
Content for  TS 23.379  Word version:  19.3.0

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A.4  MCPTT related group configuration datap. 272

The general aspects of group configuration are specified in TS 23.280.
Parameters specified in Table A.4-1 are child parameters of the "MCPTT configuration" parameter specified in Table A.4-1 in TS 23.280. Parameters specified in Table A.4-2 are child parameters of the "MCPTT configuration" parameter specified in Table A.4-2 in TS 23.280. Parameters specified in Table A.4-3 are child parameters of the "MCPTT configuration" parameter specified in Table A.4-3 in TS 23.280.
Reference Parameter description MCPTT UE MCPTT Server Group management server
[R-6.4.9-006] of TS 22.280 >> Preferred voice codecs for MCPTT group YYY
[R-], [R-] of TS 22.280 >> Indication whether emergency group call is permitted on the MCPTT group YYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 >> Indication whether imminent peril group call is permitted on the MCPTT group YYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 >> Indication whether emergency alert is possible on the MCPTT group YYY
[R-5.13-001] of TS 22.280 >> Media confidentiality and integrity protection (see NOTE) YYY
[R-5.13-001] of TS 22.280 >> Floor control confidentiality and integrity protection (see NOTE) YYY
[R-5.13-001] of TS 22.280 >> Group media protection security material (see NOTE) YNY
Security mechanisms are specified in TS 33.180.
Reference Parameter description MCPTT UE MCPTT Server Group management server
[R-] of TS 22.280 >> Timeout value for the cancellation of an in-progress emergency for an on-network group call NYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 >> Timeout value for the cancellation of an in progress imminent-peril group call for an on-network group call NYY
[R-6.2.4-003], [R-6.4.9-002] of TS 22.179 >> Group call hang timer NYY
[R-6.4.9-003] of TS 22.280 >> Maximum duration of group calls NYY
Subclause 10.6.2 >> Group call model used for group (chat/ pre-arranged) YYY
[R-6.2.1-004], [R-6.2.1-007] of TS 22.179 >> Minimum number of affiliated group members acknowledging before start of audio transmission NYY
[R-6.2.1-007] of TS 22.179 >> List of group members which, if affiliated, have to acknowledge before start of audio transmission
[R-6.2.1-006], [R-6.2.1-007] of TS 22.179 >> Geographical area where acknowledgement of all affiliated group members is required before start of audio transmission NYY
[R-6.2.1-008], [R-6.2.1-009] of TS 22.179 >> Timeout for acknowledgement of required group members NYY
[R-6.2.1-008], [R-6.2.1-009], [R-6.2.1-012] of TS 22.179 >> Action upon failure to receive acknowledgement from required group members before call timeout (proceed or abandon) NYY
[R-6.2.1-001a] of TS 22.179 >> Minimum number of group members which must be affiliated to allow the start of the group call NYY
[R-6.2.1-001b] of TS 22.179 >> List of group members which must be affiliated to allow the start of the group call
[R-6.4.9-004] of TS 22.280 >> List of group members with receive-only capability (see NOTE 1) NYY
[R-6.4.5-001], [R-6.4.5-003] of TS 22.280 >> Authorisation of a user to request a list of affiliated members of a group YYY
[R-5.1.7-002], [R-6.2.2-001], [R-,] [R-] of TS 22.280 >> Priority of the group NYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 >> Pre-emption capability YYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 >> Pre-empted capability YYY
[R-5.13-001] of TS 22.280 >> Group floor control protection security material for multicast use (see NOTE 2) YYY
[R-] of TS 22.179 >> Audio cut-in policy (enabled/disabled) NYY
[R-] of TS 22.179 >> Support of multi-talker control YYY
[R-] of TS 22.179 >> Maximum number of simultaneous talkers applicable for multi-talker control NYY
Subclause and subclause >> Audio mixing is performed in the UE or in the network to support multi-talker control YYY
[R-] of TS 22.179, [R-5.2.1-001] of TS 22.280 >> List of group members which are allowed to talk (see NOTE 1, NOTE 4)
3GPP TS 23.283 >> Indication whether use of LMR E2EE is permitted on the MCPTT group YNY
3GPP TS 23.283 >> LMR specific identity for MCPTT group (see NOTE 3) YNY
3GPP TS 23.283 >> Group to key binding (see NOTE 3) YNY
A group member shall not be listed in both the list of group members with receive only capability and the list of group members which are allowed to talk.
The details of security related elements are specified in TS 33.180.
This is an LMR specific parameter with no meaning within MC services.
This parameter is applicable for MCPTT groups with multi-talker control / sets the authorization to talk in pre-arranged groups used in broadcast calls.
Reference Parameter description MCPTT UE MCPTT Server Group management server
[R-] of TS 22.280 >> Timeout value for the cancellation of an in-progress emergency for an off-network group call YNY
[R-] of TS 22.280 >> Timeout value for the cancellation of an in progress imminent-peril group call for an off-network group call YNY
[R-7.4-002] of TS 22.179 >> Group call hang timer YNY
[R-7.4-003] of TS 22.280 >> Max duration of group calls YNY
Subclause >> Default ProSe Per-Packet priority (as specified in TS 23.303) values
>>> MCPTT group call signalling YNY
>>> MCPTT group call media YNY
>>> MCPTT emergency group call signalling YNY
>>> MCPTT emergency group call media YNY
>>> MCPTT imminent peril group call signalling YNY
>>> MCPTT imminent peril group call media YNY

A.5  MCPTT service configuration datap. 275

The general aspects of MC service configuration are specified in TS 23.280. The MCPTT service configuration data is stored in the MCPTT server.
Table A.5-1 and Table A.5-2 describe the configuration data required to support the use of on-network MCPTT service. Table A.5-1 and Table A.5-3 describe the configuration data required to support the use of off-network MCPTT service. Data in Table A.5-1 and Table A.5-3 can be configured offline using the CSC-11 reference point.
Reference Parameter description MCPTT UE MCPTT Server Configuration management server
[R-5.2.2-001] of TS 22.280 Levels of group hierarchy for group-broadcast groups (Bc1) YYY
[R-5.2.3-001] of TS 22.280 Levels of user hierarchy for user-broadcast groups (Bc2) YYY
[R-5.8-002] of TS 22.280 Minimum length (Nc3) of an alphanumeric identifier (i.e. alias) assigned by an MCPTT administrator. YNY
Reference Parameter description MCPTT UE MCPTT Server Configuration management server
[R-] of TS 22.179 Timeout value for the cancellation of an in-progress emergency for an on-network private call NYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 Time limit for an in-progress emergency related to an on-network MCPTT group NYY
[R-5.6.5-004] of TS 22.179 Max on-network private call (with floor control) duration NYY
[R-6.2.4-003] of TS 22.179 Hang timer for private calls NYY
[R-6.7.2-008] of TS 22.280 Max duration of private call (without floor control) NYY
[R-] of TS 22.179 Hierarchy of participant rights to override NYY
[R-] of TS 22.179 Transmit time limit from a single request to transmit in a group or private call transmission NYY
[R-], [R-] of TS 22.179 Configuration of warning time before time limit of transmission is reached (on-network) NYY
[R-6.2.4-005] of TS 22.179 Configuration of warning time before call hang time (on-network) NYY
[R-] of TS 22.179 Depth of floor control queue NYY
[R-] of TS 22.179 Max time for a user's floor control request to be queued NYY
[R-5.13-001] of TS 22.280 Protect confidentiality of signalling (see NOTE 1) YYY
[R-5.13-001] of TS 22.280 Protect integrity of signalling (see NOTE 1) YYY
[R-5.13-001] of TS 22.280 Use signalling protection between MCPTT servers (see NOTE 1) NYY
[R-5.13-001] of TS 22.280 Use floor control protection between MCPTT servers (see NOTE 1) NYY
List of functional alias identities
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280 > Functional alias NYY
[R-5.9a-016] of TS 22.280 > Communication priority (see NOTE 2) NYY
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280 > Limit number of simultaneous activations NYY
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280 > This functional alias can be taken over NYY
> List of users
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280 >> MCPTT ID NYY
[R-5.6.3-015], [R-6.7.4-016] of TS 22.179 Max number immediate forwardings NYY
[R-5.10-001a] of TS 22.280 Maximum number of successful simultaneous service authorizations of clients from a user NYY
Ad hoc group call configurations
[R-] of TS 22.280 > Support of ad hoc group call (enabled/disabled) (see NOTE 3) YYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 > Maximum number of participants allowed to participate in an ad hoc group call YYY
[R-] of TS 22.280 > Hang timer for ad hoc group call NYY
> Maximum duration for ad hoc group call YYY
> List of preferred voice codecs for ad hoc group call YYY
Subclause of TS 22.179 > Multi-talker floor control supported YYY
Subclause and subclause > Audio mixing is performed in the UE or in the network to support multi-talker control YYY
[R-] of TS 22.179 > Maximum number of simultaneous talkers applicable for multi-talker control NYY
Security mechanisms are specified in TS 33.180.
The usage of this parameter by the MCPTT server is up to implementation.
If the support for ad hoc group call is disabled by the MC system then all other configurations related to ad hoc group call are not applicable.
Reference Parameter description MCPTT UE MCPTT Server Configuration management server
[R-] of TS 22.179 Timeout value for the cancellation of an in-progress emergency for an off-network private call YNY
[R-] of TS 22.280 Time limit for an in-progress emergency related to an off-network MCPTT group YNY
[R-5.6.5-004] of TS 22.179 Max off-network private call (with floor control) duration YNY
[R-7.4-002] of TS 22.179
[R-7.4-003] of TS 22.280
Hang timer for private calls in off-network YNY
[R-7.3.3-001], [R-7.3.3-002], [R-7.3.3-003] of TS 22.179 Priority hierarchy for floor control override in off-network YNY
[R-7.3.5-001], [R-7.3.5-002], [R-7.3.5-003] of TS 22.179 Transmit time limit from a single request to transmit in a group or private call. YNY
[R-7.3.5-001], [R-7.3.5-004] of TS 22.179 Configuration of warning time before time limit of transmission is reached (off-network) YNY
[R-7.4-004] of TS 22.280 Configuration of warning time before hang time is reached (off-network) YNY
[R-7.7-001], [R-7.7-003] of TS 22.280
[R-7.7-002] of TS 22.179
Default ProSe Per-Packet priority (as specified in TS 23.303) values
> MCPTT private call signalling YNY
> MCPTT private call media YNY
> MCPTT Emergency private call signalling YNY
> MCPTT Emergency private call media YNY
[R-7.15-001], [R-7.7-003] of TS 22.280 Configuration of metadata to log YNY

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