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RFC 1012

Bibliography of Request For Comments 1 through 999

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ToP   noToC   RFC1012 - Page 20   prevText
   293 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 293 (NIC 8303),
         BBN, 18 January 1972.

   294 - Bhushan, Abhay, "The Use of `Set Data Type' Transaction in File
         Transfer Protocol", RFC 294 (NIC 8304), MIT-Project MAC,
         25 January 1972.

   295 - Postel, Jon, "Report of the Protocol Workshop", RFC 295
         (NIC 8355), UCLA/NMC, 2 January 1972.

   296 - Liddle, David E., "DS-1 Display System", RFC 296 (NIC 8484),
         Owens-Illinois, Inc., 27 January 1972.

   297 - Walden, Dave, "TIP Message Buffers", RFC 297 (NIC 8485), BBN,
         31 January 1972.

   298 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 298 (NIC 8486),
         BBN, 1 February 1972.

   299 - Hopkin, Dorothy, "Information Management System", RFC 299
         (NIC 8487), Illinois, 11 February 1972.

   300 - Network Information Center, "ARPA Network Mailing Lists",
         RFC 300 (NIC 8468), NIC, 25 January 1972.

   301 - Alter, Ralph, "BBN IMP (No. 5 and NCC Schedule March 4, 1971",
         RFC 301 (NIC 8971), BBN, 11 February 1972.

   302 - Bryan, Roland F., "Exercising the ARPANET", RFC 302 (NIC 9074),
         UCSB, 8 February 1972.

   303 - Network Information Center, "ARPA Network Mailing Lists",
         RFC 303 (NIC 9075), NIC, 23 February 1972.

   304 - McKay, Doug, "A Data Management System Proposal for the ARPA
         Network", RFC 304 (NIC 9077), IBM, 17 February 1972.

   305 - Alter, Ralph, "Unknown Host Numbers", RFC 305 (NIC 9078), BBN,
         23 February 1972.

   306 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 306 (NIC 9257),
         BBN, 15 February 1972.

   307 - Harslem, Eric, "Using Network Remote Job Entry", RFC 307
         (NIC 9258), Rand, 24 February 1972.

   308 - Seriff, Marc, "ARPANET Host Availability Data", RFC 308
         (NIC 9259), MIT-Project MAC, 13 March 1972.
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   309 - Bhushan, Abhay, "Data And File Transfer Workshop Announcement",
         RFC 309 (NIC 9260), MIT-Project MAC, 17 March 1972.

   310 - Bhushan, Abhay, "Another Look at Data and File Transfer
         Protocols", RFC 310 (NIC 9261), MIT-Project MAC, 3 April 1972.

   311 - Bryan, Roland F., "New Console Attachments to the UCSB Host",
         RFC 311 (NIC 9341), UCSB, 29 February 1972.

   312 - McKenzie, Alex, "Proposed Change in IMP-to-Host Protocol",
         RFC 312 (NIC 9342), BBN, 22 March 1972.

   313 - O'Sullivan, Tom, "Computer Based Instruction", RFC 313
         (NIC 9343), Raytheon, 6 March 1972.

   314 - Cotton, Ira, "Next Network Graphics Working Group Meeting",
         RFC 314 (NIC 9344), MITRE, 14 March 1972.

   315 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 315 (NIC 9345),
         BBN, 8 March 1972.

   316 - McKay, Doug, and Alvin Mullery, "ARPA Network Data Management
         Working Group", RFC 316 (NIC 9346), IBM, 23 & 24 February 1972.

   317 - Postel, Jon, "Official Host-Host Protocol Modification:
         Assigned Link Numbers", RFC 317 (NIC 9347), UCLA/NMC,
         20 March 1972.

   318 - Postel, Jon, "Ad Hoc Telnet Protocols", RFC 318 (NIC 9348),
         References RFCs 139,158, UCLA/NMC, 3 April 1972.

   319 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 319 (NIC 9349),
         BBN, 21 March 1972.

   320 - Reddy, Raj, "Workshop on Hard Copy Line Graphics", RFC 320
         (NIC 9350), CMU, 27 March 1972.

   321 - Karp, Peggy, "CBI Networking Activity at MITRE", RFC 321
         (NIC 9608), MITRE, 24 March 1972.

   322 - Cerf, Vint, and Jon Postel, "Well Known Socket Numbers",
         RFC 322 (NIC 9609), UCLA/NMC, 26 March 1972.

   323 - Cerf, Vint, "Formation of Network Measurement Group (NMG)",
         RFC 323 (NIC 9630), UCLA/NMC, 23 March 1972.

   324 - Postel, Jon, "RJE Protocol Meeting", RFC 324 (NIC 9631), UCLA,
         3 April 1972.
ToP   noToC   RFC1012 - Page 22
   325 - Hicks, Greg, "Network Remote Job Entry Program - NETRJS",
         RFC 325 (NIC 9632), Utah, 6 April 1972.

   326 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 326 (NIC 9633),
         BBN, 3 April 1972.

   327 - Bhushan, Abhay, "Data and File Transfer Workshop Notes",
         RFC 327 (NIC 9261), MIT-Project MAC, 27 April 1972.

   328 - Postel, Jon, "Suggested Telnet Protocol Changes", RFC 328
         (NIC 9635), UCLA/NMC, 29 April 1972.

   329 - Network Information Center, "ARPA Network Mailing Lists",
         RFC 329 (NIC 9636), NIC, 17 May 1972.

   330 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 330 (NIC 9923),
         BBN, 13 April 1972.

   331 - McQuillan, John, "IMP System Change Notification", RFC 331
         (NIC 9924), BBN, 19 April 1972.

   332 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 332 (NIC 9923),
         BBN, 25 April 1972.

   333 - Bressler, Bob, Dan Murphy, and Dave Walden, "A Proposed
         Experiment with a Message Switching Protocol", RFC 333
         (NIC 9926), MIT and BBN, 15 May 1972.

   334 - McKenzie, Alex, "Network Use on May 8th", RFC 334 (NIC 9927),
         BBN, 1 May 1972.

   335 - Bryan, Roland F., "New Interface-IMP/360", RFC 335 (NIC 9928),
         UCSB, 1 May 1972.

   336 - Cotton, Ira, "Level 0 Graphic Input Protocol", RFC 336
         (NIC 9929), MITRE, 5 May 1972.

   337 - Never Issued.

   338 - Braden, Bob "EBCDIC/ASCII Mapping for Network RJE", RFC 338
         (NIC 9931), UCLA/CCN, 17 May 1972.

   339 - Thomas, Bob, "MLTNET - A `Multi-Telnet' Subsystem for TENEX",
         RFC 339 (NIC 9932), BBN, 5 May 1972.

   340 - O'Sullivan, Tom, "Proposed Telnet Changes", RFC 340 (NIC 9933),
         Raytheon, 15 May 1972.

   341 - Never Issued.
ToP   noToC   RFC1012 - Page 23
   342 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 342 (NIC 10421),
         BBN, 15 May 1972.

   343 - McKenzie, Alex, "IMP System Change Notification", RFC 343
         (NIC 10422), BBN, 19 May 1972.

   344 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 344 (NIC 10423),
         BBN, 22 May 1972.

   345 - Kelly, Karl, "Interest in Mixed Integer Programming (MPSX on
         360/91 at CCN)", RFC 345 (NIC 10424), Illinois, 26 May 1972.

   346 - Postel, Jon, "Satellite Considerations", RFC 346 (NIC 10425),
         UCLA/NMC, 30 May 1972.

   347 - Postel, Jon, "Echo Process", RFC 347 (NIC 10426), UCLA/NMC,
         30 May 1972.

   348 - Postel, Jon, "Discard Process", RFC 348 (NIC 10427), UCLA/NMC,
         30 May 1972.

   349 - Postel, Jon, "Proposed Standard Socket Numbers", RFC 349
         (NIC 10428), UCLA/NMC, 30 May 1972.

   350 - Stoughton, Ron, "User Accounts for UCSB On-line System",
         RFC 350 (NIC 10549), UCSB, 18 May 1972.

   351 - Crocker, Dave, "(Graphics) Information form for the ARPANET
         Graphics Resources Notebook", RFC 351 (NIC 10593), UCLA/NMC,
         5 June 1972.

   352 - Crocker, Dave, "TIP Site Information Form", RFC 352
         (NIC 10594), UCLA/NMC, 5 June 1972.

   353 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 353 (NIC 10595),
         BBN, 12 June 1972.

   354 - Bhushan, Abhay, "The File Transfer Protocol", RFC 354
         (NIC 10596), MIT-Project MAC, 8 July 1972.

   355 - Davidson, John, "Response to RFC 346", RFC 355 (NIC 10597),
         University of Hawaii, 9 June 1972.

   356 - Alter, Ralph, "ARPA Network Control Center", RFC 356
         (NIC 10598), BBN, 21 June 1972.

   357 - Davidson, John, "An Echoing Strategy for Satellite Links",
         RFC 357 (NIC 10599), University of Hawaii, 26 June 1972.
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   358 - Never Issued.

   359 - Walden, Dave, "The Status of the Release of the New IMP System
         (2600)", RFC 358 (NIC 10601), BBN, 22 June 1972.

   360 - Holland, Chuck, "Proposed Remote Job Entry Protocol", RFC 360
         (NIC 10602), UCSD, 24 June 1972.

   361 - Bressler, Bob, "In Response to RFCs 347 and 348", RFC 361
         (NIC 10603), MIT-DMCG, 5 July 1972.

   362 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 362 (NIC 10604),
         BBN, 28 June 1972.

   363 - Network Information Center, "ARPA Network Mailing Lists", NIC,
         8 August 1972.

   364 - Abrams, Marshall D., "Serving Remote Users on the ARPANET",
         RFC 364 (NIC 10606), NBS, 11 July 1972.

   365 - Walden, Dave, "A Letter to All TIP Users", RFC 365 (NIC 10607),
         BBN, 11 July 1972.

   366 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 366 (NIC 11013),
         BBN, 11 July 1972.

   367 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 367 (NIC 11014),
         BBN, 19 June 1972.

   368 - Braden, Bob, "Comments on `Proposed Remote Job Entry
         Protocol'", RFC 368 (NIC 11015), UCLA/CCN, 21 July 1972.

   369 - Pickens, John R., "Evaluation of ARPANET Services", RFC 369
         (NIC 11016), UCSB, 25 July 1972.

   370 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 370 (NIC 11017),
         BBN, 31 July 1972.

   371 - Kahn, Robert, "Demonstration at International Computer
         Communications Conference", RFC 371 (NIC 11020), BBN,
         12 July 1972.

   372 - McKenzie, Alex, "Notes on a Conversation with Bob Kahn on the
         ICCC", RFC 372 (NIC 11022), BBN, 12 July 1972.

   373 - McCarthy, John, "Arbitrary Character Sets", RFC 373
         (NIC 11058), BBN, 19 July 1972.
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   374 - McKenzie, Alex, "IMP System Announcement", RFC 374 (NIC 11099),
         BBN, 19 July 1972.

   375 - Never Issued.

   376 - Westheimer, Ellen, "Network Host Status", RFC 376 (NIC 11118),
         BBN, 8 August 1972.

   377 - Braden, Bob, "Using TSO via ARPA Network Virtual Terminal",
         RFC 377 (NIC 11119) UCLA/CCN, 10 August 1972.

   378 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (July 1972)", RFC 378
         (NIC 11120), BBN, 10 August 1972.

   379 - Braden, Bob, "Using TSO at CCN", RFC 379 (NIC 11121), UCLA/CCN,
         11 August 1972.

   380 - Never Issued.

   381 - McQuillan, John, and Dave Walden, "Three Aids to Improved
         Network Operation", RFC 381 (NIC 11151), BBN, 26 July 1972.

   382 - McDaniel, Lawrence, "Mathematical Software on the ARPA
         Network", RFC 382 (NIC 11122), University of Illinois,
         3 August 1972.

   383 - Never Issued.

   384 - North, Jeanne B., "Official Site Idents for Organizations in
         the ARPA Network", RFC 384 (NIC 11356), NIC, 28 August 1972.

   385 - Bhushan, Abhay, "Comments on the File Transfer Protocol
         (RFC 354)", RFC 385 (NIC 11357), MIT-Project MAC,
         18 August 1972.

   386 - Cosell, Bernie, and Dave Walden, "Letter to TIP Users - 2",
         RFC 386 (NIC 11358), BBN, 16 August 1972.

   387 - Kelley, Karl, and Jaacov Meir, "Some Experiences in
         Implementing Network Graphics Protocol Level 0", RFC 387
         (NIC 11359), Illinois, 10 August 1972.

   388 - Cerf, Vint, "NCP Statistics", RFC 388 (NIC 11360), UCLA/NMC,
         23 August 1972.

   389 - Noble, Barbara, "UCLA Campus Computing Network Liaison Staff
         for ARPA Network", RFC 389 (NIC 11361), UCLA/CCN,
         30 August 1972.
ToP   noToC   RFC1012 - Page 26
   390 - Braden, Bob, "TSO Scenario Batch Compilation and Foreground
         Execution", RFC 390 (NIC 11582), UCLA/CCN, 12 September 1972.

   391 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (August 1972)", RFC 391
         (NIC 11583), BBN, 15 September 1972.

   392 - Hicks, Greg, and Barry Wessler, "Measurement of Host Costs for
         Transmitting Network Data", RFC 392 (NIC 11584), Utah,
         20 September 1972.

   393 - Winett, Joel, "Comments on Telnet Protocol Changes", RFC 393
         (NIC 11585), Lincoln Labs, 3 October 1972.

   394 - McQuillan, John, "Two Proposed Changes to the IMP-HOST
         Protocol", RFC 394 (NIC 11586), BBN, 27 September 1972.

   395 - McQuillan, John, "Switch Settings on IMPs and TIPs", RFC 395
         (NIC 11587), BBN, 3 October 1972.

   396 - Bunch, Steve, "Network Graphics Working Group Meeting - Second
         Iteration", RFC 396 (NIC 11796), Illinois, 13 November 1973.

   397 - Never Issued.

   398 - Pickens, John "ICP Sockets", RFC 398 (NIC 11911),
         22 September 1972.

   399 - Krilanovich, Mark, "SMFS Login and Logout", RFC 399
         (NIC 11917), UCSB, 26 September 1972.

   400 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (September 1972)", RFC 400
         (NIC 11922), BBN, 18 October 1972.

   401 - Hanson, Jim, "Conversion of NGP-0 Coordinates to Device
         Specific Coordinates", RFC 401 (NIC 11923), Illinois,
         23 October 1972.

   402 - Network Information Center, "ARPA Network Mailing Lists",
         RFC 402 (NIC 11924), NIC, 26 October 1972.

   403 - Hicks, Greg "Desirability of a Network 1108", RFC 403
         (NIC 11925), Utah, 10 January 1973.

   404 - McKenzie, Alex, "Host Address Changes Involving RAND and ISI",
         RFC 404 (NIC 12068), BBN, 5 October 1972.

   405 - McKenzie, Alex, "Correction to RFC 404", RFC 405 (NIC 12110),
         BBN, 10 October 1972.
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   406 - McQuillan, John, "Scheduled IMP Software Releases", RFC 406
         (NIC 12111), BBN, 10 October 1972.

   407 - Bressler, Bob, Rich Guida, and Alex McKenzie, "Remote Job Entry
         Protocol", RFC 407 (NIC 12112), MIT and BBN, 16 October 1972.

   408 - Owen, Buz, and Jon Postel, "NETBANK", RFC 408 (NIC 12390),
         SAAC-TIP and UCLA/NMC, 25 October 1972.

   409 - White, Jim, "TENEX Interface to UCSB's Simple-Minded File
         System", RFC 409 (NIC 12401), SRI-ARC, 8 December 1972.

   410 - McQuillan, John, "Removal of the 30-Second Delay When Hosts
         Come Up", RFC 410 (NIC 12402), BBN, 10 November 1972.

   411 - Padlipsky, Mike, "New Multics Network Software Features",
         RFC 411 (NIC 12403), MIT, 14 November 1972.

   412 - Hicks, Greg, "User FTP Documentation", RFC 412 (NIC 12404),
         Utah, 27 November 1972.

   413 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (October 1972)", RFC 413
         (NIC 12405), BBN, 13 November 1972.

   414 - Bhushan, Abhay, "File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Status and
         Further Comments", RFC 414 (NIC 12406), MIT-Project MAC,
         20 November 1972.

   415 - Murray, Hal, "TENEX Bandwidth", RFC 415 (NIC 10428), CCA,
         29 November 1972.

   416 - Norton, James, "The ARC System Will Be Unavailable For Use
         During Thanksgiving Week", RFC 416 (NIC 12542), SRI-ARC,
         7 November 1972.

   417 - Postel, Jon, and Chuck Kline, "Link Usage Violation", RFC 417
         (NIC 12574), UCLA/NMC, 6 November 1972.

   418 - Hathaway, Wayne, "Server File Transfer Under TSS/360 at
         NASA-Ames Research Center", RFC 418 (NIC 12762), Ames Research
         Center 27 November 1972.

   419 - Vezza, Al, "Attention: Network Liaisons and Station Agents",
         RFC 419 (NIC 12763), 12 December 1972.

   420 - Murray, Hal, "CCA ICCC Weather Demo", RFC 420 (NIC 12764), CCA,
         4 January 1973.
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   421 - McKenzie, Alex, "A Software Consulting Service for Network
         Users", RFC 421 (NIC 12897), BBN, 27 November 1972.

   422 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (November 1972)", RFC 422
         (NIC 13007), BBN, 11 December 1972.

   423 - Noble, Barbara, "UCLA Campus Computing Network Liaison Staff
         for ARPA Network", RFC 423 (NIC 13008), UCLA/CCN,
         12 December 1972.

   424 - Never Issued.

   425 - Bressler, Bob, "`But my NCP costs $500 a day...'", RFC 425
         (NIC 13010), BBN, 19 December 1972.

   426 - Thomas, Bob, "Reconnection Protocol", RFC 426 (NIC 13011), BBN,
         26 January, 1973.

   427 - Never Issued.

   428 - Never Issued.

   429 - Postel, Jon, "Character Generator Process", RFC 429
         (NIC 13281), UCLA/NMC, 12 December 1972.

   430 - Braden, Bob, "Comments on File Transfer Protocol", RFC 430
         (NIC 13299), UCLA/CCN, 7 February 1973.

   431 - Krilanovich, Mark, "Update on SMFS Login and Logout", RFC 431
         (NIC 13300), UCSB, 15 December 1972.

   432 - Neigus, Nancy, "Network Logical Map", RFC 432 (NIC 13490), BBN,
         29 December 1972.

   433 - Postel, Jon and Nancy Neigus, "Socket Number List", RFC 433
         (NIC 13491), UCLA/NMC and BBN, 22 December 1972.

   434 - McKenzie, Alex, "IMP/TIP Memory Retrofit Schedule", RFC 434
         (NIC 13658), BBN, 4 January 1973.

   435 - Cosell, Bernie, and Dave Walden, "Telnet Issues", RFC 435
         (NIC 13675), BBN-NET, 5 January 1973.

   436 - Krilanovich, Mark, "Announcement of RJS at UCSB", RFC 436
         (NIC 13700), UCSB, 10 January 1973.

   437 - Faeh, Ed, "Data Reconfiguration Service at UCSB", RFC 437
         (NIC 13701), UCSB, 30 June 1973.
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   438 - Thomas, Bob, and Bob Clements, "FTP Server-Server Interaction",
         RFC 438 (NIC 13770), BBN, 15 January 1973.

   439 - Cerf, Vint, "PARRY Encounters the DOCTOR", RFC 439 (NIC 13771),
         SU/ERL, 21 January 1973.

   440 - Walden, Dave, "Scheduled Network Software Maintenance", RFC 440
         (4IC 13772), BBN, 29 January 1973.

   441 - Bressler, Bob, and Bob Thomas, "Inter-Entity Communication - An
         Experiment", RFC 441 (NIC 13773), BBN, 19 January 1973.

   442 - Cerf, Vint, "The Current Flow-Control Scheme for IMPSYS",
         RFC 442 (NIC 13774), SU-ERL, 24 January 1973.

   443 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (December 1972)", RFC 443
         (NIC 13899), BBN, 18 January 1973.

   444 - Never Issued.

   445 - McKenzie, Alex, "IMP/TIP Preventive Maintenance Schedule",
         RFC 445 (NIC 14028), BBN, 22 January 1973.

   446 - Deutsch, L. Peter, "Proposal to Consider a Network Program
         Resource Notebook", RFC 446 (NIC 14068), XEROX-PARC,
         25 January 1973.

   447 - McKenzie, Alex, "IMP/TIP Memory Retrofit Schedule", RFC 447
         (NIC 14104), BBN, 29 January 1973.

   448 - Braden, Bob, "Print Files in FTP", RFC 448 (NIC 13299),
         UCLA/CCN, 27 February 1973.

   449 - Walden, Dave, "The Current Flow-Control Scheme for IMPSYS",
         RFC 449 (NIC 14133), BBN, 6 January 1973.

   450 - Padlipsky, Mike, "Multics Sampling Timeout Change", RFC 450
         (NIC 14134), MIT-Multics, 8 February 1973.

   451 - Padlipsky, Mike, "Tentative Proposal for a Unified User Level
         Protocol", RFC 451 (NIC 14135), MIT-Multics, 22 February 1973.

   452 - Winett, Joel, "Telnet Command at Host LL", RFC 452 (NIC 14136),
         Lincoln Labs, 8 February 1973.

   453 - Kudlick, Michael, "Meeting Announcement to Discuss a Network
         Mail System", RFC 453 (NIC 14317), SRI-ARC, 7 February 1973.
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   454 - McKenzie, Alex, "File Transfer Protocol", RFC 454 (NIC 14333),
         BBN, 16 February 1973.

   455 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (January 1973)", RFC 455
         (NIC 14375), BBN, 12 February 1973.

   456 - Network Information Center, "Memorandum: Date Change of Mail
         Meeting", RFC 456 (NIC 14376), NIC, 13 February 1973.

   457 - Walden, Dave, "TIPUG", RFC 457 (NIC 14377), BBN-NET,
         15 February 1973.

   458 - Bressler, Bob, and Bob Thomas, "Mail Retrieval via FTP",
         RFC 458 (NIC 14378), BBN-NET and BBN-TENEX, 20 February 1973.

   459 - Kantrowitz, W., "Network Questionnaires", RFC 459 (NIC 14379),
         LL-TX-2, 26 February 1973.

   460 - Kline, Chuck, "NCP Survey", RFC 460 (NIC 14415), UCLA/NMC,
         13 February 1973.

   461 - McKenzie, Alex, "Telnet Protocol Meeting Announcement", RFC 461
         (NIC 14416), BBN, 14 February 1973.

   462 - Iseli, Jean, and Dave Crocker, "Responding to User Needs",
         RFC 462 (NIC 14434), MITRE and UCLA/NMC, 22 February 1973.

   463 - Bhushan, Abhay, "FTP Comments and Response to RFC 430", RFC 463
         (NIC 14573), MIT-DMCG, 21 February 1973.

   464 - Kudnick, Michael, "Resource Notebook Framework", RFC 464
         (NIC 14738), SRI-ARC, 27 February 1973.

   465 - Never Issued.

   466 - Winett, Joel, "Telnet LOGGER/SERVER for Host LL-67", RFC 466
         (NIC 14740), Lincoln Labs, 27 February 1973.

   467 - Burchfiel, Jerry, and Ray Tomlinson, "Proposed Change to
         Host-Host Protocol Resynchronization of Connection Status",
         RFC 467 (NIC 14741), BBN, 20 February 1973.

   468 - Braden, Bob, "FTP Data Compression", RFC 468 (NIC 14742),
         UCLA/CCN, 8 March 1973.

   469 - Kudlick, Michael, "Network Mail Meeting Summary", RFC 469
         (NIC 14798), SRI-ARC, 8 March 1973.
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   470 - Thomas, Bob, "Change in Socket for TIP News Facility", RFC 470
         (NIC 14799), BBN-TENEX, 13 March 1973.

   471 - Thomas, Bob, "Announcement of a (Tentative) Workshop on
         Multi-Site Executive Programs", RFC 471 (NIC 14800), BBN-TENEX,
         13 March 1973.

   472 - Bunch, Steve, "Illinois' Reply to Maxwell's Request for
         Graphics Information", RFC 472 (NIC 14801), Illinois,
          March 1973.

   473 - Walden, Dave, "MIX and MIXAL?", RFC 473 (NIC 14811), BBN-NET,
         28 February 1973.

   474 - Bunch, Steve, "Announcement of Forthcoming Meeting of the
         Network Graphics Working Group and Call for RFC's", RFC 474
         (NIC 14905), Illinois,  March 1973.

   475 - Bhushan, Abhay, "FTP and Network Mail System", RFC 475
         (NIC 14919), MIT-DMCG, 6 March 1973.

   476 - McKenzie, Alex, "IMP/TIP Memory Retrofit Schedule
         (Revision 2)", RFC 476 (NIC 14920), BBN-NET, 7 March 1973.

   477 - Krilanovich, Mark, "Remote Job Service at UCSB", RFC 477
         (NIC 14922), UCSB, 13 March 1973.

   478 - Bressler, Bob, and Bob Thomas "FTP Server-Server
         Interaction - II", RFC 478 (NIC 14947), BBN-NET and BBN-TENEX,
         26 March 1973.

   479 - White, Jim, "Use of FTP by the NIC Journal", RFC 479
         (NIC 14948), SRI-ARC, 8 March 1973.

   480 - White, Jim, "Host-Dependent FTP Parameters", RFC 480
         (NIC 14949), SRI-ARC, 8 March 1973.

   481 - Never Issued.

   482 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (February 1973)", RFC 482
         (NIC 14966), BBN-NET, 12 March 1973.

   483 - Kudlick, Michael, "Cancellation of the Resource Notebook
         Framework Meeting", RFC 483 (NIC 15061), SRI-ARC,
         14 March 1973.

   484 - Never Issued.
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   485 - Pickens, John, "MIX and MIXAL at UCSB", RFC 485 (NIC 15063),
         UCSB, 19 March 1973.

   486 - Bressler, Bob, "Data Transfer Revisited", RFC 486 (NIC 15064),
         BBN, 20 March 1973.

   487 - Bressler, Bob, "Free File Transfer", RFC 487 (NIC 15065), BBN,
         6 April 1973.

   488 - Auerbach, Marilyn, et al, "NLS Classes at Network Sites",
         RFC 488 (NIC 15266), NIC, 23 March 1973.

   489 - Postel, Jon "Comment on Resynchronization of Connection Status
         Proposal", RFC 489 (NIC 15298), UCLA/NMC, 26 March 1973.

   490 - Pickens, John, "Surrogate RJS for UCLA/CCN", RFC 490
         (NIC 15355), UCSB, 6 March 1973.

   491 - Padlipsky, Mike, "What is `Free'?", RFC 491 (NIC 15356),
         MIT-Multics, 12 April 1973.

   492 - Meyer, Edwin W., Jr., "Response to RFC 467", RFC 492
         (NIC 15357), MIT-Multics, 18 April 1973.

   493 - Michener, James C., et al., "Graphics Protocol", RFC 493
         (NIC 15358), MIT-Project MAC, 26 April 1973.

   494 - Walden, Dave, "Availability of MIX and MIXAL in the Network",
         RFC 494 (NIC 15359), BBN-NET, 20 April 1973.

   495 - McKenzie, Alex, "Telnet Protocol Specification", RFC 495
         (NIC 15371), BBN-NET, 1 May 1973.

   496 - Auerbach, Marilyn, "A TNLS Quick Reference Card is Available",
         RFC 496 (NIC 15496), NIC, 5 April 1973.

   497 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (March 1973)", RFC 497
         (NIC 15651), BBN-NET, 10 April 1973.

   498 - Braden, Bob, "On Mail Service to CCN", RFC 498 (NIC 15715),
         UCLA/CCN, 17 April 1973.

   499 - Reussow, Bradley A., "Harvard's Network RJE", RFC 499
         (NIC 15716), Harvard, 1 April 1973.

   500 - Shoshani, Arie, and I. Spiegler, "The Integration of Data
         Management Systems on a Computer Network", RFC 500 (NIC 15717),
         SDC, 16 April 1973.
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   501 - Pogran, Ken, "Un-Muddling `Free File Transfer'", RFC 501
         (NIC 15718), MIT-Multics, 11 May 1973.

   502 - Never Issued.

   503 - Neigus, Nancy, and Jon Postel "Socket Number List", RFC 503
         (NIC 15747), BBN-NET and UCLA/NMC, 12 April 1973.

   504 - Thomas, Bob, "Workshop Announcement", RFC 504 (NIC 16155), BBN,
         30 April 1973.

   505 - Padlipsky, Mike, "Two Solutions to a File Transfer Access
         Problem", RFC 505 (NIC 16156), MIT-Multics, 25 June 1973.

   506 - Padlipsky, Mike, "An FTP Command-Naming Problem", RFC 506
         (NIC 16157), MIT-Multics, 26 June 1973.

   507 - Never Issued.

   508 - Pfeifer, Larry, "Real-Time Data Transmission on the ARPANET",
         RFC 508 (NIC 16159), UCSB, 7 May 1973.

   509 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (April 1973)", RFC 509
         (NIC 16294), BBN-NET, 7 May 1973.

   510 - White, Jim, "Request for Network Mailbox Addresses", RFC 510
         (NIC 16400), SRI-ARC, 30 May 1973.

   511 - North, Jeanne, "Enterprise Phone Service to NIC from ARPANET
         Sites", RFC 511 (NIC 16442), NIC, 23 May 1973.

   512 - Hathaway, Wayne, "More on Lost Message Detection", RFC 512
         (NIC 16443), Ames Research Center, 25 May 1973.

   513 - Hathaway, Wayne, "Comments on the New Telnet Specifications",
         RFC 513 (NIC 16444), Ames Research Center, SRI-ARC,
         30 May 1973.

   514 - Kantrowitz, W., "Network Make-Work", RFC 514 (NIC 16445),
         Lincoln Labs, 5 June 1973.

   515 - Winter, R., "Specifications for Datalanguage, Version 0/9",
         RFC 515 (NIC 16446), CCA, 6 June 1973.

   516 - Postel, Jon, "Lost Message Detection", RFC 516 (NIC 16693),
         UCLA/NMC, 18 May 1973.

   517 - Never Issued.
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   518 - Vaughan, Nancy, and Elizabeth Feinler, "ARPANET Accounts",
         RFC 518 (NIC 16817), SRI-ARC, 19 June 1973.

   519 - Pickens, John, "Resource Evaluation", RFC 519 (NIC 16818),
         UCSB,  June 1973.

   520 - Day, John, "Memo to FTP Group (Proposal for File Access
         Protocol)", RFC 520 (NIC 16819), Illinois, 25 June 1973.

   521 - McKenzie, Alex, "Restricted Use of IMP DDT", RFC 521
         (NIC 16855), BBN, 30 May 1973.

   522 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (May 1973)", RFC 522
         (NIC 17033), BBN, 5 June 1973.

   523 - Bhushan, Abhay, "SURVEY is in Operation Again", RFC 523
         (NIC 17048), MIT-DMCG, 5 June 1973.

   524 - White, Jim, "A Proposed Mail Protocol", RFC 524 (NIC 17140),
         SRI-ARC, 13 June 1973.

   525 - Parrish, William, and John Pickens, "MIT MATHLAB Meets
         UCSB-OLS", RFC 525 (NIC 17161), UCSB, 1 June 1973.

   526 - Pratt, William, "Technical Meeting - Digital Image Example of
         Resource Sharing", RFC 526 (NIC 17162), USC, 25 June 1973.

   527 - Merryman, Robert, "ARPAWOCKY", RFC 527 (NIC 17163), UCSD-CC,
         22 June 1973.

   528 - McQuillian, John, "Software Checksumming in the IMP and Network
         Reliability", RFC 528 (NIC 17164), BBN, 20 June 1973.

   529 - McKenzie, Alex, Bob Thomas, Ray Tomlinson, and Ken Pogran, "A
         Note on Protocol Synch Sequences", RFC 529 (NIC 17165), BBN and
         MIT, 29 June 1973.

   530 - Bhushan, Abhay, "A Report on the Survey Project", RFC 530
         (NIC 17375), MIT-DMCG, 22 June 1973.

   531 - Padlipsky, Mike, "A Response to Two Recent RFC's About Network
         Information", RFC 531 (NIC 17450), MIT-Mulitcs, 26 June 1973.

   532 - Merryman, Robert, "The UCSD-CC Server-FTP Facility", RFC 532
         (NIC 17451), UCSD-CC, 22 June 1973.

   533 - Walden, Dave, "Message-ID Numbers", RFC 533 (NIC 17452), BBN,
         17 July 1973.
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   534 - Walden, Dave, "Lost Message Detection", RFC 534 (NIC 17453),
         BBN, 17 July 1973.

   535 - Thomas, Bob, "Comments on File Access Protocol", RFC 535
         (NIC 17454), BBN, 25 July 1973.

   536 - Never Issued.

   537 - Bunch, Steve, "Announcement of NGG Meeting, July 16-17",
         RFC 537 (NIC 17498), Illinois, 27 June 1973.

   538 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (June 1973)", RFC 538
         (NIC 17642), BBN, 5 July 1973.

   539 - Crocker, Dave, and Jon Postel, "Thoughts on the Mail Protocol
         Proposed in RFC 524", RFC 539 (NIC 17644), UCLA/NMC,
         7 July 1973.

   540 - Never Issued.

   541 - Never Issued.

   542 - Neigus, Nancy, "File Transfer Protocol", RFC 542 (NIC 17759),
         BBN, 12 July 1973.

   543 - Meyer, Dean, "Network Journal Submission and Delivery", RFC 543
         (NIC 17777), SRI-ARC, 13 July 1973.

   544 - Meyer, Dean, and Kirk Kelley, "Locating On-Line Documentation
         at SRI-ARC", RFC 544 (NIC 17782), SRI-ARC, 13 July 1973.

   545 - Pickens, John, "Of What Quality Be the UCSB Resource
         Evaluators?", RFC 545 (NIC 17791), UCSB, 23 July 1973.

   546 - Thomas, Bob, "TENEX Load Averages for July 1973", RFC 546
         (NIC 17792), BBN, 10 August 1973.

   547 - Walden, Dave, "Change to the Very Distant Host Specification",
         RFC 547 (NIC 17793), BBN, 13 August 1973.

   548 - Walden, Dave, "Hosts Using the IMP Going Down Message", RFC 548
         (NIC 17794), BBN, 16 August 1973.

   549 - Bunch, Steve, "Minutes of Network Graphics Group", RFC 549
         (NIC 17795), Illinois,  July 1973.

   550 - Deutsch, L. Peter, "NIC NCP Experiment", RFC 550 (NIC 17796),
         XEROX-PARC, 24 August 1973.
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   551 - Feinroth, Yeshiah, and Robert Fink, "Implementation of Local
         Conventions", RFC 551, NYU and LBL, 27 August 1973.

   552 - Owen, Buzz, "Single Access to Standard Protocols", RFC 552,
         SAAC-TIP, 13 July 1973.

   553 - Thomas, Elaine, et al., "Draft Design for a Text/Graphics
         Protocol", RFC 553 (NIC 17810), 14 July, 1973.

   554 - Never Issued.

   555 - White, Jim, "Response to Critiques of the Proposed Mail
         Protocol", RFC 555 (NIC 17993), SRI-ARC, 27 July 1973.

   556 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (July 1973)", RFC 556
         (NIC 18376), 13 August 1973.

   557 - Wessler, Barry, "Revelations in Network Host Measurements",
         RFC 557 (NIC 18457), 30 August 1973.

   558 - Never Issued.

   559 - Bhushan, Abhay, "Comments on the New Telnet Protocol and Its
         Implementation", RFC 559 (NIC 18482), 15 August 1973.

   560 - Crocker, Dave, and Jon Postel, "Remote Controlled Transmission
         and Echoing Telnet Option", RFC 560 (NIC 18492),
         20 August 1973.

   561 - Bhushan, Abhay, Ken Pogran, Ray Tomlinson, and Jim White,
         "Standardizing Network Mail Headers", RFC 561 (NIC 18516), MIT,
         BBN, and SRI-ARC, 5 September 1973.

   562 - McKenzie, Alex, "Modifications to the Telnet Specification",
         RFC 562 (NIC 18638), BBN, 28 August 1973.

   563 - Davidson, John, "Comments on the RCTE Telnet Option", RFC 563
         (NIC 18775), University of Hawaii, 28 August 1973.

   564 - Never Issued.

   565 - Cantor, Don, "Storing Network Survey Data at the Datacomputer",
         RFC 565 (NIC 18777), CCA, 28 August 1973.

   566 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (August 1983)", RFC 566
         (NIC 18801), BBN, 4 September 1973.

   567 - Deutsch, L. Peter, "Cross-Country Network Bandwidth", RFC 567
         (NIC 18970), XEROX-PARC, 6 September 1973.
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   568 - McQuillan, John, "Response to RFC 567 - Cross-Country Network
         Bandwidth", RFC 568 (NIC 18971), BBN, 18 September 1973.

   569 - Padlipsky, Mike, "NETED: A Common Editor for the ARPA Network",
         RFC 569 (NIC 18972), 15 October 1973.

   570 - Pickens, John, "Experimental Input Mapping Between NVT ASCII
         and UCSB Online System", RFC 570 (NIC 18973), UCSB,
         30 October 1973.

   571 - Braden, Bob, "TENEX FTP Problem", RFC 571 (NIC 18974),
         UCLA/CCN, 15 November 1973.

   572 - Never Issued.

   573 - Bhushan, Abhay, "Data and File Transfer - Some Measurement
         Results", RFC 573 (NIC 19083), MIT-DM, 14 September 1973.

   574 - Krilanovich, Mark, "Announcement of a Mail Facility at UCSB",
         RFC 574 (NIC 19144), UCSB, 26 September 1973.

   575 - Never Issued.

   576 - Victor, Ken, "Proposal for Modifying Linking", RFC 576
         (NIC 19324), SRI, 26 September 1973.

   577 - Crocker, Dave, "Mail Priority", RFC 577 (NIC 19356), UCLA/NMC,
         18 October 1973.

   578 - Bhushan, Abhay, and Neal Ryan, "Using MIT-MATHLAB MACSYMA from
         MIT-DMS MUDDLE - An Experiment in Automated Resource Sharing",
         RFC 578 (NIC 19501), MIT, 8 October 1973.

   579 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (September 1973)", RFC 579
         (NIC 19655), BBN, 15 October 1973.

   580 - Postel, Jon, "Note to Protocol Designers and Implementers",
         RFC 580 (NIC 19849), MITRE, 25 October 1973.

   581 - Crocker, Dave, and Jon Postel, "Corrections to RFC 560 - Remote
         Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet Option", RFC 581
         (NIC 19860), UCLA and MITRE, 2 November 1973.

   582 - Clements, Robert C., "Comments on RFC 580 - Machine Readable
         Protocols", RFC 582 (NIC 19962), BBN, 5 November 1973.

   583 - Never Issued.
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   584 - Iseli, Jean, Dave Crocker, and Nancy Neigus, "Charter for
         ARPANET Users Interest Working Group", RFC 584 (NIC 19025 and
         20049), MITRE, UCLA/NMC, BBN, 6 November 1973.

   585 - Crocker, Dave, Nancy Neigus, Elizabeth Feinler, and Jean Iseli,
         "ARPANET Users Interest Working Group Meeting", RFC 585
         (NIC 18259 and 20050), UCLA/NMC, BBN, SRI-ARC, MITRE,
         6 November 1973.

   586 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (October 1973)", RFC 586
         (NIC 20096), BBN, 8 November 1973.

   587 - Postel, Jon, "Announcing New Telnet Options", RFC 587
         (NIC 20198), MITRE, 13 November 1973.

   588 - Stokes, Adrian V., "London Node is Now Up", RFC 588
         (NIC 20217), UKICS, 29 October 1973.

   589 - Braden, Bob, "CCN NETRJS Server Messages to Remote User",
         RFC 589 (NIC 20268), UCLA/CCN, 26 November 1973.

   590 - Padlipsky, Michael, "Multics Address Change", RFC 590
         (NIC 20326), MIT-Multics, 19 November 1973.

   591 - Walden, Dave, "Addition to the Very Distant Host
         Specification", RFC 591 (NIC 20327), BBN-NET, 29 November 1973.

   592 - Watson, Richard W., "Some Thoughts on System Design to
         Facilitate Resource Sharing", RFC 592 (NIC 20391), SRI-ARC,
         20 November 1973.

   593 - McKenzie, Alex, and Jon Postel, "Telnet and FTP Implementation
         - Schedule Change", RFC 593 (NIC 20615), BBN and MITRE,
         29 November 1973.

   594 - Burchfiel, Jerry, "Speedup of Host-IMP Interface", RFC 594
         (NIC 20616), BBN, 10 December 1973.

   595 - Hathaway, Wayne, "Some Thoughts in Defense of the Telnet
         Go-Ahead", RFC 595 (NIC 20617), AMES Research Center,
         12 December 1973.

   596 - Taft, Edward, "Second Thoughts on Telnet Go-Ahead", RFC 596
         (NIC 20812), XEROX-PARC, 8 December 1973.

   597 - Neigus, Nancy, and Elizabeth Feinler, "Host Status", RFC 597
         (NIC 20826), BBN and SRI-ARC, 12 December 1973.
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   598 - Network Information Center, "RFC Index -- December 5, 1973",
         RFC 598 (NIC 20853), NIC, 5 December 1973.

   599 - Braden, Bob, "Update on NETRJS", RFC 599 (NIC 20854), UCLA/CCN,
         13 December 1973.

   600 - Berggreen, Arthur, "Interfacing an Illinois Plasma Terminal to
         the ARPANET", RFC 600 (NIC 20884), UCSB, 26 November 1973.

   601 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (November 1973)", RFC 601
         (NIC 20905), BBN, 14 December 1973.

   602 - Metcalfe, Bob, "The Stockings Were Hung by the Chimney With
         Care", RFC 602 (NIC 21021), XEROX-PARC, 27 December 1973.

   603 - Burchfiel, Jerry, "Response to RFC 597: Host Status", RFC 603
         (NIC 21022), BBN, 31 December 1973.

   604 - Postel, Jon, "Assigned Link Numbers", RFC 604 (NIC 21186),
         MITRE, 26 December 1973.

   605 - Never Issued.

   606 - Deutsch, L. Peter, "Host Names On-line", RFC 606 (NIC 21246),
         XEROX-PARC, 29 December 1973.

   607 - Krilanovich, Mark, and George Gregg, "Comments on the File
         Transfer Protocol", RFC 607 (NIC 21255), UCSB, 7 January 1974.

   608 - Kudlick, Michael, "Host Names On-line", RFC 608 (NIC 21256),
         SRI-ARC, 10 January 1974.

   609 - Ferguson, Bill, "Statement of Upcoming Move of NIC/NLS
         Services", RFC 609 (NIC 21339), SRI-ARC, 10 January 1974.

   610 - Winter, Richard, Jeffrey Hill, and Warren Greiff, "Further
         Datalanguage Design Concepts", RFC 610 (NIC 21352), CCA,
         15 December 1973.

   611 - Walden, Dave, "Two Changes to the IMP/Host Protocol to Improve
         USER/Network Communications", RFC 611 (NIC 21354), BBN,
         14 February 1974.

   612 - McKenzie, Alex, "Traffic Statistics (December 1973)", RFC 612
         (NIC 21404), BBN, 16 January 1974.

   613 - McKenzie, Alex, "Network Connectivity: A Response to RFC 603",
         RFC 613 (NIC 21525), BBN, 21 January 1974.

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