [[, (n)]] } Te; Future extensions or additions to the protocol may define new values. Implementations need to be able to parse and ignore unknown values unless the definition of the field states otherwise.
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   An enumerated occupies as much space in the byte stream as would its
   maximal defined ordinal value.  The following definition would cause
   one byte to be used to carry fields of type Color.

      enum { red(3), blue(5), white(7) } Color;

   One may optionally specify a value without its associated tag to
   force the width definition without defining a superfluous element.

   In the following example, Taste will consume two bytes in the data
   stream but can only assume the values 1, 2, or 4 in the current
   version of the protocol.

      enum { sweet(1), sour(2), bitter(4), (32000) } Taste;

   The names of the elements of an enumeration are scoped within the
   defined type.  In the first example, a fully qualified reference to
   the second element of the enumeration would be  Such
   qualification is not required if the target of the assignment is well

      Color color =;     /* overspecified, legal */
      Color color = blue;           /* correct, type implicit */

   The names assigned to enumerateds do not need to be unique.  The
   numerical value can describe a range over which the same name
   applies.  The value includes the minimum and maximum inclusive values
   in that range, separated by two period characters.  This is
   principally useful for reserving regions of the space.

      enum { sad(0), meh(1..254), happy(255) } Mood;

3.6. Constructed Types

Structure types may be constructed from primitive types for convenience. Each specification declares a new, unique type. The syntax used for definitions is much like that of C. struct { T1 f1; T2 f2; ... Tn fn; } T; Fixed- and variable-length vector fields are allowed using the standard vector syntax. Structures V1 and V2 in the variants example (Section 3.8) demonstrate this.
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   The fields within a structure may be qualified using the type's name,
   with a syntax much like that available for enumerateds.  For example,
   T.f2 refers to the second field of the previous declaration.

3.7. Constants

Fields and variables may be assigned a fixed value using "=", as in: struct { T1 f1 = 8; /* T.f1 must always be 8 */ T2 f2; } T;

3.8. Variants

Defined structures may have variants based on some knowledge that is available within the environment. The selector must be an enumerated type that defines the possible variants the structure defines. Each arm of the select (below) specifies the type of that variant's field and an optional field label. The mechanism by which the variant is selected at runtime is not prescribed by the presentation language. struct { T1 f1; T2 f2; .... Tn fn; select (E) { case e1: Te1 [[fe1]]; case e2: Te2 [[fe2]]; .... case en: Ten [[fen]]; }; } Tv;
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   For example:

      enum { apple(0), orange(1) } VariantTag;

      struct {
          uint16 number;
          opaque string<0..10>; /* variable length */
      } V1;

      struct {
          uint32 number;
          opaque string[10];    /* fixed length */
      } V2;

      struct {
          VariantTag type;
          select (VariantRecord.type) {
              case apple:  V1;
              case orange: V2;
      } VariantRecord;

(page 24 continued on part 2)

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