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RFC 3728

Definitions of Managed Objects for Very High Speed Digital Subscriber Lines (VDSL)

Pages: 76
Proposed Standard
Part 3 of 4 – Pages 32 to 54
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Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 32   prevText
   vdslPerfIntervalLoss OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfIntervalCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds in the interval when there was Loss
           of Signal."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfIntervalEntry 3 }

   vdslPerfIntervalLprs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfIntervalCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds in the interval when there was Loss
           of Power."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfIntervalEntry 4 }

   vdslPerfIntervalLols OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfIntervalCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of seconds in the interval when there was Loss
           of Link."
       ::= { vdslPerfIntervalEntry 5 }

   vdslPerfIntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfIntervalCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Errored Seconds (ES) in the interval.  An Errored
           Second is a one-second interval containing one or more CRC
           anomalies, one or more LOS or LOF defects."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfIntervalEntry 6 }

   vdslPerfIntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfIntervalCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 33
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Severely Errored Seconds in the interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfIntervalEntry 7 }

   vdslPerfIntervalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfIntervalCount
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of Unavailable Seconds in the interval."
       ::= { vdslPerfIntervalEntry 8 }

   vdslPerfIntervalInits OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfIntervalCount
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of the line initialization attempts during this
           interval.  This count includes both successful and
           failed attempts."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerfIntervalEntry 9 }

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "This table provides one row for each VDSL performance
           data collection interval.  This table contains live data
           from equipment.  As such, it is NOT persistent."
       ::= { vdslMibObjects 6 }

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       VdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "An entry in the vdslPerf1DayIntervalTable."
       INDEX { ifIndex,
               vdslPerf1DayIntervalNumber }
       ::= { vdslPerf1DayIntervalTable 1 }

   VdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry ::=
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 34
       vdslPerf1DayIntervalNumber             Unsigned32,
       vdslPerf1DayIntervalMoniSecs           HCPerfTimeElapsed,
       vdslPerf1DayIntervalLofs               Unsigned32,
       vdslPerf1DayIntervalLoss               Unsigned32,
       vdslPerf1DayIntervalLprs               Unsigned32,
       vdslPerf1DayIntervalLols               Unsigned32,
       vdslPerf1DayIntervalESs                Unsigned32,
       vdslPerf1DayIntervalSESs               Unsigned32,
       vdslPerf1DayIntervalUASs               Unsigned32,
       vdslPerf1DayIntervalInits              Unsigned32

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..30)
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "History Data Interval number.  Interval 1 is the most
           recent previous day; interval 30 is 30 days ago.  Intervals
           2 to 30 are optional."
       ::= { vdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry 1 }

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalMoniSecs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfTimeElapsed
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "The amount of time in the 1-day interval over which the
           performance monitoring information is actually counted.
           This value will be the same as the interval duration except
           in a situation where performance monitoring data could not
           be collected for any reason."
       ::= { vdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry 2 }

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalLofs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
            "Count of Loss of Frame (LOF) Seconds during the 1-day
            interval as measured by vdslPerf1DayIntervalMoniSecs."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry 3 }

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalLoss OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 35
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
            "Count of Loss of Signal (LOS) Seconds during the 1-day
            interval as measured by vdslPerf1DayIntervalMoniSecs."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry 4 }

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalLprs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
            "Count of Loss of Power (LPR) Seconds during the 1-day
            interval as measured by vdslPerf1DayIntervalMoniSecs."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry 5 }

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalLols OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
            "Count of Loss of Link (LOL) Seconds during the 1-day
            interval as measured by vdslPerf1DayIntervalMoniSecs."
       ::= { vdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry 6 }

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
            "Count of Errored Seconds (ES) during the 1-day
            interval as measured by vdslPerf1DayIntervalMoniSecs."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry 7 }

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalSESs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 36
            "Count of Severely Errored Seconds (SES) during the 1-day
            interval as measured by vdslPerf1DayIntervalMoniSecs."
       ::= { vdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry 8 }

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalUASs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
            "Count of Unavailable Seconds (UAS) during the 1-day
            interval as measured by vdslPerf1DayIntervalMoniSecs."
       ::= { vdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry 9 }

   vdslPerf1DayIntervalInits OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
           "Count of the line initialization attempts during the
           1-day interval as measured by vdslPerf1DayIntervalMoniSecs.
           This count includes both successful and failed attempts."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslPerf1DayIntervalEntry 10 }

   vdslChanPerfDataTable       OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VdslChanPerfDataEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "This table provides one row for each Vtu channel.
           VDSL channel interfaces are those ifEntries where
           ifType is equal to interleave(124) or fast(125)."
       ::= { vdslMibObjects 7 }

   vdslChanPerfDataEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        VdslChanPerfDataEntry
       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
       STATUS        current
           "An entry in the vdslChanPerfDataTable."
       INDEX { ifIndex,
               vdslPhysSide }
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataTable 1 }

   VdslChanPerfDataEntry ::=
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 37
           vdslChanValidIntervals         HCPerfValidIntervals,
           vdslChanInvalidIntervals       HCPerfInvalidIntervals,
           vdslChanFixedOctets            ZeroBasedCounter64,
           vdslChanBadBlks                ZeroBasedCounter64,
           vdslChanCurr15MinTimeElapsed   HCPerfTimeElapsed,
           vdslChanCurr15MinFixedOctets   HCPerfCurrentCount,
           vdslChanCurr15MinBadBlks       HCPerfCurrentCount,
           vdslChan1DayValidIntervals     HCPerfValidIntervals,
           vdslChan1DayInvalidIntervals   HCPerfInvalidIntervals,
           vdslChanCurr1DayTimeElapsed    HCPerfTimeElapsed,
           vdslChanCurr1DayFixedOctets    HCPerfCurrentCount,
           vdslChanCurr1DayBadBlks        HCPerfCurrentCount

   vdslChanValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfValidIntervals
       UNITS        "intervals"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Valid Intervals per definition found in
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 1 }

   vdslChanInvalidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfInvalidIntervals
       UNITS        "intervals"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Invalid Intervals per definition found in
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 2 }

   vdslChanFixedOctets OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        ZeroBasedCounter64
       UNITS         "octets"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Count of corrected octets since the unit was last reset."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 3 }

   vdslChanBadBlks OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        ZeroBasedCounter64
       UNITS         "blocks"
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 38
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Count of uncorrectable blocks since the unit was last
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 4 }

   vdslChanCurr15MinTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfTimeElapsed
       UNITS         "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Total elapsed seconds in this interval."
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 5 }

   vdslChanCurr15MinFixedOctets OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS         "octets"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Count of corrected octets in this interval."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 6 }

   vdslChanCurr15MinBadBlks OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS         "blocks"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Count of uncorrectable blocks in this interval."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 7 }

   vdslChan1DayValidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfValidIntervals
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Valid Intervals per definition found in
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 8 }

   vdslChan1DayInvalidIntervals OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfInvalidIntervals
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 39
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Invalid Intervals per definition found in
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 9 }

   vdslChanCurr1DayTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfTimeElapsed
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
            "Number of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning
            of the current 1-day interval."
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 10 }

   vdslChanCurr1DayFixedOctets OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS         "octets"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Count of corrected octets since the beginning of the
           current 1-day interval."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 11 }

   vdslChanCurr1DayBadBlks OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS         "blocks"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Count of uncorrectable blocks since the beginning of the
           current 1-day interval."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChanPerfDataEntry 12 }

   vdslChanIntervalTable       OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VdslChanIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "This table provides one row for each Vtu channel data
           collection interval.  VDSL channel interfaces are those
           ifEntries where ifType is equal to interleave(124) or
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 40
       ::= { vdslMibObjects 8 }

   vdslChanIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        VdslChanIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
       STATUS        current
           "An entry in the vdslChanIntervalTable."
       INDEX { ifIndex,
               vdslChanIntervalNumber }
       ::= { vdslChanIntervalTable 1 }

   VdslChanIntervalEntry ::=
           vdslChanIntervalNumber         Unsigned32,
           vdslChanIntervalFixedOctets    HCPerfIntervalCount,
           vdslChanIntervalBadBlks        HCPerfIntervalCount

   vdslChanIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        Unsigned32 (1..96)
       MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
       STATUS        current
           "Performance Data Interval number 1 is the most recent
           previous interval; interval 96 is 24 hours ago.
           Intervals 2 to 96 are optional."
       ::= { vdslChanIntervalEntry 1 }

   vdslChanIntervalFixedOctets OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfIntervalCount
       UNITS        "octets"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Count of corrected octets in this interval."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChanIntervalEntry 2 }

   vdslChanIntervalBadBlks OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfIntervalCount
       UNITS        "blocks"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Count of uncorrectable blocks in this interval."
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 41
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChanIntervalEntry 3 }

   vdslChan1DayIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF VdslChan1DayIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "This table provides one row for each VDSL performance
           data collection interval.  This table contains live data
           from equipment.  As such, it is NOT persistent."
       ::= { vdslMibObjects 9 }

   vdslChan1DayIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       VdslChan1DayIntervalEntry
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "An entry in the vdslChan1DayIntervalTable."
       INDEX { ifIndex,
               vdslChan1DayIntervalNumber }
       ::= { vdslChan1DayIntervalTable 1 }

   VdslChan1DayIntervalEntry ::=
       vdslChan1DayIntervalNumber         Unsigned32,
       vdslChan1DayIntervalMoniSecs       HCPerfTimeElapsed,
       vdslChan1DayIntervalFixedOctets    HCPerfCurrentCount,
       vdslChan1DayIntervalBadBlks        HCPerfCurrentCount

   vdslChan1DayIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..30)
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "History Data Interval number.  Interval 1 is the most
           recent previous day; interval 30 is 30 days ago.  Intervals
           2 to 30 are optional."
       ::= { vdslChan1DayIntervalEntry 1 }

   vdslChan1DayIntervalMoniSecs OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       HCPerfTimeElapsed
       UNITS        "seconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-only
       STATUS       current
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 42
           "The amount of time in the 1-day interval over which the
           performance monitoring information is actually counted.
           This value will be the same as the interval duration except
           in a situation where performance monitoring data could not
           be collected for any reason."
       ::= { vdslChan1DayIntervalEntry 2 }

   vdslChan1DayIntervalFixedOctets OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS        "octets"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Count of corrected octets in this interval."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChan1DayIntervalEntry 3 }

   vdslChan1DayIntervalBadBlks OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        HCPerfCurrentCount
       UNITS        "blocks"
       MAX-ACCESS    read-only
       STATUS        current
           "Count of uncorrectable blocks in this interval."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       ::= { vdslChan1DayIntervalEntry 4 }

   -- profile tables

   vdslLineConfProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX         SEQUENCE OF VdslLineConfProfileEntry
       MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
       STATUS         current
           "This table contains information on the VDSL line
           configuration.  One entry in this table reflects a
           profile defined by a manager which can be used to
           configure the VDSL line.

           Entries in this table MUST be maintained in a
           persistent manner."
       ::= { vdslMibObjects 11 }

   vdslLineConfProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX         VdslLineConfProfileEntry
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 43
       MAX-ACCESS     not-accessible
       STATUS         current
           "Each entry consists of a list of parameters that
           represents the configuration of a VDSL line.

           A default profile with an index of 'DEFVAL', will
           always exist and its parameters will be set to vendor
           specific values, unless otherwise specified in this
       INDEX { vdslLineConfProfileName }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileTable 1 }

   VdslLineConfProfileEntry ::=
           vdslLineConfProfileName            SnmpAdminString,
           vdslLineConfDownRateMode           INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfUpRateMode             INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfDownMaxPwr             Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpMaxPwr               Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownMaxSnrMgn          Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownMinSnrMgn          Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownTargetSnrMgn       Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpMaxSnrMgn            Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpMinSnrMgn            Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpTargetSnrMgn         Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownFastMaxDataRate    Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownFastMinDataRate    Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownSlowMaxDataRate    Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownSlowMinDataRate    Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpFastMaxDataRate      Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpFastMinDataRate      Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpSlowMaxDataRate      Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpSlowMinDataRate      Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownRateRatio          Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpRateRatio            Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownMaxInterDelay      Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpMaxInterDelay        Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownPboControl         INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfUpPboControl           INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfDownPboLevel           Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpPboLevel             Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDeploymentScenario     INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfAdslPresence           INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfApplicableStandard     INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfBandPlan               INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfBandPlanFx             Unsigned32,
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 44
           vdslLineConfBandOptUsage           INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfUpPsdTemplate          INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfDownPsdTemplate        INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfHamBandMask            BITS,
           vdslLineConfCustomNotch1Start      Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfCustomNotch1Stop       Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfCustomNotch2Start      Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfCustomNotch2Stop       Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownTargetSlowBurst    Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpTargetSlowBurst      Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfDownMaxFastFec         Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfUpMaxFastFec           Unsigned32,
           vdslLineConfLineType               INTEGER,
           vdslLineConfProfRowStatus          RowStatus

   vdslLineConfProfileName OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
       MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
       STATUS       current
           "This object identifies a row in this table.

           A default profile with an index of 'DEFVAL', will
           always exist and its parameters will be set to vendor
           specific values, unless otherwise specified in this
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 1 }

   vdslLineConfDownRateMode OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the rate selection behavior for the line
           in the downstream direction.

           manual(1)       forces the rate to the configured rate
           adaptAtInit(2)  adapts the line based upon line quality."
       DEFVAL       { adaptAtInit }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 2 }

   vdslLineConfUpRateMode OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 45
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the rate selection behavior for the line
           in the upstream direction.

           manual(1)       forces the rate to the configured rate
           adaptAtInit(2)  adapts the line based upon line quality."
       DEFVAL       { adaptAtInit }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 3 }

   vdslLineConfDownMaxPwr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..58)
       UNITS        "0.25dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the maximum aggregate downstream power
           level in the range 0 to 14.5 dBm."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 4 }

   vdslLineConfUpMaxPwr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..58)
       UNITS        "0.25dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the maximum aggregate upstream power
           level in the range 0 to 14.5 dBm."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 5 }

   vdslLineConfDownMaxSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..127)
       UNITS        "0.25dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the maximum downstream Signal/Noise Margin
           in units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 46
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 6 }

   vdslLineConfDownMinSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..127)
       UNITS        "0.25dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the minimum downstream Signal/Noise Margin
           in units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 7 }

   vdslLineConfDownTargetSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..127)
       UNITS        "0.25dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the target downstream Signal/Noise Margin
           in units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB.
           This is the Noise Margin the transceivers must achieve
           with a BER of 10^-7 or better to successfully complete
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 8 }

   vdslLineConfUpMaxSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..127)
       UNITS        "0.25dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the maximum upstream Signal/Noise Margin
           in units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 9 }

   vdslLineConfUpMinSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..127)
       UNITS        "0.25dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 47
           "Specifies the minimum upstream Signal/Noise Margin
           in units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB."
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 10 }

   vdslLineConfUpTargetSnrMgn OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..127)
       UNITS        "0.25dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the target upstream Signal/Noise Margin in
           units of 0.25 dB, for a range of 0 to 31.75 dB.  This
           is the Noise Margin the transceivers must achieve with
           a BER of 10^-7 or better to successfully complete
       REFERENCE    "T1E1.4/2000-009R3, Part 1, common spec"
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 11 }

   vdslLineConfDownFastMaxDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "kbps"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the maximum downstream fast channel
           data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 12 }

   vdslLineConfDownFastMinDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "kbps"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the minimum downstream fast channel
           data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 13 }

   vdslLineConfDownSlowMaxDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "kbps"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 48
           "Specifies the maximum downstream slow channel
           data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second.

           The maximum aggregate downstream transmit speed
           of the line can be derived from the sum of maximum
           downstream fast and slow channel data rates."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 14 }

   vdslLineConfDownSlowMinDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "kbps"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the minimum downstream slow channel
           data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second.

           The minimum aggregate downstream transmit speed
           of the line can be derived from the sum of minimum
           downstream fast and slow channel data rates."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 15 }

   vdslLineConfUpFastMaxDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "kbps"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the maximum upstream fast channel
           data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second.

           The maximum aggregate upstream transmit speed
           of the line can be derived from the sum of maximum
           upstream fast and slow channel data rates."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 16 }

   vdslLineConfUpFastMinDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "kbps"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the minimum upstream fast channel
           data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second.
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 49
           The minimum aggregate upstream transmit speed
           of the line can be derived from the sum of minimum
           upstream fast and slow channel data rates."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 17 }

   vdslLineConfUpSlowMaxDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "kbps"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the maximum upstream slow channel
           data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 18 }

   vdslLineConfUpSlowMinDataRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32
       UNITS        "kbps"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the minimum upstream slow channel
           data rate in steps of 1000 bits/second."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 19 }

   vdslLineConfDownRateRatio OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..100)
       UNITS        "percent"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "For dynamic rate adaptation at startup, the allocation
           of data rate in excess of the minimum data rate for each
           channel is controlled by the object.  This object specifies
           the ratio of the allocation of the excess data rate between
           the fast and the slow channels.  This allocation represents
           downstream Fast Channel Allocation / Slow Channel
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 20 }

   vdslLineConfUpRateRatio OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..100)
       UNITS        "percent"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 50
       STATUS       current
           "For dynamic rate adaptation at startup, the allocation
           of data rate in excess of the minimum data rate for each
           channel is controlled by the object.  This object specifies
           the ratio of the allocation of the excess data rate between
           the fast and the slow channels.  This allocation represents
           upstream Fast Channel Allocation/Slow Channel Allocation."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 21 }

   vdslLineConfDownMaxInterDelay OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..255)
       UNITS        "milliseconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the maximum interleave delay for the
           downstream slow channel."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 22 }

   vdslLineConfUpMaxInterDelay OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..255)
       UNITS        "milliseconds"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the maximum interleave delay for the
           upstream slow channel."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 23 }

   vdslLineConfDownPboControl OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Downstream power backoff (PBO) control for this
           line.  For transceivers which do not support downstream
           PBO control, this object MUST be fixed at disabled(1).
           If auto(2) is selected, the transceiver will automatically
           adjust the power backoff.  If manual(3) is selected,
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 51
           then the transceiver will use the value from
       DEFVAL       { disabled }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 24 }

   vdslLineConfUpPboControl OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Upstream power backoff (PBO) control for this
           line.  For transceivers which do not support upstream
           PBO control, this object MUST be fixed at disabled(1).
           If auto(2) is selected, the transceiver will automatically
           adjust the power backoff.  If manual(3) is selected,
           then the transceiver will use the value from
       DEFVAL       { disabled }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 25 }

   vdslLineConfDownPboLevel OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..160)
       UNITS        "0.25dB"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the downstream backoff level to be used
           when vdslLineConfDownPboControl = manual(3)."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 26 }

   vdslLineConfUpPboLevel OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (0..160)
       UNITS        "0.25dB"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Specifies the upstream backoff level to be used
           when vdslLineConfUpPboControl = manual(3)."
       DEFVAL       { 0 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 27 }

   vdslLineConfDeploymentScenario OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 52
       SYNTAX       INTEGER
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "The VDSL line deployment scenario.  When using
           fttCab(1), the VTU-C is located in a street cabinet.
           When using fttEx(2), the VTU-C is located at the
           central office.  Changes to this value will have
           no effect on the transceiver."
       REFERENCE    "DSL Forum TR-057"
       DEFVAL       { fttCab }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 28 }

   vdslLineConfAdslPresence OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Indicates presence of ADSL service in the associated
           cable bundle/binder.

           none(1)         indicates no ADSL service in the bundle
           adslOverPots(2) indicates ADSL service over POTS is
                           present in the bundle
           adslOverISDN(3) indicates ADSL service over ISDN is
                           present in the bundle"
       DEFVAL       { none }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 29 }

   vdslLineConfApplicableStandard OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 53
       STATUS       current
           "The VDSL standard to be used for the line.

            ansi(1)      indicates ANSI standard
            etsi(2)      indicates ETSI standard
            itu(3)       indicates ITU standard
            other(4)     indicates a standard other than the above."
       DEFVAL       { ansi }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 30 }

   vdslLineConfBandPlan OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "The VDSL band plan to be used for the line.

            bandPlan997(1) is to be used for
                 ITU-T G.993.1 Bandplan-B
                 ETSI Bandplan
                 ANSI Plan 997

            bandPlan998(2) is to be used for
                 ITU-T G.993.1 Bandplan-A
                 ANSI Plan 998

            bandPlanFx(3) is to be used for
                 ITU-T G.993.1 Bandplan-C.

            other(4) is to be used for
                 non-standard bandplans.

            If this object is set to bandPlanFx(3), then the
            object vdslLineConfBandPlanFx MUST also be set."
       DEFVAL       { bandPlan997 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 31 }

   vdslLineConfBandPlanFx OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (3750..12000)
       UNITS        "kHz"
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
Top   ToC   RFC3728 - Page 54
       STATUS       current
           "The frequency limit between bands D2 and U2 when
           vdslLineConfBandPlan is set to bandPlanFx(3)."
       DEFVAL       { 3750 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 32 }

      vdslLineConfBandOptUsage OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "Defines the VDSL link use of the optional frequency
           range [25kHz - 138kHz] (Opt).

           unused(1)     indicates Opt is unused
           upstream(2)   indicates Opt usage is for upstream
           downstream(3) indicates Opt usage is for downstream."
       REFERENCE    "ITU-T G.993.1, section 6.1"
       DEFVAL       { unused }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 33 }

   vdslLineConfUpPsdTemplate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX       INTEGER
       MAX-ACCESS   read-create
       STATUS       current
           "The upstream PSD template to be used for the line.
           Here, templateMask1(1) refers to a notched mask that
           limits the transmitted PSD within the internationally
           standardized HAM (Handheld Amateur Radio) radio bands,
           while templateMask2(2) refers to an unnotched mask.

           The masks themselves depend upon the applicable
           standard being used (vdslLineConfApplicableStandard)."
       REFERENCE    "DSL TR-057"
       DEFVAL       { templateMask1 }
       ::= { vdslLineConfProfileEntry 34 }