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RFC 0398

UCSB Online Graphics

Pages: 2

ToP   noToC   RFC0398 - Page 1
NWG/RFC #398                                        John R. Pickens
UCSB Online Graphics                                Edward D. Faeh
NIC 11911                                           UCSB
                                                    22 Sept 72

At present, users with TEKTRONIX or IMLAC terminals or with systems
that support the proposed level 0 graphics protocol can access UCSB
graphics.  Listed below are the ICP sockets for the currently
supported terminals and protocols.  Any detailed questions about or
problems with a particular protocol should be directed to Ed Faeh

   Socket                       Supports

   x'701'               IMLAC with special software designed
                        by Jerry Powell (MITRE Corp.).
                        Graphics is sent over a simplex
                        connection to the IMLAC.  Alphanumerics
                        are sent over a TELNET-like connection
                        to a separate device.  The IMLAC
                        software can be loaded from MIT-DMCG.

   x'703'               IMLAC with 80x80 display grid
                        and Standard Text and Edit Package.
                        Some IMLACs have a 64x64 display grid.
                        Therefore, the choice may be made in
                        the near future to format the
                        graphics output from this connection
                        for the smaller grid resolution so
                        that both terminal types may be handled.
                        Display resolution is limited with
                        this terminal configuration as
                        normal UCSB terminals have 1024x1024
                        grid.  Nevertheless, meaningful
                        displays are obtained even at the
                        lower resolutions.

   x'705'               Current Level 0 graphics protocol.

   x'707'               Same as x'701' but with special
                        UCSB online keyboard as input.
                        This configuration averts the
                        necessity of spelling out online

   x'709'               Same as x'705' but with special
                        UCSB online keyboard as input.
ToP   noToC   RFC0398 - Page 2
   x'801'               TEKTRONIX terminals.  Models 4002-A
                        4010, and T-4002 have been tested
                        successfully.  Presumably all other
                        4002 compatible terminals will also work.

The primary problems that will be encountered by the network user
center about display formatting.  For historical reasons (i.e.  only
one type of terminal in house ) no means were included in the system
to facilitate terminal independent random positioning of alphanumeric
output.  Thus, a program which draws and labels a graph neatly on one
terminal might label like a kindergartener on other terminals.
Nevertheless, this problem can be minimized with careful programming
and efforts are underway to provide at least minimal alphanumeric
device independence.

Users interested in experimenting with online graphics should contact
John Pickens (805-961-3454), Glen Davis (805-961-2462), or Mark
Krilonovich (805-961-3454).  Suggestions and criticisms of all aspects
of the UCSB OnLine - Network User interface are desired.

       [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
       [ into the online RFC archives by BBN Corp. under the   ]
       [ direction of Alex McKenzie.                      1/97 ]