
Content for  TS 23.586  Word version:  18.6.0

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6  Functional description and information flowsp. 31


6.2  Procedures for Service Authorization and Provisioning to UEp. 31

6.2.1  Generalp. 31

The procedures for service authorization and provisioning to UE may be initiated by the PCF (as described in clause 6.2.2), by the UE (as described in clause 6.2.4), or by the AF (as described in clause 6.2.5).

6.2.2  PCF based Service Authorization and Provisioning to UEp. 31

For PCF based Service Authorization and Provisioning to UE, the Registration procedures as defined in clause of TS 23.502, UE Policy Association Establishment procedure as defined in clause 4.16.11 of TS 23.502 and UE Policy Association Modification procedure as defined in clause 4.16.12 of TS 23.502 apply with the following additions:
  • If the UE indicates Ranging/SL Positioning Capability in the Registration Request message and if the UE is authorized to use Ranging/SL Positioning service based on subscription data, the AMF selects the PCF which supports Ranging/SL Positioning Policy/Parameter provisioning as described in clause 6.2.3 and establishes a UE policy association with the PCF for Ranging/SL Positioning Policy/Parameter delivery. The AMF reports the authorized Ranging/SL Positioning Capability to the selected PCF, which may determine the Ranging/SL Positioning Policy/Parameter based on the UE's authorized Ranging/SL Positioning Capability.
The PCF may update the Ranging/SL Positioning Policy/parameters to the UE in following conditions:
  • UE Mobility, e.g. UE moves from one PLMN to another PLMN. This is achieved by using the procedure of UE Policy Association Modification initiated by the AMF, as defined in clause of TS 23.502.
  • When there is a subscription change in the list of PLMNs where the UE is authorized to perform Ranging/SL Positioning services. This is achieved by using UE Policy Association Modification initiated by the PCF procedure as defined in clause of TS 23.502.
  • When there is a change of service specific parameter (including path selection policy) as described in clause 6.2.5 (performing the procedure in clause of TS 23.502).
  • When the timer associated with some Policy/parameter expires.
  • When the UE determines that the Ranging/SL Positioning Policy/parameter(s) is invalid and performs UE triggered Policy Provisioning procedure to the PCF.
If the serving PLMN is removed from the list of PLMNs in the service authorization parameters, the service authorization is revoked in the UE.
When the UE is roaming, the change of subscription resulting in updates of the service authorization parameters are transferred to the UE by H-PCF via V-PCF.
The UE may perform Ranging/SL Positioning UE triggered Policy Provisioning procedure to the PCF, after Registration procedure has been completed, as specified in clause 6.2.4 when the UE determines the Ranging/SL Positioning Policy/Parameter is invalid (e.g. Policy/Parameter is outdated, missing or invalid).
When the UE disables a Ranging/SL Positioning capability, the PCF may stop updating the corresponding Ranging/SL Positioning Policy/parameter(s) and when the UE enables a Ranging/SL Positioning capability the PCF may need to provide or update the corresponding Ranging/SL Positioning Policy/parameter(s).

6.2.3  PCF discoveryp. 32

PCF discovery and selection mechanism defined in clause of TS 23.501 applies with the following addition to enable a PCF instance is selected for Ranging/SL Positioning service and for UE:
  • Based on the indication from the UE and/or UE subscription data during the Registration procedure as specified in clause 6.5.2, the AMF may include the Ranging/SL Positioning Capability indication in the Nnrf_NFDiscovery_Request message as the optional input parameter. If provided, the NRF takes the information into account for discovering the PCF instance.

6.2.4  Procedure for UE triggered Ranging/SL Positioning Policy provisioningp. 32

The procedure for UE triggered Ranging/SL Positioning Policy provisioning for V2X as specified in clause 6.2.4 of TS 23.287 or for ProSe in clause 6.2.4 of TS 23.304 is used to provide the 5G Ranging/SL Positioning Policy/Parameter as part of ProSe Policy or V2X Policy to UE.

6.2.5  AF-based service parameter provisioning for Ranging/SL Positioning over control planep. 32

For Ranging/SL Positioning service parameter provisioning (i.e. creating, updating and deleting), the procedure defined in clause of TS 23.502 is performed with the following considerations:
  • The AF in TS 23.502 is considered as Ranging/SL Positioning Application Server in this specification.
  • Service Description indicates Ranging/SL Positioning service domain information.
  • Service Parameters include parameters for Ranging/SL Positioning service, which consist of the Policy/Parameters that are to be provisioned to the UE as described in clause and the mapping between Application Layer ID and GPSI as described in clause 4.3.10.

6.3  Procedures for Service Authorization to NG-RANp. 33

6.3.1  Generalp. 33

In order to support PC5 radio resource control in NG-RAN, UE authorization status about Ranging/SL Positioning over PC5 and PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport need to be made available in NG-RAN. This clause describes the corresponding procedures and aspects.

6.3.2  Registration procedurep. 33

The Registration procedure for UE is performed as defined in clause of TS 23.502 with the following additions:
  • The UE includes the Ranging/SL Positioning Capability as defined in clause 4.3.1 as part of the "5GMM capability" in the Registration Request message.
  • If the Ranging/SL Positioning Capability is included in the "5GMM capability", the 5G ProSe Capability as defined in TS 23.304 or the V2X Capability as defined in TS 23.287 shall also be included.
  • The AMF obtains the Ranging/SL positioning subscription data as part of the user subscription data from UDM during UE Registration procedure using Nudm_SDM service as defined in clause of TS 23.502.
  • The AMF determines whether the UE is authorised to use Ranging/SL positioning services based on UE's Ranging/SL Positioning Capability and the Ranging/SL positioning Service Authorisation included in the subscription data received from UDM. The AMF stores the authorized Ranging/SL Positioning Capability.
  • The AMF sends the authorized Ranging/SL Positioning Capability for Ranging/SL positioning operation to PCF. Based on the received Ranging/SL Positioning Capability from the AMF, the PCF provides the PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport to AMF. The AMF stores such information as part of the UE context.
  • If the UE is authorised to use Ranging/SL positioning services, then the AMF shall include in a NGAP message sent to NG-RAN:
    • "Ranging/SL Positioning authorised" information, as defined in clause 5.1.2.
    • the PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport used by the NG-RAN for the resource management of UE's PC5 transmission for Ranging/SL Positioning services in network scheduled mode.
  • If the UE is authorised to use Ranging/SL positioning services, AMF may include Ranging/SL Positioning Support indicator in the Registration Accept message to indicate that the serving network supports Ranging/SL Positioning.
  • If the UE is authorised to perform Ranging/SL Positioning, then the AMF should not initiate the release of the signalling connection after the completion of the Registration procedure. The release of the signalling connection relies on the decision of NG-RAN, as specified in TS 23.502.

6.3.3  Service Request procedurep. 33

The Service Request procedures for UE in CM-IDLE state are performed as defined in clause and clause of TS 23.502 with the following additions:
  • If the UE is authorised to use Ranging/SL positioning services, then the AMF shall include "Ranging/SL Positioning authorised" information in the NGAP message, indicating the UE is authorised to use Ranging/SL positioning services as described in clause 6.3.2.
  • The AMF sends the PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport to NG-RAN via N2 signalling. The PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport may be stored in the UE context after the registration procedure. If the UE is authorised to use Ranging/SL positioning services but AMF does not have PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport available, the AMF fetches the PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport from the PCF.

6.3.4  N2 Handover procedurep. 34

The N2 based handover procedures for UE are performed as defined in clause of TS 23.502 with the following additions:
  • If the UE is authorised to use Ranging/SL positioning services, then the target AMF shall send the "Ranging/SL Positioning authorised" information and PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport to the target NG-RAN in the NGAP Handover Request message.

6.3.5  Xn Handover procedurep. 34

The Xn based handover procedures for UE are performed as defined in clause of TS 23.502 with the following additions:
  • If the "Ranging/SL Positioning authorised" information is included in the UE context, then the source NG-RAN shall include a "Ranging/SL Positioning authorised" information and PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport in the XnAP Handover Request message to the target NG-RAN.
  • If the "Ranging/SL Positioning authorised" information is included in the UE context, then the AMF shall send the "Ranging/SL Positioning authorised" information and PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport to the target NG-RAN in the Path Switch Request Acknowledge message.

6.3.6  Subscriber Data Update Notification to AMFp. 34

The procedure of Subscriber Data Update Notification to AMF is performed as defined in clause 4.5.1 of TS 23.502 with the following additions:
  • The Nudm_SDM_Notification service operation may contain the Ranging/SL positioning service Authorisation.
  • The AMF updates the UE Context with the above new Ranging/SL positioning service subscription data.
  • When the AMF updates UE context stored at NG-RAN, the UE context contains the Ranging/SL positioning service subscription data.

6.3.7  Delivery of PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport to NG-RANp. 34

The UE Policy Association Establishment procedure and UE Policy Association Modification procedure, as defined in TS 23.502, is used to provide the AMF with PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport used by NG-RAN. When receiving the Ranging/SL Positioning Capability in Npcf_UEPolicyControl_Create Request from the AMF or when receiving the updated subscription data from UDR, the PCF generates the PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport used by NG-RAN corresponding to a UE.
The (V-)PCF provides the information to the AMF as follows:
  • In the roaming case, the H-PCF includes the PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport used by NG-RAN in the Npcf_UEPolicyControl_Create Response message or Npcf_UEPolicyControl UpdateNotify Request message sent to V-PCF in an N2 PC5 policy container, and V-PCF relays this N2 PC5 policy container as the N2 container in the Namf_Communication_N1N2MessageTransfer message sent to AMF.
  • In the non-roaming case, the PCF includes the PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport used by NG-RAN in an N2 container in Namf_Communication_N1N2MessageTransfer message sent to AMF.
When the AMF receives the N2 PC5 policy container from (V-)PCF, the AMF stores such information as part of the UE context.
In the UE Configuration Update procedure triggered by UE Policy Association Establishment or UE Policy Association Modification:
  • The AMF forwards the PC5 QoS parameters related to RSPP transport in the NGAP message to the NG-RAN if a N2 PC5 policy container is received in the Namf_Communication_N1N2MessageTransfer message.

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