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RFC 3728

Definitions of Managed Objects for Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Lines (VDSL)

Pages: 76
Proposed Standard
Part 2 of 4 – Pages 11 to 31
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Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 11   prevText

4. Definitions

VDSL-LINE-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Gauge32, Integer32, Unsigned32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, transmission FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578] ZeroBasedCounter64 FROM HCNUM-TC -- [RFC2856] TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus, TruthValue FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579] HCPerfValidIntervals, HCPerfInvalidIntervals, HCPerfTimeElapsed,
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 12
   HCPerfIntervalCount             FROM HC-PerfHist-TC-MIB  -- [RFC3705]
   NOTIFICATION-GROUP              FROM SNMPv2-CONF         -- [RFC2580]
   ifIndex                         FROM IF-MIB              -- [RFC2863]
   SnmpAdminString                 FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB; -- [RFC3411]

      LAST-UPDATED "200402190000Z" -- February 19, 2004
      ORGANIZATION "ADSLMIB Working Group"
      CONTACT-INFO "WG-email:

             Chair:     Mike Sneed
                        Sand Channel Systems
             Postal:    P.O.  Box 37324
                        Raleigh, NC 27627-7324
             Phone:     +1 206 600 7022

             Co-editor: Bob Ray
                        PESA Switching Systems, Inc.
             Postal:    330-A Wynn Drive
                        Huntsville, AL 35805
             Phone:     +1 256 726 9200 ext.  142

             Co-editor: Rajesh Abbi
                        Alcatel USA
             Postal:    2301 Sugar Bush Road
                        Raleigh, NC 27612-3339
             Phone:     +1 919 850 6194
       "The MIB module defining objects for the management of a pair
       of VDSL transceivers at each end of the VDSL line.  Each such
       line has an entry in an ifTable which may include multiple
       transceiver lines.  An agent may reside at either end of the
       VDSL line.  However, the MIB is designed to require no
       management communication between them beyond that inherent in
       the low-level VDSL line protocol.  The agent may monitor and
       control this protocol for its needs.
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       VDSL lines may support optional Fast or Interleaved channels.
       If these are supported, additional entries corresponding to the
       supported channels must be created in the ifTable.  Thus a VDSL
       line that supports both channels will have three entries in the
       ifTable, one for each physical, fast, and interleaved, whose
       ifType values are equal to vdsl(97), fast(125), and
       interleaved(124), respectively.  The ifStackTable is used to
       represent the relationship between the entries.

       Naming Conventions:
           Vtuc -- (VTUC) transceiver at near (Central) end of line
           Vtur -- (VTUR) transceiver at Remote end of line
           Vtu  -- One of either Vtuc or Vtur
           Curr -- Current
           Prev -- Previous
           Atn  -- Attenuation
           ES   -- Errored Second.
           SES  -- Severely Errored Second
           UAS  -- Unavailable Second
           LCS  -- Line Code Specific
           Lof  -- Loss of Frame
           Lol  -- Loss of Link
           Los  -- Loss of Signal
           Lpr  -- Loss of Power
           xxxs -- Sum of Seconds in which xxx has occured
                   (e.g., xxx = Lof, Los, Lpr, Lol)
           Max  -- Maximum
           Mgn  -- Margin
           Min  -- Minimum
           Psd  -- Power Spectral Density
           Snr  -- Signal to Noise Ratio
           Tx   -- Transmit
           Blks -- Blocks

       Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004).  This version
       of this MIB module is part of RFC 3728: see the RFC
       itself for full legal notices."
          REVISION "200402190000Z" -- February 19, 2004
          DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC 3728."
      ::= { transmission 97 }

   vdslLineMib    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vdslMIB 1 }
   vdslMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { vdslLineMib 1 }

   -- textual conventions used in this MIB
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   VdslLineCodingType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
       STATUS       current
           "This data type is used as the syntax for the VDSL Line
           Code.  Attributes with this syntax identify the line coding
           used.  Specified as an INTEGER, the three values are:

           other(1)  -- none of the following
           mcm(2)    -- Multiple Carrier Modulation
           scm(3)    -- Single Carrier Modulation"

   VdslLineEntity ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
       STATUS       current
           "Identifies a transceiver as being either Vtuc or Vtur.
           A VDSL line consists of two transceivers, a Vtuc and a
           Vtur.  Attributes with this syntax reference the two sides
           of a line.  Specified as an INTEGER, the two values are:

           vtuc(1)  -- central site transceiver
           vtur(2)  -- remote site transceiver"

   -- objects

   vdslLineTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VdslLineEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "This table includes common attributes describing
           both ends of the line.  It is required for all VDSL
           physical interfaces.  VDSL physical interfaces are
           those ifEntries where ifType is equal to vdsl(97)."
       ::= { vdslMibObjects 1 }
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   vdslLineEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       VdslLineEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
       DESCRIPTION  "An entry in the vdslLineTable."
       INDEX { ifIndex }
       ::= { vdslLineTable 1 }

   VdslLineEntry ::=
           vdslLineCoding                 VdslLineCodingType,
           vdslLineType                   INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfProfile            SnmpAdminString,
           vdslLineAlarmConfProfile       SnmpAdminString

   vdslLineCoding OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       VdslLineCodingType
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the VDSL coding type used on this line."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslLineEntry 1 }

   vdslLineType OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER
           noChannel(1),         -- no channels exist
           fastOnly(2),          -- only fast channel exists
           interleavedOnly(3),   -- only interleaved channel exists
           fastOrInterleaved(4), -- either fast or interleaved channel
                                 -- exist, but only one at a time
           fastAndInterleaved(5) -- both fast and interleaved channels
                                 -- exist
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Defines the type of VDSL physical line entity that exists,
           by defining whether and how the line is channelized.  If
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           the line is channelized,  the value will be other than
           noChannel(1).  This object defines which channel type(s)
           are supported.  Defined values are:

           noChannel(1)          -- no channels exist
           fastOnly(2)           -- only fast channel exists
           interleavedOnly(3)    -- only interleaved channel exists
           fastOrInterleaved(4)  -- either fast or interleaved channel
                                 -- exist, but only one at a time
           fastAndInterleaved(5) -- both fast and interleaved channels
                                 -- exist

           Note that 'slow' and 'interleaved' refer to the same
           channel.  In the case that the line is channelized, the
           manager can use the ifStackTable to determine the ifIndex
           for the associated channel(s)."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslLineEntry 2 }

   vdslLineConfProfile OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
       MAX-ACCESS   read-write
       STATUS       current
           "The value of this object identifies the row in the VDSL
           Line Configuration Profile Table, vdslLineConfProfileTable,
           which applies for this VDSL line, and channels if

           This object MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
       DEFVAL       { "DEFVAL" }
       ::= { vdslLineEntry 3 }

   vdslLineAlarmConfProfile OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32))
       MAX-ACCESS   read-write
       STATUS       current
           "The value of this object identifies the row in the VDSL
           Line Alarm Configuration Profile Table,
           vdslLineAlarmConfProfileTable, which applies to this
           VDSL line, and channels if applicable.

           This object MUST be maintained in a persistent manner."
       DEFVAL       { "DEFVAL" }
       ::= { vdslLineEntry 4 }

   vdslPhysTable OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 17
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VdslPhysEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "This table provides one row for each Vtu.  Each row
           contains the Physical Layer Parameters table for that
           Vtu.  VDSL physical interfaces are those ifEntries where
           ifType is equal to vdsl(97)."
       ::= { vdslMibObjects 2 }

   vdslPhysEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       VdslPhysEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
       DESCRIPTION  "An entry in the vdslPhysTable."
       INDEX { ifIndex,
               vdslPhysSide }
       ::= { vdslPhysTable 1 }

   VdslPhysEntry ::=
           vdslPhysSide                   VdslLineEntity,
           vdslPhysInvSerialNumber        SnmpAdminString,
           vdslPhysInvVendorID            SnmpAdminString,
           vdslPhysInvVersionNumber       SnmpAdminString,
           vdslPhysCurrSnrMgn             Integer32,
           vdslPhysCurrAtn                Gauge32,
           vdslPhysCurrStatus             BITS,
           vdslPhysCurrOutputPwr          Integer32,
           vdslPhysCurrAttainableRate     Gauge32,
           vdslPhysCurrLineRate           Gauge32

   vdslPhysSide OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       VdslLineEntity
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "Identifies whether the transceiver is the Vtuc or Vtur."
       ::= { vdslPhysEntry 1 }

   vdslPhysInvSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString(SIZE (0..32))
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "The vendor specific string that identifies the
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 18
           vendor equipment."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPhysEntry 2 }

   vdslPhysInvVendorID OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..16))
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "The vendor ID code is a copy of the binary vendor
           identification field expressed as readable characters
           in hexadecimal notation."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPhysEntry 3 }

   vdslPhysInvVersionNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..16))
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "The vendor specific version number sent by this Vtu
           as part of the initialization messages.  It is a copy
           of the binary version number field expressed as
           readable characters in hexadecimal notation."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPhysEntry 4 }

   vdslPhysCurrSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Integer32 (-127..127)
       UNITS        "0.25dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Noise Margin as seen by this Vtu with respect to its
           received signal in 0.25dB.  The effective range is
           -31.75 to +31.75 dB."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
        ::= { vdslPhysEntry 5 }

   vdslPhysCurrAtn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Gauge32 (0..255)
       UNITS        "0.25dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Measured difference in the total power transmitted by
           the peer Vtu and the total power received by this Vtu.
           The effective range is 0 to +63.75 dB."
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       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
        ::= { vdslPhysEntry 6 }

   vdslPhysCurrStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       BITS
       MAX-ACCESS  read-only
       STATUS      current
           "Indicates current state of the Vtu line.  This is a
           bit-map of possible conditions.  The various bit
           positions are:

           0   noDefect             There are no defects on the line.

           1   lossOfFraming        Vtu failure due to not receiving
                                    a valid frame.

           2   lossOfSignal         Vtu failure due to not receiving

           3   lossOfPower          Vtu failure due to loss of power.

           4   lossOfSignalQuality  Loss of Signal Quality is declared
                                    when the Noise Margin falls below
                                    the Minimum Noise Margin, or the
                                    bit-error-rate exceeds 10^-7.

           5   lossOfLink           Vtu failure due to inability to
                                    link with peer Vtu.  Set whenever
                                    the transceiver is in the 'Warm
                                    Start' state.

           6   dataInitFailure      Vtu failure during initialization
                                    due to bit errors corrupting
                                    startup exchange data.
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           7   configInitFailure    Vtu failure during initialization
                                    due to peer Vtu not able to
                                    support requested configuration.

           8   protocolInitFailure  Vtu failure during initialization
                                    due to incompatible protocol used
                                    by the peer Vtu.

           9   noPeerVtuPresent     Vtu failure during initialization
                                    due to no activation sequence
                                    detected from peer Vtu.

           This is intended to supplement ifOperStatus."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
        ::= { vdslPhysEntry 7 }

   vdslPhysCurrOutputPwr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..160)
       UNITS        "0.1dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Measured total output power transmitted by this VTU.
           This is the measurement that was reported during
           the last activation sequence."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPhysEntry 8 }

   vdslPhysCurrAttainableRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Gauge32
       UNITS        "kbps"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Indicates the maximum currently attainable data rate
           in steps of 1000 bits/second by the Vtu.  This value
           will be equal to or greater than vdslPhysCurrLineRate.
           Note that for SCM, the minimum and maximum data rates
           are equal.  Note: 1 kbps = 1000 bps."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPhysEntry 9 }

   vdslPhysCurrLineRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Gauge32
       UNITS        "kbps"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 21
           "Indicates the current data rate in steps of 1000
           bits/second by the Vtu.  This value will be less than
           or equal to vdslPhysCurrAttainableRate.  Note: 1 kbps =
           1000 bps."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPhysEntry 10 }

   vdslChanTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VdslChanEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "This table provides one row for each Vtu channel.
           VDSL channel interfaces are those ifEntries where
           ifType is equal to interleave(124) or fast(125)."
       ::= { vdslMibObjects 3 }

   vdslChanEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       VdslChanEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "An entry in the vdslChanTable."
       INDEX { ifIndex,
               vdslPhysSide }
       ::= { vdslChanTable 1 }

   VdslChanEntry ::=
           vdslChanInterleaveDelay        Gauge32,
           vdslChanCrcBlockLength         Gauge32,
           vdslChanCurrTxRate             Gauge32,
           vdslChanCurrTxSlowBurstProtect Gauge32,
           vdslChanCurrTxFastFec          Gauge32

   vdslChanInterleaveDelay OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Gauge32
       UNITS        "milliseconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Interleave Delay for this channel.

           Interleave delay applies only to the interleave
           (slow) channel and defines the mapping (relative
           spacing) between subsequent input bytes at the
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 22
           interleaver input and their placement in the bit
           stream at the interleaver output.  Larger numbers
           provide greater separation between consecutive
           input bytes in the output bit stream allowing for
           improved impulse noise immunity at the expense of
           payload latency.

           In the case where the ifType is fast(125), return
           a value of zero."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChanEntry 1 }

   vdslChanCrcBlockLength OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Gauge32
       UNITS        "bytes"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Indicates the length of the channel data-block
           on which the CRC operates."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChanEntry 2 }

   vdslChanCurrTxRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Gauge32
       UNITS        "kbps"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Actual transmit data rate on this channel.  Note: 1
           kbps = 1000 bps."
       ::= { vdslChanEntry 3 }

   vdslChanCurrTxSlowBurstProtect OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Gauge32 (0..1275)
       UNITS        "microseconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Actual level of impulse noise (burst) protection
           for an interleaved (slow) channel.  This parameter is
           not applicable to fast channels.  For fast channels,
           a value of zero shall be returned."
       REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.997.1, section"
       ::= { vdslChanEntry 4 }

   vdslChanCurrTxFastFec OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Gauge32 (0..50)
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 23
       UNITS        "%"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Actual Forward Error Correction (FEC) redundancy
           related overhead for a fast channel.  This parameter
           is not applicable to an interleaved (slow) channel.
           For interleaved channels, a value of zero shall be
       ::= { vdslChanEntry 5 }

   vdslPerfDataTable       OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VdslPerfDataEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "This table provides one row for each VDSL physical
           interface.  VDSL physical interfaces are those ifEntries
           where ifType is equal to vdsl(97)."
       ::= { vdslMibObjects 4 }

   vdslPerfDataEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        VdslPerfDataEntry
       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
       STATUS        current
           "An entry in the vdslPerfDataTable."
       INDEX { ifIndex,
               vdslPhysSide }
       ::= { vdslPerfDataTable 1 }

   VdslPerfDataEntry ::=
           vdslPerfDataValidIntervals         HCPerfValidIntervals,
           vdslPerfDataInvalidIntervals       HCPerfInvalidIntervals,
           vdslPerfDataLofs                   Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataLoss                   Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataLprs                   Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataLols                   Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataESs                    Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataSESs                   Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataUASs                   Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataInits                  Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataCurr15MinTimeElapsed   HCPerfTimeElapsed,
           vdslPerfDataCurr15MinLofs          HCPerfCurrentCount,
           vdslPerfDataCurr15MinLoss          HCPerfCurrentCount,
           vdslPerfDataCurr15MinLprs          HCPerfCurrentCount,
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 24
           vdslPerfDataCurr15MinLols          HCPerfCurrentCount,
           vdslPerfDataCurr15MinESs           HCPerfCurrentCount,
           vdslPerfDataCurr15MinSESs          HCPerfCurrentCount,
           vdslPerfDataCurr15MinUASs          HCPerfCurrentCount,
           vdslPerfDataCurr15MinInits         HCPerfCurrentCount,
           vdslPerfData1DayValidIntervals     HCPerfValidIntervals,
           vdslPerfData1DayInvalidIntervals   HCPerfInvalidIntervals,
           vdslPerfDataCurr1DayTimeElapsed    HCPerfTimeElapsed,
           vdslPerfDataCurr1DayLofs           Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataCurr1DayLoss           Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataCurr1DayLprs           Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataCurr1DayLols           Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataCurr1DayESs            Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataCurr1DaySESs           Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataCurr1DayUASs           Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfDataCurr1DayInits          Unsigned32

   vdslPerfDataValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfValidIntervals
       UNITS        "intervals"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Valid Intervals per definition found in
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 1 }

   vdslPerfDataInvalidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfInvalidIntervals
       UNITS        "intervals"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Invalid Intervals per definition found in
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 2 }

   vdslPerfDataLofs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds since the unit was last reset that there
           was Loss of Framing."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 3 }
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   vdslPerfDataLoss OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds since the unit was last reset that there
           was Loss of Signal."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 4 }

   vdslPerfDataLprs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds since the unit was last reset that there
           was Loss of Power."

       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 5 }

   vdslPerfDataLols OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds since the unit was last reset that there
           was Loss of Link."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 6 }

   vdslPerfDataESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Errored Seconds since the unit was last reset.
           An Errored Second is a one-second interval containing one
           or more CRC anomalies, or one or more LOS or LOF defects."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 7 }

   vdslPerfDataSESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 26
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Severely Errored Seconds since the unit was last
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 8 }

   vdslPerfDataUASs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Unavailable Seconds since the unit was last
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 9 }

   vdslPerfDataInits OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "occurrences"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of the line initialization attempts since the unit
           was last reset.  This count includes both successful and
           failed attempts."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 10 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr15MinTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfTimeElapsed
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Total elapsed seconds in this interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 11 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr15MinLofs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds during this interval that there
           was Loss of Framing."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 12 }
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   vdslPerfDataCurr15MinLoss OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds during this interval that there
           was Loss of Signal."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 13 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr15MinLprs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds during this interval that there
           was Loss of Power."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 14 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr15MinLols OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds during this interval that there
           was Loss of Link."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 15 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr15MinESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Errored Seconds during this interval.  An Errored
           Second is a one-second interval containing one or more CRC
           anomalies, or one or more LOS or LOF defects."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 16 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr15MinSESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 28
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Severely Errored Seconds during this interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 17 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr15MinUASs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Unavailable Seconds during this interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 18 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr15MinInits OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS        "occurrences"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of the line initialization attempts during this
           interval.  This count includes both successful and
           failed attempts."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 19 }

   vdslPerfData1DayValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfValidIntervals
       UNITS        "intervals"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Valid Intervals per definition found in
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 20 }

   vdslPerfData1DayInvalidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfInvalidIntervals
       UNITS        "intervals"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Invalid Intervals per definition found in
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 21 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr1DayTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfTimeElapsed
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 29
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
            "Number of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning
            of the current 1-day interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 22 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr1DayLofs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Loss of Framing (LOF) Seconds since the
           beginning of the current 1-day interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 23 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr1DayLoss OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Loss of Signal (LOS) Seconds since the beginning
           of the current 1-day interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 24 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr1DayLprs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Loss of Power (LPR) Seconds since the beginning
           of the current 1-day interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 25 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr1DayLols OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Loss of Link (LOL) Seconds since the beginning
           of the current 1-day interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 26 }
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 30
   vdslPerfDataCurr1DayESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Errored Seconds (ES) since the beginning
           of the current 1-day interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 27 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr1DaySESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Severely Errored Seconds (SES) since the
           beginning of the current 1-day interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 28 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr1DayUASs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Unavailable Seconds (UAS) since the beginning
           of the current 1-day interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 29 }

   vdslPerfDataCurr1DayInits OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of the line initialization attempts since the
           beginning of the current 1-day interval.  This count
           includes both successful and failed attempts."
       ::= { vdslPerfDataEntry 30 }

   vdslPerfIntervalTable       OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VdslPerfIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "This table provides one row for each Vtu performance
           data collection interval.  VDSL physical interfaces are
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 31
           those ifEntries where ifType is equal to vdsl(97)."
       ::= { vdslMibObjects 5 }

   vdslPerfIntervalEntry       OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        VdslPerfIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
       STATUS        current
           "An entry in the vdslPerfIntervalTable."
       INDEX { ifIndex,
               vdslPerfIntervalNumber }
       ::= { vdslPerfIntervalTable 1 }

   VdslPerfIntervalEntry ::=
           vdslPerfIntervalNumber             Unsigned32,
           vdslPerfIntervalLofs               HCPerfIntervalCount,
           vdslPerfIntervalLoss               HCPerfIntervalCount,
           vdslPerfIntervalLprs               HCPerfIntervalCount,
           vdslPerfIntervalLols               HCPerfIntervalCount,
           vdslPerfIntervalESs                HCPerfIntervalCount,
           vdslPerfIntervalSESs               HCPerfIntervalCount,
           vdslPerfIntervalUASs               HCPerfIntervalCount,
           vdslPerfIntervalInits              HCPerfIntervalCount

   vdslPerfIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..96)
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "Performance Data Interval number 1 is the most recent
           previous interval; interval 96 is 24 hours ago.
           Intervals 2 to 96 are optional."
       ::= { vdslPerfIntervalEntry 1 }

   vdslPerfIntervalLofs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfIntervalCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds in the interval when there was Loss
           of Framing."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfIntervalEntry 2 }