This section defines how IP-encapsulated flows are carried over a DetNet MPLS data plane as defined in [
RFC 8964]. Since both non-DetNet and DetNet IP packets are identical on the wire, this section is applicable to any node that supports IP over DetNet MPLS, and this section refers to both cases as DetNet IP over DetNet MPLS.
An example use of DetNet IP over DetNet MPLS is presented here.
Figure 1 illustrates IP DetNet-enabled End Systems (hosts) connected to DetNet-enabled IP networks (DN IP), operating over a DetNet-aware MPLS network. In this figure, we have a case where the relay nodes act as T-PEs and sit at the boundary of the MPLS domain since the non-MPLS domain is DetNet aware. This case is very similar to the DetNet MPLS Network (Figure 2 in [
RFC 8964]). However, in Figure 2 of [
RFC 8964], the T-PEs are located at the end system and MPLS spans the whole DetNet service. The primary difference in this document is that the relay nodes are at the edges of the MPLS domain and therefore function as T-PEs, and that MPLS service sub-layer functions are not provided over the DetNet IP network. The transit node functions shown above are identical to those described in [
RFC 8964].
Figure 2 illustrates how relay nodes can provide service protection over an MPLS domain. In this case, CE1 and CE2 are IP DetNet end systems that are interconnected via an MPLS domain such as that described in [
RFC 8964]. Note that R1 and R3 sit at the edges of an MPLS domain and therefore are similar to T-PEs, while R2 sits in the middle of the domain and is therefore similar to an S-PE.
DetNet DetNet
IP Service Transit Transit Service IP
DetNet |<-Tnl->| |<-Tnl->| DetNet
End | V 1 V V 2 V | End
System | +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ | System
+---+ | | R1 |=======| R2 |=======| R3 | | +---+
| |-------|._X_....|..DF1..|.__ ___.|..DF3..|...._X_.|-------| |
|CE1| | | \ | | X | | / | | |CE2|
| | | | \_.|..DF2..|._/ \__.|..DF4..|._/ | | | |
+---+ | |=======| |=======| | +---+
^ +--------+ +--------+ +--------+ ^
| Relay Node Relay Node Relay Node |
| (T-PE) (S-PE) (T-PE) |
| |
|<-DN IP-> <-------- DetNet MPLS ---------------> <-DN IP->|
| |
|<-------------- End to End DetNet Service --------------->|
-------------------------- Data Flow ------------------------->
X = Service protection (PRF, PREOF, PEF/POF)
DFx = DetNet member flow x over a TE LSP
Figure 1 illustrates DetNet-enabled end systems connected to DetNet-enabled (DN) MPLS networks. A similar situation occurs when end systems are not DetNet aware. In this case, edge nodes sit at the boundary of the MPLS domain since it is also a DetNet domain boundary. The edge nodes provide DetNet service proxies for the end applications by initiating and terminating DetNet service for the application's IP flows. While the node types differ, there is essentially no difference in data plane processing between relays and edges. There are likely to be differences in Controller Plane operation, particularly when distributed control plane protocols are used.
It is still possible to provide DetNet service protection for non-DetNet-aware end systems. This case is basically the same as
Figure 2, with the exception that CE1 and CE2 are non-DetNet-aware end systems and R1 and R3 become edge nodes.
The basic encapsulation approach is to treat a DetNet IP flow as an App-flow from the DetNet MPLS perspective. The corresponding example DetNet Sub-network format is shown in
Figure 3.
/-> +------+ +------+ +------+ ^ ^
| | X | | X | | X |<- App-flow : :
| +------+ +------+ +------+ : :
App-flow <-+ |NProto| |NProto| |NProto| : :(1)
for MPLS | +------+ +------+ +------+ : :
| | IP | | IP | | IP | : v
\-> +---+======+--+======+--+======+-----+ :
DetNet-MPLS | d-CW | | d-CW | | d-CW | :
+------+ +------+ +------+ :(2)
|Labels| |Labels| |Labels| v
Link/Sub-network | L2 | | TSN | | UDP |
+------+ +------+ +------+
| IP |
| L2 |
(1) DetNet IP Flow (or simply IP flow)
(2) DetNet MPLS Flow
Figure 3, "App-flow" indicates the payload carried by the DetNet IP data plane. "IP" and "NProto" indicate the fields described in Sections
5.1.1 (IP Header Information) and
5.1.2 (Other Protocol Header Information) of [
RFC 8939], respectively. "App-flow for MPLS" indicates that an individual DetNet IP flow is the payload from the perspective of the DetNet MPLS data plane defined in [
RFC 8964].
Section 5.1 of
RFC 8964, the DetNet MPLS data plane uses a single S-Label to support a single App-flow. DetNet IP Flow Identification Procedures in
Section 5.1 of
RFC 8939 states that a single DetNet flow is identified based on IP- and next-level protocol header information.
Section 4.4 of
RFC 8939 (DetNet Flow Aggregation) defines the ways in which aggregation is supported through the use of prefixes, wildcards, lists, and port ranges. Collectively, this results in the fairly straightforward procedures defined in the next section.
As shown in
Figure 2, DetNet relay nodes are responsible for the mapping of a DetNet flow, at the service sub-layer, from the IP to MPLS DetNet data planes and back again. Their related DetNet IP over DetNet MPLS data plane operation is comprised of two sets of procedures: the mapping of flow identifiers and ensuring proper traffic treatment.
Mapping of IP to DetNet MPLS is similar for DetNet IP flows and IP flows. The six-tuple of IP is mapped to the S-Label in both cases. The various fields may be mapped or ignored when going from IP to MPLS.