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D (Normative)  Drafting of the title of a 3GPP TS or 3GPP TRp. 40

D.1  Elements of the titlep. 40

D.1.1  The introductory elementp. 40

D.1.2  The main elementp. 40

The main element shall always be included. If a complementary element is included, the main element shall be terminated with a semi-colon. If no complementary element is included, there shall be no terminating semicolon.

D.1.3  The complementary elementp. 40

The complementary element is necessary if the 3GPP TS or 3GPP TR covers only one or a few aspects of the subject indicated in the main element.
Experience has shown that the titles of most deliverables benefit from the precision supplied in the complementary element.
In the case of a 3GPP TS or 3GPP TR published as a series of parts, the complementary element shall serve to distinguish and identify the parts (the introductory element and the main element remaining the same for each part).
The complementary element shall be omitted if the 3GPP TS or 3GPP TR both:
  • covers all essential aspects of the subject indicated in the main element; and
  • is (and is intended to remain) the only 3GPP TS or 3GPP TR relating to this subject.
The complementary element may be sudivided if necessary, with each sub-element adding further refinement to the topic covered. The first word of each sub-element shall start with a capital letter. Each sub-element other than the last shall be terminated with a semicolon.

D.2  Avoidance of unintentional limitation of the scopep. 40

The title shall not contain details that might imply a limitation of the scope of the 3GPP TS or 3GPP TR.
However, if the 3GPP TS or 3GPP TR pertains to a specific type of product, this fact shall be reflected in the title.

D.3  Wordingp. 40

The Work Item Description form which proposes the creation of a new TS or TR shall give a preliminary title for the TS or TR. This "working" title may be modified, within reason, during the drafting of the TS/TR.
In establishing the title of the TS/TR, the following shall be taken into account:
  1. The title should be as succinct as possible yet shall clearly state the main aspects covered in the document.
  2. In drafting the title, the author should not make the text either too vague or so restrictive as to artificially limit the potential broadening of the scope of the TS/TR during its lifetime.
  3. Any abbreviations used in the title shall be expanded in full, using initial capital letters as appropriate, and followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. This rule may be waived for commonly understood abbreviations if it would result in unnecessarily complex or unwieldy text (see example 2 below)
    EXAMPLE 1:
    Management Object (MO)
    EXAMPLE 2:
    IP Multimedia core network Subsystem (IMS)
    This is preferable to:
    Internet Protocol (IP) Multimedia core network Subsystem (IMS)
  4. Other than capitalization mentioned above, no other letters of the title shall be capitalized.
  5. The title shall not include redundant words such as "Technical Specification" or "Technical Report".

D.4  Stabilityp. 41

In preparing the TS/TR for presentation to the TSG for approval (bringing under change control), the responsible Project Manager should, in consultation with the Rapporteur and WG Chair, verify that the title conforms to the conventions given in the present annex, and modify it accordingly. If, for reasons of expediency, this step is omitted, it shall be carried out by the Specifications Manager prior to making the change-controlled version of the TS/TR available on the 3GPP server.
Once under change control, the text of the title of a TS/TR shall not be changed, even by Change Request, other than for the correction of typographical errors. If it is wished to change the scope of a TS/TR to the extent that a change of title would be necessary, this is best achieved by the creation of a completely new TS/TR instead.

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