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RFC 2167

Referral Whois (RWhois) Protocol V1.5

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ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 27   prevText
3.3.7 notify


   The "-notify" directive performs several functions.

      * If the server returns a referral that results in an error, the
        client can report the bad referral to the server using the
        "badref" option.
      * When the client follows referrals and goes through the same
        referral twice, that referral is a recursive referral and causes
        a referral loop. The client can report the recursive referral to
        the server using the "recurref" option.
      * When the data in an authority area changes, a master server can
        use the "update" option to notify its slave servers to update
        the data.
      * The "inssec" option allows an RWhois server to register itself
        as a slave server for an authority area with a master server.
        The master server may reject the request on the basis of its
        registration policy.
      * The "delsec" option allows a slave server to cancel its
        registration with the master server.


   notify-dir = "-notify" space "badref" space referral-query crlf
           / "-notify" space "recurref" space referral-query crlf
      / "-notify" space "update" space host-port ":" authority-area crlf
           / "-notify" space "inssec" space host-port ":"
             authority-area crlf
           / "-notify" space "delsec" space host-port ":"
             authority-area crlf
   referral-query = referral-url space [class-name space] query
   notify-response = response

   See Section 3.4 for the definitions of referral-url and query.


   338 Invalid directive syntax
   340 Invalid authority area
   342 Invalid host/port
   400 Directive not available
   401 Not authorized for directive
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 28

   # The client reports a bad referral to to the
   # server.
   C -notify badref rwhois://
   S %ok

   # The client reports a recursive referral to to the
   # server.
   C -notify recurref rwhois:// contact Last-Name="Beeblebrox"
   S %ok

   # The master server for the authority area notifies its
   # slave servers to update the data.
   C -notify update
   S %ok

   # The server registers as a slave server for the
   # authority area.
   C -notify inssec
   S %ok

   # The server cancels its registration as a slave
   # server for the authority area.
   C -notify delsec
   S %ok

3.3.8 quit


   The "-quit" directive can be used by the client to close the
   connection.  Before the server closes the connection, it must respond
   with "%ok".


   quit-dir = "-quit" crlf
   quit-response = response


   No errors.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 29

   C -quit
   S %ok

3.3.9 register


   The "-register" directive can be used by the client to add, modify,
   or delete objects in the server's database. The client must wait to
   send the registration data until the "%ok" response is received from
   the server.  This directive has the following options.

      * The "add" option indicates that the object being sent should be
        added to the server's database.
      * The "mod" option indicates that the object being sent is a
        modification of an object that already resides on the server's
        database. During a modify operation, the "_NEW_" tag is used to
        delineate the end of the original (unmodified) object and the
        beginning of the replacement object. That is, the identifying
        characteristics of the original object are sent first, then the
        "_NEW_" separator is sent, and then the entire replacement
        object is sent.
      The "del" option indicates that the object being sent should be
      deleted from the server's database.

   After a register operation (add, modify, or delete an object) in an
   authority area, the server should update the "Serial-Number" variable
   in the SOA information for the authority area. This is useful for
   data replication because a slave server checks the "Serial-Number"
   variable to detect a data change at the master server (see Section


   register-dir = register-on space "add" space maintainer-id crlf
                  register-add register-off
           / register-on space "mod" space maintainer-id crlf
             register-mod register-off
           / register-on space "del" space maintainer-id crlf
             register-del register-off
   register-on = "-register" space "on"
   register-off = "-register" space "off" crlf
   register-add = 1*(register-line crlf)
   register-mod = 1*(register-line crlf) "_NEW_" crlf
                  1*(register-line crlf)
   register-del = 1*(register-line crlf)
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 30
   maintainer-id = email
   register-line = attribute-name ":" attribute-value
   register-on-response = response
   register-off-response = "%register" space "ID" ":" object-id crlf
           / "%register" space "Updated" ":" time-stamp crlf response
           / response

      * The server must return the register-on-response for the
        "-register on" directive and the register-off-response for the
        "-register off" directive.
      * The maintainer-id identifies, for maintenance purposes, the
        sender of registration information. The server should not use it
        to authenticate the sender.
      * For the "add" option, the client must send all the required
        attributes for the object, including the Class-Name and Auth-
        Area attributes.  However, the client must not send the ID and
        Updated attributes. These attributes are assigned by the server
        and returned in the response.
      * For the "mod" option, the client must send the identifying
        information for the object to be modified, followed by the
        "_NEW_" separator and the entire replacement object. The
        identifying information must contain the ID and Updated
        attributes; it may contain other attributes, but the server may
        not check them. The ID, Auth-Area, and Class-Name attributes
        must match in both the original object data and the replacement
        object. The original object data is sent before the replacement
        object to enable the server to lock the record in the database.
      * For the "del" option, the client must send the identifying
        information for the object to be deleted. The identifying
        information must contain the ID and Updated attributes; it may
        contain other attributes, but the server may not check them.


   120 Registration deferred
   320 Invalid attribute
   321 Invalid attribute syntax
   322 Required attribute missing
   323 Object reference not found
   324 Primary key not unique
   325 Failed to update outdated object
   336 Object not found
   338 Invalid directive syntax
   340 Invalid authority area
   341 Invalid class
   400 Directive not available
   401 Not authorized for directive
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 31

   # Add an object.
   C -register on add
   S %ok
   C Class-Name:contact
   C First-Name:Scott
   C Last-Name:Williamson
   C Name:Williamson, Scott
   C -register off
   S %register
   S %register Updated:19961205224403000
   S %ok

   # Modify an object.
   C -register on mod
   S %ok
   C Updated:19961205124403000
   C _NEW_
   C Class-Name:contact
   C First-Name:Scott
   C Last-Name:Williamson
   C Name:Williamson, Scott
   C -register off
   S %ok

   # Delete an object.
   C -register on del
   S %ok
   C Updated:19961205224403000
   C -register off
   S %ok

3.3.10 schema


   The "-schema" directive can be used by the client to get the
   attribute definitions of one or more classes in an authority area. If
   the client specifies class names, the server must return the
   attribute definitions of the specified classes. Otherwise, the server
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 32
   must return the attribute definitions of all the classes in the
   authority area. Every schema record must end with an empty "%schema"


   schema-dir = "-schema" space authority-area *(space class-name) crlf
   schema-response = *schema-record response
   schema-record = *schema-line "%schema" crlf
   schema-line = "%schema" space class-name ":" attribute-name ":"
                 attribute-value crlf


   338 Invalid directive syntax
   340 Invalid authority area
   341 Invalid class
   400 Directive not available
   401 Not authorized for directive


   C -schema map
   S %schema map:attribute:Class-Name
   S %schema map:description:Type of the object
   S %schema map:type:TEXT
   S %schema map:format:re:[a-zA-Z0-9-]+
   S %schema map:indexed:OFF
   S %schema map:required:ON
   S %schema map:multi-line:OFF
   S %schema map:repeatable:OFF
   S %schema map:primary:OFF
   S %schema map:hierarchical:OFF
   S %schema map:private:OFF
   S %schema
   S %schema map:attribute:ID
   S %schema map:description:Globally unique object identifier
   S %schema map:type:TEXT
   S %schema map:format:re:[0-9]+.[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 33
   S %schema map:indexed:ON
   S %schema map:required:ON
   S %schema map:multi-line:OFF
   S %schema map:repeatable:OFF
   S %schema map:primary:ON
   S %schema map:hierarchical:OFF
   S %schema map:private:OFF
   S %schema
   # This is an abbreviated example, more attributes usually follow.
   S %ok

3.3.11 security


   The "-security" directive enables either a client request or a server
   response to be authenticated and/or encrypted. Currently, RWhois uses
   two standard security methods: password and PGP. Password provides
   authentication only, and PGP provides both authentication and
   encryption.  This directive can be used to securely access or update
   any information (meta or data) in an authority area that is protected
   by one or more guardian objects.


   security-dir = "-security" space "on" space direction space
           security-method [space security-data] crlf
           security-payload ["-security" space "off" crlf]
   direction = "request" / "response"
   security-method = "password" / "pgp" / 1*id-char
   security-data = password-data / pgp-data / 1*any-char
   password-data = 1*any-char
   pgp-data = "signed" / "encrypt" [space key-id] / "signed-encrypt"
              [space key-id]
   security-payload = *(*any-char crlf)
   security-response = response

      * The "password" security-method is available in the "request"
        direction only. For password, the security-data is a cleartext
      * The "pgp" security-method is available in both the "request" and
        "response" directions. For PGP, the security-data indicates how
        to treat the security-payload: signed, encrypted, or signed and
        encrypted. To encrypt the security-payload in the "response"
        direction, the security-data must include the public key ID with
        which to encrypt it.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 34

   338 Invalid directive syntax
   352 Invalid security method
   353 Authentication failed
   354 Encryption failed
   400 Directive not available
   401 Not authorized for directive


   # Authenticate a request using password.
   C -security on request password hello!1
   S %ok

   # Authenticate a PGP signed request.
   C -security on request pgp signed
   S %ok
   C -register on mod
   S %ok
   C -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
   C Version: 2.6.2
   C owHrZJjKzMpgdP9D9crUhdpBYnwHGRnPbmVhmHlV7Hef9je/n7vyzhmE6589/+Dg
   C jPpVm59tNz92vPSmrFB/4ankBRz+xgY+7z9OUYjefGahbWSNwzzxbw6TpWZGerU+
   C uOUg/Cygs33JBdHqjwEc+wyfZPp+N5p2bu+ywoaOu8eLPyn+m2Mt/T9p1UaG68vP
   C Zd2d9EPw+Ywpio7dco6yh3b/v7zmQxJHcWpyaVFmSSUDEHi6WBkZm5iamVtY6iXq
   C JefnKnCFFqQklqSmWBlaWpoZGhmYGhqZmBgYGxgYKHA55yQWF+v6JeamWiXn55Uk
   C JpcocDmWlmToOhalJlpB9cf7uYbHE6kWi/VumUXFJRB9wcn5JUBdPokwgfDMnJzM
   C xNzi/DwFLjQBHQWoatfcxMwcq+JyB6h5AA==
   C =a0sQ
   C -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
   C -register off
   S %ok

   # Encrypt a response using PGP. 52160EC1 is the public key ID with
   # which the response is encrypted.
   C -security on response pgp encrypt 52160EC1
   S %ok
   C -xfer com class=domain attribute=Domain-Name
   S -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
   S Version: 2.6.2
   S hIwDqWWhK1IWDsEBBACOXssTzD2CbB7Vjj2cNURScpJc2as2TbUDOQiwkT+8qFgG
   S ZyRfktpwNNTawRIcGOk1Kcs84z8a3vvTA/oje9vZexHtzfJwBHFdiIZxPuCEpvgv
   S 2ppK7WqlmHGcQKVBJJHYw7Fq83CUkeGJB9P1M3CQiXeW8h8MwAuhxSgbgt23PKYA
   S AABuhknJrXeh9Owm81+MvyzgLOyM7sjDYmttU9sj/yuOYmAhS9V+34MT/Mwn4wO8
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 35
   S 2BCsJqBHXbwOuYKs02p0se4jyKFtZR8MDPWNm9QyAP+oNMTjsufy6ZRa9PegUC6t
   S HDhXymkiP03mKMMVK1//7X0=
   S =vZ2x
   S -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
   S %ok

3.3.12 soa


   The "-soa" directive can be used by the client to retrieve the SOA
   information for one or more authority areas. When no authority area
   name is given, the server must return the SOA information for all the
   authority areas. Every SOA record must end with an empty "%soa" line.


   soa-dir = "-soa" *(space authority-area) crlf
   soa-response = *soa-record response
   soa-record = *soa-line "%soa" crlf
   soa-line = "%soa" space "authority" ":" authority-area crlf
      / "%soa" space "ttl" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%soa" space "serial" ":" time-stamp crlf
      / "%soa" space "refresh" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%soa" space "increment" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%soa" space "retry" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%soa" space "tech-contact" ":" email crlf
      / "%soa" space "admin-contact" ":" email crlf
      / "%soa" space "hostmaster" ":" email crlf
      / "%soa" space "primary" ":" host-port crlf
      / "%soa" space attribute-name ":" attribute-value crlf

   The server must return the following SOA information for an authority

 attribute-name  attribute-value Comments

 authority       authority-area  This is the name of the authority area.

 ttl             1*digit         This is the default time to live for
                                 the data in the authority area.

 serial          time-stamp      This is the serial number of the data
                                 in the authority area; it changes
                                 when the data changes.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 36
 refresh         1*digit         This is the time interval before a
                                 slave server checks for complete

 increment       1*digit         This is the time interval before a
                                 slave server checks for incremental

 retry           1*digit         This is the time interval before a
                                 slave server tries again to connect
                                 to a master server that appears to be

 tech-contact    email           This is the contact for the operation
                                 of the master server.

 admin-contact   email           This is the contact for the data
                                 integrity at the master server.

 hostmaster      email           This is the contact for sending update
                                 requests at the master server.

 primary         host-port       This is the host name (or IP address)
                                 and port number of the master server.


   338 Invalid directive syntax
   340 Invalid authority area
   400 Directive not available
   401 Not authorized for directive


   C -soa org
   S %soa authority:org
   S %soa ttl:86400
   S %soa serial:19961119111535000
   S %soa refresh:3600
   S %soa increment:1800
   S %soa retry:180
   S %soa
   S %soa
   S %soa
   S %soa
   S %soa
   S %ok
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 37
3.3.13 status


   The "-status" directive can be used by the client to get various
   status flags from the server. The response must include the number of
   objects in all the authority areas, the current display format, the
   server contact information, and the status flags for the state-
   oriented directives:  "-limit", "-holdconnect", and "-forward".


   status-dir = "-status" crlf
   status-response = *status-line response
   status-line = "%status" space "limit" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%status" space "holdconnect" ":" on-off crlf
      / "%status" space "forward" ":" on-off crlf
      / "%status" space "objects" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%status" space "display" ":" 1*any-char crlf
      / "%status" space "contact" ":" email crlf
      / "%status" space attribute-name ":" attribute-value crlf


   338 Invalid directive syntax
   400 Directive not available
   401 Not authorized for directive


   C -status
   S %status limit:20
   S %status holdconnect:OFF
   S %status forward:OFF
   S %status objects:12345
   S %status display:dump
   S %status
   S %ok

3.3.14 xfer


   The "-xfer" directive can be used by the client (generally, a slave
   server) to transfer the data in an authority area. The client can
   control the amount of data transferred using one of the following
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 38
      * serial-number: The client can transfer all the objects that have
        been added, modified or deleted since a certain time, specifying
        the serial-number that indicates that time. This option is used
        for incremental replication.
      * class: The client can limit the data transfer to one or more
        classes, using the "class=<class-name>" option. The server must
        return data for only the specified classes. If no class name is
        specified, the server must return data for all the classes.
      * attribute: The client can limit the data transfer to one or more
        attributes of a class, using the "attribute=<attribute-name>"
        option in combination with the "class=<class-name>" option. The
        server must return data for only the specified attributes of the
        class. The client can specify multiple "class=" and "attribute="


   xfer-dir = "-xfer" space authority-area *attribute-def
           [space serial-number] crlf
   attribute-def = [space "class=" class-name] *(space "attribute="
   serial-number = time-stamp
   xfer-response = *xfer-record response
   xfer-record = *xfer-line "%xfer" crlf
   xfer-line = "%xfer" space class-name ":" attribute-name ":"
               attribute-value crlf


   332 Nothing to transfer
   333 Not master for authority area
   338 Invalid directive syntax
   340 Invalid authority area
   341 Invalid class
   342 Invalid attribute
   400 Directive not available
   401 Not authorized for directive
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 39

   C -xfer com class=domain attribute=Domain-Name
   S %xfer
   S %xfer domain:Organization-Name:Acme Inc.
   S %xfer
   S %xfer
   S %xfer domain:Organization-Name:Vogon Heavy Industries
   S %xfer
   S %ok

3.3.15 X


   The "-X" directive is used to specify an additional, non-standard
   directive. It can be implemented by executing an external program, by
   internal functions, or by other means. It may interact with the
   client or simply produce output like one of the standard directives.


   x-dir = "-X-" x-directive [space x-arguments] crlf *x-line
   x-directive = 1*id-char
   x-arguments = *any-char
   x-response = *(*any-char crlf) response
   x-line = *any-char crlf


   338 Invalid directive syntax
   400 Directive not available
   401 Not authorized for directive


   The following example uses an implementation that executes an
   external program, the UNIX "date" command. The server runs the "date"
   command and returns its output to the client.

   C -X-date
   S Mon Jan 6 13:21:20 EST 1997
   S %ok
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 40
3.4 Query


   The query allows the client to retrieve objects from the server's
   database.  The server must support the following types of queries.

      * Unrestricted query: It is a single word or a quoted string. The
        server must return all the matching objects where one or more
        attributes match the query, regardless of the class.
      * Class-restricted query: It is a class name specified in front
        of the unrestricted query. The server must return all the
        matching objects where one or more attributes of the specified
        class match the query.
      * Attribute-restricted query: It is of the
        "<attribute-name>=<search-string>" form. The server must return
        all the matching objects where the specified attribute matches
        the query.

   The server may implement the following types of queries.

      * Boolean operator query: It consists of simpler queries combined
        using the "and" and "or" operators.
      * Wild card query: It consists of an asterisk ("*") in the front
        and/or at the end of the search string. The server may support
        partial matching using the asterisk.

   In response to the query, the server will return the objects that
   match the query. If the server does not support complex queries,
   with, for example, wild cards or boolean operators, the server may
   return the "351 Query too complex" error. When the number of objects
   found exceeds the limit (set by the "-limit" directive), the server
   should return the objects, followed by the "330 Exceeded maximum
   objects limit" error.

   The default object output format is the dump format that uses the
   "<class-name>:<attribute-name>;<type character>:<attribute-value>"
   form.  The type character is optional and identifies the type of the
   attribute value. The type character is a shorthand for the Type field
   of the attribute definition (see Section 2.3.1). The type characters
   are defined as follows.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 41
    Type          Attribute
    character     Type

    T             TEXT

    I             ID

    S             SEE-ALSO

   When no type character is given, the client should assume the "T"
   type character. The server must provide the type character when the
   attribute type is ID or SEE-ALSO. The purpose of the type character
   is to aid the client in displaying the data. For example, when an
   attribute value is an ID, the client may indicate to the end-user
   that it is possible to retrieve the object indicated by the ID.

   The server may return one or more referrals in the "%referral
   rwhois://<host-name>:<port-number>/auth-area=<authority area>" form.
   The client can distinguish multiple referrals by comparing their
   authority areas; if all the referrals refer to the same authority
   area, the client should follow only one of them. Otherwise, the
   client should follow all of them. To follow a referral, the client
   must connect to the specified host name and port number, and issue
   the same query.


   rwhois-query = [class-name space] query crlf
   query = query-string / attribute-query / query bin-boolean query
   query-char = <any-char, except """, space, tab>
   quoted-query-char = query-char / space / tab / "
   query-string = ["*"] 1*query-char ["*"] / """ ["*"]
           1*quoted-query-char ["*"] """
   attribute-query = attribute-name "=" query-string
   bin-boolean = "and" / "or"

   rwhois-query-result = *(query-record / referral-record) response
   query-record = 1*query-line crlf
   query-line = class-name ":" attribute-name [";" type-char] ":"
           attribute-value crlf
   type-char = "T" / "I" / "S"
   referral-record = 1*(referral-line crlf)
   referral-line = "%referral" space referral-url
   referral-url = "rwhois" ":" "//" host-port "/" "auth-area="
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 42

   130 Object not authoritative
   230 No objects found
   330 Exceeded maximum objects limit
   340 Invalid authority area
   341 Invalid class
   342 Invalid attribute
   350 Invalid query syntax
   351 Query too complex


   This example illustrates a query, where no objects are found.

   C vogon
   S %error 230 No objects found

   This example illustrates a query, where two different objects are

   C ibm
   S domain:Auth-Area:com
   S domain:Domain-Name:IBMLIFEPRO.COM
   S domain:Org-Name:IBM
   S domain:Server;I:NS12345-HST.NET
   S domain:Server;I:NS12345-HST.NET
   S domain:Admin-Contact;I:TW1234.COM
   S domain:Tech-Contact;I:BN123.NET
   S domain:Updated:19961120123455000
   S domain:Class-Name:domain
   S network:ID:NET-IBMNET-
   S network:Auth-Area:
   S network:Network-Name:IBMNET-3
   S network:IP-Network:
   S network:Org-Name:IBM
   S network:Street-Address:1234 Maneck Avenue
   S network:City:Black Plains
   S network:State:NY
   S network:Postal-Code:12345
   S network:Country-Code:US
   S network:Tech-Contact;I:MG305.COM
   S network:Updated:19931120123455000
   S network:Class-Name:network
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 43
   S %ok

   This example illustrates a query with a class restrictor, where the
   number of objects found exceeds the limit set by the "-limit"

   C -limit 1
   S %ok
   C domain ibm
   S domain:Auth-Area:com
   S domain:Domain-Name:IBMLIFEPRO.COM
   S domain:Org-Name:IBM
   S domain:Server;I:NS12345-HST.NET
   S domain:Server;I:NS12345-HST.NET
   S domain:Admin-Contact;I:TW1234.COM
   S domain:Tech-Contact;I:BN123.NET
   S domain:Updated:19961120123455000
   S domain:Class-Name:domain
   S %error 330 Exceeded maximum objects limit

   This is an example of attribute matching.

   C domain
   S domain:Auth-Area:com
   S domain:Org-Name:ACME
   S domain:Server;
   S domain:Server;
   S domain:Admin-Contact;
   S domain:Tech-Contact;
   S domain:Updated:19961120123455000
   S domain:Class-Name:domain
   S %ok

   This example illustrates a link referral.

   C domain
   # The server returns a link referral to a server serving the
   # authority area.
   S %referral rwhois://
   S %ok
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 44
   This example illustrates a punt referral.

   C domain
   # The server returns a punt referral to a server serving the root
   # authority area.
   S %referral rwhois://
   S %ok

   This example illustrates multiple referrals that refer to the same
   authority area. The client should follow only one of them.

   C domain
   # The server returns link referrals to two RWhois servers serving the
   # authority area.
   S %referral rwhois://
   S %referral rwhois://
   S %ok

   This example illustrates multiple referrals that refer to different
   authority areas. The client should follow all of them.

   C contact Last-Name="Beeblebrox"
   # The server returns a link referral to a server serving the
   # authority area.
   S %referral rwhois://
   # The server also returns a punt referral to a server serving the
   # net authority area since the query matched an entry in the
   # non-hierarchical index received from it.
   S %referral rwhois://
   S %ok
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 45
   This is an example of a boolean operator and wildcard matching.

   C ibm and jubliana*
   S host:ID:JUBLIANA-HST.root
   S host:Auth-Area:.
   S host:Host-Name:JUBLIANA.TRL.IBM.CO.JP
   S host:IP-Address:
   S host:Org-Name:IBM
   S host:Street-Address:1234 Maneck Avenue
   S host:City:Black Plains
   S host:State:NY
   S host:Postal-Code:12345
   S host:Country-Code:US
   S host:Updated:19961120123455000
   S host:Class-Name:host
   S %ok

3.5 Connection Model

   An RWhois client can connect to an RWhois server using one of the
   following transport protocols.

3.5.1 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

   TCP provides a reliable stream transport service between a client and
   a server. In RWhois, TCP is the default transport protocol because,
   during a particular session, a client can send more than one query
   and a server can reliably return a large amount of data for each of
   those queries. By default, a TCP RWhois server should run on the
   standard, Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA)-assigned port
   4321. However, if port 4321 is not available, it may run on an
   available port in the non-reserved range (1024 - 65535).

3.5.2 User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

   UDP provides an unreliable connectionless transport service between a
   client and a server. In RWhois, UDP may be used as the transport
   protocol if a client wants to quickly send only one query, without
   incurring the overhead of establishing a TCP connection with a
   server. By default, a UDP RWhois server should run on the standard,
   IANA-assigned port 4321. However, if port 4321 is not available, it
   may run on an available port in the non-reserved range (1024 -
   65535). A separate document will describe the use of UDP as the
   transport protocol in RWhois.
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3.6 Data Replication

   This section discusses when and how a slave server should replicate
   data.  Further, it describes the server registration and location

3.6.1 When to Replicate Data

   The time when a slave server may replicate data for an authority area
   is determined by the SOA variables for that authority area. The
   possible times are the following.

      * When the "Refresh-Interval" expires, a slave server may
        completely replicate data.
      * When the "Increment-Interval" expires, a slave server may
        incrementally replicate data.
      * A slave server fails to connect to its master server to
        replicate data. When the "Retry-Interval" expires, it tries
        again to replicate data.
      * When the data in an authority area is changed and its "Serial-
        Number" updated, a master server may notify its slave servers to
        immediately update the data. To notify about the data change,
        the master server should send the "-notify update <host-
        name>:<port-number>:<authority-area>" directive to its slave

3.6.2 How to Replicate Data

   To replicate data, a slave server sends a series of directives to its
   master server and checks each response before sending the next
   directive.  The following sections describe the protocols for
   complete and incremental replication.

   Complete Replication

   The protocol between a master server and a slave server to completely
   replicate data for an authority area is as follows.

     1. The slave server should connect to the master server. If there
        is a connection error, the slave server should log an error and

     2. The slave server should send the "-soa <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the SOA variables from
        the response. Let the "Serial-Number" variable in this response
        be called the "old-serial-number".
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 47
     3. The slave server should send the "-class <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the versions of all the
        classes from the response.
     4. The slave server should send the "-schema <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the definitions of all
        the classes from the response.
     5. The slave server should send the "-xfer <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the data objects from
        the response. The master server should return all the data
        objects, excluding the deleted ones, in the authority area. The
        slave server should index these data objects.
     6. When the "Refresh-Interval" expires, the slave server should
        to the master server. If there is a connection error, the slave
        server should try again after the "Retry-Interval".
     7. The slave server should send the "-soa <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the SOA variables from
        the response. Let the "Serial-Number" variable in this response
        be called the "new-serial-number". If the "new-serial-number" is
        not greater than the "old-serial-number", go back to step 6.
        Otherwise, it indicates a data change at the master server.
     8. The slave server should send the "-class <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the versions of all the
        classes from the response. If the version of any of the classes
        has changed, the slave server should send the "-schema
        <authority-area>" directive to the master server and parse the
        definitions of all the classes from the response.
     9. The slave server should send the "-xfer <authority-area>"
        directive the master server and parse the data objects from the
        response. The master server should return all the data objects,
        excluding the deleted ones, in the authority area. The slave
        server should index these data objects and seamlessly replace
        the old index with the new one. Further, it should assign the
        "new-serial-number" to the "old-serial-number".
     10. Go back to step 6.

   Note that the "-class", "-schema", and "-xfer" directives change when
   a slave server replicates data for only a subset of the schema for an
   authority area.

   In the following example, a slave server completely replicates data
   for all the classes in an authority area. The notation in the example
   uses a prefix to indicate from where the information is coming. An
   "M" indicates that the master server sends the data to the slave
   server. An "S" indicates that the slave server sends the data to the
   master server. The line is a comment when "#" is used. The space
   after the prefix is not part of the data. The example authority area
   is "".
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 48
   # The slave server connects to the master server.
   M %rwhois V-1.5:00ffff:00
   S -soa
   M ...
   M %soa serial:19970103102258000
   M %soa refresh:3600
   M ...
   S -class
   # The master server returns the versions of all the classes in the
   # authority area.
   S -schema
   # The master server returns the definitions of all the classes in the
   # authority area.
   S -xfer
   # The master server returns all the data objects, excluding the
   # deleted ones, in the authority area. The slave server
   # indexes these data objects.
   # The refresh interval of 3600 seconds expires.
   S -soa
   M ...
   M %soa serial:19970103103258000
   M %soa refresh:3600
   M ...
   # The new serial number 19970103103258000 is greater than the old
   # serial number 19970103102258000. It indicates a data change at the
   # master server.
   S -class
   # The master server returns the versions of all the classes in the
   # authority area. If the version of any of the classes has
   # changed, the slave server logs an error and closes the connection.
   S -xfer
   # The master server returns all the data objects, excluding the
   # deleted ones, in the authority area. The slave server
   # indexes these data objects and seamlessly replaces the old index.
   # The refresh interval of 3600 seconds expires.
   S ...

   Incremental Replication

   The protocol between a master server and a slave server to
   incrementally replicate data for an authority area is as follows.

     1. The slave server should connect to the master server. If there
        is a connection error, the slave server should log an error and
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 49
     2. The slave server should send the "-soa <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the SOA variables from
        the response. Let the "Serial-Number" variable in this response
        be called the "old-serial-number".
     3. The slave server should send the "-class <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the versions of all the
        classes from the response.
     4. The slave server should send the "-schema <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the definitions of all
        the classes from the response.
     5. The slave server should send the "-xfer <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the data objects from
        the response. The master server should return all the data
        objects, excluding the deleted ones, in the authority area. The
        slave server should index these data objects.
     6. When the "Increment-Interval" expires, the slave server should
        connect to the master server. If there is a connection error,
        the slave server should try again after the "Retry-Interval".
     7. The slave server should send the "-soa <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the SOA variables from
        the response. Let the "Serial-Number" variable in this response
        be called the "new-serial-number". If the "new-serial-number" is
        not greater than the "old-serial-number", go back to step 6.
        Otherwise, it indicates a data change at the master server.
     8. The slave server should send the "-class <authority-area>"
        directive to the master server and parse the versions of all the
        classes from the response. If the version of any of the classes
        has changed, the slave server should send the "-schema
        <authority-area>" directive to the master server and parse the
        definitions of all the classes from the response. The slave
        server should then send the "-xfer <authority-area>" directive
        to the master server and parse the data objects from the
        response. The master server should return all the data objects,
        excluding the deleted ones, in the authority area. The slave
        server should index these data objects and seamlessly replace
        the old index with the new one. Further, it should assign the
        "new-serial-number" to the "old-serial-number". If the version
        of any of the classes has changed, go back to step 6.
     9. The slave server should send the "-xfer <authority-area>
        <old-serial-number>" directive to the master server and parse
        the data objects from the response. The master server should
        return all the data objects in the authority area that have been
        inserted, updated, or deleted since the "old-serial-number". The
        slave server should index all the data again after purging stale
        data objects and seamlessly replace the old index with the new
        one. Further, it should assign the "new-serial-number" to the
     10. Go back to step 6.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 50
   Note that the "-class", "-schema", and "-xfer" directives change when
   a slave server replicates data for only a subset of the schema for an
   authority area.

   In the following example, a slave server incrementally replicates
   data for all the classes in an authority area. The notation in the
   example uses a prefix to indicate from where the information is
   coming. An "M" indicates that the master server sends the data to the
   slave server. An "S" indicates the slave server sends the data to the
   master server. The line is a comment when "#" is used. The space
   after the prefix is not part of the data. The example authority area
   is "".

   # The slave server connects to the master server.
   M %rwhois V-1.5:00ffff:00
   S -soa
   M ...
   M %soa serial:19970103102258000
   M %soa increment:1800
   M ...
   S -class
   # The master server returns the versions of all the classes in the
   # authority area.
   S -schema
   # The master server returns the definitions of all the classes in the
   # authority area.
   S -xfer
   # The master server returns all the data objects, excluding the
   # deleted ones, in the authority area. The slave server
   # indexes these data objects.
   # The increment interval of 1800 seconds expires.
   S -soa
   M ...
   M %soa serial:19970103103258000
   M %soa increment:1800
   M ...
   # The new serial number 19970103103258000 is greater than the old
   # serial number 19970103102258000. It indicates a data change at
   # the master server.
   S -class
   # The master server returns the versions of all the classes in the
   # authority area. If the version of any of the classes has
   # changed, the slave server logs an error and closes the connection.
   S -xfer 19970103102258000
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 51
   # The master server returns all the data objects in the
   # authority area that have been inserted, updated, or deleted since
   # 19970103102258000. The slave server indexes all the data again
   # after purging stale data objects and seamlessly replaces the old
   # index. The increment interval of 1800 seconds expires.
   S ...

3.6.3 Server Registration

   This section discusses how an RWhois server can register itself or
   cancel its registration as a slave server for an authority area with
   a master server.

   The initial list of slave servers for an authority area should be
   manually configured at the master server. To register itself as a
   slave server, the server should send the "-notify inssec <host-
   name>:<port-number>:<authority-area>" directive to the master server.
   The master server may reject the request on the basis of its
   registration policy. To cancel its registration as a slave server,
   the server should send the "-notify delsec <host-name>:<port-
   number>:<authority-area>" directive to the master server. Note that
   the "host-name" and "port-number" in the above directives correspond
   to the requesting server.

3.6.4 Server Location

   To resolve a query in a particular authority area, an RWhois client
   may need to first locate the master and slave servers for that
   authority area.  The different server location mechanisms are as


   An RWhois client should know about at least one RWhois server. It
   should send the "referral <authority-area>" query to that server. The
   query may be routed up or down the RWhois tree before getting
   resolved. If the query does get resolved, the result should be a
   referral object for that authority area. The client should parse the
   "Referral" attributes from the result to obtain a list of servers
   serving that authority area.

   The client should then send the "-soa <authority-area>" directive to
   one of the above servers and parse the "Primary-Server" variable from
   the response. The value of this variable is the master server. Then,
   the remaining servers in the list are the slave servers.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 52
   SRV RRs

   The Server Resource Record (SRV RR), defined for DNS, can be used to
   locate the master and slave servers for an authority area. An SRV RR
   specifies the location of a network service in an organization's DNS.
   It is defined in [RFC 2052] as follows.

   Service.Proto.Name TTL Class SRV Priority Weight Port Target

   Since an authority area identifier is generally a domain name or an
   IP address, the RWhois SRV RRs can be added to the DNS file for that
   domain or IP address. For example, the RWhois SRV RRs for the
   "" authority area could be: 86400 IN SRV 10 0 4321
                                   SRV 20 0 4322

   where the "" server has a higher priority than the
   "" server. The client must try to connect to the
   server with a higher (lower-numbered) priority.

4. Security Considerations

   RWhois provides security using the guardian class (see Section
   2.3.6). Any information (meta or data) in an authority area can be
   guarded by containing pointers to one or more guardian objects; that
   is, it can be securely updated and accessed. Currently, there are two
   standard security methods: password and PGP (see Section 3.3.11).
   Password provides authentication only, and PGP provides both
   authentication and encryption.  PGP is the recommended security
   method in RWhois.

   The following sections discuss how to securely update and access the
   data in an authority area.

4.1 Data Update

   This involves the ability to securely add, modify, or delete some
   information (meta or data) in an authority area. An authority area,
   on the whole, can be guarded by linking guardians to its SOA and
   schema information. Only these guardians should be allowed to add
   objects to the authority area and modify its SOA and schema
   information. In addition, they can also modify or delete existing
   objects in the authority area. However, the function of modifying or
   deleting existing objects can be delegated to other guardians by
   linking them to objects on a per-object basis.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 53
4.2 Access Control

   There are two access control issues; the first is the ability to
   securely transfer data between the slave and master servers. To
   transfer data for an authority area, a slave server can authenticate
   itself by satisfying one of the guardians linked to the SOA
   information of the authority area at the master server. In addition,
   the master server may encrypt the transferred data.

   The second issue is the ability to make public only a subset of the
   data in an authority area. If all the objects of a particular class
   need to be private, the Private attribute of the class should be set
   to true. If only some attributes of all the objects of a particular
   class need to be private, the Private attribute property of each of
   those attributes should be set to true. The guardians of such objects
   must be able to view them completely.

5. Acknowledgments

   The authors would like to acknowledge the following individuals.

   Stan Borinski
   C. Ming Lu
   Leslie Meador
   Michael Mealling
   Greg Pierce
   Amar Rao

6. References

   [CIP] Allen, J., "The Common Indexing Protocol (CIP)", Bunyip
   Information Systems, November 1996, Work in Progress.

   [Guardian] Singh, J., M. Kosters, "The InterNIC Guardian Object",, Network
   Solutions, February 1996.

   [RFC 821] Postel, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", STD 10, RFC
   821, ISI, August 1982.

   [RFC 822] Crocker, D, "Standards for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
   Messages", STD 11, RFC 822, University of Delaware, August 1982.

   [RFC 954] Harrenstien, K., Stahl, M., Feinler, E., "NICNAME/WHOIS",
   RFC 954, SRI, October 1985.

   [RFC 1034] Mockapetris, P. V., "Domain names - concepts and
   facilities", STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 54
   [RFC 1714] Williamson, S., Kosters, M., "Referral Whois Protocol",
   RFC 1714, Network Solutions, November 1994.

   [RFC 1738] T. Berners-Lee, L. Masinter, M. McCahill, "Uniform
   Resource Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, CERN, Xerox Corporation,
   University of Minnesota, December 1994.

   [RFC 1991] Atkins, D.,  W. Stallings, P. Zimmermann, "PGP Message
   Exchange Formats", RFC 1991, MIT, Comp-Comm Consulting, Boulder
   Software Engineering, August 1996.

   [RFC 2052] Gulbrandsen, A., P. Vixie, "A DNS RR for specifying the
   location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2052, Troll Technologies, Vixie
   Enterprises, October 1996.

   [X.500] "The Directory: Overview of Concepts, Models and Service",
   CCITT Recommendation X.500, 1988.

Authors' Addresses

   Scott Williamson (
   Mark Kosters (
   David Blacka (
   Jasdip Singh (
   Koert Zeilstra (

   Postal Address:
   505 Huntmar Park Drive
   Herndon, VA 22070-5100
   Telephone: 703-742-0400
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 55
Appendix A: Glossary Of Terms

   ABNF: Augmented Backus-Naur Form. Refined version of BNF, defined in
   [RFC 822]. See BNF.

   Attribute: A named field and the smallest typed unit in a database
   schema.  See Database Schema.

   Authority Area: An autonomous part of an RWhois tree. It is
   associated and named after a particular piece of a hierarchy and is
   able to state authoritatively whether or not an instance of
   hierarchical data is present within the RWhois tree. See RWhois Tree.

   Banner: A line sent by a server indicating which protocol versions it
   supports and which directives are implemented. This line is issued by
   the server after a connection is opened and as a response to the "-
   rwhois" directive. See Directive and Response.

   Base Class: A class from which all defined classes in a database
   schema inherit attributes. See Attribute, Class, and Database Schema.

   BNF: Backus-Naur Form. Language to precisely define the syntax of
   protocols and computer languages.

   Class: A collection of attributes. See Attribute.

   Complete Replication: The process of replicating all of the data for
   an authority area. See Replication.

   Database Schema: A collection of all the classes forming an RWhois
   database. See Class.

   Directive: A command that a client sends to a server to set a control
   parameter for the session, get the meta-information (class
   definitions and SOA information) about an authority area, or get the
   data in an authority area. See Class and SOA.

   Guardian Class: A standard class that contains security information.
   An object is guarded by containing a pointer to a guardian object.
   See Class and Object.

   Incremental Replication: The process of replicating the data that has
   changed since the last replication for an authority area. See

   Info: The miscellaneous information that a server sends to a client.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 56
   Lexically Hierarchical Label: A text string whose position in a
   hierarchy is encoded in the string itself.

   Link Referral: A pointer to another server that is further down an
   RWhois tree. It is used to route a query down the tree. See Referral
   and RWhois Tree.

   Master Server: A server where the data is registered for an authority
   area.  It answers authoritatively to queries in the authority area.
   It is also called a primary server. See Authority Area.

   Namespace: A particular naming system defined by a set of rules
   describing the format of a name. Alternately, all of the names
   satisfying the rules.

   Object: An instance of a class. It is data with a type of <class>.
   See Class.

   PGP: Pretty Good Privacy. An authentication and encryption scheme.

   Primary Server: See Master Server.

   Punt Referral: A pointer to another server that is further up an
   RWhois tree. It is used to route a query up the tree. See Referral
   and RWhois Tree.

   Query: A command that a client sends to a server to access the data
   in an authority area.

   Query Routing: Redirecting a query to another server for resolution.
   See Query.

   Referral: A pointer to another server that is presumed to be closer
   to the desired data. It is used to route a query. See Query Routing.

   Referral Class: A standard class that contains referral information
   for an authority area. See Class and Referral.

   Replication: A server duplicating data from another server on a per-
   authority area basis. See Authority Area.

   Response: The information that a server returns to a client for a
   directive. See Directive.

   Result: The information that a server returns to a client for a
   query. It can be either the accessed data or referrals to other
   servers. See Query and Referral.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 57
   RWhois Tree: A data information tree of RWhois servers where the data
   is arranged hierarchically in the authority areas. See Authority

   Schema: See Class.

   Secondary Server: See Slave Server.

   Slave Server: A server where the data is replicated from the master
   server for an authority area. It also answers authoritatively to
   queries in the authority area. It is also called a secondary server.
   See Master Server.

   SOA: Start Of Authority. Administrative variables, defined at the
   master server, to control replication for an authority area. See
   Master Server and Replication.

Appendix B: RWhois ABNF

   This specification uses the Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF)
   notation, as defined in Section 2 of [RFC 822].

   General Definitions

   Lexical Tokens

   alpha = "a".."z" / "A".."Z"
   digit = "0".."9"
   hex-digit = digit / "a".."f" / "A".. "F"
   id-char = alpha / digit / "_" / "-"
   any-char = <ASCII 1..255,
              except LF (linefeed) and CR (carriage return)>
   dns-char = alpha / digit / "-"
   email-char = <see [RFC 822]>
   space = " "
   tab = <ASCII TAB (tab)>
   lf = <ASCII LF (linefeed)>
   cr = <ASCII CR (carriage return)>
   crlf = cr lf


   year = 4digit
   month = 2digit
   day = 2digit
   hour = 2digit
   minute = 2digit
   second = 2digit
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 58
   milli-second = 3digit
   host-name = dns-char *(dns-char / ".")
   email = 1*email-char "@" host-name
   authority-area = (dns-char / ".") *(dns-char / "." / "/")
   object-id = 1*id-char "." authority-area
   host-port = (host-name / ip-address) ":" 1*5digit
   ip-address = 1*3digit "." 1*3digit "." 1*3digit "." 1*3digit
   class-name = 1*id-char
   attribute-name = 1*id-char
   attribute-value = 1*any-char
   time-stamp = year month day hour minute second milli-second
   on-off = "on" / "off"

   Note that the time-stamp must be in the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
   time zone.

   response = ok-response crlf / error-response crlf / info-response
   ok-response = "%ok"
   error-response = "%error" space error-code space error-text
   error-code = 3digit
   error-text = 1*any-char
   info-response = "%info" space "on" crlf *(*any-char crlf) "%info"
           space "off" crlf

   rwhois-banner = "%rwhois" space version-list space host-name
           [space implementation] crlf
   version-list = version *("," version)
   version = version-number [":" capability-id]
           / "V-1.5" ":" capability-id
   version-number = "V-" 1*digit "." 1*digit
   capability-id = response-id ":" extra-id
   response-id = 6hex-digit
   extra-id = 2hex-digit
   implementation = 1*any-char

   rwhois-protocol = client-sends / server-returns
   client-sends = *(directives / rwhois-query)
   server-returns = *(responses / rwhois-query-result)

   directives = rwhois-dir / class-dir / directive-dir / display-dir /
           holdconnect-dir / limit-dir / notify-dir / quit-dir /
           register-dir / schema-dir / security-dir / soa-dir /
           status-dir / xfer-dir / x-dir
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 59
   responses = rwhois-response / class-response/ directive-response/
           display-response/ holdconnect-response/ limit-response/
           notify-response/ quit-response/ register-response/
           schema-response / security-response/ soa-response/
           status-response/ xfer-response/ x-response

   Required Directives


   rwhois-dir = "-rwhois" space version-number [space implementation]
   rwhois-response = "%rwhois" space version space host-name
           [space implementation] crlf

   Optional Directives


   class-dir = "-class" space authority-area *(space class-name) crlf
   class-response = *class-record response
   class-record = *class-line "%class" crlf
   class-line = "%class" space class-name ":" "description" ":"
                1*any-char crlf
      / "%class" space class-name ":" "version" ":" time-stamp crlf
      / "%class" space class-name ":" meta-field ":" meta-value crlf
   meta-field = 1*id-char
   meta-value = 1*any-char


   directive-dir = "-directive" *(space directive-name)crlf
   directive-name = 1*id-char
   directive-response = *directive-record response
   directive-record = "%directive" space "directive" ":"
           directive-name crlf *directive-line "%directive" crlf
   directive-line = "%directive" space "description" ":" 1*any-char crlf
           / "%directive" space attribute-name ":" attribute-value crlf
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 60

   display-dir = "-display" crlf
      / "-display" space display-name crlf
   display-name = 1*id-char
   display-response = *display-record response
   display-record = "%display" space "name" ":" display-name crlf
   *display-line "%display" crlf
   display-line = "%display" space attribute-name ":" attribute-value


   holdconnect-dir = "-holdconnect" space on-off crlf
   holdconnect-response = response


   limit-dir = "-limit" space 1*digit crlf
   limit-response = response


   notify-dir = "-notify" space "badref" space referral-query crlf
           / "-notify" space "recurref" space referral-query crlf
           / "-notify" space "update" space host-port ":" authority-area
           / "-notify" space "inssec" space host-port ":" authority-area
           / "-notify" space "delsec" space host-port ":" authority-area
   referral-query = referral-url space [class-name space] query
   notify-response = response

   See the query section for the definitions of referral-url and query.


   quit-dir = "-quit" crlf
   quit-response = response
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 61

   register-dir = register-on space "add" space maintainer-id crlf
           register-add register-off
           / register-on space "mod" space maintainer-id crlf
                   register-mod register-off
           / register-on space "del" space maintainer-id crlf
                   register-del register-off
   register-on = "-register" space "on"
   register-off = "-register" space "off" crlf
   register-add = 1*(register-line crlf)
   register-mod = 1*(register-line crlf) "_NEW_" crlf
                  1*(register-line crlf)
   register-del = 1*(register-line crlf)
   maintainer-id = email
   register-line = attribute-name ":" attribute-value
   register-on-response = response
   register-off-response = "%register" space "ID" ":" object-id crlf
           / "%register" space "Updated" ":" time-stamp crlf response
           / response


   schema-dir = "-schema" space authority-area *(space class-name) crlf
   schema-response = *schema-record response
   schema-record = *schema-line "%schema" crlf
   schema-line = "%schema" space class-name ":" attribute-name ":"
           attribute-value crlf


   security-dir = "-security" space "on" space direction space
           security-method [space security-data] crlf security-payload
           ["-security" space "off" crlf]
   direction = "request" / "response"
   security-method = "password" / "pgp" / 1*id-char
   security-data = password-data / pgp-data / 1*any-char
   password-data = 1*any-char
   pgp-data = "signed" / "encrypt" [space key-id] / "signed-encrypt"
              [space key-id]
   security-payload = *(*any-char crlf)
   security-response = response
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 62

   soa-dir = "-soa" *(space authority-area) crlf
   soa-response = *soa-record response
   soa-record = *soa-line "%soa" crlf
   soa-line = "%soa" space "authority" ":" authority-area crlf
      / "%soa" space "ttl" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%soa" space "serial" ":" time-stamp crlf
      / "%soa" space "refresh" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%soa" space "increment" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%soa" space "retry" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%soa" space "tech-contact" ":" email crlf
      / "%soa" space "admin-contact" ":" email crlf
      / "%soa" space "hostmaster" ":" email crlf
      / "%soa" space "primary" ":" host-port crlf
      / "%soa" space attribute-name ":" attribute-value crlf


   status-dir = "-status" crlf
   status-response = *status-line response
   status-line = "%status" space "limit" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%status" space "holdconnect" ":" on-off crlf
      / "%status" space "forward" ":" on-off crlf
      / "%status" space "authority" ":" 1*digit crlf
      / "%status" space "display" ":" 1*any-char crlf
      / "%status" space "contact" ":" email crlf
      / "%status" space attribute-name ":" attribute-value crlf


   xfer-dir = "-xfer" space authority-area *attribute-def
           [space serial-number] crlf
   attribute-def = [space "class=" class-name]
                   *(space "attribute=" attribute-name)
   serial-number = time-stamp
   xfer-response = *xfer-record response
   xfer-record = *xfer-line "%xfer" crlf
   xfer-line = "%xfer" space class-name ":" attribute-name ":"
               attribute-value crlf


   x-dir = "-X-" x-directive [space *[x-arguments]] crlf
   x-directive = 1*id-char
   x-arguments = *any-char
   x-response = *(*any-char crlf) response
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 63

   rwhois-query = [class-name space] query crlf
   query = query-string / attribute-query / query bin-boolean query
   query-char = <any-char, except """, space, tab>
   quoted-query-char = query-char / space / tab / "
   query-string = 1*query-char ["*"] / """ 1*quoted-query-char ["*"] """
   attribute-query = attribute-name "=" query-string
   bin-boolean = "and" / "or"

   rwhois-query-result = *(query-record / referral-record) response
   query-record = 1*query-line crlf
   query-line = class-name ":" attribute-name [";" type-char] ":"
           attribute-value crlf
   type-char = "T" / "I" / "S"
   referral-record = 1*(referral-line crlf)
   referral-line = "%referral" space referral-url
   referral-url = "rwhois" ":" "//" host-port "/" "auth-area="

Appendix C: Error Codes

   When a server fails to run a command (directive or query), it returns
   an error response. The ABNF for an error response is as follows.

   error-response = "%error" space error-code space error-text
   error-code = 3digit
   error-text = 1*any-char

   An error text may be modified, but its meaning must remain the same.
   The server may append additional information to it, for example
   "%error 333 Not master for authority area:".
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 64
   The following table describes the possible digits in the first,
   second, and third positions of an error code.
    XXX    Description
    1XX    Information only, no action required
    2XX    Information, action required
    3XX    Specific command error, retry that command or try another one
    4XX    Serious for current command, may correct with another command
    5XX    Fatal, must disconnect
    X0X    System wide, no specific command
    X1X    System wide, no specific command
    X2X    Registration error
    X3X    Specific command
    X4X    Specific command
    X5X    Specific command
    X6X    Extended message (version specific)
    XXX    Sequential order

   The following table gives an ordered list of RWhois error codes.
   These codes may be extended with implementation- specific codes. An
   implementation- specific code must have a "6" in the second position.

    Code    Text
    120     Registration deferred
    130     Object not authoritative
    230     No objects found
    300     Not compatible with version
    320     Invalid attribute
    321     Invalid attribute syntax
    322     Required attribute missing
    323     Object reference not found
    324     Primary key not unique
    325     Failed to update outdated object
    330     Exceeded maximum objects limit
    331     Invalid limit
    332     Nothing to transfer
    333     Not master for authority area
    336     Object not found
    338     Invalid directive syntax
    340     Invalid authority area
    341     Invalid class
    342     Invalid host/port
    350     Invalid query syntax
    351     Query too complex
    352     Invalid security method
    353     Authentication failed
    354     Encryption failed
    400     Directive not available
    401     Not authorized for directive
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 65
    402     Unidentified error
    420     Registration not authorized
    436     Invalid display format
    500     Memory allocation problem
    501     Service not available
    502     Unrecoverable error
    503     Idle time exceeded

   The following error codes, defined in [RFC 1714], have been made
   obsolete:  100, 200, 231, 334, 335, 337, 421, 431, 432, 433, 434,
   460, 461, and 530.

Appendix D: Capability ID

   The capability ID encodes which directives are implemented in the
   server.  To create a capability ID, perform a logical OR on all the
   hexadecimal numbers corresponding to the implemented directives. The
   resulting number is used in the banner, which is sent by the server
   after opening a connection and as a response to the "-rwhois"
   directive. The eight most significant bits of the capability ID are
   reserved for future use:

    class        000001h
    directive    000002h
    display      000004h
    forward      000008h
    holdconnect  000010h
    limit        000020h
    notify       000040h
    quit         000080h
    register     000100h
    schema       000200h
    security     000400h
    soa          000800h
    status       001000h
    xfer         002000h
    X            004000h
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 66
Appendix E: Schema Definitions

Attribute Definition Model

 Name         Type  Description

 Attribute    N     This is the name of the attribute.

 Description  S     This is a free-form description of the attribute.

 Type         T     This is a parameter that broadly indicates the use
                    of the attribute to the protocol. There are three
                    standard types: TEXT, ID, and SEE-ALSO. The default
                    is TEXT, which indicates that the value is a text
                    string.  ID indicates that the attribute contains
                    the ID of another RWhois object. This type of
                    attribute is used for database normalization. SEE-
                    ALSO indicates that the attribute contains a pointer
                    (a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)) to some other
                    kind of external data; for example, a World Wide Web
                    page or FTP site.

 Format       S     This is an interpretable string that describes the
                    acceptance format of the value. The server (and
                    optionally the client) should match the value to the
                    format string to determine if the value is
                    acceptable.  The format of this property is a
                    keyword indicating the syntax of the format string,
                    followed by a colon, followed by the format string
                    itself. Currently, the only keyword recognized is
                    "re" for POSIX.2 extended regular expressions.

 Indexed      B     This is a true or false flag that indicates that
                    this attribute should be indexed (and therefore able
                    to be searched).

 Required     B     This is a true or false flag that indicates that
                    this attribute must have a value.

 Multi-Line   B     This is a true or false flag that indicates that
                    this attribute may have multiple instances in an
                    object; all the instances are to be considered as
                    multiple lines of the same attribute instance.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 67
 Repeatable   B     This is a true or false flag that indicates that
                    there may be multiple instances of this attribute in
                    a class and each instance is to be interpreted as a
                    separate instance (in contrast to Multi-Line). This
                    flag is mutually exclusive with Multi-Line: if
                    Multi-Line is true, then Repeatable must be false
                    and vice versa.

 Primary      B     This is a true or false flag that indicates that
                    this attribute is a primary key. If more than one
                    attribute in a class is marked as primary, then
                    these attributes together form a single primary key.
                    The primary key is intended to be used to force
                    uniqueness among class instances. Therefore, there
                    can be only one instance of a primary key in a
                    database. The Primary flag implies that the
                    attribute is also required.

 Hierarchical B     This is a true or false flag that indicates that
                    this attribute is lexically hierarchical.

 Private      B     This is a true or false flag that indicates whether
                    or not this attribute is private (that is, publicly
                    not viewable). It defaults to false. If it is true,
                    then only the clients that satisfy the
                    authentication/encryption requirements of a guardian
                    are able to view the attribute-value pair.
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 68
   Type is defined as follows:

    Type  ABNF Definition

     B     "ON" / "OFF"
     N     1*id-char
     S     1*any-char
     T     "ID" / "SEE-ALSO" / "TEXT"

   Base Class

 Name       Type   Required  RepeatableDescription

 Class-Name TEXT   Y         N         This attribute is the name of the
                                       class to which the object

 Auth-Area  TEXT   Y         N         This attribute is the name of the
                                       authority area to which the
                                       object belongs.

 ID         TEXT   Y         N         This attribute is the universal
                                       identifier of the object.

 Updated    TEXT   Y         N         This attribute is a time/date
                                       stamp that indicates the time of
                                       last modification of the object.

 Guardian   ID     N         Y         This attribute is a link to a
                                       guardian object. Its value is the
                                       ID of a guardian object.

 Private    TEXT   N         N         This attribute is a true or false
                                       flag that indicates whether or
                                       not an object is private (that
                                       is, publicly not viewable). It
                                       defaults to false. If it is
                                       true, then only the clients
                                       that satisfy the
                                       requirements of one of the
                                       object's guardians are able to
                                       view the object. If the object
                                       is publicly viewable, then the
                                       Private attribute property of
                                       each of its attributes still
ToP   noToC   RFC2167 - Page 69
 TTL        TEXT   N         N         This attribute is the
                                       "time-to-live" of a given object.
                                       It is included only if an object
                                       has a different time-to-live than
                                       the default given in the Start of
                                       Authority information. Its value
                                       is specified in seconds.

Appendix F: Changes RWhois V1.0 - V1.5


      * Multiple authority areas per server.
      * Data replication.
      * Revised schema model.
      * Revised query routing rules.
      * Revised error codes.
      * Removed unnecessary spaces in responses and results.


      * Class: New. Returns meta-information for a class.
      * Display: Can return supported display formats.
      * Load: Obsolete.
      * Notify: Syntax change.
      * Private: Obsolete.
      * Register: Syntax change.
      * Schema: Syntax change.
      * Security: Obsoletes Private.
      * Xfer: Syntax change.


      * Display option removed.
      * Output format: Only the dump format is standard; optional type
        character added.
      * Attribute-restricted query.
      * Revised referral syntax.