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RFC 1382

SNMP MIB Extension for the X.25 Packet Layer

Pages: 69
Proposed Standard
Part 3 of 3 – Pages 40 to 69
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Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 40   prevText
                          address from the call confirmation packet.
                          This will be zero length for PVCs."
                  REFERENCE "10733 calledDTEAddress"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CircuitEntry 18 }

          x25CircuitCallingDteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  X121Address
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "For incoming calls, this is the calling
                          address from the call indication packet.
                          For outgoing calls, this is the calling
                          address from the call confirmation packet.
                          This will be zero length for PVCs."
                  REFERENCE "10733 callingDTEAddress"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CircuitEntry 19 }

          x25CircuitOriginallyCalledAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  X121Address
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "For incoming calls, this is the address in
                          the call Redirection or Call Deflection
                          Notification facility if the call was
                          deflected or redirected, otherwise it will
                          be called address from the call indication
                          packet.  For outgoing calls, this is the
                          address from the call request packet.  This
                          will be zero length for PVCs."
                  REFERENCE "10733 originallyCalledAddress"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CircuitEntry 20 }

          x25CircuitDescr OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "A descriptive string associated with this
                          circuit.  This provides a place for the
                          agent to supply any descriptive information
                          it knows about the use or owner of the
                          circuit.  The agent may return the process
                          identifier and user name for the process
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 41
                          using the circuit.  Alternative the agent
                          may return the name of the configuration
                          entry that caused a bridge to establish the
                          circuit.  A zero length value indicates the
                          agent doesn't have any additional
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CircuitEntry 21 }

          -- ###########################################################
          --              The Cleared Circuit Table
          -- ###########################################################

          x25ClearedCircuitEntriesRequested OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The requested number of entries for the
                          agent to keep in the x25ClearedCircuit
                  ::= { x25 6 }

          x25ClearedCircuitEntriesGranted OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The actual number of entries the agent will
                          keep in the x25ClearedCircuit Table."
                  ::= { x25 7 }

          x25ClearedCircuitTable  OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF      X25ClearedCircuitEntry
                  ACCESS not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "A table of entries about closed circuits.
                          Entries must be made in this table whenever
                          circuits are closed and the close request or
                          close indication packet contains a clearing
                          cause other than DTE Originated or a
                          Diagnostic code field other than Higher
                          Layer Initiated disconnection-normal.  An
                          agent may optionally make entries for normal
                          closes (to record closing facilities or
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 42
                          other information).

                          Agents will delete the oldest entry in the
                          table when adding a new entry would exceed
                          agent resources.  Agents are required to
                          keep the last entry put in the table and may
                          keep more entries.  The object
                          x25OperClearEntriesGranted returns the
                          maximum number of entries kept in the
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section
                  ::= { x25 8 }

          x25ClearedCircuitEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  X25ClearedCircuitEntry
                  ACCESS  not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "Information about a cleared circuit."
                  INDEX { x25ClearedCircuitIndex }
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitTable 1 }

          X25ClearedCircuitEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                          OCTET STRING
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 43

          x25ClearedCircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "An index that uniquely distinguishes one
                          entry in the clearedCircuitTable from
                          another.  This index will start at
                          2147483647 and will decrease by one for each
                          new entry added to the table.  Upon reaching
                          one, the index will reset to 2147483647.
                          Because the index starts at 2147483647 and
                          decreases, a manager may do a getnext on
                          entry zero and obtain the most recent entry.
                          When the index has the value of 1, the next
                          entry will delete all entries in the table
                          and that entry will be numbered 2147483647."
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 1 }

          x25ClearedCircuitPleIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  IfIndexType
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The value of ifIndex for the PLE which
                          cleared the circuit that created the entry."
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 2 }

          x25ClearedCircuitTimeEstablished OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  TimeTicks
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The value of sysUpTime when the circuit was
                          established.  This will be the same value
                          that was in the x25CircuitEstablishTime for
                          the circuit."
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 3 }

          x25ClearedCircuitTimeCleared OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  TimeTicks
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The value of sysUpTime when the circuit was
                          cleared.  For locally initiated clears, this
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 44
                          will be the time when the clear confirmation
                          was received.  For remotely initiated
                          clears, this will be the time when the clear
                          indication was received."
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 4 }

          x25ClearedCircuitChannel OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4095)
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The channel number for the circuit that was
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 5 }

          x25ClearedCircuitClearingCause OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..255)
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Clearing Cause from the clear request
                          or clear indication packet that cleared the
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 6 }

          x25ClearedCircuitDiagnosticCode OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..255)
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Diagnostic Code from the clear request
                          or clear indication packet that cleared the
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 7 }

          x25ClearedCircuitInPdus OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  Counter
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The number of PDUs received on the
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 8 }

          x25ClearedCircuitOutPdus OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  Counter
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 45
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The number of PDUs transmitted on the
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 9 }

          x25ClearedCircuitCalledAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  X121Address
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The called address from the cleared
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 10 }

          x25ClearedCircuitCallingAddress OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  X121Address
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The calling address from the cleared
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 11 }

          x25ClearedCircuitClearFacilities OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..109))
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The facilities field from the clear request
                          or clear indication packet that cleared the
                          circuit.  A size of zero indicates no
                          facilities were present."
                  ::= { x25ClearedCircuitEntry 12 }

          -- ###########################################################
          --                The Call Parameter Table
          -- ###########################################################

          x25CallParmTable OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF X25CallParmEntry
                  ACCESS  not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 46
                          "These objects contain the parameters that
                          can be varied between X.25 calls.  The
                          entries in this table are independent of the
                          PLE.  There exists only one of these tables
                          for the entire system.  The indexes for the
                          entries are independent of any PLE or any
                          circuit.  Other tables reference entries in
                          this table.  Entries in this table can be
                          used for default PLE parameters, for
                          parameters to use to place/answer a call,
                          for the parameters currently in use for a
                          circuit, or parameters that were used by a

                          The number of references to a given set of
                          parameters can be found in the
                          x25CallParmRefCount object sharing the same
                          instance identifier with the parameters.
                          The value of this reference count also
                          affects the access of the objects in this
                          table.  An object in this table with the
                          same instance identifier as the instance
                          identifier of an x25CallParmRefCount must be
                          consider associated with that reference
                          count.  An object with an associated
                          reference count of zero can be written (if
                          its ACCESS clause allows it).  An object
                          with an associated reference count greater
                          than zero can not be written (regardless of
                          the ACCESS clause).  This ensures that a set
                          of call parameters being referenced from
                          another table can not be modified or changed
                          in a ways inappropriate for continued use by
                          that table."
                  ::= { x25 9 }

          x25CallParmEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  X25CallParmEntry
                  ACCESS  not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "Entries of x25CallParmTable."
                  INDEX { x25CallParmIndex }
                  ::= { x25CallParmTable 1 }

          X25CallParmEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 47
                          OCTET STRING,
                          OCTET STRING,
                          OCTET STRING,
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 48
                          OCTET STRING,
                          OCTET STRING,
                          OCTET STRING

          x25CallParmIndex OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "A value that distinguishes this entry from
                          another entry.  Entries in this table are
                          referenced from other objects which identify
                          call parameters.

                          It is impossible to know which other objects
                          in the MIB reference entries in the table by
                          looking at this table.  Because of this,
                          changes to parameters must be accomplished
                          by creating a new entry in this table and
                          then changing the referencing table to
                          identify the new entry.

                          Note that an agent will only use the values
                          in this table when another table is changed
                          to reference those values.  The number of
                          other tables that reference an index object
                          in this table can be found in
                          x25CallParmRefCount.  The value of the
                          reference count will affect the writability
                          of the objects as explained above.

                          Entries in this table which have a reference
                          count of zero maybe deleted at the convence
                          of the agent.  Care should be taken by the
                          agent to give the NMS sufficient time to
                          create a reference to newly created entries.

                          Should a Management Station not find a free
                          index with which to create a new entry, it
                          may feel free to delete entries with a
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 49
                          reference count of zero.  However in doing
                          so the Management Station much realize it
                          may impact other Management Stations."
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 1 }

          x25CallParmStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  EntryStatus
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The status of this call parameter entry.
                          See RFC 1271 for details of usage."
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 2 }

          x25CallParmRefCount OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  PositiveInteger
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The number of references know by a
                          management station to exist to this set of
                          call parameters.  This is the number of
                          other objects that have returned a value of,
                          and will return a value of, the index for
                          this set of call parameters.  Examples of
                          such objects are the x25AdmnDefCallParamId,
                          x25OperDataLinkId, or x25AdmnDefCallParamId
                          objects defined above."
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 3 }

          x25CallParmInPacketSize OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4096)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The maximum receive packet size in octets
                          for a circuit.  A size of zero for a circuit
                          means use the PLE default size.  A size of
                          zero for the PLE means use a default size of
                  REFERENCE "10733 proposedPacketSize;
                          See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { 128 }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 4 }

          x25CallParmOutPacketSize OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..4096)
                  ACCESS  read-write
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 50
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The maximum transmit packet size in octets
                          for a circuit.  A size of zero for a circuit
                          means use the PLE default size.  A size of
                          zero for the PLE default means use a default
                          size of 128."
                  REFERENCE "10733 proposedPacketSize;
                          See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { 128 }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 5 }

          x25CallParmInWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..127)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The receive window size for a circuit.  A
                          size of zero for a circuit means use the PLE
                          default size.  A size of zero for the PLE
                          default means use 2."
                  REFERENCE "10733 proposedWindowSize;
                          See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { 2 }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 6 }

          x25CallParmOutWindowSize OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..127)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The transmit window size for a circuit.  A
                          size of zero for a circuit means use the PLE
                          default size.  A size of zero for the PLE
                          default means use 2."
                  REFERENCE "10733 proposedWindowSize;
                          See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { 2 }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 7 }

          x25CallParmAcceptReverseCharging OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                                  default (1),
                                  accept (2),
                                  refuse (3),
                                  neverAccept (4)
                  ACCESS  read-write
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 51
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "An enumeration defining if the PLE will
                          accept or refuse charges.  A value of
                          default for a circuit means use the PLE
                          default value.  A value of neverAccept is
                          only used for the PLE default and indicates
                          the PLE will never accept reverse charging.
                          A value of default for a PLE default means
                  REFERENCE "10733 acceptReverseCharging"
                  DEFVAL { refuse }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 8 }

          x25CallParmProposeReverseCharging OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                                  default (1),
                                  reverse (2),
                                  local (3)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "An enumeration defining if the PLE should
                          propose reverse or local charging.  The
                          value of default for a circuit means use the
                          PLE default.  The value of default for the
                          PLE default means use local."
                  REFERENCE "10733 proposedPacketSize;
                          See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { local }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 9 }

          x25CallParmFastSelect OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                                  default (1),
                                  notSpecified (2),
                                  fastSelect (3),
                                  restrictedFastResponse (4),
                                  noFastSelect (5),
                                  noRestrictedFastResponse (6)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "Expresses preference for use of fast select
                          facility.  The value of default for a
                          circuit is the PLE default.  A value of
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 52
                          default for the PLE means noFastSelect.  A
                          value of noFastSelect or
                          noRestrictedFastResponse indicates a circuit
                          may not use fast select or restricted fast
                  REFERENCE "10733 fastSelect;
                  Sec ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { noFastSelect }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 10 }

          x25CallParmInThruPutClasSize    OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                                  tcReserved1 (1),
                                  tcReserved2 (2),
                                  tc75 (3),
                                  tc150 (4),
                                  tc300 (5),
                                  tc600 (6),
                                  tc1200  (7),
                                  tc2400  (8),
                                  tc4800  (9),
                                  tc9600  (10),
                                  tc19200 (11),
                                  tc48000 (12),
                                  tc64000 (13),
                                  tcReserved14 (14),
                                  tcReserved15 (15),
                                  tcReserved0 (16),
                                  tcNone  (17),
                                  tcDefault (18)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The incoming throughput class to negotiate.
                          A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use
                          the PLE default.  A value of tcDefault for
                          the PLE default means tcNone.  A value of
                          tcNone means do not negotiate throughtput
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section, table 18"
                  DEFVAL { tcNone }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 11 }

          x25CallParmOutThruPutClasSize   OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                                  tcReserved1 (1),
                                  tcReserved2 (2),
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 53
                                  tc75 (3),
                                  tc150 (4),
                                  tc300 (5),
                          tc600 (6),
                                  tc1200  (7),
                                  tc2400  (8),
                                  tc4800  (9),
                                  tc9600  (10),
                                  tc19200 (11),
                                  tc48000 (12),
                                  tc64000 (13),
                                  tcReserved14 (14),
                                  tcReserved15 (15),
                                  tcReserved0 (16),
                                  tcNone  (17),
                                  tcDefault (18)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The outgoing throughput class to negotiate.
                          A value of tcDefault for a circuit means use
                          the PLE default.  A value of tcDefault for
                          the PLE default means use tcNone.  A value
                          of tcNone means do not negotiate throughtput
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section, table 18"
                  DEFVAL { tcNone }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 12 }

          x25CallParmCug  OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..4))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Closed User Group to specify.  This
                          consists of two or four octets containing
                          the characters 0 through 9.  A zero length
                          string indicates no facility requested.  A
                          string length of three containing the
                          characters DEF for a circuit means use the
                          PLE default, (the PLE default parameter may
                          not reference an entry of DEF.)"
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 13 }

          x25CallParmCugoa        OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 54
                  SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..4))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Closed User Group with Outgoing Access
                          to specify.  This consists of two or four
                          octets containing the characters 0 through
                          9.  A string length of three containing the
                          characters DEF for a circuit means use the
                          PLE default (the PLE default parameters may
                          not reference an entry of DEF).  A zero
                          length string indicates no facility
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 14 }

          x25CallParmBcug OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..3))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Bilateral Closed User Group to specify.
                          This consists of two octets containing the
                          characters 0 through 9.  A string length of
                          three containing the characters DEF for a
                          circuit means use the PLE default (the PLE
                          default parameter may not reference an entry
                          of DEF).  A zero length string indicates no
                          facility requested."
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 15 }

          x25CallParmNui  OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..108))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Network User Identifier facility.  This
                          is binary value to be included immediately
                          after the length field.  The PLE will supply
                          the length octet.  A zero length string
                          indicates no facility requested.  This value
                          is ignored for the PLE default parameters
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 55
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 16 }

          x25CallParmChargingInfo OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX INTEGER {
                                  default (1),
                                  noFacility (2),
                                  noChargingInfo (3),
                                  chargingInfo (4)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The charging Information facility.  A value
                          of default for a circuit means use the PLE
                          default.  The value of default for the
                          default PLE parameters means use noFacility.
                          The value of noFacility means do not include
                          a facility."
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { noFacility }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 17 }

          x25CallParmRpoa OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..108))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The RPOA facility.  The octet string
                          contains n * 4 sequences of the characters
                          0-9 to specify a facility with n entries.
                          The octet string containing the 3 characters
                          DEF for a circuit specifies use of the PLE
                          default (the entry for the PLE default may
                          not contain DEF).  A zero length string
                          indicates no facility requested."
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208, section"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 18 }

          x25CallParmTrnstDly     OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..65537)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Transit Delay Selection and Indication
                          value.  A value of 65536 indicates no
                          facility requested.  A value of 65537 for a
                          circuit means use the PLE default (the PLE
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 56
                          default parameters entry may not use the
                          value 65537).  The value 65535 may only be
                          used to indicate the value in use by a
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208, Section"
                  DEFVAL { 65536 }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 19 }

                  -- The following parameters are for CCITT facilities.

          x25CallParmCallingExt OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..40))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Calling Extension facility.  This
                          contains one of the following:

                          A sequence of hex digits with the value to
                          be put in the facility. These digits will be
                          converted to binary by the agent and put in
                          the facility.  These octets do not include
                          the length octet.

                          A value containing the three character DEF
                          for a circuit means use the PLE default,
                          (the entry for the PLE default parameters
                          may not use the value DEF).

                          A zero length string indicates no facility
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 20 }

          x25CallParmCalledExt OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..40))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Called Extension facility.  This
                          contains one of the following:

                          A sequence of hex digits with the value to
                          be put in the facility.  These digits will be
                          converted to binary by the agent and put in
                          the facility.  These octets do not include
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 57
                          the length octet.

                          A value containing the three character DEF
                          for a circuit means use the PLE default,
                          (the entry for the PLE default parameters
                          may not use the value DEF).

                          A zero length string indicates no facility
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 21 }

          x25CallParmInMinThuPutCls       OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..17)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The minimum input throughput Class.  A
                          value of 16 for a circuit means use the PLE
                          default (the PLE parameters entry may not
                          use this value).  A value of 17 indicates no
                          facility requested."
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { 17 }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 22 }

          x25CallParmOutMinThuPutCls OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..17)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The minimum output throughput Class.  A
                          value of 16 for a circuit means use the PLE
                          default (the PLE parameters entry may not
                          use this value).  A value of 17 indicates no
                          facility requested."
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { 17 }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 23 }

          x25CallParmEndTrnsDly OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..6))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The End-to-End Transit Delay to negotiate.
                          An octet string of length 2, 4, or 6
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 58
                          contains the facility encoded as specified
                          in ISO/IEC 8208 section  An octet
                          string of length 3 containing the three
                          character DEF for a circuit means use the
                          PLE default (the entry for the PLE default
                          can not contain the characters DEF).  A zero
                          length string indicates no facility
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 24 }

          x25CallParmPriority OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..6))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The priority facility to negotiate.  The
                          octet string encoded as specified in ISO/IEC
                          8208 section  A zero length string
                          indicates no facility requested.  The entry
                          for the PLE default parameters must be zero
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 25 }

          x25CallParmProtection OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..108))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "A string contains the following:
                          A hex string containing the value for the
                          protection facility.  This will be converted
                          from hex to the octets actually in the
                          packet by the agent.  The agent will supply
                          the length field and the length octet is not
                          contained in this string.

                          An string containing the 3 characters DEF
                          for a circuit means use the PLE default (the
                          entry for the PLE default parameters may not
                          use the value DEF).

                          A zero length string mean no facility
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
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                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 26 }

          x25CallParmExptData OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                                  default (1),
                                  noExpeditedData (2),
                                  expeditedData (3)
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The Expedited Data facility to negotiate.
                          A value of default for a circuit means use
                          the PLE default value.  The entry for the
                          PLE default parameters may not have the
                          value default."
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section"
                  DEFVAL { noExpeditedData }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 27 }

          x25CallParmUserData     OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..128))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The call user data as placed in the packet.
                          A zero length string indicates no call user
                          data.  If both the circuit call parameters
                          and the PLE default have call user data
                          defined, the data from the circuit call
                          parameters will be used.  If only the PLE
                          has data defined, the PLE entry will be
                          used.  If neither the circuit call
                          parameters or the PLE default entry has a
                          value, no call user data will be sent."
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8208 Section,"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 28 }

          x25CallParmCallingNetworkFacilities     OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..108))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The calling network facilities.  The
                          facilities are encoded here exactly as
                          encoded in the call packet.  These
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 60
                          facilities do not include the marker
                          facility code.

                          A zero length string in the entry for the
                          parameter to use when establishing a circuit
                          means use the PLE default.  A zero length
                          string in the entry for PLE default
                          parameters indicates no default facilities."
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8206 Section 15.1, category b"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 29 }

          x25CallParmCalledNetworkFacilities      OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..108))
                  ACCESS  read-write
                  STATUS  mandatory
                          "The called network facilities.  The
                          facilities are encoded here exactly as
                          encoded in the call packet.  These
                          facilities do not include the marker
                          facility code.

                          A zero length string in the entry for the
                          parameter to use when establishing a circuit
                          means use the PLE default.  A zero length
                          string in the entry for PLE default
                          parameters indicates no default facilities."
                  REFERENCE "See ISO 8206 Section 15.1, category c"
                  DEFVAL { ''h }
                  ::= { x25CallParmEntry 30 }

          -- ###########################################################
          --              X.25 Traps
          -- ###########################################################

          x25Restart      TRAP-TYPE
                  ENTERPRISE  x25
                  VARIABLES { x25OperIndex }
                          "This trap means the X.25 PLE sent or
                          received a restart packet.  The restart that
                          brings up the link should not send a
                          x25Restart trap so the interface should send
                          a linkUp trap.  Sending this trap means the
                          agent does not send a linkDown and linkUp
                  ::= 1
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 61
          x25Reset        TRAP-TYPE
                  ENTERPRISE  x25
                  VARIABLES { x25CircuitIndex,
                          x25CircuitChannel }
                          "If the PLE sends or receives a reset, the
                          agent should send an x25Reset trap."
                  ::= 2

          -- ###########################################################
          --              X.25 Protocol Version Identifiers
          -- ###########################################################

          x25ProtocolVersion OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                  ::= { x25 10 }

                  -- X.25 CCITT 1976 version.
          x25protocolCcittV1976 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                  ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 1 }

                  -- X.25 CCITT 1980 version.
          x25protocolCcittV1980 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                  ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 2 }

                  -- X.25 CCITT 1984 version.
          x25protocolCcittV1984 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                  ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 3 }

                  -- X.25 CCITT 1988 version.
          x25protocolCcittV1988 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                  ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 4 }

                  -- X.25 1987 version of ISO 8208.
          x25protocolIso8208V1987 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                  ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 5 }

                  -- X.25 1989 version of ISO 8208.
          x25protocolIso8208V1989 OBJECT IDENTIFIER
                  ::= { x25ProtocolVersion 6 }

          -- ###########################################################

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5. Appendix: Revision History

          July 30 1992

          The July, 1992 release (Editor's Internal Reference Number
          2.14) made the following changes:

               The syntax of the index objects for tables that are
               congruent with the MIB-II ifTable were changed to

               The x25CallParmRefCount object was added to the

               The description of the x25CallParmTable and
               x25CallParmIndex objects were changed to only allow
               writing an entry with a zero reference count.

               A requirement for conformance was added after the
               definition of x25 in the ASN.1 definition.

          June 26 1992

          The June 29, 1992 release (Editor's Internal Reference Number
          2.12) made the following changes:

               The range of x25ChannelLIC was changed from (0..4096) to

               The range of x25ChannelHIC was changed from (0..4096) to

               The range of x25ChannelLTC was changed from (0..4096) to

               The range of x25ChannelHTC was changed from (0..4096) to

               The range of x25ChannelLOC was changed from (0..4096) to

               The range of x25ChannelHOC was changed from (0..4096) to

               The range of x25CircuitChannel was changed from (1..4096)
               to (0..4095).

               The range of x25ClearedCircuitChannel was changed from
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 63
               (1..4096) to (0..4095).

          June 1992

          The June 92 release (Editor's Internal Reference Number 2.11)
          made the following changes:

               A value of dxe was defined for x25AdmnInterfaceMode and

               The objects in the x25ChannelTable can now have a value
               of zero to indicate no channels configured in the range.

               The length of an X121Address was extended to 17 to
               accommodate the 1988 CCITT X.25 standard.

               Some object descriptions have been expanded and
               simplified, these include:  all the channel table objects
               except the index, x25AdmnDataRxmtCount,
               x25AdmnRejectCount, x25AdmnRegistrationRequestCount,
               x25OperDataRxmtCount, x25OperRejectCount,
               x25OperRegistrationRequestCount, x25CircuitEstablishTime,
               x25ClearedCircuitTimeCleared, x25CallParmIndex,
               x25CallParmInPacketSize, x25CircuitCalledAddress,
               x25CircuitCallingAddress, x25CallParmFastSelect,
               x25CallParmCug, x25CallParmCugoa, x25CallParmBcug,
               x25CallParmNui, x25CallParmRpoa, x25CallParmCallingExt,
               x25CallParmCalledExt, x25CallParmProtection,
               x25StatInCallRefusals and x25CallParmOutPacketSize.

               The x25StatNumberPvcs object was deleted and
               x25AdmnNumberPVCs and x25OperNumberPVCs objects added.

               The object x25StatOutDataPackets was added.

               The object x25AdmnProtocolVersionSupported as added.

               The x25CircuitRemoteDteAddress was deleted.

               Some ASN.1 errors were corrected.

          April 1992

          The April release (Editor's Internal Reference Number 2.8)
          made many changes to incorporate the comments of the working
          group meeting in March 1992.
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               All reference comments were changed to reference fields.

               The type PositiveInteger was imported from the RFC1381-
               MIB and used for all index and timer values.

               The x25PleTable was split into the x25AdmnTable,
               x25OperTable, and x25StatTable.

               The timer and counter objects from the x25CircuitTable
               were moved to the x25AdmnTable and replicated in the

               The objects in the x25CircuitTable were reordered to put
               the non-integer objects at the end of the table for
               easier implementation.

               The called and calling extension character set was
               extended to include a-f, and A-F.

               Additional states were added to the x25CircuitStatus

               Additional values were added to x25CircuitDirection
               x25CircuitCallParamId, and the addresses in the Circuit
               Table for PVCs.

               The length of the X25Address was changed to 0..15.

               The objects x25ClearedCircuitTimeEstablished,
               x25ClearedCircuitInPdus, and x25ClearedCircuitOutPdus
               were added to the x25ClearedCircuitTable.

               The name of the x25CircuitName was changed to
               x25CircuitDescr and the description was expanded.

               The access of the x25CircuitCallParamId was changed to

               The x25ClearedCircuitCodes object was split into the
               x25ClearedCircuitClearingCause and
               x25ClearedCircuitDiagnosticCode objects.

               The semantics of the x25ClearedCircuitIndex was

               Some of the description clauses were changed in an
               attempt to add clarity.
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 65
               DEFVAL clauses were added to most objects in the

               Additional text was added to the description section to
               provide an overview of the tables of the MIB.

               The minimum allowable value for maximum active circuits
               was changed from one to zero.

          February 1992

          The February release (Editor's Internal Reference Number 1.14)
          made many changes.

               Many of the tables were combined.  For example, the
               x25InfoTable, x25PktStatTable, and x25TmrStatTable were
               combined into the x25PleTable.  The x25ConInfoTable,
               x25ConStatTable, and x25ConTimrTable were combined into
               the x25CircuitTable.

               The objects for call parameters were drastically
               reworked.  All call parameters were combined in the
               x25CallParmTable.  Any table, such as the  x25PleTable or
               x25CircuitTable, that needs to reference call parameters
               identifies an entry in the new table.  As part of this
               the x25ConDefTable was deleted and replaced with the

               The x25PvcTable was deleted; the x25CircuitStatus object
               provides similar information about PVCs.

               The x25ClearedCircuitTable was added to record the status
               code of cleared circuits.

               Many object definitions were restructured. For example,
               the time units for timers was changed from 1/100ths of a
               second to milliseconds.  Some indexes into tables were
               replaced with object identifiers.

               Much of the introductory text was changed and the
               references were changed to match.

          October 1991

          The October release (Editor Internal Reference Number 1.10)
          made the following changes:

               Changed x25ConInfoStatus to clarify the description and
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 66
               the pvcResetting(5) value was changed to pvcResetting(6)
               to avoid a conflict with a previous use of the number 5.

               The name of the counter object
               x25TmrStatRetryCountsExceeded was changed to

               The name of the counter object
               x25TmrStatClearCountsExceeded was changed to

               All occurrence of Guage was changed to Gauge.

               Added the x25CallFcltyTable, x25CallFcltyCcittTable, and

          June 1991

          The June release corrected some syntax errors and cleaned up
          some other minor things.

          April 1991

          The April 26 release of this document was the first release.
          That version was derived from the ISO work on network layer
          management as presented in ISO/IEC 10733 [11]

6.  Acknowledgements

This document was produced by the x25mib working group:

               Fred Baker, ACC
               Art Berggreen, ACC
               Frank Bieser
               Gary Bjerke, Tandem
               Bill Bowman, HP
               Christopher Bucci, Datability
               Charles Carvalho, ACC
               Jeff Case, Snmp Research
               Angela Chen, HP
               Carson Cheung, BNR
               Tom Daniel, Spider Systems
               Chuck Davin, MIT
               Billy Durham, Honeywell
               Richard Fox, Synoptics
               Doug Geller, Data General
               Herve Goguely, LIR Corp
               Andy Goldthorpe, british-telecom
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 67
               Walter D. Guilarte
               David Gurevich
               Steve Huston, Process Software Corporation
               Jon Infante, ICL
               Frank Kastenholz, Clearpoint
               Zbigniew Kielczewski, Eicon
               Cheryl Krupezak, Georgia Tech
               Mats Lindstrom, Diab Data AB
               Andrew Malis, BBN
               Evan McGinnis, 3Com
               Gary (G.P.)Mussar, BNR
               Chandy Nilakantan, 3Com
               Randy Pafford, Data General
               Ragnar Paulson, The Software Group Limited
               Dave Perkins, Synoptics
               Walter Pinkarschewsky, DEC
               Karen Quidley, Data General
               Chris Ranch, Novell
               Paul S. Rarey, DHL Systems Inc.
               Jim Roche, Newbridge Research
               Philippe Roger, LIR Corp.
               Timon Sloane
               Mike Shand, DEC
               Brad Steina, Microcom
               Bob Stewart, Xyplex
               Tom Sullivan, Data General
               Rodney Thayer, Sable Technology Corporation
               Mark Therieau, Microcom
               Jane Thorn, Data General
               Dean Throop, Data General
               Maurice Turcotte, Racal Datacom
               Mike Zendels, Data General

In addition, the contributions of the following individuals are also

                   John Harper, DEC
                   Chairman of the ISO committee for
                   Network Level Management Information

7.  References

   [1] Rose M., and K. McCloghrie, "Structure and Identification of
       Management Information for TCP/IP-based internets", STD 16, RFC
       1155, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN Systems, May

   [2] McCloghrie K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
Top   ToC   RFC1382 - Page 68
       Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets", RFC 1156, Hughes
       LAN Systems, Performance Systems International, May 1990.

   [3] Case, J., Fedor, M., Schoffstall, M., and J. Davin, "Simple
       Network Management Protocol", STD 15, RFC 1157, SNMP Research,
       Performance Systems International, Performance Systems
       International, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, May 1990.

   [4] Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, Editors, "Concise MIB Definitions",
       STD 16, RFC 1212, Performance Systems International, Hughes LAN
       Systems, March 1991.

   [5] Rose M., Editor, "Management Information Base for Network
       Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II", STD 17, RFC 1213,
       Performance Systems International, March 1991.

   [6] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1),
       International Organization for Standardization, International
       Standard 8824, December 1987.

   [7] Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection -
       Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Notation One
       (ASN.1), International Organization for Standardization,
       International Standard 8825, December 1987.

   [8] Stewart, B., Editor, "Definitions of Managed Objects for RS-232-
       like Hardware Devices", RFC 1317, Xyplex, Inc., April 1992.

   [9] Throop, D., Editor, "SNMP MIB extension for LAPB", RFC 1381, Data
       General Corporation, November 1992.

  [10] "Information technology - - Data communication - X.25 Packet
       layer Protocol for Data Terminal Equipment", International
       Organization for Standardization, International Standard 8208,
       March 1990.

  [11] "Information Technology - Telecommunications and information
       exchange between systems - Elements of Management Information
       Related to OSI network Layer Standards", Committee Draft
       International Standard 10733, November 1990.

8.  Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.
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9.  Authors' Addresses

   Dean D. Throop
   Data General Corporation
   62 Alexander Dr.
   Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

   Phone: (919)248-8421