This document specifies a tkauth-type of "atc", which contains a standard JWT [
RFC 7519] using a signature string defined by a JSON Web Signature (JWS) [
RFC 7515]. The "atc" tkauth-type
MAY be used for any number of different ACME Identifier Types in the ACME challenge.
A new JWT claim, "atc", is defined below and lists the identifier type used in this Authority Token. The "atc" tkauth-type is restricted to the JWTs; if a non-JWT format is desired for the ACME Authority Token Challenge, a different tkauth-type should be specified and registered in the "ACME Authority Token Challenge Types" registry defined in
Section 6.3.
For this ACME Authority Token usage of a JWT, it is
OPTIONAL for the payload of the JWT to contain an "iss", indicating the Token Authority that generated the token if the "x5u" or "x5c" element in the header does not already convey that information; typically, this will be the same location that appeared in the "token-authority" field of the ACME challenge, when present. In order to satisfy the requirement for replay prevention, the JWT
MUST contain a "jti" element and an "exp" claim; the "exp" claim manages token freshness. In addition to helping to manage replay, the "jti" provides a convenient way to reliably track when the same "atc" Authority Token is being used for multiple challenges over time within its set lifetime.
The JWT payload
MUST also contain a new JWT claim, "atc", for Authority Token Challenge, which contains three mandatory elements in a JSON map: the ATC identifier type ("tktype"), the identifier value ("tkvalue"), and the binding ("fingerprint"). The use of "tktype" is restricted to the values in the "ACME Identifier Types" registry, as defined by [
RFC 8555]. The identifier type and value are those given in the ACME challenge and conveyed to the Token Authority by the ACME client. For the purposes of the "atc" tkauth-type, the binding "fingerprint" is assumed to be a fingerprint of the ACME credential for the account used to request the certificate, but the specification of how the binding is generated is left to the identifier type profile for the Authority Token (see
Section 3.3). The "tkvalue" indicates the scope of the authority that the token and its semantics are outside the scope of this document, as they will be specified by the "tkvalue" identifier in a separate specification.
Following the example of [
RFC 9448], the "tktype" identifier type could be the TNAuthList (as defined in [
RFC 8226]), which would be the value for the "tkvalue" element that the Token Authority is attesting. Practically speaking, that scope may comprise a list of Service Provider Code elements, telephone number range elements, and/or individual telephone numbers. So for example:
"protected": base64url({
"payload": base64url({
"fingerprint":"SHA256 56:3E:CF:AE:83:CA:4D:15:B0:29:FF:1B:71:D3:
"signature": "9cbg5JO1Gf5YLjjz...SpkUfcdPai9uVYYQ"
Optionally, the "atc" claim may contain a fourth boolean element, "ca". If set to "true", the "ca" element indicates that the Token Authority is granting permission to issue a certification authority certificate rather than an end-entity certificate for the names in question. This permits subordinate delegations from the issued certificate (using [
RFC 9115] or similar mechanisms). If the "ca" element is absent, the Token Authority is explicitly withholding permission. The "atc" object in the example above would then look like:
"ca":true,"fingerprint":"SHA256 56:3E:CF:AE:83:CA:4D:15:B0:29:FF:1B:
71:D3:BA:B9:19:81:F8:50:9B:DF:4A:D4:39:72:E2:B1:F0:B9:38:E3"} }
Specifications of "tktype" identifier types may define additional optional "atc" elements.