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RFC 6505

A Mixer Control Package for the Media Control Channel Framework

Pages: 89
Proposed Standard
Part 3 of 5 – Pages 28 to 56
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Top   ToC   RFC6505 - Page 28   prevText

4.2.2. Joining Elements

This section contains definitions of the joining model (Section as well as the <join> (Section, <modifyjoin> (Section, <unjoin> (Section and <stream> (Section elements. Joining Model
The <join> operation creates a media stream between a connection and a conference, between connections, or between conferences. This section describes the model of conferences and connections and specifies the behavior for join requests to targets that already have an associated media stream. Conferences support multiple inputs and have resources to mix them together. A media server conference in essence is a mixer that combines media streams. A simple audio mixer simply sums its input audio signals to create a single common output. Conferences, however, use a more complex algorithm so that participants do not hear themselves as part of the mix. That algorithm, sometimes called an "n-minus mix", subtracts each participants input signal from the summed input signals, creating a unique output for each contributing participant. Each <join> operation to a conference uses one of the conference's available inputs and/or outputs, to the maximum number of supported participants. A connection is the termination of one or more RTP sessions on a media server. It has a single input and output for each media session established by its SIP dialog. The output of a connection can feed several different inputs such as both a conference mixer and a recording of that participant's audio. Joining two connections that are not joined to anything else simply creates a media stream from the outputs(s) of one connection to the corresponding inputs(s) of the other connection. It is not necessary to combine media from multiple sources in this case. There are, however, several common scenarios where combining media from several sources to create a single input to a connection is needed. In the first case, a connection can be receiving media from one source (for example, a conference), and it is necessary to play an announcement to the connection so that both the conference audio and announcement can be heard by the conference participant. This is sometimes referred to as a "whisper announcement". An alternative to a whisper announcement is to have the announcement preempt the conference media.
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   Another common case is the call-center coaching scenario where a
   supervisor can listen to the conversation between an agent and a
   customer, and provide hints to the agent that are not heard by the

   Both of these cases can be solved by having the controlling AS create
   one or more conferences for audio mixing, and then join and unjoin
   the media streams as required.  A better solution is to have the
   media server automatically mix media streams that are requested to be
   joined to a common input when only the simple summing of audio
   signals as described above is required.  This is the case for both
   the use cases presented above.

   Automatically mixing streams has several benefits.  Conceptually, it
   is straightforward and simple, requiring no indirect requests on the
   part of the controlling AS.  This increases transport efficiency and
   reduces the coordination complexity and the latency of the overall
   operation.  Therefore, it is RECOMMENDED that a media server be able
   to automatically mix at least two audio streams where only the simple
   summing of signals is required.

   When a media server receives a <join> request, it MUST automatically
   mix all of the media streams included in the request with any streams
   already joined to one of the entities identified in the request, or
   it MUST fail the request and MUST NOT join any of the streams (and
   MUST NOT change existing streams of the entities).  A controlling AS
   uses the <createconference> request for generic conferences where the
   complex mixing algorithm is required.

   Specifications that extend this package to handle additional media
   types such as text MUST define the semantics of the join operation
   when multiple streams are requested to be joined to a single input,
   such as that for a connection with a single RTP session per media
   type. <join>
The <join> element is sent to the MS to request creation of one or more media streams either between a connection and a conference, between connections, or between conferences. The two entities to join are specified by the attributes of <join>. Streams can be of any media type and can be bidirectional or unidirectional. A bidirectional stream is implicitly composed of two unidirectional streams that can be manipulated independently. The streams to be established are specified by child <stream> elements (see Section
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   The <join> element has the following attributes:

   id1:  an identifier for either a connection or a conference.  The
      identifier MUST conform to the syntax defined in Appendix A.1 of
      [RFC6230].  The attribute is mandatory.

   id2:  an identifier for either a connection or a conference.  The
      identifier MUST conform to the syntax defined in Appendix A.1 of
      [RFC6230].  The attribute is mandatory.

   Note: Appendix A.1 of [RFC6230] defines the semantics for a
   conference identifier but not its syntax.  Media server
   implementations need to distinguish between conferences and
   connections based upon the values of the 'id1' and 'id2' attributes.

   If id1 or id2 specify a conference identifier and the conference does
   not exist on the MS, the MS reports an error (406).  If id1 or id2
   specify a connection identifier and the connection does not exist on
   the MS, the MS reports an error (412).

   The <join> element has the following child element (zero or more):

   <stream>:   an element that both identifies the media streams to join
      and defines the way that they are to be joined (see
      Section  The element is optional.

   If no <stream> elements are specified, then the default is to join
   all streams between the entities according to the media configuration
   of the connection or conference.

   One or more <stream> elements can be specified so that individual
   media streams can be controlled independently.  For example, if a
   connection supports both audio and video streams, a <stream> element
   could be used to indicate that only the audio stream is used in
   receive mode.  In cases where there are multiple media streams of the
   same type for a connection or conference, the configuration MUST be
   explicitly specified using <stream> elements.

   Multiple <stream> elements can be specified for precise control over
   the media flow in different directions within the same media stream.
   One <stream> element can be specified for the receiving media flow
   and another element for the sending media flow, where each
   independently controls features such as volume (see child element of
   <stream> in Section  If there is only one <stream> element
   for a given media specifying a 'sendonly' or 'recvonly' direction,
   then the media flow in the opposite direction is inactive
   (established but there's no actual flow of media) unless this leads
   to a stream conflict.
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   If the MS is unable to execute the join as specified in <stream>
   because a <stream> element is in conflict with (a) another <stream>
   element, (b) specified connection or conference media capabilities
   (including supported or available codec information), or (c) an
   Session Description Protocol (SDP) label value as part of the
   connection-id (see Appendix A.1 of [RFC6230]), then the MS reports an
   error (407) and MUST NOT join the entities and MUST NOT change
   existing streams of the entities.

   If the MS is unable to execute the join as specified in <stream>
   elements because the MS does not support the media stream
   configuration, the MS reports an error (422) and MUST NOT join the
   entities and MUST NOT change existing streams of the entities.

   If the MS is unable to join an entity to a conference because it is
   full, then the MS reports an error (410).

   If the specified entities are already joined, then the MS reports an
   error (408).

   If the MS does not support joining two specified connections
   together, the MS reports an error (426).

   If the MS does not support joining two specified conferences
   together, the MS reports an error (427).

   If the MS is unable to join the specified entities for any other
   reason, the MS reports an error (411).

   When the MS has finished processing a <join> request, it MUST reply
   with an <response> element (Section 4.2.3).

   For example, a request to join two connections together is as

   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">
    <join id1="1536067209:913cd14c" id2="1536067209:913cd14c"/>

   The response if the MS doesn't support joining media streams between
   connections is as follows:

   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">
    <response status="426" reason="mixing connections not supported"/>
Top   ToC   RFC6505 - Page 32 <modifyjoin>
The <modifyjoin> element is sent to the MS to request changes in the configuration of media stream(s) that were previously established between a connection and a conference, between two connections, or between two conferences. The <modifyjoin> element has the following attributes: id1: an identifier for either a connection or a conference. The identifier MUST conform to the syntax defined in Appendix A.1 of [RFC6230]. The attribute is mandatory. id2: an identifier for either a connection or a conference. The identifier MUST conform to the syntax defined in Appendix A.1 of [RFC6230]. The attribute is mandatory. The <modifyjoin> element has the following child elements (one or more): <stream>: an element that both identifies the media streams to modify and defines the way that each stream is to be configured from this point forward (see Section The MS MUST support <modifyjoin> for any stream that was established using <join>. The MS MUST configure the streams that are included within <modifyjoin> to that stated by the child elements. If the MS is unable to modify the join as specified in <stream> elements because a <stream> element is in conflict with (a) another <stream> element, (b) specified connection or conference media capabilities (including supported or available codec information), or (c) a SDP label value as part of the connection-id (see Appendix A.1 of [RFC6230]), then the MS reports an error (407) and MUST NOT modify the join between the entities and MUST NOT change existing streams of the entities. If the MS is unable to modify the join as specified in <stream> elements because the MS does not support the media stream configuration, the MS reports an error (422) and MUST NOT modify the join between the entities and MUST NOT change existing streams of the entities. If the specified entities are not already joined, then the MS reports an error (409).
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   If the MS is unable to modify the join between the specified entities
   for any other reason, the MS reports an error (411).

   When an MS has finished processing a <modifyjoin> request, it MUST
   reply with an appropriate <response> element (Section 4.2.3).

   In cases where stream characteristics are controlled independently
   for each direction, then a <modifyjoin> request needs to specify a
   child element for each direction in order to retain the original
   stream directionality.  For the example, if a <join> request
   establishes independent control for each direction of an audio stream
   (see Section

   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">
    <join id1="1536067209:913cd14c" id2="conference1">
     <stream media="audio" direction="sendonly">
      <volume controltype="setgain" value="-3"/>
     <stream media="audio" direction="recvonly">
      <volume controltype="setgain" value="+3"/>

   then the following <modifyjoin> request

   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">
    <modifyjoin id1="1536067209:913cd14c" id2="conference1">
     <stream media="audio" direction="sendonly">
       <volume controltype="setgain" value="0"/>

   would cause, in addition to the modification of the sendonly volume,
   the overall stream directionality to change from sendrecv to sendonly
   since there is no <stream> element in this <modifyjoin> request for
   the recvonly direction.  The following would change the sendonly
   volume and retain the recvonly stream together with its original
   characteristics such as volume:
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   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">
    <modifyjoin id1="1536067209:913cd14c" id2="conference1">
     <stream media="audio" direction="sendonly">
       <volume controltype="setgain" value="0"/>
     <stream media="audio" direction="recvonly"/>
   </mscmixer> <unjoin>
The <unjoin> element is sent to the MS to request removal of previously established media stream(s) from between a connection and a conference, between two connections, or between two conferences. The <unjoin> element has the following attributes: id1: an identifier for either a connection or a conference. The identifier MUST conform to the syntax defined in Appendix A.1 of [RFC6230]. The attribute is mandatory. id2: an identifier for either a connection or a conference. The identifier MUST conform to the syntax defined in Section 15.1 of [RFC6230]. The attribute is mandatory. The <unjoin> element has the following child element (zero or more occurrences): <stream>: an element that identifies the media stream(s) to remove (see Section The element is optional. When not present, all currently established streams between "id1" and "id2" are removed. The MS MUST support <unjoin> for any stream that was established using <join> and that has not already been removed by a previous <unjoin> on the same stream. If the MS is unable to terminate the join as specified in <stream> elements because a <stream> element is in conflict with (a) another <stream> element, (b) specified connection or conference media capabilities, or (c) a SDP label value as part of the connection-id (see Appendix A.1 of [RFC6230]), then the MS reports an error (407) and MUST NOT terminate the join between the entities and MUST NOT change existing streams of the entities.
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   If the MS is unable to terminate the join as specified in <stream>
   elements because the MS does not support the media stream
   configuration, the MS reports an error (422) and MUST NOT terminate
   the join between the entities and MUST NOT change existing streams of
   the entities.

   If the specified entities are not already joined, then the MS reports
   an error (409).

   If the MS is unable to terminate the join between the specified
   entities for any other reason, the MS reports an error (411).

   When an MS has successfully processed a <unjoin> request, it MUST
   reply with a successful <response> element (Section 4.2.3). <stream>
<join>, <modifyjoin>, and <unjoin> require the identification and manipulation of media streams. Media streams represent the flow of media between a participant connection and a conference, between two connections, or between two conferences. The <stream> element is used (as a child to <join>, <modifyjoin>, and <unjoin>) to identify the media stream(s) for the request and to specify the configuration of the media stream. The <stream> element has the following attributes: media: a string indicating the type of media associated with the stream. A valid value is a MIME type name as defined in Section 4.2 of [RFC4288]. The following values MUST be used for common types of media: "audio" for audio media, and "video" for video media. See [IANA] for registered MIME type names. The attribute is mandatory. label: a string indicating the SDP label associated with a media stream [RFC4574]. The attribute is optional. direction: a string indicating the allowed media flow of the stream relative to the value of the 'id1' attribute of the parent element. Defined values are: "sendrecv" (media can be sent and received), "sendonly" (media can only be sent), "recvonly" (media can only be received), and "inactive" (stream established but no media flow). The default value is "sendrecv". The attribute is optional.
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   The <stream> element has the following sequence of child elements:

   <volume>:  an element (Section to configure the volume or
      gain of the media stream.  The element is optional.

   <clamp>:  an element (Section to configure filtering and
      removal of tones from the media stream.  The element is optional.

   <region>:  an element (Section to configure a region
      within a video layout where the media stream is displayed.  The
      element is optional.

   <priority>:  an element (Section to configure priority
      associated with the stream in the media mix.  The element is

   In each child element, the media stream affected is indicated by the
   value of the 'direction' attribute of the parent element.

   If the 'media' attribute does not have the value of "audio", then the
   MS ignores <volume> and <clamp> elements.

   If the 'media' attribute does not have the value of "video", then the
   MS ignores a <region> element.

   For example, a request to join a connection to conference in both
   directions with volume control is as follows:

   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">
    <join id1="1536067209:913cd14c" id2="conference1">
     <stream media="audio" direction="sendrecv">
      <volume controltype="setgain" value="-3"/>

   where audio flow from the connection (id1) to the conference (id2)
   has the volume lowered by 3 dB, and likewise the volume of the audio
   flow from the conference to the connection is lowered by 3 dB.

   In this example, the volume is independently controlled for each
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   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">
    <join id1="1536067209:913cd14c" id2="conference1">
     <stream media="audio" direction="sendonly">
      <volume controltype="setgain" value="-3"/>
     <stream media="audio" direction="recvonly">
      <volume controltype="setgain" value="+3"/>

   where audio flow from the connection (id1) to the conference (id2)
   has the volume lowered by 3 dB, but the volume of the audio flow from
   the conference to the connection is raised by 3 dB. <volume>
The <volume> element is used to configure the volume of an audio media stream. It can be set to a specific gain amount, to automatically adjust the gain to a desired target level, or to mute the volume. The <volume> element has no child elements but has the following attributes: controltype: a string indicating the type of volume control to use for the stream. Defined values are: "automatic" (the volume will be adjusted automatically to the level specified by the 'value' attribute), "setgain" (use the value of the 'value' attribute as a specific gain measured in dB to apply), and "setstate" (set the state of the stream to "mute" or "unmute" as specified by the value of the 'value' attribute). The attribute is mandatory. value: a string specifying the amount or state for the volume control defined by the value of the 'controltype' attribute. The attribute is optional. There is no default value. If the audio media stream is in a muted state, then the MS also changes automatically the state to unmuted with an "automatic" or "setgain" volume control. For example, assume an audio stream has been muted with <volume controltype="setstate" value="mute"/>. If the gain on the same stream is changed with <volume controltype="setgain" value="+3"/>, then the volume is increased and stream state is also changed to unmuted.
Top   ToC   RFC6505 - Page 38 <clamp>
The <clamp> element is used to configure whether tones are filtered and removed from a media stream. The <clamp> element has no child elements but has the following attribute: tones: A space-separated list of the tones to remove. The attribute is optional. The default value is "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * # A B C D" (i.e., all DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) tones are removed). <region>
As described in Section, each <video-layout> is composed of one or more named regions (or areas) in which video media can be presented. For example, the XCON layout <dual-view> has two regions named "1" and "2", respectively. The <region> element is used to explicitly specify the name of the area within a video layout where a video media stream is displayed. The <region> element has no attributes, and its content model specifies the name of the region. <priority>
The <priority> element is used to explicitly specify the priority of a participant. The MS uses this priority to determine where the media stream is displayed within a video layout (Section The <priority> element has no attributes, and its content model specifies a positive integer (see Section 4.7.3). The lower the value, the higher the priority.

4.2.3. <response>

Responses to requests are indicated by a <response> element. The <response> element has following attributes: status: numeric code indicating the response status. Valid values are defined in Section 4.6. The attribute is mandatory. reason: string specifying a reason for the response status. The attribute is optional.
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   desclang:  specifies the language used in the value of the 'reason'
      attribute.  A valid value is a language identifier
      (Section 4.7.7).  The attribute is optional.  If not specified,
      the value of the 'desclang' attribute on <mscmixer> (Section 4.1)

   conferenceid:  string identifying the conference (see Appendix A.1 of
      [RFC6230]).  The attribute is optional.

   connectionid:  string identifying the SIP dialog connection (see
      Appendix A.1 of [RFC6230]).  The attribute is optional.

   For example, a response when a conference was created successfully is
   as follows:

   <response code="200"/>

   If conference creation failed due to the requested conference ID
   already existing, the response is:

   <response code="405" reason="Conference already exists"/>

4.2.4. <event>

When a mixer generates a notification event, the MS sends the event using an <event> element. The <event> element has no attributes, but has the following sequence of child elements (zero or more instances of each child): <active-talkers-notify>: specifies an active talkers notification (Section <unjoin-notify>: notifies that a connection or conference has been completely unjoined (Section <conferenceexit>: notifies that a conference has exited (Section <active-talkers-notify>
The <active-talkers-notify> element describes zero or more speakers that have been active in a conference during the specified interval (see Section
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   The <active-talkers-notify> element has the following attribute:

   conferenceid:  string indicating the name of the conference from
      which the event originated.  This attribute is mandatory.

   The <active-talkers-notify> element has the following sequence of
   child elements (zero or more occurrences):

   <active-talker>:  element describing an active talker
      (Section <active-talker>
The <active-talker> element describes an active talker, associated with either a connection or conference participant in a conference. The <active-talker> element has the following attributes: connectionid: string indicating the connectionid of the active talker. This attribute is optional. There is no default value. conferenceid: string indicating the conferenceid of the active talker. This attribute is optional. There is no default value. Note that the element does not describe an active talker if both the 'connectionid' and 'conferenceid' attributes are specified, or if neither attribute is specified. The <active-talker> element has no child elements. <unjoin-notify>
The <unjoin-notify> element describes a notification event where a connection and/or conference have been completely unjoined. The <unjoin-notify> element has the following attributes: status: a status code indicating why the unjoin occurred. A valid value is a non-negative integer (see Section 4.7.2). The MS MUST support the following values: 0 indicates the join has been terminated by a <unjoin> request. 1 indicates the join terminated due to an execution error. 2 indicates that the join terminated because a connection or conference has terminated.
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      All other valid but undefined values are reserved for future use,
      where new status codes are assigned using the Standards Action
      process defined in [RFC5226].  The AS MUST treat any status code
      it does not recognize as being equivalent to 1 (join execution
      error).  The attribute is mandatory.

   reason:  a textual description providing a reason for the status
      code, e.g., details about an error.  A valid value is a string
      (see Section 4.7.4).  The attribute is optional.  There is no
      default value.

   desclang:  specifies the language used in the value of the 'reason'
      attribute.  A valid value is a language identifier
      (Section 4.7.7).  The attribute is optional.  If not specified,
      the value of the 'desclang' attribute on <mscmixer> (Section 4.1)

   id1:  an identifier for either a connection or a conference.  The
      identifier MUST conform to the syntax defined in Appendix A.1 of
      [RFC6230].  The attribute is mandatory.

   id2:  an identifier for either a connection or a conference.  The
      identifier MUST conform to the syntax defined in Appendix A.1 of
      [RFC6230].  The attribute is mandatory.

   The <unjoin-notify> element has no child elements. <conferenceexit>
The <conferenceexit> element indicates that a conference has exited because it has been terminated or because a error occurred (for example, a hardware error in the conference mixing unit). This event MUST be sent by the MS whenever a successfully created conference exits. The <conferenceexit> element has the following attributes: conferenceid: string indicating the name of the conference. This attribute is mandatory. status: a status code indicating why the conference exited. A valid value is a non-negative integer (see Section 4.7.2). The MS MUST support the following values: 0 indicates the conference has been terminated by a <destroyconference> request. 1 indicates the conference terminated due to an execution error.
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      2  indicates the conference terminated due to exceeding the
         maximum duration for a conference.

      All other valid but undefined values are reserved for future use,
      where new status codes are assigned using the Standards Action
      process defined in [RFC5226].  The AS MUST treat any status code
      it does not recognize as being equivalent to 1 (conference
      execution error).  The attribute is mandatory.

   reason:  a textual description providing a reason for the status
      code, e.g., details about an error.  A valid value is a string
      (see Section 4.7.4).  The attribute is optional.  There is no
      default value.

   desclang:  specifies the language used in the value of the 'reason'
      attribute.  A valid value is a language identifier
      (Section 4.7.7).  The attribute is optional.  If not specified,
      the value of the 'desclang' attribute on <mscmixer> (Section 4.1)

   The <conferenceexit> element has no child elements.

   When a MS sends a <conferenceexit> event, the identifier for the
   conference ('conferenceid' attribute) is no longer valid on the MS
   and can be reused for another conference.

   For example, the following notification event would be sent from the
   MS when the conference with identifier "conference99" exits due to a
   successful <destroyconference/>:

   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">
     <conferenceexit conferenceid="conference99"

4.3. Audit Elements

The audit elements defined in this section allow the MS to be audited for package capabilities as well as mixers managed by the package. Auditing is particularly important for two use cases. First, it enables discovery of package capabilities supported on an MS before an AS creates a conference mixer or joins connections and conferences. The AS can then use this information to create request elements using supported capabilities and, in the case of codecs, to negotiate an appropriate SDP for a user agent's connection. Second, auditing enables discovery of the existence and status of mixers
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   currently managed by the package on the MS.  This could be used when
   one AS takes over management of mixers if the AS that created the
   mixers fails or is no longer available (see the security
   considerations in Section 7).

4.3.1. <audit>

The <audit> request element is sent to the MS to request information about the capabilities of, and mixers currently managed with, this Control Package. Capabilities include supported conference codecs and video layouts. Mixer information includes the status of managed mixers as well as codecs. The <audit> element has the following attributes: capabilities: indicates whether package capabilities are to be audited. A valid value is a boolean (see Section 4.7.1). A value of "true" indicates that capability information is to be reported. A value of "false" indicates that capability information is not to be reported. The attribute is optional. The default value is "true". mixers: indicates whether mixers currently managed by the package are to be audited. A valid value is a boolean (see Section 4.7.1). A value of "true" indicates that mixer information is to be reported. A value of "false" indicates that mixer information is not to be reported. The attribute is optional. The default value is "true". conferenceid: string identifying a specific conference mixer to audit. It is an error (406) if the 'conferenceid' attribute is specified and the conference identifier is not valid. The attribute is optional. There is no default value. If the 'mixers' attribute has the value "true" and 'conferenceid' attribute is specified, then only audit information about the specified conference mixer is reported. If the 'mixers' attribute has the value "false", then no mixer audit information is reported even if a 'conferenceid' attribute is specified. The <audit> element has no child elements. When the MS receives an <audit> request, it MUST reply with a <auditresponse> element (Section 4.3.2) that includes a mandatory attribute describing the status in terms of a numeric code. Response status codes are defined in Section 4.6. If the request is successful, the <auditresponse> contains (depending on attribute values) a <capabilities> element (Section reporting package
Top   ToC   RFC6505 - Page 44
   capabilities and a <mixers> element (Section reporting
   managed mixer information.  If the MS is not able to process the
   request and carry out the audit operation, the audit request has
   failed and the MS MUST indicate the class of failure using an
   appropriate 4xx response code.  Unless an error response code is
   specified for a class of error within this section, implementations
   follow Section 4.6 in determining the appropriate status code for the

   For example, a request to audit capabilities and mixers managed by
   the package is as follows:

   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">

   In this example, only capabilities are to be audited:

   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">
     <audit mixers="false"/>

   With this example, only a specific conference mixer is to be audited:

   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">
     <audit capabilities="false" conferenceid="conf4"/>

4.3.2. <auditresponse>

The <auditresponse> element describes a response to a <audit> request. The <auditresponse> element has the following attributes: status: numeric code indicating the audit response status. The attribute is mandatory. Valid values are defined in Section 4.6. reason: string specifying a reason for the status. The attribute is optional. desclang: specifies the language used in the value of the 'reason' attribute. A valid value is a language identifier (Section 4.7.7). The attribute is optional. If not specified, the value of the 'desclang' attribute on <mscmixer> (Section 4.1) applies.
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   The <auditresponse> element has the following sequence of child

   <capabilities>:  element describing capabilities of the package (see
      Section  The element is optional.

   <mixers>:  element describing information about managed mixers (see
      Section  The element is optional.

   For example, a successful response to an <audit> request for
   capabilities and mixer information is as follows:

   <mscmixer version="1.0" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:msc-mixer">
    <auditresponse status="200">
       <codec name="video">
       <codec name="video">
       <codec name="audio">
       <codec name="audio">
      <conferenceaudit conferenceid="conf1">
        <codec name="audio">
        <participant id="1536067209:913cd14c"/>
      <joinaudit id1="1536067209:913cd14c" id2="conf1"/>
      <joinaudit id1="1636067209:113cd14c" id2="1836067209:313cd14c"/>
      <joinaudit id1="1736067209:213cd14c" id2="1936067209:413cd14c"/>
Top   ToC   RFC6505 - Page 46 <capabilities>
The <capabilities> element provides audit information about package capabilities. The <capabilities> element has no attributes. The <capabilities> element has the following sequence of child elements: <codecs>: element (Section 4.4) describing codecs available to the package. The element is mandatory. For example, a fragment describing capabilities is as follows: <capabilities> <codecs> <codec name="video"> <subtype>H263</subtype> </codec> <codec name="video"> <subtype>H264</subtype> </codec> <codec name="audio"> <subtype>PCMU</subtype> </codec> <codec name="audio"> <subtype>PCMA</subtype> </codec> </codecs> </capabilities> <mixers>
The <mixers> element provides audit information about mixers. The <mixers> element has no attributes. The <mixers> element has the following sequence of child elements (zero or more occurrences, any order): <conferenceaudit>: audit information for a conference mixer (Section The element is optional. <joinaudit>: audit information for a join mixer (Section The element is optional.
Top   ToC   RFC6505 - Page 47 <conferenceaudit>
The <conferenceaudit> element has the following attribute: conferenceid: string identifying the conference (see Appendix A.1 of [RFC6230]). The attribute is mandatory. The <conferenceaudit> element has the following sequence of child elements: <codecs> element describing codecs used in the conference. See Section 4.4. The element is optional. <participants> element listing connections or conferences joined to the conference. See Section The element is optional. <video-layout> element describing the active video layout for the conference. See Section The element is optional. For example, a fragment describing a conference that has been created but has no participants is as follows: <conferenceaudit conferenceid="conference1"/> A fragment when the same conference has three participants (two connections and another conference) joined to it is as follows: <conferenceaudit conferenceid="conference1"> <codecs> <codec name="audio"> <subtype>PCMU</subtype> </codec> </codecs> <participants> <participant id="connection1"/> <participant id="connection2"/> <participant id="conference2"/> </participants> </conferenceaudit> <participants> The <participants> element is a container for <participant> elements (Section The <participants> element has no attributes, but the following child elements are defined (zero or more):
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   <participant>:  specifies a participant (Section  <participant>

   The <participant> element describes a participant.

   The <participant> element has the following attribute:

   id:  an identifier for either a connection or a conference.  The
      identifier MUST conform to the syntax defined in Appendix A.1 of
      [RFC6230].  The attribute is mandatory.

   The <participant> element has no children. <joinaudit>
The <joinaudit> element has the following attributes: id1: an identifier for either a connection or a conference. The identifier MUST conform to the syntax defined in Appendix A.1 of [RFC6230]. The attribute is mandatory. id2: an identifier for either a connection or a conference. The identifier MUST conform to the syntax defined in Appendix A.1 of [RFC6230]. The attribute is mandatory. The <joinaudit> element has no children. For example, a fragment describing an audit of two join mixers, one between connections and the second between conferences, is as follows: <mixers> <joinaudit id1="1536067209:913cd14" id2="1636067209:413cd14"/> <joinaudit id1="conference1" id2="conference2"/> </mixers>

4.4. <codecs>

The <codecs> element is a container for one or more codec definitions. Codec definitions are used by an AS to specify the codecs allowed for a conference (e.g., when used as a child of <createconference> or <modifyconference). Codec definitions are used by an MS to provide audit information about the codecs supported by an MS and used in specific conferences. The <codecs> element has no attributes.
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   The <codecs> element has the following sequence of child elements
   (zero or more occurrences):

   <codec>:  defines a codec and optionally its policy (Section 4.4.1).
      The element is optional.

   For example, a fragment describing two codecs is as follows:

     <codec name="audio">
     <codec name="video">

4.4.1. <codec>

The <codec> element describes a codec. The element is modeled on the <codec> element in the XCON conference information data model ([RFC6501]) and allows additional information (e.g., rate, speed, etc.) to be specified. The <codec> element has the following attribute: name: indicates the type name of the codec's media format as defined in [IANA]. A valid value is a "type-name" as defined in Section 4.2 of [RFC4288]. The attribute is mandatory. The <codec> element has the following sequence of child elements: <subtype>: element whose content model describes the subtype of the codec's media format as defined in [IANA]. A valid value is a "subtype-name" as defined in Section 4.2 of [RFC4288]. The element is mandatory. <params>: element (Section 4.5) describing additional information about the codec. This package is agnostic to the names and values of the codec parameters supported by an implementation. The element is optional. For example, a fragment with a <codec> element describing the H263 codec is as follows: <codec name="video"> <subtype>H263</subtype> </codec>
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   A fragment where the <codec> element describes the H264 video codec
   with additional information about the profile level and packetization
   mode is as follows:

   <codec name="video">
     <param name="profile-level-id">42A01E</param>
     <param name="packetization-mode">0</param>

4.5. <params>

The <params> element is a container for <param> elements (Section 4.5.1). The <params> element has no attributes, but the following child elements are defined (zero or more): <param>: specifies a parameter name and value (Section 4.5.1).

4.5.1. <param>

The <param> element describes a parameter name and value. The <param> element has the following attributes: name: a string indicating the name of the parameter. The attribute is mandatory. type: specifies a type indicating how the in-line value of the parameter is to be interpreted. A valid value is a MIME media type (see Section 4.7.6). The attribute is optional. The default value is "text/plain". encoding: specifies a content-transfer-encoding schema applied to the in-line value of the parameter on top of the MIME media type specified with the 'type' attribute. A valid value is a content- transfer-encoding schema as defined by the "mechanism" token in Section 6.1 of [RFC2045]. The attribute is optional. There is no default value. The <param> element content model is the value of the parameter. Note that a value that contains XML characters (e.g., "<") needs to be escaped following standard XML conventions.
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4.6. Response Status Codes

This section describes the response codes in Table 1 for the 'status' attribute of mixer management <response> (Section 4.2.3) and <auditresponse> (Section 4.3.2). The MS MUST support the status response codes defined here. All other valid but undefined values are reserved for future use, where new status codes are assigned using the Standards Action process defined in [RFC5226]. The AS MUST treat any responses it does not recognize as being equivalent to the x00 response code for all classes. For example, if an AS receives an unrecognized response code of 499, it can safely assume that there was something wrong with its request and treat the response as if it had received a 400 (Syntax error) response code. 4xx responses are definite failure responses from a particular MS. The 'reason' attribute in the response SHOULD identify the failure in more detail, for example, "Mandatory attribute missing: id2 join element" for a 400 (Syntax error) response code. The AS SHOULD NOT retry the same request without modification (for example, correcting a syntax error or changing the conferenceid to use one available on the MS). However, the same request to a different MS might be successful, for example, if another MS supports a capability required in the request. 4xx failure responses can be grouped into three classes: failure due to a syntax error in the request (400); failure due to an error executing the request on the MS (405-419); and failure due to the request requiring a capability not supported by the MS (420-435). In cases where more than one request code could be reported for a failure, the MS SHOULD use the most specific error code of the failure class for the detected error. For example, if the MS detects that the conference identifier in the request is invalid, then it uses a 406 status code. However, if the MS merely detects that an execution error occurred, then 419 is used.
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   | Code  | Summary       | Description          | Informational: AS  |
   |       |               |                      | Possible Recovery  |
   |       |               |                      | Action             |
   | 200   | OK            | request has          |                    |
   |       |               | succeeded.           |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 400   | Syntax error  | request is           | Change the request |
   |       |               | syntactically        | so that it is      |
   |       |               | invalid: it is not   | syntactically      |
   |       |               | valid with respect   | valid.             |
   |       |               | to the XML schema    |                    |
   |       |               | specified in         |                    |
   |       |               | Section 5 or it      |                    |
   |       |               | violates a           |                    |
   |       |               | co-occurrence        |                    |
   |       |               | constraint for a     |                    |
   |       |               | request element      |                    |
   |       |               | defined in           |                    |
   |       |               | Section 4.           |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 405   | Conference    | request uses an      | Send an <audit>    |
   |       | already       | identifier to create | request            |
   |       | exists        | a new conference     | (Section 4.3.1)    |
   |       |               | (Section    | requesting the     |
   |       |               | that is already used | list of conference |
   |       |               | by another           | mixer identifiers  |
   |       |               | conference on the    | already used by    |
   |       |               | MS.                  | the MS and then    |
   |       |               |                      | use a conference   |
   |       |               |                      | identifier that is |
   |       |               |                      | not listed.        |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 406   | Conference    | request uses an      | Send an <audit>    |
   |       | does not      | identifier for a     | request            |
   |       | exist         | conference that does | (Section 4.3.1)    |
   |       |               | not exist on the MS. | requesting the     |
   |       |               |                      | list of conference |
   |       |               |                      | mixer identifiers  |
   |       |               |                      | used by the MS and |
   |       |               |                      | then use a         |
   |       |               |                      | conference         |
   |       |               |                      | identifier that is |
   |       |               |                      | listed.            |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
Top   ToC   RFC6505 - Page 53
   | 407   | Incompatible  | request specifies a  | Change the media   |
   |       | stream        | media stream         | stream             |
   |       | configuration | configuration that   | configuration to   |
   |       |               | is in conflict with  | match the          |
   |       |               | itself, the          | capabilities of    |
   |       |               | connection, or       | the connection or  |
   |       |               | conference           | conference.        |
   |       |               | capabilities (see    |                    |
   |       |               | Section    |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 408   | Joining       | request attempts to  | Send an <audit>    |
   |       | entities      | create a join mixer  | request            |
   |       | already       | (Section    | (Section 4.3.1)    |
   |       | joined        | where the entities   | requesting the     |
   |       |               | are already joined.  | list of join       |
   |       |               |                      | mixers on the MS   |
   |       |               |                      | and then use       |
   |       |               |                      | entities that are  |
   |       |               |                      | not listed.        |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 409   | Joining       | request attempts to  | Send an <audit>    |
   |       | entities not  | manipulate a join    | request            |
   |       | joined        | mixer where the      | (Section 4.3.1)    |
   |       |               | entities are not     | requesting the     |
   |       |               | joined.              | list of join       |
   |       |               |                      | mixers on the MS   |
   |       |               |                      | and then use       |
   |       |               |                      | entities that are  |
   |       |               |                      | listed.            |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 410   | Unable to     | request attempts to  |                    |
   |       | join -        | join a participant   |                    |
   |       | conference    | to a conference      |                    |
   |       | full          | (Section    |                    |
   |       |               | but the conference   |                    |
   |       |               | is already full.     |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 411   | Unable to     | request attempts to  |                    |
   |       | perform join  | create, modify, or   |                    |
   |       | mixer         | delete a join        |                    |
   |       | operation     | between entities but |                    |
   |       |               | fails.               |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 412   | Connection    | request uses an      |                    |
   |       | does not      | identifier for a     |                    |
   |       | exist         | connection that does |                    |
   |       |               | not exist on the MS. |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
Top   ToC   RFC6505 - Page 54
   | 419   | Other         | requested operation  |                    |
   |       | execution     | cannot be executed   |                    |
   |       | error         | by the MS.           |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 420   | Conference    | request to create a  |                    |
   |       | reservation   | new conference       |                    |
   |       | failed        | (Section    |                    |
   |       |               | failed due to        |                    |
   |       |               | unsupported          |                    |
   |       |               | reservation of       |                    |
   |       |               | talkers or           |                    |
   |       |               | listeners.           |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 421   | Unable to     | request to create or |                    |
   |       | configure     | modify a conference  |                    |
   |       | audio mix     | failed due to        |                    |
   |       |               | unsupported audio    |                    |
   |       |               | mix.                 |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 422   | Unsupported   | request contains one |                    |
   |       | media stream  | or more <stream>     |                    |
   |       | configuration | elements             |                    |
   |       |               | (Section    |                    |
   |       |               | whose configuration  |                    |
   |       |               | is not supported by  |                    |
   |       |               | the MS.              |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 423   | Unable to     | request to create or |                    |
   |       | configure     | modify a conference  |                    |
   |       | video layouts | failed due to        |                    |
   |       |               | unsupported video    |                    |
   |       |               | layout               |                    |
   |       |               | configuration.       |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 424   | Unable to     | request to create or |                    |
   |       | configure     | modify a conference  |                    |
   |       | video switch  | failed due to        |                    |
   |       |               | unsupported video    |                    |
   |       |               | switch               |                    |
   |       |               | configuration.       |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 425   | Unable to     | request to create or |                    |
   |       | configure     | modify a conference  |                    |
   |       | codecs        | failed due to        |                    |
   |       |               | unsupported codec.   |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
Top   ToC   RFC6505 - Page 55
   | 426   | Unable to     | request to join      |                    |
   |       | join - mixing | connection entities  |                    |
   |       | connections   | (Section    |                    |
   |       | not supported | failed due to lack   |                    |
   |       |               | of support for       |                    |
   |       |               | mixing connections.  |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 427   | Unable to     | request to join      |                    |
   |       | join - mixing | conference entities  |                    |
   |       | conferences   | (Section    |                    |
   |       | not supported | failed due to lack   |                    |
   |       |               | of support for       |                    |
   |       |               | mixing conferences.  |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 428   | Unsupported   | the request contains |                    |
   |       | foreign       | attributes or        |                    |
   |       | namespace     | elements from        |                    |
   |       | attribute or  | another namespace    |                    |
   |       | element       | that the MS does not |                    |
   |       |               | support.             |                    |
   |       |               |                      |                    |
   | 435   | Other         | request requires     |                    |
   |       | unsupported   | another capability   |                    |
   |       | capability    | not supported by the |                    |
   |       |               | MS.                  |                    |

                           Table 1: Status Codes

4.7. Type Definitions

This section defines types referenced in attribute definitions.

4.7.1. Boolean

The value space of boolean is the set {true, false, 1, 0} as defined in Section 3.2.2 of [XMLSchema:Part2]. In accordance with this definition, the concept of false can be lexically represented by the strings "0" and "false" and the concept of true by the strings "1" and "true"; implementations MUST support both styles of lexical representation.

4.7.2. Non-Negative Integer

The value space of non-negative integer is the infinite set {0,1,2,...} as defined in Section 3.3.20 of [XMLSchema:Part2].
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4.7.3. Positive Integer

The value space of positive integer is the infinite set {1,2,...} as defined in Section 3.3.25 of [XMLSchema:Part2].

4.7.4. String

A string in the character encoding associated with the XML element as defined in Section 3.2.1 of [XMLSchema:Part2].

4.7.5. Time Designation

A time designation consists of a non-negative real number followed by a time unit identifier. The time unit identifiers are: "ms" (milliseconds) and "s" (seconds). Examples include: "3s", "850ms", "0.7s", ".5s" and "+1.5s".

4.7.6. MIME Media Type

A string formatted as an IANA MIME media type [MIME.mediatypes]. The ABNF ([RFC5234]) production for the string is: media-type = type-name "/" subtype-name *(";" parameter) parameter = parameter-name "=" value where "type-name" and "subtype-name" are defined in Section 4.2 of [RFC4288], "parameter-name" is defined in Section 4.3 of [RFC4288], and "value" is defined in Section 5.1 of [RFC2045].

4.7.7. Language Identifier

A language identifier labels information content as being of a particular human language variant. Following the XML specification for language identification [XML], a legal language identifier is identified by a [RFC5646] code and matched according to [RFC4647].

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Next Section