
Content for  TS 23.379  Word version:  19.5.0

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10.5  Pre-established session (on-network)p. 31

10.5.1  Generalp. 31

The MCPTT server and client may use one or more pre-established sessions as defined in TS 23.280 for the following procedures for on-network:
For outgoing MCPTT call setup for a private call or a pre-arranged group call using a pre-established session, an MCPTT UE uses SIP procedures to establish the call.
For incoming MCPTT call setup for a pre-arranged group call using a pre-established session, media plane control procedures are used to establish the call between the MCPTT server and client.
For incoming MCPTT call setup for a private call using a pre-established session, SIP procedures are used to establish the call between the MCPTT client and server in manual commencement mode and media plane control procedures in automatic commencement mode.
An MCPTT UE can join an MCPTT chat group using a pre-established session by sending a group join request using SIP procedures.

10.5.2  Information flows for pre-established sessionp. 31  Pre-established session establishmentp. 31

Table describes the information flow create pre-established session request from the MCPTT client to the MCPTT server, for the procedure defined in TS 23.280.
Information element Status Description
MCPTT ID of requester (originator)MThis element identifies the MCPTT user that wishes to create a pre-established session.
SDP offerMSDP with media information offered by client (e.g. ports, codec, protocol id).
Table describes the information flow create pre-established session response from the MCPTT server to the MCPTT client, for the procedure defined in TS 23.280.
Information element Status Description
SDP AnswerMSDP with media information offered by server (e.g. ports, codec, protocol id).
Session IDMThis element identifies the specific session ID used for pre-established sessions.
Up  Pre-established session modificationp. 32

Table describes the information flow modify pre-established session request from the MCPTT client to the MCPTT server, for the procedure defined in TS 23.280.
Information element Status Description
MCPTT ID of requester (originator)MThis element identifies the MCPTT user that wishes to create a pre-established session.
Session IDMThis element identifies the specific session ID used for pre-established sessions.
SDP offerMSDP with media information offered by client (e.g. ports, codec, protocol id).
Table describes the information flow modify pre-established session response from the MCPTT server to the MCPTT client, for the procedure defined in TS 23.280.
Information element Status Description
SDP AnswerMSDP with media information offered by server (e.g. ports, codec, protocol id).
Session IDMThis element identifies the specific session ID used for pre-established sessions.
Up  Pre-established session release - client initiatedp. 32

Table describes the information flow release pre-established session request from the MCPTT client to the MCPTT server, for the procedure defined in TS 23.280.
Information element Status Description
MCPTT ID of requester (originator)MThis element identifies the MCPTT user that wishes to release a pre-established session.
Session IDMThis element identifies the specific session ID used for pre-established sessions.
Release reasonMThis element indicates that reason for the session release.
Table describes the information flow release pre-established session response from the MCPTT server to the MCPTT client, for the procedure defined in TS 23.280.
Information element Status Description
Session IDMThis element identifies the specific session ID used for pre-established sessions.
Up  Pre-established session release - server initiatedp. 33

Table describes the information flow release pre-established session request from the MCPTT server to the MCPTT client, for the procedure defined in TS 23.280.
Information element Status Description
MCPTT ID of targetMThis element identifies the MCPTT user that is the target of the for pre-established session release.
Session IDMThis element identifies the specific session ID used for pre-established sessions.
Release reasonMThis element indicates the reason for the session release.
Table describes the information flow release pre-established session response from the MCPTT client to the MCPTT server, for the procedure defined in TS 23.280.
Information element Status Description
Session IDMThis element identifies the specific session ID used for pre-established sessions.
Up  Pre-established session call connect requestp. 33

Table describes the information flow pre-established session call connect request from the MCPTT server to the MCPTT client, for the procedure defined in subclause of the present document.
Information element Status Description
MCPTT group IDOIdentity of the MCPTT group (see NOTE).
MCPTT IDOMCPTT ID of the private call MCPTT user (see NOTE).
Session IDMThis element identifies the specific session ID used for pre-established sessions.
Depending on type of connection either MCPTT group ID or MCPTT ID shall be present.
Up  Pre-established session call disconnect requestp. 33

Table describes the information flow pre-established session call disconnect request from the MCPTT server to the MCPTT client, for the procedure defined in subclause of the present document.
Information element Status Description
MCPTT group IDOIdentity of the MCPTT group (see NOTE).
MCPTT IDOMCPTT ID of the private call MCPTT user (see NOTE).
Session IDMThis element identifies the specific session ID used for pre-established sessions.
Reason codeOInformation about call disconnect reason.
Depending on type of connection either MCPTT group ID or MCPTT ID shall be present.

10.5.3  Proceduresp. 34  Generalp. 34

The MCPTT server and MCPTT client make use of the procedures defined in the following subclauses of the present document and the following procedures in TS 23.280:
  • pre-established session establishment;
  • pre-established session modification; and
  • pre-established session release.  Call connect and disconnect procedures using pre-established sessionp. 34  Call connect over unicastp. 34
Call connect and disconnect information flows are sent over non-SIP media plane signalling using MCPTT-4 for including or releasing an MCPTT client in the call using a pre-established session.
Figure shows the high level procedure where a call connect information flow is sent by the MCPTT server to inform MCPTT client(s) using a pre-established session that the MCPTT client(s) has/have been connected to an MCPTT private call or group call.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.379, Fig. Connect procedure
Step 1.
Pre-established session exists between MCPTT client A and MCPTT server.
Step 2.
MCPTT server has determined to include MCPTT client A in the call e.g., upon receiving the request from another MCPTT client to include MCPTT client A in the call.
Step 3.
Pre-established session call connect request information flow is sent by the MCPTT server to inform MCPTT client A using a pre-established session that it has been connected to MCPTT private or group call. The floor control is established between floor participant A and floor control server.
Up  Call disconnect over unicastp. 35
Figure shows the high level procedure where a disconnect information flow is sent by the MCPTT server to the MCPTT client A to indicate that the MCPTT private call or group call using a pre-established session has been released.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.379, Fig. Disconnect procedure
Step 1.
Floor control is ongoing within a private or group call established using pre-established session.
Step 2.
MCPTT server has determined to release MCPTT client A from the call e.g., due to call release.
Step 3.
Pre-established session call disconnect request message is sent by the MCPTT server to indicate to MCPTT client A that the MCPTT private call or group call using a pre-established session has been released. MCPTT server may include a Reason code parameter to indicate additional information to the MCPTT client about the call disconnect reason. Pre-established session between MCPTT client A and MCPTT server remains for further use.

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