
Content for  TR 21.801  Word version:  18.0.0

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H  3GPP styles and various informationp. 46

H.1  The 3GPP stylesp. 46

Use Table H.1 when determining which style to use for various elements of the deliverable.
Use this style For this type of element
Heading 1Clause (→ if numbered)
Heading nClause level n
In exceptional cases, for level 6 or beyond, use Heading 5 if required in contents list or H6 if not to appear. →
Heading 8Annex title for TS
Heading 9Annex title for TR
NormalStandard paragraph, Definition
EXReference, Example →
EWSymbol, Abbreviation, Example continuation in text →
BnList element level n →
FPFree paragraph (left justified)
NONote integrated in the text →
NWNote continuation in text →
NFNote in figure →
TANNote in table →
THTable title, Figures
TAHHeading within table
TACCentred text within table
TALLeft justified text within table
TARRight justified text within table
TFFigure title
TTContents list title
PLProgramming language
HeaderHeader (portrait and landscape pages)
→ use "tab" between "item/number" and "text". EXAMPLE: The "tab" is preceding this example text.
Other styles exist in the template, but are for use by the Support Team only.

H.2  Page numbering, page headers and footersp. 46

The skeleton document supplies fields for automatic page numbering and the identification of the deliverable in the page header. Do not add anything to or delete anything from the headers.
  • Use the HEADER style on all page headers (sections) except for the title page (section)

H.3  Configuration of the Windows environmentp. 47

Set your Windows environment to use the English (International) conventions (via Control Panel, International).
  • Use centimetres as the preferred unit of measurement.
  • Do not select "Change 'Straight Quotes' to 'Smart Quotes'" in the AutoCorrect options.
  • Set Default Tab Stops to 0,5 cm.
  • The remaining configurable elements of Windows and of Word are at your discretion.

H.4  Sequence numberingp. 47

During the drafting of a TS or TR, you may use sequence numbering (Insert Field Seq) for tables, figures, equations, references, etc. Use the sequence identifiers shown in the following table.
Sequence Bookmark name Description
seq bibbib_xxfor bibliography entries
seq equequ_xxfor equations (note 1)
seq figfig_xxfor figures (note 1)
seq refref_xxfor references
seq tabtab_xxfor tables (note 1)
Reset the sequence numbering to one for the first item of each clause of a 3GPP TS or 3GPP TR by using the switch \r1 (e.g. { seq fig \r1 }).
"xx" represents the identifier for the particular object concerned, e.g. fig_ProcessControl. Do not use bookmarks of the form "fig_fig1". You can use underscores as separators in sequence identifiers if necessary.
Thus the title of a table will read:
Table { seq tab }: Table title
where the italic part represents the sequence field code.
Bookmark each entry in a sequence (select it and use Edit Bookmark Add), using a bookmark name of the form shown in table H2. You can then refer to the table, figure, reference, etc. from the text by inserting a sequence field citing the same sequence identifier and the particular bookmark required. For example, table 1 has been bookmarked "tab_Seq_Num". Thus a reference to this table from the text reads:
… see table { seq tab tab_Seq_Num } …
where the italic part represents the sequence field code.
You can force Word to recalculate and refresh the display of sequence numbers and their references by selecting the text and pressing F9.
Do not use Word's cross-referencing tool (Insert, Cross-reference), since it implies the use of automatic heading or caption numbering.
When drafting is complete and the TS or TR is ready to be presented to the TSG for placing under change control, hard code all automatic number sequences (Ctrl-Shift-F9) that might have been used. Thereafter, manual numbering shall be used. This will avoid invalidating references from external documents to particular clauses / tables / etc. in the document under consideration (see clause 5.2.1A).
You may use automatic clause numbering during the drafting phase of a TS or TR, but automatic clause numbering shall be disabled for a TS or TR under change control.

H.5  Supported file formatsp. 48

Software tools to be used for document development within 3GPP are detailed in Table H.3
Type Tool(s) Comments
TextMicrosoft WordFor .doc format, file compatibility with Word 2000 shall be retained for 3GPP TSs and TRs.
For .docx format, file compatibility with Word 2007 shall be retained for 3GPP TSs and TRs.
Word's built-in equation editor, or Microsoft MathTypeUsed for editing equations.
GraphicsMicrografx Designer version 3.x or 6.0 or 7.0 (preferred)Now part of CorelDraw, but older versions can be found for download.
Retained for legacy documents. Not to be used for new graphics.
Microsoft VisioFor general graphics; the rapporteur shall supply the source file.
File compatibility with version Professional 2003 or 2007 shall be maintained.
Microsoft Word built-in drawing tools Final diagrams shall be visible in "normal" view (Word 2003 and earlier) or "draft" view (Word 2007 and later).
For Unified Modeling Language (UML) graphics:
Eclipse Papyrus (
Many earlier UML diagrams have been supplied as uneditable JPGs. For ease of maintenance, rapporteurs should provide editable source files for new UML diagrams, and authors of CRs are encouraged to recast UML diagrams
SDL, MSCIBM Telelogic Tau (NOTE 1 and NOTE 2)
Msc-generator (NOTE 3)
SDL diagrams and Message Sequence Charts can be copy-and-pasted into Word. Rapporteurs shall supply the source files.
For SDLs, Microsoft Visio (see above) may be used. User manual at originally supplied as JPGs to Papyrus in order to ease future maintenance.
TTCN-2Any TTCN-2 tool that is compliant with ISO/IEC 9646 [4]Rapporteurs may contact their Support Team officer for access to a tool.
TTCN-3Any TTCN-3 tool that is compliant with ETSI ES 201 873 [5]Rapporteurs may contact their Support Team officer for access to a tool.
DatabasesMicrosoft AccessSuch databases are used principally by the Support Team for management and tracking purposes.
File compatibility with Access 2000 or 2007 shall be maintained.
General ToolsMicrosoft Office software suite (Excel, Powerpoint, etc.)File compatibility with Office version 2000 or 2007 shall be maintained if such documents form part of TSs or TRs.
The file formats stipulated in Table H.3 relating to Microsoft© Office refer strictly to the file format. It is not intended to mandate that a particular version of MS Office or MS Office compatible software be used: any word processor which can save files in the above format is acceptable.
Rapporteurs shall retain the source files of graphics where these exist, and they shall be retained within the zip file of the Spec for future maintenance of the document.

H.6  Quick tips to working with your documentp. 50

When working with your 3GPP TS or 3GPP TR remember…
you shall do this
  • use bold to emphasize text;
  • use italic for citations, linguistic expressions or when a word/text/expression is extracted from a specific context;
  • use non-breaking spaces (°) or hyphens (‑) in order to avoid unexpected wrap around between two words and/or numbers (e.g. 50°cm, 1°000, clause°6, annex°A, table°1, figure°1, TR°21°801‑1, etc.). These characters appear as normal spaces ( ) or hyphens (-) when printed out;
  • use the default tab stops 0,5 cm;
  • use "straight" quotation marks (". . .") not "curly" or "smart" (". . .") ones. If a second set of quotations is needed (e.g. GDMO, ASN.1, etc.), single quotes ('. . .') may be used.
but you shall not do this
  • alter existing styles or formats pre-set in the 3GPP template;
  • add new styles to the 3GPP template;
  • delete 3GPP styles;
  • use a font other than the one pre-set in the 3GPP styles;
  • put more than one space after a full stop;
  • precede comma (,), semicolon (;), colon (:), full stop (.), question mark (?) or exclamation mark (!) by spaces;
  • use spaces in place of tabs when indentation/alignment is required; this can cause text to be misaligned;
  • use footnotes or end-notes;
  • unnecessarily use capital letters;
  • use underlining to emphasize text (this can be confused with revision marking; see also clause H.7.1).
  • use "curly" or "smart" (". . .") quotes.

H.7  Other formatting considerationsp. 50

H.7.1  Text decorationp. 50

It is permissible to use italic and/or bold font for the purposes described in clause H.6.
The use of underlining shall be restricted to the special case where a TS or TR cites text from an external source but makes changes to it; those changes are marked by underlining of newly inserted text and strikeout of text to be deleted. See Annex J.3. Underlining shall not be used in any other circumstances due to the risk of confusion with revision marks.
Coloured text shall not be used in TSs and TRs. The text colour shall be left as "automatic" which is normally rendered as black (but may vary depending on the user's setup).
Other text decoration such as highlighting, blinking, shadow, embossed, etc shall not be used.

H.7.2  Colours within figuresp. 51

It is acceptable to use colours for both graphic elements and text within figures, since this use cannot be confused with revision marks, where the whole figure is replaced rather than elements within the figure.

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